#' @include class_dmSQTLfit.R class_dmDStest.R
### dmSQTLtest class
#' dmSQTLtest object
#' dmSQTLtest extends the \code{\linkS4class{dmSQTLfit}} class by adding the
#' null model Dirichlet-multinomial likelihoods and the gene-level results of
#' testing for differential transcript/exon usage QTLs. Result of
#' \code{\link{dmTest}}.
#' @return
#' \itemize{ \item \code{results(x)}: Get a data frame with gene-level results.
#' }
#' @param x dmSQTLtest object.
#' @param ... Other parameters that can be defined by methods using this
#' generic.
#' @slot lik_null List of numeric vectors with the per gene-snp DM null model
#' likelihoods.
#' @slot results_gene Data frame with the gene-level results including:
#' \code{gene_id} - gene IDs, \code{block_id} - block IDs, \code{snp_id} - SNP
#' IDs, \code{lr} - likelihood ratio statistics based on the DM model,
#' \code{df} - degrees of freedom, \code{pvalue} - p-values estimated based on
#' permutations and \code{adj_pvalue} - Benjamini & Hochberg adjusted
#' p-values.
#' @examples
#' # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Create dmSQTLdata object
#' # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # Use subsets of data defined in the GeuvadisTranscriptExpr package
#' library(GeuvadisTranscriptExpr)
#' geuv_counts <- GeuvadisTranscriptExpr::counts
#' geuv_genotypes <- GeuvadisTranscriptExpr::genotypes
#' geuv_gene_ranges <- GeuvadisTranscriptExpr::gene_ranges
#' geuv_snp_ranges <- GeuvadisTranscriptExpr::snp_ranges
#' colnames(geuv_counts)[c(1,2)] <- c("feature_id", "gene_id")
#' colnames(geuv_genotypes)[4] <- "snp_id"
#' geuv_samples <- data.frame(sample_id = colnames(geuv_counts)[-c(1,2)])
#' d <- dmSQTLdata(counts = geuv_counts, gene_ranges = geuv_gene_ranges,
#' genotypes = geuv_genotypes, snp_ranges = geuv_snp_ranges,
#' samples = geuv_samples, window = 5e3)
#' # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' # sQTL analysis - simple group comparison
#' # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## Filtering
#' d <- dmFilter(d, min_samps_gene_expr = 70, min_samps_feature_expr = 5,
#' minor_allele_freq = 5, min_gene_expr = 10, min_feature_expr = 10)
#' plotData(d)
#' ## To make the analysis reproducible
#' set.seed(123)
#' ## Calculate precision
#' d <- dmPrecision(d)
#' plotPrecision(d)
#' ## Fit full model proportions
#' d <- dmFit(d)
#' ## Fit null model proportions, perform the LR test to detect tuQTLs
#' ## and use the permutation approach to adjust the p-values
#' d <- dmTest(d)
#' ## Plot the gene-level p-values
#' plotPValues(d)
#' ## Get the gene-level results
#' head(results(d))
#' @author Malgorzata Nowicka
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{dmSQTLdata}},
#' \code{\linkS4class{dmSQTLprecision}}, \code{\linkS4class{dmSQTLfit}}
contains = "dmSQTLfit",
representation(lik_null = "list",
results_gene = "data.frame"))
setValidity("dmSQTLtest", function(object){
# has to return TRUE when valid object!
# TODO: Add more checks
if(!length(object@counts) == length(object@lik_null))
return("Different number of genes in 'counts' and 'lik_null'")
### show and accessing methods
#' @rdname dmSQTLtest-class
#' @export
setMethod("results", "dmSQTLtest", function(x) x@results_gene)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
setMethod("show", "dmSQTLtest", function(object){
cat(" results()\n")
### dmTest
#' @param permutation_mode Character specifying which permutation scheme to
#' apply for p-value calculation. When equal to \code{"all_genes"}, null
#' distribution of p-values is calculated from all genes and the maximum
#' number of permutation cycles is 10. When \code{permutation_mode =
#' "per_gene"}, null distribution of p-values is calculated for each gene
#' separately based on permutations of this individual gene. The latter
#' approach may take a lot of computational time. We suggest using the first
#' option.
