
Defines functions horvitz_thompson_internal var_ht_total_no_cov horvitz_thompson

Documented in horvitz_thompson

#' Horvitz-Thompson estimator for two-armed trials
#' @description Horvitz-Thompson estimators that are unbiased for designs in
#' which the randomization scheme is known
#' @param formula an object of class formula, as in \code{\link{lm}}, such as
#' \code{Y ~ Z} with only one variable on the right-hand side, the treatment.
#' @param data A data.frame.
#' @param condition_prs An optional bare (unquoted) name of the variable with
#' the condition 2 (treatment) probabilities. See details. May also use a single
#' number for the condition 2 probability if it is constant.
#' @param blocks An optional bare (unquoted) name of the block variable. Use
#' for blocked designs only. See details.
#' @param clusters An optional bare (unquoted) name of the variable that
#' corresponds to the clusters in the data; used for cluster randomized
#' designs. For blocked designs, clusters must be within blocks.
#' @param simple logical, optional. Whether the randomization is simple
#' (TRUE) or complete (FALSE). This is ignored if \code{blocks} are specified,
#' as all blocked designs use complete randomization, or either
#' \code{ra_declaration} or \code{condition_pr_mat} are passed. Otherwise, it
#' defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param condition_pr_mat An optional 2n * 2n matrix of marginal and joint
#' probabilities of all units in condition1 and condition2. See details.
#' @param ra_declaration An object of class \code{"ra_declaration"}, from
#' the \code{\link[randomizr]{declare_ra}} function in the \pkg{randomizr}
#' package. This is the third way that one can specify a design for this
#' estimator. Cannot be used along with any of \code{condition_prs},
#' \code{blocks}, \code{clusters}, or \code{condition_pr_mat}. See details.
#' @param subset An optional bare (unquoted) expression specifying a subset of
#' observations to be used.
#' @param se_type can be one of \code{c("youngs", "constant", "none")} and corresponds
#' the estimator of the standard errors. Default estimator uses Young's
#' inequality (and is conservative) while the other uses a constant treatment
#' effects assumption and only works for simple randomized designs at the
#' moment. If "none" then standard errors will not be computed which may speed up run time if only the point estimate is required.
#' @param condition1 value in the treatment vector of the condition
#' to be the control. Effects are
#' estimated with \code{condition1} as the control and \code{condition2} as the
#' treatment. If unspecified, \code{condition1} is the "first" condition and
#' \code{condition2} is the "second" according to levels if the treatment is a
#' factor or according to a sortif it is a numeric or character variable (i.e
#' if unspecified and the treatment is 0s and 1s, \code{condition1} will by
#' default be 0 and \code{condition2} will be 1). See the examples for more.
#' @param condition2 value in the treatment vector of the condition to be the
#' treatment. See \code{condition1}.
#' @param ci logical. Whether to compute and return p-values and
#' confidence intervals, TRUE by default.
#' @param alpha The significance level, 0.05 by default.
#' @param return_condition_pr_mat logical. Whether to return the condition
#' probability matrix. Returns NULL if the design is simple randomization,
#' FALSE by default.
#' @details This function implements the Horvitz-Thompson estimator for
#' treatment effects for two-armed trials. This estimator is useful for estimating unbiased
#' treatment effects given any randomization scheme as long as the
#' randomization scheme is known.
#' In short, the Horvitz-Thompson estimator essentially reweights each unit
#' by the probability of it being in its observed condition. Pivotal to the
#' estimation of treatment effects using this estimator are the marginal
#' condition probabilities (i.e., the probability that any one unit is in
#' a particular treatment condition). Pivotal to estimating the variance
#' whenever the design is more complicated than simple randomization are the
#' joint condition probabilities (i.e., the probabilities that any two units
#' have a particular set of treatment conditions, either the same or
#' different). The estimator we provide here considers the case with two
#' treatment conditions.
#' Users interested in more details can see the
#' \href{https://declaredesign.org/r/estimatr/articles/mathematical-notes.html}{mathematical notes}
#' for more information and references, or see the references below.
#' There are three distinct ways that users can specify the design to the
#' function. The preferred way is to use
#' the \code{\link[randomizr]{declare_ra}} function in the \pkg{randomizr}
#' package. This function takes several arguments, including blocks, clusters,
#' treatment probabilities, whether randomization is simple or not, and more.
#' Passing the outcome of that function, an object of class
#' \code{"ra_declaration"} to the \code{ra_declaration} argument in this function,
#' will lead to a call of the \code{\link{declaration_to_condition_pr_mat}}
#' function which generates the condition probability matrix needed to
#' estimate treatment effects and standard errors. We provide many examples
#' below of how this could be done.
#' The second way is to pass the names of vectors in your \code{data} to
#' \code{condition_prs}, \code{blocks}, and \code{clusters}. You can further
#' specify whether the randomization was simple or complete using the \code{simple}
#' argument. Note that if \code{blocks} are specified the randomization is
#' always treated as complete. From these vectors, the function learns how to
#' build the condition probability matrix that is used in estimation.
#' In the case
#' where \code{condition_prs} is specified, this function assumes those
#' probabilities are the marginal probability that each unit is in condition2
#' and then uses the other arguments (\code{blocks}, \code{clusters},
