#' Scenario to reach the top performing rate of change countries
#' `scenario_top_n_iso3` aims to reach the top `n` (or `prop`) performing countries
#' Annual Rate of Change (AAROC) in `df` `default_scenario` (by `group_col`
#' when provided). This is done by calculating the annual rate of change of all
#' countries with at least two reported or estimated values between `baseline_year`
#' and `aroc_end_year`. Then the values of the top `n` or top `prop` percent
#' performing countries (in `group_col` if provided) are averaged out to have a
#' single AROC at which all countries (by `group_col` if provided) will aim.
#' If `prop` is used and there is an insufficient number of countries to select
#' at least one, then the best perfoming is kept. For instance, if there are two
#' countries with data and `prop` is 0.1, then it is not possible to select 10%
#' of 2 countries. So only the best performing will be kept.
#' In this case, best performing is defined by the direction identified in
#' `indicator_df` `small_is_best` column.
#' @param n (integer) number of countries to picked in the top performing group.
#' @param group_col (character) string identifying by which column the top should
#' be grouped by usinge `dplyr::group_by`. Default to NULL.
#' @param use_prop (Boolean) identifying if `prop` should be used instead of `n`
#' in `dplyr::slice_max` or `dplyr::slice_min`
#' @param prop proportion of countries to be selected. See `dplyr::slice_max()`
#' for details.
#' @param aroc_end_year (integer) year identifying the end of the AROC interval.
#' @param no_data_no_scenario (Boolean) if TRUE, then no scenario at all is generated
#' when there is less than 2 reported/estimated values between `baseline_year`
#' and `aroc_end_year`
#' @param is_aroc_last_n_years (Boolean) identifying if the AROC interval should
#' be based on the last `aroc_last_n_years` since the last `reported` or
#' `estimated` value before `end_year`.
#' @param aroc_last_n_years (integer) number of years after the last `reported`
#' or `estimated` value to start the AROC interval.
#' @param min_n_reported_estimated (integer) minimum number of `value_col`
#' points `reported` or `estimated` in the AROC interval.s
#' @inheritParams scenario_fixed_target
#' @inheritParams trim_values
#' @inheritParams transform_hpop_data
#' @inheritParams accelerate_alcohol
#' @family basic_benchmarking
scenario_top_n_iso3 <- function(df,
n = 10,
group_col = NULL,
use_prop = FALSE,
prop = NULL,
value_col = "value",
scenario_col = "scenario",
start_year = 2018,
end_year = 2025,
baseline_year = 2013,
aroc_end_year = 2018,
target_year = end_year,
scenario_name = glue::glue("top_{n}_{group_col}_aroc"),
small_is_best = FALSE,
trim = TRUE,
keep_better_values = TRUE,
upper_limit = 100,
lower_limit = 0,
trim_years = TRUE,
start_year_trim = start_year,
end_year_trim = end_year,
ind_ids = billion_ind_codes("all"),
bau_scenario = "historical",
default_scenario = "default",
no_data_no_scenario = FALSE,
is_aroc_last_n_years = FALSE,
aroc_last_n_years = 5,
min_n_reported_estimated = 2,
n <- glue::glue("{prop*100}_percent")
scenario_name <- glue::glue("top_{n}_aroc")
scenario_name <- glue::glue("top_{n}_{group_col}_aroc")
full_years_df <- tidyr::expand_grid(
"year" := start_year:end_year,
"iso3" := unique(df[["iso3"]]),
"ind" := unique(df[["ind"]]),
"{scenario_col}" := default_scenario)
df_full_year <- df %>%
dplyr::full_join(full_years_df, by = c("year", "ind", "iso3", scenario_col))
df_full_year <- df_full_year %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data[["iso3"]], .data[["ind"]]) %>%
tidyr::fill(dplyr::all_of(group_col), .direction = "down") %>%
df_with_data <- df_full_year %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data[["iso3"]], .data[["ind"]]) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[scenario_col]] == !!default_scenario) %>%
dplyr::filter(sum(.data[["type"]] %in% c("estimated", "reported") & .data[["year"]] >= 2000 & .data[["year"]] <= !!start_year) > 1) %>%
dplyr::filter(sum(.data[["type"]] %in% c("estimated", "reported") & .data[["year"]] %in% c(!!baseline_year:!!aroc_end_year)) >= !!min_n_reported_estimated) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[scenario_col]] == !!default_scenario)
df_without_data <- df_full_year %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[scenario_col]] %in% c(!!default_scenario, !!bau_scenario),
!.data[["iso3"]] %in% unique(df_with_data[["iso3"]]))
