#' Backup GHO data to the WHDH Data Lake
#' This function simplifies the process of creating backups snapshots of GHO data
#' and saving these to the WHDH data lake.
#' It returns the input data frame, without any changes.
#' @param df The response from the GHO API, typically the result of calling
#' [ghost::gho_data()].
#' @param billion The billion to which the indicator belongs
#' @param ind_code The GPW13 code for the indicator
#' @param silent Passed to [whdh::upload_to_data_lake()]. Determines if upload
#' messages and progress bar are shown
#' @return The original data frame
#' @export
#' @family whdh
save_gho_backup_to_whdh <- function(df,
silent = FALSE) {
# Generate the upload path for the data lake
tstamp <- whdh::get_formatted_timestamp()
file_name <- sprintf("%s_%s_gho_%s.parquet", billion, ind_code, tstamp)
gho_backup_path <- get_whdh_path(
operation = "upload",
billion = billion,
ind_codes = ind_code,
data_type = "ingestion_data",
file_names = file_name
# Save the data frame to a temporary parquet file
temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".parquet")
arrow::write_parquet(df, temp_file, compression = "gzip")
# Upload the parquet file to the data lake
data_lake_name = get_data_lake_name(),
container = "whdh",
source_path = temp_file,
destination_path = gho_backup_path,
validate_user_input = FALSE,
silent = silent
# Return the input data frame
#' Generate file paths for the Triple Billions WHDH data lake
#' `get_whdh_path()` simplifies the process of generating accurate file paths for
#' downloading/uploading files from the Triple Billions WHDH data lake.
#' Using this function when working with the data lake is highly recommended as
#' it ensures file paths abide by the established standards and directory structure
#' for the data lake.
#' @param operation (string) Either "download" or "upload".
#' @param data_type (string) The type of data to load.
#' * `wrangled_data` (default): raw data that has been wrangled into a suitable
#' form for analysis.
#' * `projected_data`: data that has been fully projected to the target year but
#' has not yet been transformed or calculated upon.
#' * `final_data`: the complete set of billions data with transformed values, contributions,
#' and all calculations available.
#' * `ingestion_data`: raw data in its original form as received from the technical
#' program, GHO, or other sources. These files have not been wrangled or modified
#' in any way.
#' @param billion (string) One of "all" (default), "hep", "hpop", or "uhc". If "all",
#' the file paths for all indicators in all three bilions are returned.
#' @param ind_codes (character vector) The name of the indicator (or indicators) to load data for.
#' If `all`, returns paths for all indicators for a given billion. If `billion = "all"`,
#' this argument is ignored and the file paths for all indicators in all three bilions
#' are returned.
#' @param file_names (character vector) The name(s) of the file(s) to download.
#' NULL by default. Ignored if either `billion = "all"` or `ind_codes = "all"`.
#' @param experiment (string) Either `NULL` or a string ("unofficial" by default).
#' * If `NULL`, the root folder for the data layers is the 3B folder (i.e., where
#' the "official" data is stored (e.g., `3B/...`).
#' * If a string, the root folder for the data layers is a sub-folder within the
#' Sandbox layer of the 3B data lake (e.g., if `experiment = "my_exp"`, then
#' paths would be of the form `3B/Sandbox/my_exp/Silver/...`)
#' @return A character vector.
#' @export
#' @family whdh
get_whdh_path <- function(operation = c("download", "upload"),
data_type = c("wrangled_data", "projected_data", "final_data", "ingestion_data"),
billion = c("all", "hep", "hpop", "uhc"),
ind_codes = "all",
file_names = NULL,
experiment = "unofficial") {
# Argument checks and assertions
operation <- rlang::arg_match(operation)
data_type <- rlang::arg_match(data_type)
billion <- rlang::arg_match(billion)
assert_type(billion, "character")
assert_type(ind_codes, "character")
assert_type(experiment, c("NULL", "character"))
assert_equals(experiment, "", identical = TRUE, reverse = TRUE)
# For billion = "all", recursively call the function with each billion
if (billion == "all" && data_type != "final_data") {
message("`ind_codes` and `file_names` arguments ignored when billion = \"all\"")
paths <- c("hep", "hpop", "uhc") %>%
# rlang::set_names() %>%
purrr::map(~ get_whdh_path(operation, data_type, .x, "all", NULL, experiment)) %>%
unlist() %>%
unique() %>%
# file_names is required for uploads
# And only single files can be uploaded so billion and ind_codes arguments cannot be "all"
if (operation == "upload") {
# TODO: removing these assertions for now. Dealing with billion and ind_codes for final_data is ambiguous
# assert_equals(billion, "all", reverse = TRUE, msg_suffix = "when uploading.")
# assert_equals(ind_codes, "all", reverse = TRUE, msg_suffix = "when uploading.")
assert_arg_exists(file_names, "The %s argument is required when uploading to the data lake.")