#' \code{simple}) to learn the rest of the design. If users do not pass
#' \code{condition_prs}, this function learns the probability of being in
#' condition2 from the data. That is, none of these arguments are specified,
#' we assume that there was a simple randomization where the probability
#' of each unit being in condition2 was the average of all units in condition2.
#' Similarly, we learn the block-level probability of treatment within
#' \code{blocks} by looking at the mean number of units in condition2 if
#' \code{condition_prs} is not specified.
#' The third way is to pass a \code{condition_pr_mat} directly. One can
#' see more about this object in the documentation for
#' \code{\link{declaration_to_condition_pr_mat}} and
#' \code{\link{permutations_to_condition_pr_mat}}. Essentially, this 2n * 2n
#' matrix allows users to specify marginal and joint marginal probabilities
#' of units being in conditions 1 and 2 of arbitrary complexity. Users should
#' only use this option if they are certain they know what they are doing.
#' @return Returns an object of class \code{"horvitz_thompson"}.
#' The post-estimation commands functions \code{summary} and \code{\link{tidy}}
#' return results in a \code{data.frame}. To get useful data out of the return,
#' you can use these data frames, you can use the resulting list directly, or
#' you can use the generic accessor functions \code{coef} and
#' \code{confint}.
#' An object of class \code{"horvitz_thompson"} is a list containing at
#' least the following components:
#'   \item{coefficients}{the estimated difference in totals}
#'   \item{std.error}{the estimated standard error}
#'   \item{statistic}{the z-statistic}
#'   \item{df}{the estimated degrees of freedom}
#'   \item{p.value}{the p-value from a two-sided z-test using \code{coefficients} and \code{std.error}}
#'   \item{conf.low}{the lower bound of the \code{1 - alpha} percent confidence interval}
#'   \item{conf.high}{the upper bound of the \code{1 - alpha} percent confidence interval}
#'   \item{term}{a character vector of coefficient names}
#'   \item{alpha}{the significance level specified by the user}
#'   \item{nobs}{the number of observations used}
#'   \item{outcome}{the name of the outcome variable}
#'   \item{condition_pr_mat}{the condition probability matrix if \code{return_condition_pr_mat} is TRUE}
#' @seealso \code{\link[randomizr]{declare_ra}}
#' @references
#' Aronow, Peter M, and Joel A Middleton. 2013. "A Class of Unbiased Estimators of the Average Treatment Effect in Randomized Experiments." Journal of Causal Inference 1 (1): 135-54. \doi{10.1515/jci-2012-0009}.
#' Aronow, Peter M, and Cyrus Samii. 2017. "Estimating Average Causal Effects Under Interference Between Units." Annals of Applied Statistics, forthcoming. \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1305.6156v3}.
#' Middleton, Joel A, and Peter M Aronow. 2015. "Unbiased Estimation of the Average Treatment Effect in Cluster-Randomized Experiments." Statistics, Politics and Policy 6 (1-2): 39-75. \doi{10.1515/spp-2013-0002}.
#' @examples
#' # Set seed
#' set.seed(42)
#' # Simulate data
#' n <- 10
#' dat <- data.frame(y = rnorm(n))
#' library(randomizr)
#' #----------
#' # 1. Simple random assignment
#' #----------
#' dat$p <- 0.5
#' dat$z <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = dat$p)
#' # If you only pass condition_prs, we assume simple random sampling
#' horvitz_thompson(y ~ z, data = dat, condition_prs = p)
#' # Assume constant effects instead
#' horvitz_thompson(y ~ z, data = dat, condition_prs = p, se_type = "constant")
#' # Also can use randomizr to pass a declaration
#' srs_declaration <- declare_ra(N = nrow(dat), prob = 0.5, simple = TRUE)
#' horvitz_thompson(y ~ z, data = dat, ra_declaration = srs_declaration)
#' #----------
#' # 2. Complete random assignment
#' #----------
#' dat$z <- sample(rep(0:1, each = n/2))
#' # Can use a declaration
#' crs_declaration <- declare_ra(N = nrow(dat), prob = 0.5, simple = FALSE)
#' horvitz_thompson(y ~ z, data = dat, ra_declaration = crs_declaration)
#' # Can precompute condition_pr_mat and pass it
#' # (faster for multiple runs with same condition probability matrix)
#' crs_pr_mat <- declaration_to_condition_pr_mat(crs_declaration)
#' horvitz_thompson(y ~ z, data = dat, condition_pr_mat = crs_pr_mat)
#' #----------
#' # 3. Clustered treatment, complete random assigment
#' #-----------
#' # Simulating data
#' dat$cl <- rep(1:4, times = c(2, 2, 3, 3))
#' dat$prob <- 0.5
#' clust_crs_decl <- declare_ra(N = nrow(dat), clusters = dat$cl, prob = 0.5)
#' dat$z <- conduct_ra(clust_crs_decl)
#' # Easiest to specify using declaration
#' ht_cl <- horvitz_thompson(y ~ z, data = dat, ra_declaration = clust_crs_decl)
#' # Also can pass the condition probability and the clusters
#' ht_cl_manual <- horvitz_thompson(
#'   y ~ z,
#'   data = dat,
#'   clusters = cl,
#'   condition_prs = prob,
#'   simple = FALSE
#' )
#' ht_cl
#' ht_cl_manual
#' # Blocked estimators specified similarly
#' #----------
#' # More complicated assignment
#' #----------
#' # arbitrary permutation matrix
#' possible_treats <- cbind(
#'   c(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0),
#'   c(0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1),
#'   c(1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
#' )
#' arb_pr_mat <- permutations_to_condition_pr_mat(possible_treats)
#' # Simulating a column to be realized treatment
#' dat$z <- possible_treats[, sample(ncol(possible_treats), size = 1)]
#' horvitz_thompson(y ~ z, data = dat, condition_pr_mat = arb_pr_mat)
#' @export
horvitz_thompson <- function(formula,
                             simple = NULL,
                             condition_pr_mat = NULL,
                             ra_declaration = NULL,
                             condition1 = NULL,
                             condition2 = NULL,
                             se_type = c("youngs", "constant", "none"),
                             ci = TRUE,
                             alpha = .05,
                             return_condition_pr_mat = FALSE) {

