
Defines functions calculate_contribution_sums

Documented in calculate_contribution_sums

#' Calculate global/regional billions contributions
#' Calculates global or regional sums for billions contributions for the UHC, HPOP, and HEP billions.
#' full_data is expected to have the values of the billions calculations per
#' country already computed.
#' In this example, we're calculating the global contributions for the HPOP
#' billion for 2025.
#' @param df A data frame
#' @param billion One of uhc, hpop, and hep. The billion for which we want to find
#'   global sums.
#' @param sum_years The year(s) for which we want to sum the billions contributions.
#' @param sum_type Allows you to select between global and regional sums.
#' @param source The source for the calculated billions. `WHO DDI calculations`,
#'   with `month, year` timestamp by default.
#' @param contribution_col Column name of column(s) to store contribution (population) values.
#' @inheritParams calculate_hpop_contributions
#' @return A data frame with the global sums for the relevant billion. Does not
#'   include rows from the original data frame.
#' @family aggregation
#' @export
calculate_contribution_sums <- function(df,
                                        billion = c("uhc", "hpop", "hep"),
                                        sum_type = c("global", "regional"),
                                        source = sprintf("WHO DDI calculation, %s", format(Sys.Date(), "%B %Y")),
                                        scenario_col = NULL,
                                        contribution_col = "contribution") {

  assert_columns(df, contribution_col, scenario_col, "iso3", "year", "ind", "source", "type")

  # Checks and assertions
  billion <- rlang::arg_match(billion)
  sum_type <- rlang::arg_match(sum_type)

  ind_code <- switch(billion,
    uhc = "uhc_sm",
    hpop = "hpop_healthier",
    hep = "hep_idx"

  # Add WHO region to the grouping columns for regional sums
  if (sum_type == "global") {
    group_cols <- c(scenario_col, "year")
  } else {
    group_cols <- c(scenario_col, "year", "who_region")

  df %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data[["ind"]] == ind_code, .data[["year"]] %in% sum_years) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(who_region = whoville::iso3_to_regions(.data[["iso3"]], "who_region")) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(tidyselect::all_of(group_cols))) %>%
      "iso3" := ifelse(sum_type == "global", "GLOBAL", .data[["who_region"]]),
      "ind" := ind_code,
      "{contribution_col}" := sum(.data[[contribution_col]], na.rm = TRUE),
      "source" := .env$source,
      "type" := dplyr::case_when(
        "projected" %in% .data[["type"]] ~ "projected",
        "reported" %in% .data[["type"]] ~ "reported",
        "estimated" %in% .data[["type"]] ~ "estimated",
        TRUE ~ NA_character_
      .groups = "drop"
    ) %>%
    dplyr::mutate("who_region" := NULL)
gpw13/billionaiRe documentation built on Sept. 27, 2024, 10:05 p.m.