# When downloading_ingestion data, require file_names because this folder is not
# versioned an does not abide by WHDH naming conventions
if (operation == "download" && data_type == "ingestion_data") {
assert_arg_exists(file_names, "The %s argument is required when data_type = \"ingestion_data\".")
# Amend root folder based on experiment argument
if (is.null(experiment)) {
root <- "3B"
} else {
assert_length(experiment, 1)
root <- paste("3B", "Sandbox", experiment, sep = "/")
data_layer <- get_data_layer(data_type)
# If final_data, data_asset is just final_data
if (data_type == "final_data") {
message("`billion` and `ind_codes` arguments ignored when data_type = \"final_data\"")
data_asset <- "final_data"
} else {
# Remove later
# billion = rlang::arg_match(billion)
# assert_arg_exists(ind_codes, "The %s argument is required for all data types except \"final_data\".")
valid_inds <- get_valid_inds(data_type, billion)
# Using identical instead of == to circumvent issues when ind_codes is a vector
if (identical(ind_codes, "all")) {
# Set ind_codes equal to list of all valid indicators
message("`file_names` argument ignored when ind_codes = \"all\"")
ind_codes <- valid_inds
file_names <- NULL
} else {
# Or check that given indicators are valid indicators
assert_x_in_y(ind_codes, valid_inds)
data_asset <- paste(billion, ind_codes, sep = "_")
# If none of file_names is NULL or NA
if (!is.null(file_names) && any(is.na(file_names))) {
stop("`file_names` cannot be NA")
} else if (!is.null(file_names) && all(!is.na(file_names))) {
# Ensure that ind_codes and file_names have a 1-to-1 mapping or that one of them
# is of length 1 and can be recycled to match the length of the other
assert_same_length(ind_codes, file_names, recycle = TRUE, remove_null = FALSE)
# Ensure that file_names have the right extensions
assert_fileext(file_names, c("csv", "xls", "xlsx", "parquet", "feather"))
} else if (is.null(file_names)) {
# Otherwise, set file_names to be an empty string so data asset folders end with /
file_names <- ""
} else {
stop("Invalid value passed to `file_names`.")
path <- paste(root, data_layer, data_type, data_asset, file_names, sep = "/") %>%
stringr::str_replace("uhc_espar", "hep_espar") %>%
stringr::str_replace("//+", "/")
#' Get correct set of indicators for WHDH operations
#' @inheritParams get_whdh_path
#' @param billion (string) One of "hep", "hpop", and "uhc".
#' @return (character vector) a list of the indicators belonging to the given billion,
#' as used by the WHDH functions.
#' @noRd
#' @family whdh
get_valid_inds <- function(data_type, billion) {
assert_type(data_type, "character")
assert_type(billion, "character")
assert_length(data_type, 1)
assert_length(data_type, 1)
# include_covariates = TRUE to include pneumo_mort for wrangled_data and
# ingestion_data but not other data types
incl_covars <- ifelse(data_type %in% c("ingestion_data", "wrangled_data"), TRUE, FALSE)
valid_inds <- billion_ind_codes(billion,
include_covariates = incl_covars,
include_calculated = FALSE,
include_subindicators = FALSE
# Remove surviving_infants as it is not used anymore from the whdh: the
# wppdistro package version is used.
valid_inds <- purrr::discard(valid_inds, ~ .x == "surviving_infants")
# Remove hwf from the list of valid_inds for wrangled_data because hwf is only
# added during the 02_projecting stage. We only wrangle doctors and nurses in the
# 01_ingestion stage.
if (data_type == "wrangled_data") {
valid_inds <- purrr::discard(valid_inds, ~ .x == "hwf")
#' Get WHDH data layer by data_type
#' @inheritParams get_whdh_path
#' @family whdh
#' @noRd
get_data_layer <- function(data_type) {
ingestion_data = "Bronze",
wrangled_data = "Silver",
projected_data = "Silver",
final_data = "Gold"
#' Return the name of the 3B data lake
#' @return A string. The name of the Triple Billions WHDH data lake.
#' @family whdh
#' @export
get_data_lake_name <- function() {
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