#' Trim values
#' @inheritParams scenario_percent_baseline
#' @inheritParams scenario_fixed_target
#' @param col column to trim values from. Will be removed before returning the
#' data frame.
#' @param value_col Column name of column with indicator values. This column will be
#' used to return the results.
#' @param baseline_col Column name with baseline values. This is used to ensure
#' that trimmed values do not get worst values than baseline.
#' @param trim logical to indicate if the data should be trimmed between
#' `upper_limit` and `lower_limit`.
#' @param keep_better_values logical to indicate if "better" values should be
#' kept from `value_col` if they are present. Follows the direction set in
#' `small_is_best`. For instance, if small_is_best is TRUE, then `value_col` lower
#' than `col` will be kept.
#' @param upper_limit upper limit at which the indicator should be caped.
#' @param lower_limit lower_limit limit at which the indicator should be caped.
#' @param trim_years logical to indicate if years before `start_year_trim` and after
#' `end_year_trim` should be removed
#' @param start_year_trim (integer) year to start trimming from.
#' @param end_year_trim (integer) year to end trimming.
#' @return trimed data frame, removing the `col` column, and putting the trimmed
#' values in `value_col`
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
trim_values <- function(df,
value_col = "value",
baseline_col = value_col,
trim = TRUE,
small_is_best = FALSE,
keep_better_values = FALSE,
upper_limit = 100,
lower_limit = 0,
trim_years = TRUE,
start_year_trim = 2018,
end_year_trim = 2025) {
assert_columns(df, value_col, col)
if (trim) {
df %>%
better_value = dplyr::case_when(
is.na(.data[[col]]) & is.na(.data[[value_col]]) ~ NA_real_,
keep_better_values & small_is_best ~ as.numeric(pmin(.data[[col]], .data[[value_col]], na.rm = TRUE)),
keep_better_values & !small_is_best ~ as.numeric(pmax(.data[[col]], .data[[value_col]], na.rm = TRUE)),
!keep_better_values ~ as.numeric(.data[[col]])
!!sym(value_col) := dplyr::case_when(
baseline_col != value_col
& small_is_best
& .data[["better_value"]] < lower_limit
& .data[[baseline_col]] < lower_limit ~ as.numeric(.data[[baseline_col]]),
baseline_col != value_col
& !small_is_best
& (.data[["better_value"]] > upper_limit)
& .data[[baseline_col]] > upper_limit ~ as.numeric(.data[[baseline_col]]),
.data[["better_value"]] < lower_limit ~ as.numeric(lower_limit),
.data[["better_value"]] > upper_limit ~ as.numeric(upper_limit),
TRUE ~ as.numeric(.data[["better_value"]])
) %>%
dplyr::select(-tidyselect::all_of(c("better_value", col))) %>%
trim_years(trim_years, start_year_trim, end_year_trim)
} else {
#' Trim values
#' @inheritParams scenario_percent_baseline
#' @inheritParams scenario_fixed_target
#' @param trim_years logical to indicate if years before `start_year` and after
#' `end_year` should be removed
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
trim_years <- function(df, trim_years, start_year, end_year) {
if (trim_years) {
df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["year"]] >= start_year, .data[["year"]] <= end_year)
} else {
#' @noRd
guess_limit <- function(percent_change,
limit_type = c("upper_limit", "lower_limit")) {
if (limit == "guess" & limit_type == "upper_limit") {
as.numeric(ifelse(percent_change >= 0, 100, Inf))
} else if (limit == "guess" & limit_type == "lower_limit") {
as.numeric(ifelse(percent_change >= 0, -Inf, 0))
} else {
#' Get goal/end value
#' @param value vector of values
#' @param year vector of years. Must be the same length as `value`
#' @param start_year Year at which the
#' @noRd
get_goal <- function(value, year, start_year, perc_change) {
start_year <- max(min(year), start_year)
value[year == start_year] * (100 + perc_change) / 100
#' Get last value from baseline
#' @param value (character vector) of values
#' @param year (character vector) of years. Must be the same length as `value`
#' @param baseline_year Year integer at which to get the baseline_value
#' @param type (character vector) of types. Must be the same length as `value`
#' @param scenario_col (character vector) of scenarios. Must be the same length as `value`
#' @param scenario name of scenario in which to look for the baseline value
#' @param type_filter (character vector) vector of types to be filtered for.
#' @param direction direction in which the last value should be found. `before`
#' (default) looks in years before `baseline_year`, while `after` looks in years
#' following `baseline_year`.
#' @param na_rm (Boolean) indicating if NA should be removed (default) from `type_filter`
#' or not.
