Man pages for gpw13/billionaiRe
Calculate the WHO Triple Billions

accelerate_adult_obeseAccelerate adult_obese
accelerate_alcoholAccelerate alcohol
accelerate_anc4Accelerate anc4
accelerate_artAccelerate art
accelerate_bedsAccelerate beds
accelerate_bpAccelerate bp
accelerate_child_obeseAccelerate child_obese
accelerate_child_violAccelerate child_viol
accelerate_choleraAccelerate cholera
accelerate_devontrackAccelerate devontrack
accelerate_dnrAccelerate Detect, Notify, Respond, and Detect and Respond
accelerate_doctorsAccelerate doctors
accelerate_dtp3Accelerate dtp3
accelerate_esparAccelerate espar
accelerate_fhAccelerate fh
accelerate_fpAccelerate fp
accelerate_fpgAccelerate fpg
accelerate_fuelAccelerate fuel
accelerate_hpop_sanitationAccelerate hpop_sanitation
accelerate_hpop_sanitation_ruralAccelerate hpop_sanitation_rural
accelerate_hpop_sanitation_urbanAccelerate hpop_sanitation_urban
accelerate_hpop_tobaccoAccelerate hpop_tobacco
accelerate_hwfAccelerate hwf
accelerate_ipvAccelerate ipv
accelerate_itnAccelerate itn
accelerate_measlesAccelerate measles
accelerate_meningitisAccelerate meningitis
accelerate_nursesAccelerate nurses
accelerate_overweightAccelerate overweight
accelerate_pm25Accelerate pm25
accelerate_pneumoAccelerate pneumo
accelerate_polioAccelerate polio
accelerate_roadAccelerate road
accelerate_stuntingAccelerate stunting
accelerate_suicideAccelerate suicide
accelerate_target_anc4Accelerate anc4 to 95% by 2030
accelerate_target_artAccelerate art to 90.25 by 2025
accelerate_target_bedsAccelerate beds to 18 by 2025
accelerate_target_bpAccelerate bp
accelerate_target_doctorsAccelerate doctors
accelerate_target_dtp3Accelerate dtp3
accelerate_target_fhAccelerate fh
accelerate_target_fpAccelerate fp
accelerate_target_fpgAccelerate fpg
accelerate_target_hwfAccelerate hwf
accelerate_target_itnAccelerate itn
accelerate_target_nursesAccelerate nurses
accelerate_target_pneumoAccelerate pneumo
accelerate_target_tbAccelerate tb
accelerate_target_uhc_sanitationAccelerate uhc_sanitation
accelerate_target_uhc_tobaccoAccelerate uhc_tobacco
accelerate_tbAccelerate tb
accelerate_transfatsAccelerate transfats
accelerate_uhc_sanitationAccelerate uhc_sanitation
accelerate_uhc_tobaccoAccelerate uhc_tobacco
accelerate_wastingAccelerate wasting
accelerate_waterAccelerate water
accelerate_water_ruralAccelerate water_rural
accelerate_water_urbanAccelerate water_urban
accelerate_yellow_feverAccelerate yellow_fever
add_hep_populationsAdd Population Figures for HEP Billion
add_hpop_populationsAdd Population Figures for HPOP Billion
add_missing_xmart_rowsAdd missing rows for xMart upload
add_populationsAdd Population Figures for all billions
add_scenarioAdd scenario to data frame
assert_data_calculation_hepAssert presence of minimum HEP data
assert_data_calculation_hpopAssert presence of minimum HPOP data
assert_data_calculation_uhcAssert minimum data for UHC calculations
billionaiRe_add_columnsAdd columns to data frame if not already existing
billion_group_meanCalculate average per Billion group
billion_ind_codesIndicator codes for the Billions
calculate_aarcCalcualte Average annual rate of change
calculate_arocCalculate Average rate of change
calculate_contribution_sumsCalculate global/regional billions contributions
calculate_hep_billionCalculate HEP Billion
calculate_hep_componentsCalculate HEP component indicators
calculate_hepiCalculate HEPI
calculate_hep_prevent_indCalculate prevent indicators
calculate_hpop_billionCalculate HPOP Billion
calculate_hpop_billion_changeCalculate the HPOP Billion using columns of change
calculate_hpop_billion_singleCalculate the HPOP Billion for one column of change
calculate_hpop_change_vectorCalculate the change for vectors, used in...
calculate_hpop_contributionsCalculate HPOP Indicator Contributions
calculate_uhc_billionCalculate UHC Billion
calculate_uhc_billion_singleCalculate UHC Billion for one set of columns
calculate_uhc_contributionCalculate UHC contribution
convert_ind_codesConvert indicator codes between types
country_sharesCountry shares data
exec_scenarioExecute a scenario
fill_cols_scenarioInfills scenarios with 'values' when 'cols' are missing...
fixed_targetScenario to reach a fixed target
flat_extrapolationFlat extrapolation
generate_hpop_populationsGenerate HPOP Population Table
get_aarrGet Average Annual Rate of Reduction
get_baseline_valueGet last value from baseline
get_baseline_yearGet last year from baseline
get_country_sharesGet country shares data
get_data_lake_nameReturn the name of the 3B data lake
get_ind_billionDenotes which billion a given indicator belongs to
get_ind_metadataGet metadata for a Triple Billions indicator(s)
get_last_valueGet last value for the filter
get_last_year_scenarioGet last value for the filter in default scenario
get_latest_aarcGet the latest AARC for data frame
get_percent_change_aarcGet AARC for data frame based on a percent change to baseline
get_sdi_ratioGet SDI ratio data
get_target_aarcGet AARC for data frame based on a target
get_whdh_pathGenerate file paths for the Triple Billions WHDH data lake
has_xmart_colsCheck data frame for xMart4 columns
hep_dfHEP generated example data
hpop_dfHPOP generated example data
indicator_dfDataset of indicators used within the Billions calculations.