#' @rdname dmTest
#' @export
setMethod("dmTest", "dmSQTLfit", function(x,
permutation_mode = "all_genes", one_way = TRUE,
prop_mode = "constrOptim", prop_tol = 1e-12,
coef_mode = "optim", coef_tol = 1e-12,
verbose = 0, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::SerialParam()){
# Check parameters
stopifnot(permutation_mode %in% c("all_genes", "per_gene"))
stopifnot(length(prop_mode) == 1)
stopifnot(prop_mode %in% c("constrOptim"))
stopifnot(length(prop_tol) == 1)
stopifnot(is.numeric(prop_tol) && prop_tol > 0)
stopifnot(length(coef_mode) == 1)
stopifnot(coef_mode %in% c("optim", "nlminb", "nlm"))
stopifnot(length(coef_tol) == 1)
stopifnot(is.numeric(coef_tol) && coef_tol > 0)
stopifnot(verbose %in% 0:2)
# Prepare null (one group) genotypes
genotypes_null <- x@genotypes
genotypes_null@unlistData[!is.na(genotypes_null@unlistData)] <- 1
# Fit the DM null model
fit0 <- dmSQTL_fit(counts = x@counts, genotypes = genotypes_null,
precision = x@genewise_precision,
one_way = one_way, group_formula = ~ 1,
prop_mode = prop_mode, prop_tol = prop_tol,
coef_mode = coef_mode, coef_tol = coef_tol,
return_fit = FALSE, return_coef = FALSE,
verbose = verbose, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
## Perform the LR test
results_list <- lapply(1:length(x@counts), function(g){
# g = 1
## Calculate the degrees of freedom
df <- (nrow(x@counts[[g]]) - 1) *
(apply(x@genotypes[[g]], 1, function(x) length(unique(x))) - 1)
out <- dm_LRT(lik_full = x@lik_full[[g]], lik_null = fit0[["lik"]][[g]],
df = df, verbose = FALSE)
message("\n** Running permutations..\n")
### Calculate adjusted p-values using permutations
all_genes = {
## P-value for a gene computed using all the permutations
pvalues <- unlist(lapply(results_list, function(x) x[, "pvalue"]))
pval_adj_perm <- dmSQTL_permutations_all_genes(x = x, pvalues = pvalues,
max_nr_perm_cycles = 10, max_nr_min_nr_sign_pval = 1e3,
one_way = one_way,
prop_mode = prop_mode, prop_tol = prop_tol,
coef_mode = coef_mode, coef_tol = coef_tol,
verbose = verbose, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
pval_adj_perm <- relist(pval_adj_perm, x@lik_full)
per_gene = {
## P-value for a gene computed using permutations of that gene
pvalues <- lapply(results_list, function(x) x[, "pvalue"])
pval_adj_perm <- dmSQTL_permutations_per_gene(x = x, pvalues = pvalues,
max_nr_perm = 1e6, max_nr_sign_pval = 1e2,
one_way = one_way,
prop_mode = prop_mode, prop_tol = prop_tol,
coef_mode = coef_mode, coef_tol = coef_tol,
verbose = verbose, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
pval_adj_perm_BH <- relist(p.adjust(unlist(pval_adj_perm), method="BH"),
inds <- 1:length(results_list)
for(i in inds){
results_list[[i]][, "pvalue"] <- pval_adj_perm[[i]]
results_list[[i]][, "adj_pvalue"] <- pval_adj_perm_BH[[i]]
gene_ids <- names(x@blocks)
## Output the original SNPs
results_new <- lapply(inds, function(i){
# i = 4
mm <- match(x@blocks[[i]][, "block_id"], rownames(x@genotypes[[i]]))
out <- data.frame(gene_id = gene_ids[i], x@blocks[[i]],
results_list[[i]][mm, , drop = FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
results_new <- do.call(rbind, results_new)
return(new("dmSQTLtest", lik_null = fit0[["lik"]], results_gene = results_new,
lik_full = x@lik_full, fit_full = x@fit_full,
mean_expression = x@mean_expression,
common_precision = x@common_precision,
genewise_precision = x@genewise_precision,
counts = x@counts, genotypes = x@genotypes,
blocks = x@blocks, samples = x@samples))
### plotPValues
#' @rdname plotPValues
#' @export
setMethod("plotPValues", "dmSQTLtest", function(x){
### Plot p-values for unique blocks (not SNPs)
keep <- !duplicated(x@results_gene[, c("gene_id", "block_id"), drop = FALSE])
ggp <- dm_plotPValues(pvalues = x@results_gene[keep, "pvalue"])
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