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
get_baseline_value <- function(value,
scenario_col = NULL,
scenario = NULL,
type_filter = c("all", "reported", "estimated", "projected", "imputed"),
direction = c("before", "after"),
na_rm = TRUE) {
direction <- rlang::arg_match(direction)
type_filter <- rlang::arg_match(type_filter, multiple = TRUE)
if("all" %in% type_filter){
type_filter <- c("reported", "estimated", "projected", "imputed")
type_filter <- c(type_filter, NA)
assert_same_length(value, year, type)
if(!is.null(scenario_col) & !is.null(scenario)){
year <- year[scenario_col == scenario]
value <- value[scenario_col == scenario]
type <- type[scenario_col == scenario ]
assert_same_length(value, year, type)
if(direction == "before"){
years <- year[type %in% type_filter & year <= baseline_year]
values <- value[type %in% type_filter & year <= baseline_year]
this_year <- max(years)
years <- year[type %in% type_filter & year >= baseline_year]
values <- value[type %in% type_filter & year >= baseline_year]
this_year <- min(years)
values[years == this_year]
#' Get last year from baseline
#' @param year (character vector) of years.
#' @param type (character vector) of years. Must be the same length as `year`
#' @inheritParams get_baseline_value
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
get_baseline_year <- function(year,
scenario_col = NULL,
scenario = NULL,
type_filter = c("all", "reported", "estimated", "projected", "imputed"),
direction = c("before", "after"),
na_rm = TRUE) {
direction <- rlang::arg_match(direction)
type_filter <- rlang::arg_match(type_filter, multiple = TRUE)
if("all" %in% type_filter){
type_filter <- c("reported", "estimated", "projected", "imputed")
type_filter <- c(type_filter, NA)
assert_same_length(year, type)
if(!is.null(scenario_col) & !is.null(scenario)){
year <- year[scenario_col == scenario]
type <- type[scenario_col == scenario ]
assert_same_length(year, type)
if(direction == "before"){
years <- year[type %in% type_filter & year <= baseline_year]
this_year <- max(years)
years <- year[type %in% type_filter & year >= baseline_year]
this_year <- min(years)
years[years == this_year]
#' Get last value in interval
#' @inheritParams get_baseline_value
#' @noRd
get_last_interval_value <- function(value,
scenario_col = NULL,
scenario = NULL,
type_filter = c("all", "reported", "estimated", "projected", "imputed"),
direction = c("before", "after"),
na_rm = TRUE) {
direction <- rlang::arg_match(direction)
type_filter <- rlang::arg_match(type_filter, multiple = TRUE)
if("all" %in% type_filter){
type_filter <- c("reported", "estimated", "projected", "imputed")
type_filter <- c(type_filter, NA)
assert_same_length(value, year, type)
if(!is.null(scenario_col) & !is.null(scenario)){
year <- year[scenario_col == scenario]
value <- value[scenario_col == scenario]
type <- type[scenario_col == scenario ]
assert_same_length(value, year, type)
years <- year[type %in% type_filter & year >= start_year & year <= end_year]
values <- value[type %in% type_filter & year >= start_year & year <= end_year]
if(direction == "before"){
this_year <- min(years)
this_year <- max(years)
values[years == this_year]
#' Get last year in interval
#' @inheritParams get_baseline_value
#' @noRd
get_last_interval_year <- function(year,
scenario_col = NULL,
scenario = NULL,
type_filter = c("all", "reported", "estimated", "projected", "imputed"),
direction = c("before", "after"),
na_rm = TRUE) {
direction <- rlang::arg_match(direction)
type_filter <- rlang::arg_match(type_filter, multiple = TRUE)
if("all" %in% type_filter){
type_filter <- c("reported", "estimated", "projected", "imputed")
type_filter <- c(type_filter, NA)
assert_same_length(year, type)
if(!is.null(scenario_col) & !is.null(scenario)){
year <- year[scenario_col == scenario]
type <- type[scenario_col == scenario ]
assert_same_length(year, type)
years <- year[type %in% type_filter & year >= start_year & year <= end_year]
if(direction == "before"){
this_year <- min(years)
this_year <- max(years)
years[years == this_year]
#' Get last value for the filter
#' @param df (data.frame) containing the data. Needs to have at least the `year` and `type` columns.
#' @param type_filter (character vector) vector of types to be filtered for.
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
get_last_value <- function(df, type_filter = c("reported", "estimated", "projected", "estimated")){
assert_columns(df, "type", "year")
df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["type"]] %in% type_filter) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["year"]] == max(.data[["year"]]))
#' Get last value for the filter in default scenario
#' @param df (data.frame) containing the data. Needs to have at least the `year`, `scenario_col` and `type` columns.
#' @inheritParams accelerate_alcohol
#' @param indicator (character) identifying the indicator for which to get the last year of `type_filter` data.
