
Defines functions ellptsc ellpts ellbox elltan elltanc ellptc ellpt uv.default uv.ell uv ConjComp center.ell center ell.conj dell ell

Documented in ConjComp ell

## Copy changes between spida2 and p3d
# \name{ell}
# \Rdversion{1.1}
# \alias{ell}
# %\alias{dell}
# \alias{ellplus}
# \alias{elltan}
# \alias{elltanc}
# \alias{ellpt}
# \alias{ellptc}
# \alias{ellbox}
# \alias{ellpts}
# \alias{ellptsc}
# %\alias{cell}
# %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
# \title{
#   Ellipses in 2D
# }
# \description{
#   Tools to generate 2D data, concentration and confidence ellipses given a center and a 'variance' matrix. Also tools
#   to generate points on a ellipse in a given direction or conjugate to that direction, axes
#   along a vector or conjugate to it, tangent lines at a point or parallel to a vector.
#   %%  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
# }
# \usage{
#   ell( center = c(0,0), shape = diag(2), radius = 1, n = 100)
#   %dell( x, y, radius = 1, n = 100)
#   ellpt( ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 )
#   ellptc( ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 )
#   elltan( ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 , len = 1, v= c(-1,1))
#   elltanc( ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 , len = 1, v= c(-1,1))
#   ellbox( ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 )
#   ellpts( ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 )
#   ellptsc( ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 )
# }
# %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
# \arguments{
#   \item{center}{  the center of the ellipse
#   }
#   \item{shape}{   a 2 x 2 positive semi-definite. It is the variance matrix of a multivariate normal for which the ellipse is a concentration ellipse.
#   }
#   \item{radius}{ of the ellipse or point relative to the unit ellipse. For all functions except those generating tangents \code{radius} can be a vector.
#     For example, \code{ ellpt( ell, c(0,1), radius = c(-1,1))} will generate an axis of the unit ellipse.
#   }
#   \item{n}{  number of points to generate for the ellipse
#     %%     ~~Describe \code{n} here~~
#   }
#   \item{ell}{  is an object of class \code{ell} created by \code{ell}, \code{dell} or \code{cell}
#   }
#   \item{dir}{  vector giving the direction from the center of the ellipse to find a point on the ellipse or a tangent to it, or a direction conjugate to the direction in which ...
#   }
#   \item{len}{  half 'length' of a tangent vector
#   }
#   \item{v}{  tangent vector
#     %%     ~~Describe \code{n} here~~
#   }
# }
# \details{
#   \code{ell} returns a matrix of points on the ellipse, suitable for plotting
#   with \code{lines}.
#   \code{ellpt} returns a point on an ellipse particular direction specified by \code{dir}
#   \code{ellptc} returns a point on an ellipse in a conjugate direction specified by \code{dir}
#   \code{ellpts} returs the nine points of the enclosing parallelogram (+ the centre) with the parallelogram whose
#   with a side parallel to \code{dir}. \code{ellptsc} returns the same points but in a different order
# }
# \value{
#   The functions \code{ell} and \code{dell} return an object of class \code{ell} consisting of
#   matrix whose rows are points on the ellipse and, thus, can be plotted with \code{plot} or \code{lines}.
#   The other functions return a n x 2 matrix of points to plotted.
# }
# %\references{
#   %%% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
#     %}
# \author{
#   Georges Monette
# }
# %\note{
#   %%%  ~~further notes~~
#     %}
# %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
#   \seealso{
#     \code{\link{cell}}, \code{\link{dell}}, \code{\link{ell.conj}}, ~~~
#   }
# \examples{
#   \dontrun{
#     ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#     ##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
#     ##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
#     plot( e1 <- ell(c(1,1), matrix(c(1,.6,.6,1), ncol = 2)) )
#     ellptc ( e1, radius = c(-1,1))
#   }
# }
# Modified by GM 2013-10-27:
#    added ellpts and ellptsc to generate 9 points
#    of tangent parallelogram
## Last modified by Georges Monette 2010-12-02
## Consolidated ell.R, dell.R, ell.conj.R, center.R and center.ell.F
## Added function ellpt, ellptc, elltan, elltanc, ellbox to generate points on ellipses,
## axes of ellipses and tangents.