df_aroc <- df_with_data %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["type"]] %in% c("estimated", "reported")) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(c(scenario_col, "iso3", "ind")))) %>%
aroc_end_year = get_baseline_year(.data[["year"]],
scenario = default_scenario,
baseline_year = end_year,
type_filter = c("reported", "estimated")),
aroc_end_value = get_baseline_value(.data[[value_col]],
scenario = default_scenario,
baseline_year = end_year,
type_filter = c("reported", "estimated")),
baseline_year = get_baseline_year(.data[["year"]],
baseline_year = .data[["aroc_end_year"]] - 5,
type_filter = c("reported", "estimated"),
direction = "after"),
baseline_value = get_baseline_value(.data[[value_col]],
baseline_year = .data[["aroc_end_year"]] - 5,
type_filter = c("reported", "estimated"),
direction = "after")
df_aroc <- df_with_data %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["type"]] %in% c("estimated", "reported")) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(c(scenario_col, "iso3", "ind")))) %>%
baseline_year = get_last_interval_year(.data[["year"]], .data[["type"]], start_year = !!baseline_year, end_year = !!aroc_end_year),
baseline_value = get_last_interval_value(.data[[value_col]],
start_year = !!baseline_year, end_year = !!aroc_end_year,
type_filter = c("reported", "estimated")),
aroc_end_value = get_baseline_value(.data[[value_col]], .data[["year"]], .data[["type"]], baseline_year = !!aroc_end_year),
aroc_end_year = get_baseline_year(.data[["year"]], .data[["type"]], baseline_year = aroc_end_year, type_filter = c("reported", "estimated"))
df_aroc <- df_aroc %>%
aroc = calculate_aroc(.data[["baseline_year"]],.data[["baseline_value"]], end_year = .data[["aroc_end_year"]], .data[["aroc_end_value"]])
) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c("iso3", "ind", scenario_col, group_col, "aroc"))) %>%
max_aroc <- df_aroc %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(c(scenario_col, group_col, "ind"))))
max_aroc_n <- max_aroc %>%
dplyr::tally() %>%
dplyr::mutate(prop = dplyr::if_else(round(n*prop) == 0, 1, round(n*prop)))
max_aroc <- max_aroc %>%
dplyr::left_join(max_aroc_n, by = c("ind", group_col, scenario_col))
if (small_is_best){
max_aroc <- max_aroc %>%
dplyr::group_map(~dplyr::slice_min(.x, .x[["aroc"]], n = unique(.x[["prop"]])), .keep = TRUE) %>%
purrr::reduce(dplyr::bind_rows) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(c(scenario_col, group_col, "ind"))))
max_aroc <- max_aroc %>%
dplyr::slice_min(.data[["aroc"]], n = n)
max_aroc <- max_aroc %>%
dplyr::group_map(~dplyr::slice_max(.x, .x[["aroc"]], n = unique(.x[["prop"]])), .keep = TRUE) %>%
purrr::reduce(dplyr::bind_rows) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(c(scenario_col, group_col, "ind"))))
max_aroc <- max_aroc %>%
dplyr::slice_max(.data[["aroc"]], n = n)
max_aroc <- dplyr::summarise(max_aroc, aroc = mean(.data[["aroc"]]))
df_with_data_aroc <- df_with_data %>%
dplyr::left_join(max_aroc, by = c(scenario_col, "ind", group_col)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(c("iso3", "ind", group_col)))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(baseline_value = get_baseline_value(.data[[value_col]],
baseline_year = start_year,
type_filter = c("all", "reported", "estimated", "projected", "imputed")),
scenario_value = dplyr::case_when(
.data[["year"]] > start_year ~ .data[["baseline_value"]] + (.data[["aroc"]]*(.data[["year"]] - start_year)),
TRUE ~ NA_real_
!!sym(scenario_col) := scenario_name
) %>%
dplyr::select(-c("baseline_value", "aroc")) %>%
col = "scenario_value", value_col = value_col, trim = trim, small_is_best = small_is_best,
keep_better_values = keep_better_values, upper_limit = upper_limit,
lower_limit = lower_limit, trim_years = trim_years, start_year_trim = start_year_trim, end_year_trim = end_year_trim
) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[scenario_col]] == !!scenario_name)
df_with_data_aroc <- tibble::tibble()
if (nrow(df_without_data) > 0 & !no_data_no_scenario) {
params_bau <- get_dots_and_call_parameters(...) %>%
df_without_data <- exec_scenario(df_without_data,
params_bau) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[scenario_col]] == !!scenario_name,
.data[["year"]] >= aroc_end_year)
} else {
df_without_data <- tibble::tibble()
df %>%
dplyr::bind_rows(df_with_data_aroc, df_without_data)
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