#' @inheritParams recycle_data_scenario_single
#' @inheritParams get_last_value
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
get_last_year_scenario <- function(df,
start_year = 2018,
scenario = "default",
scenario_col = "scenario",
type_filter = c("reported", "estimated", "projected", "estimated")){
assert_columns(df, "year", scenario_col, "ind", "type")
df <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["ind"]] == !!indicator)
df_filtered <- df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[[scenario_col]] == !!scenario,
.data[["type"]] %in% !!type_filter)
if(nrow(df_filtered) >0){
df_filtered %>%
dplyr::summarise(max_year = max(.data[["year"]], na.rm = T)) %>%
#' Calcualte Average annual rate of change
#' Calculates annual average rate of change (AARC or AROC) *with* the compounded
#' formula:
#' ((`end_value` / `baseline_value`))^(1/(`end_year` - `baseline_year`)) - 1
#' To forecast change the baseline value:
#' `baseline_value` * ((1 + `aroc`)^(`current_year` - `start_year`))
#' @param baseline_year year where the AARC starts
#' @param baseline_value value at start_year
#' @param end_year year where the AARC ends
#' @param end_value value at end_year
#' @return numeric with AARC
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
calculate_aarc <- function(baseline_year,
end_value) {
# if(baseline_value == 0){
# baseline_value
# }else{
((end_value / baseline_value))^(1 / (end_year - baseline_year)) - 1
# }
#' Calculate Average rate of change
#' Calculates Average rate of change (AARC or AROC) *without* the compounded
#' formula:
#' (`end_value` / `baseline_value`)/(`end_year` - `baseline_year`)
#' This formula provides an absolute value change and not a proportional one
#' like `calculate_aarc`. To forecast change it should be add to the baseline
#' value:
#' `baseline_value` + (`aroc`*(`current_year` - `start_year`))
#' @param baseline_year year where the AARC starts
#' @param baseline_value value at start_year
#' @param end_year year where the AARC ends
#' @param end_value value at end_year
#' @return numeric with AARC
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
calculate_aroc <- function(baseline_year,
end_value) {
(end_value - baseline_value)/(end_year - baseline_year)
#' Get the latest AARC for data frame
#' Gets the annual average rate of change (AARC or AROC) between the
#' baseline year and the year immediately preceding for every combination of
#' `iso3` and `ind` present in `df`.
#' @inheritParams scenario_aroc
#' @return dataframe with AROC (in `aroc` column) for every combination of
#' `iso3` and `ind`
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
get_latest_aarc <- function(df,
value_col = "value") {
assert_columns(df, value_col, "year", "iso3", "ind")
df %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["year"]] %in% c(baseline_year - 1, baseline_year)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(c("iso3", "ind")))) %>%
names_from = "year",
values_from = !!value_col,
) %>%
aroc = calculate_aarc(
baseline_year = baseline_year - 1,
baseline_value = .data[[glue::glue("{baseline_year - 1}")]],
end_year = baseline_year,
end_value = .data[[glue::glue("{baseline_year}")]]
) %>%
dplyr::select("iso3", "ind", "aroc")
#' Get AARC for data frame based on a target
#' Gets the annual average rate of change (AARC or AROC) between the
#' baseline year and the target year to reach the target value for every
#' combination of `iso3` and `ind` present in `df`.
#' @inheritParams scenario_aroc
#' @return dataframe with AROC (in `aroc` column) for every combination of
#' `iso3` and `ind`
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
get_target_aarc <- function(df,
value_col = "value") {
assert_columns(df, value_col, "year", "iso3", "ind")
df %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(c("iso3", "ind")))) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["year"]] == baseline_year) %>%
aroc = calculate_aarc(
baseline_year = .data[["year"]],
baseline_value = .data[[value_col]],
end_year = target_year,
end_value = target_value
) %>%
dplyr::select("iso3", "ind", "aroc")
#' Get AARC for data frame based on a percent change to baseline
#' Gets the annual average rate of change (AARC or AROC) between the
#' baseline year and the target year given a percent change between the two
#' years for every combination of `iso3` and `ind` present in `df`.
#' @inheritParams scenario_aroc
#' @return dataframe with AROC (in `aroc` column) for every combination of
#' `iso3` and `ind`
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
get_percent_change_aarc <- function(df,
value_col = "value") {
assert_columns(df, value_col, "year", "iso3", "ind")
df %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(dplyr::any_of(c("iso3", "ind")))) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data[["year"]] == baseline_year) %>%
target = .data[[value_col]] * (100 + percent_change) / 100,
aroc = calculate_aarc(
baseline_year = baseline_year,
baseline_value = .data[[value_col]],
end_year = target_year,
end_value = .data[["target"]]
) %>%
dplyr::select("iso3", "ind", "aroc")
#' Get Average Annual Rate of Reduction
#' Gets the [Average Annual Rate of Reduction (AARC)](https://data.unicef.org/resources/technical-note-calculate-average-annual-rate-reduction-aarr-underweight-prevalence/)
#' by fitting the log of value by year with a linear regression.