#' Ellipses in 2D
#' Tools to generate 2D data, concentration and confidence 
#' ellipses given a center and a 'variance' matrix. Also tools
#' to generate points on a ellipse in a given direction or conjugate to that direction, axes
#' along a vector or conjugate to it, tangent lines at a 
#' point or parallel to a vector.
#' The ellipse is contour of the bivariate normal distribution
#' with variance 'shape'.
#' @param center (default: c(0,0)) 
#' @param shape variance of bivariate normal. Default: 2 x 2 identity
#' @param radius of ellipse, equivalently: square root of deviance contour
#' @param n number of points on ellipse
#' @param na.rm remove missing data in forming data ellipse, default TRUE
#' @export
ell <- 
  function( center = c(0,0), shape = diag(2) , radius  = 1, n = 100) {
    fac <- function( x )  {
      # fac(M) is a 'right factor' of a positive semidefinite M
      # i.e. M = t( fac(M) ) %*% fac(M)
      # similar to chol(M) but does not require M to be PD.
      xx <- svd(x)
      t(xx$v) * sqrt(pmax( xx$d,0))
    angles = (0:n) * 2 * pi/n
    if ( length(radius) > 1) {
      ret <- lapply( radius, function(r) rbind(r*cbind( cos(angles), sin(angles)),NA))
      circle <- do.call( rbind, ret)
    else circle = radius * cbind( cos(angles), sin(angles))
    ret <- t( c(center) + t( circle %*% fac(shape)))
    attr(ret,"parms") <- list ( center = rbind( center), shape = shape, radius = radius)
    class(ret) <- "ell"

#' @export
dell <-
function( x, y, radius = 1, ..., na.rm = TRUE) {
        if ( (is.matrix(x) && (ncol(x) > 1))|| is.data.frame(x)) mat <- as.matrix(x[,1:2])
        else if (is.list(x)) mat <- cbind(x$x, x$y)
        else mat <- cbind( x,y)
        ell( apply(mat,2,mean,na.rm = na.rm), var(mat, na.rm = na.rm), radius = radius, ...)

#' @export
ell.conj <-
function( center, shape, dir, radius = 1, len = 1) {
            # returns conjugate axes or tangent lines to ellipse
            vecs <- uv( shape, dir, radius)
            list( u = list( center-len*vecs$u, center+len*vecs$u),
                  v = list( center-len*vecs$v, center+len*vecs$v),
                  tan1 = list( center + vecs$u - len*vecs$v,center + vecs$u+ len*vecs$v),
                  tan2 = list( center - vecs$u - len*vecs$v,center - vecs$u+ len*vecs$v),
                  tan3 = list( center + vecs$v - len*vecs$u,center + vecs$v+ len*vecs$u),
                  tan4 = list( center - vecs$v - len*vecs$u,center - vecs$v+ len*vecs$u),
                  center = center)

#' @export
center <-
function( obj, ... ) UseMethod("center")

#' @export
center.ell <-
function( obj, ...) attr(obj, 'parms') $ center

#' @export
ConjComp <- function( X , Z = diag( nrow(X)) , ip = diag( nrow(X)), tol = 1e-07 ) {
                  # also in package spida:
                  # keep versions consistent
                     # ConjComp returns a basis for the conjugate complement of the
                     # conjugate projection of X into span(Z) with respect to inner product with
                     # matrix ip.
                     # Note: Z is assumed to be of full column rank but not necessarily X.
                     xq <- qr(t(Z) %*% ip %*% X, tol = tol)
                     if ( xq$rank == 0 ) return( Z )
                     a <- qr.Q( xq, complete = TRUE ) [ ,-(1:xq$rank)]
                     Z %*% a

#' @export
uv <- function(object,...) UseMethod('uv')

#' @export
uv.ell <- function( object, u, radius = 1, ...){
        p <- attr(object,"parms")
        uv( p$shape, u=u, radius=radius)

#' @export
uv.default <-
function( object, u , radius = 1, ...) {
       # returns 'unit' u and conjugate v
            u <- u / sqrt( sum( u*solve(object,u)))   # 'unit' vector in direction of dir
            v <- c(ConjComp( u, diag(2) , solve(object)))  # conjugate
            v <- v / sqrt( sum( v * solve( object, v)))
       list(u = radius * u, v= radius * v)

