
#' Dataset with TMAB labelled locust peptides. 
#' @details These are peptides from the corpora cardiaca of adult desert locusts (\emph{Schistocerca gregaria}) labelled with light (D0) and heavy (D9) TMAB. The conditions are sol and greg: solitarious and gregarious animals. Check the design matrix \code{locustdata$design} to have an overview of the labeling. The quantity used here is the peak intensity as determined by Progenesis LC-MS. 
#' @name locustdata
#' @references Will be published soon. 
#' @docType data
#' @author Rik Verdonck
#' @keywords data locust schistocerca example 

### To do: include worm data as well! 
goat-anti-rabbit/labelpepmatch.R documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:29 a.m.