#' @param year vector of years
#' @param value vector of values on which the AARR will be calculated. Must be
#' the same length as `year`
#' @return a numeric being the beta value representing the AARR
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
get_aarr <- function(year, value) {
df <- tibble::tibble(
x = year,
y = value
fit <- stats::lm(log(y) ~ x, data = df)
coef <- fit[["coefficients"]][["x"]]
100 * (1 - exp(coef))
#' @noRd
get_quantile <- function(value, n) {
quantiles_limits <- stats::quantile(value, probs = seq(0, 1, 1 / n))
findInterval(value, quantiles_limits, rightmost.closed = TRUE)
#' Flat extrapolation
#' @param df Data frame of model data
#' @param col Name of column to extrapolate/interpolate.
#' @param group_col Column name(s) of group(s) to use in [dplyr::group_by()] when
#' supplying type, calculating mean absolute scaled error on data involving
#' time series, and if `group_models`, then fitting and predicting models too.
#' If `NULL`, not used. Defaults to `"iso3"`.
#' @param sort_col Column name(s) to use to [dplyr::arrange()] the data prior to
#' supplying type and calculating mean absolute scaled error on data involving
#' time series. If `NULL`, not used. Defaults to `"year"`.
#' @param pred_col Column name to store predicted value.
#' @param sort_descending Logical value on whether the sorted values from `sort_col`
#' should be sorted in descending order. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param replace_obs Character value specifying how, if at all, observations should
#' be replaced by fitted values. Defaults to replacing only missing values,
#' but can be used to replace all values or none.
#' @return a data frame with predicted data,
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
flat_extrapolation <- function(df,
group_col = NULL,
sort_col = "year",
pred_col = "pred",
sort_descending = FALSE,
replace_obs = c("missing", "none")) {
assert_columns(df, col, group_col, sort_col)
replace_obs <- rlang::arg_match(replace_obs)
df <- dplyr::group_by(df, dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(group_col)))
if (!is.null(sort_col)) {
if (sort_descending) {
fn <- dplyr::desc
} else {
fn <- NULL
df <- dplyr::arrange(df, dplyr::across(dplyr::all_of(sort_col), fn),
.by_group = TRUE
df <- dplyr::mutate(
!!sym(pred_col) := .data[[col]]
df <- dplyr::mutate(df, !!sym(pred_col) := simple_extrap(.data[[pred_col]]))
if (replace_obs == "missing") {
df <- df %>% dplyr::mutate(!!sym(col) := dplyr::case_when(
is.na(.data[[col]]) ~ .data[[pred_col]],
TRUE ~ .data[[col]]
#' Simple extrapolation
#' @param x vector with values sorted
#' @noRd
simple_extrap <- function(x) {
missing_x <- is.na(x)
whr <- max(which(!missing_x))
x[whr:length(x)] <- x[whr]
#' Remove unwanted scenarios from df
#' @param df (data.frame) containing the data. Needs to have at least the `scenario_col` column
#' @param unwanted_scenarios character vector of scenarios to be remove
#' @inheritParams recycle_data_scenario_single
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
remove_unwanted_scenarios <- function(df,
scenario_col = "scenario",
unwanted_scenarios) {
assert_columns(df, scenario_col)
scenario_present <- unique(df[[scenario_col]])
unwanted_scenarios_present <- scenario_present %in% unwanted_scenarios
if (sum(unwanted_scenarios_present) <= length(scenario_present)) {
df %>%
dplyr::filter(!.data[[scenario_col]] %in% unwanted_scenarios)
} else {
#' Execute a scenario
#' Simple wrapper around [rlang::exec] to pass `parameters` and `df` to `fn`
#' @param df (data.frame) containing the data.
#' @param fn function to be executed
#' @param parameters parameters to be passed to `fn`
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
exec_scenario <- function(df, fn, parameters){
df = df,
) %>%
#' Infills scenarios with `values` when `cols` are missing values.
#' @param df (data.frame) containing the data
#' @inheritParams recycle_data_scenario_single
#' @param cols (list) of columns to be infilled
#' @param values (list) of values to infill with.
#' @family scenarios
#' @keywords internal
fill_cols_scenario <- function(df,
scenario_col = "scenario",
cols = list("type",
values = list("projected",
assert_same_length(cols, values)
values <- stats::setNames(values, cols) %>%
purrr::discard(!unlist(cols) %in% names(df))
month_year <- format(Sys.Date(), '%B %Y')
values[["source"]] <- glue::glue("WHO DDI interim infilling and projections,{month_year}")
if(length(values) > 0 ){
for(i in 1:length(values)){
col <- names(values)[i]
df <- df %>%
dplyr::mutate("{col}" := dplyr::case_when(
is.na(.data[[col]]) ~ values[[i]],
TRUE ~ .data[[col]])
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