#' @export
ellpt <- function(ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 ) {
   # point on an ellipse in a particular direction
   p <- attr(ell,'parms')
   dir <- cbind(dir)
   dn <- sum(dir* solve(p$radius[1]^2 * p$shape, dir))
   ax <- dir / sqrt(dn)
   #disp( rbind(radius))
   #disp( p$center)
   t( ax %*% rbind(radius) + as.vector(p$center))               # returns a row for plotting

#' @export
ellptc <- function(ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 ) {
   # point on an ellipse in a conjugate direction
   p <- attr(ell,'parms')
   dir <- cbind(dir)
   ax <- Null( solve(p$shape, dir) )
   dn <- sum(ax* solve( p$shape, ax))
   ax <- ax* p$radius[1] /sqrt(dn)
   t( ax %*% rbind(radius) + as.vector(p$center))               # returns a row for plotting

#' @export
elltanc <- function( ell, dir = c(0,1), radius = 1, len = 1, v = c(-1,1)) {
       p <- attr(ell,'parms')
       ax <- ellptc( ell, dir = dir, radius = len * v)
       if ( is.null(radius) ) return( t( t(ax) + dir))
       pt <- ellpt( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius)
       t( t(ax) -as.vector(p$center) + as.vector(pt))

#' @export
elltan <- function( ell, dir = c(0,1), radius = 1, len = 1, v = c(-1,1)) {
       p <- attr(ell,'parms')
       ax <- ellpt( ell, dir = dir, radius =  len * v)
       pt <- ellptc( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius)
       t( t(ax) -as.vector(p$center) + as.vector(pt))

#' @export
ellbox <- function( ell, dir = c(0,1) , radius = 1 ){
 elltan(  ell, dir = dir, radius = radius) , NA,
 elltanc( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius) , NA,
 elltan(  ell, dir  = dir, radius = -radius), NA,
 elltanc( ell, dir = dir, radius = -radius) )

#' @export
ellplus <-
function (center = rep(0, 2), shape = diag(2), radius = 1, n = 100,
    angles = (0:n) * 2 * pi/n, fac = chol, ellipse = all, diameters = all,
    box = all, all = FALSE)
    help <- "\n        ellplus can produce, in addition to the points of an ellipse, the\n        conjugate axes corresponding to a chol or other decomposition\n        and the surrounding parallelogram.\n        "
    rbindna <- function(x, ...) {
        if (nargs() == 0)
        if (nargs() == 1)
        rbind(x, NA, rbindna(...))
    if (missing(ellipse) && missing(diameters) && missing(box))
        all <- TRUE
    circle <- function(angle) cbind(cos(angle), sin(angle))
    Tr <- fac(shape)
    ret <- list(t(c(center) + t(radius * circle(angles) %*% Tr)),
        t(c(center) + t(radius * circle(c(0, pi)) %*% Tr)), t(c(center) +
            t(radius * circle(c(pi/2, 3 * pi/2)) %*% Tr)), t(c(center) +
            t(radius * rbind(c(1, 1), c(-1, 1), c(-1, -1), c(1,
                -1), c(1, 1)) %*% Tr)))
    do.call("rbindna", ret[c(ellipse, diameters, diameters, box)])

#' @export
ellpts <- function( ell, dir = c(0,1), radius = 1, len = 1, v = c(-1,1)) {
    ellpt( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius * c(-1,0,1)),
    elltan( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius,
            v = radius * c(-1,0,1)),
    elltan( ell, dir = dir, radius = -radius,
            v = radius * c(-1,0,1)))

#' @export
ellptsc <- function( ell, dir = c(0,1), radius = 1, len = 1, v = c(-1,1)) {
    ellptc( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius * c(-1,0,1)),
    elltanc( ell, dir = dir, radius = radius,
            v = radius * c(-1,0,1)),
    elltanc( ell, dir = dir, radius = -radius,
            v = radius * c(-1,0,1)))

#' @export
Null <- function (M) 
  # from MASS::Null
  tmp <- qr(M)
  set <- if (tmp$rank == 0L) 
  else -seq_len(tmp$rank)
  qr.Q(tmp, complete = TRUE)[, set, drop = FALSE]
gmonette/spida2 documentation built on July 14, 2024, 12:45 p.m.