linear_changeScenario to add a linear point change
load_billion_dataLoad Billions indicator data
load_billion_data_legacyLoad Raw Billions Indicator Data
load_billion_data_whdhLoad Billions indicator data from WHDH
load_billion_data_xmartLoad Billions indicator data from xMart
load_misc_dataLoad miscellaneous data
pathogen_calcCalculate the vaccine coverage for a specific pathogen
pipePipe operator
pop_linksHPOP Billion population links
recycle_dataRecycle data between scenarios
reduce_typeHelper to reduce type to unique value
remove_recycled_dataRemove recycled values from 'df'
remove_unwanted_scenariosRemove unwanted scenarios from df
save_gho_backup_to_whdhBackup GHO data to the WHDH Data Lake
save_wrangled_outputSave the output to disk after ensuring column specs
scenario_arocScenario to use the average annual rate of change
scenario_bauScenario establish a business as usual scenario
scenario_best_in_regionScenario to add a linear percentage point aimed at regional...
scenario_best_ofScenario to pick the best scenario out of a list of scenarios
scenario_covid_delayed_returnScenario COVID delayed return to normal
scenario_covid_never_returnScenario COVID never return to normal
scenario_covid_rapid_returnScenario COVID rapid return to normal
scenario_covid_sustained_disruptionScenario COVID sustained disruption to normal
scenario-dip-recoverScenario dip and recover
scenario_percent_baselineScenario to change by a fixed percentage from a baseline...
scenario_quantileScenario to add a linear percentage point aimed at quantiles
scenario_return_previous_trajectoryScenario return to previpus trajectory
scenario_top_n_iso3Scenario to reach the top performing rate of change countries
sdg_adult_obeseAccelerate adult_obese to SDG target
sdg_alcoholAccelerate alcohol to SDG target
sdg_anc4Accelerate anc4 to SDG target
sdg_artAccelerate art to SDG target
sdg_bedsAccelerate beds to SDG target
sdg_bpAccelerate bp to SDG target
sdg_child_obeseAccelerate child_obese to SDG target
sdg_child_violAccelerate child_viol to SDG target
sdg_devontrackAccelerate devontrack to SDG target
sdg_doctorsAccelerate doctors to SDG target
sdg_dtp3Accelerate dtp3 to SDG target
sdg_fhAccelerate fh to SDG target
sdg_fpAccelerate fp to SDG target
sdg_fpgAccelerate fpg to SDG target
sdg_fuelAccelerate fuel to SDG target
sdg_hpop_sanitationAccelerate hpop_sanitation to SDG target
sdg_hpop_sanitation_ruralAccelerate hpop_sanitation_rural to SDG target
sdg_hpop_sanitation_urbanAccelerate hpop_sanitation_urban to SDG target
sdg_hpop_tobaccoAccelerate hpop_tobacco to SDG target
sdg_hwfAccelerate hwf to SDG target
sdg_ipvAccelerate ipv to SDG target
sdg_itnAccelerate itn to SDG target
sdg_nursesAccelerate nurses to SDG target
sdg_overweightAccelerate overweight to SDG target
sdg_pm25Accelerate pm25 to SDG target
sdg_pneumoAccelerate pneumo to SDG target
sdg_roadAccelerate road to SDG target
sdg_stuntingAccelerate stunting to SDG target
sdg_suicideAccelerate suicide to SDG targets
sdg_tbAccelerate tb to SDG target
sdg_transfatsAccelerate transfats to SDG targets
sdg_uhc_sanitationAccelerate uhc_sanitation to SDG target
sdg_uhc_tobaccoAccelerate uhc_tobacco to SDG target
sdg_wastingAccelerate wasting to SDG targets
sdg_waterAccelerate water to SDG target
sdg_water_ruralAccelerate water_rural to SDG target
sdg_water_urbanAccelerate water_urban to SDG target
sdi_ratioSocio-Demographic Index data
transform_hep_dataTransform Raw Indicator Values for HEP Billion
transform_hpop_dataTransform Raw Indicator Values for HPOP Billion
transform_hpop_singlePerform a transformation on a single column
transform_prev_cmpgn_dataTransform Prevent campaigns data
transform_prev_routine_dataTransform Prevent routine data
transform_uhc_dataTransform Raw Indicator Values for UHC Billion
transform_uhc_singlePerform a transformation on a single column
trim_valuesTrim values
trim_yearsTrim values
uhc-benchmarkingBenchmarking scenarios
uhc_dfUHC example data
untransform_hpop_dataUntransform Indicator Values for HPOP Billion
untransform_hpop_singlePerform a transformation on a single column
untransform_uhc_dataUntransform Indicator Values for UHC Billion
untransform_uhc_singlePerform a transformation on a single column
upload_billion_dataUpload Billions indicator data
wrangle_gho_dataPut GHO data into billionaiRe format
wrangle_gho_rural_urban_dataWrangle GHO data with TOTL/RUR/URB dimensions
wrangle_unsd_dataPut UNSD data into billionaiRe format
xmart_colsGet names of xMart4 columns
xmart_col_typesGet the column types for xMart columns
gpw13/billionaiRe documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 10:05 p.m.