  # -----
  # Check arguments
  # -----
  if (length(all.vars(f_rhs(formula))) > 1) {
      "'formula' must have only one variable on the right-hand side: the ",
      "treatment variable"

  simple_specified <- is.logical(simple)
  se_type <- match.arg(se_type)

  # -----
  # Parse arguments, clean data
  # -----
  # User can either use declaration or the arguments, not both!
  if (!is.null(ra_declaration)) {
    if (ncol(ra_declaration$probabilities_matrix) > 2) {
        "Cannot use horvitz_thompson() with a `ra_declaration` with more than ",
        "two treatment arms for now"

    if (!missing(clusters) |
      !missing(condition_prs) |
      !missing(blocks) |
      !is.null(condition_pr_mat)) {
        "Cannot use `ra_declaration` with any of `clusters`, `condition_prs`, ",
        "`blocks`, `condition_pr_mat`"

    # Add clusters, blocks, and treatment probabilities to data so they
    # can be cleaned with clean_model_data
    if (!is.null(ra_declaration$clusters)) {
      .clusters_ddinternal <- ra_declaration$clusters
      clusters <- quo(.clusters_ddinternal)

    if (!is.null(ra_declaration$blocks)) {
      .blocks_ddinternal <- ra_declaration$blocks
      blocks <- quo(.blocks_ddinternal)

    if (!is.null(condition2)) {
      treatnum <- match(condition2, ra_declaration$conditions)

      if (is.na(treatnum)) {
          "If `condition2` and `ra_declaration` are both specified, ",
          "`condition2` must match the condition_names in `ra_declaration`.",
          "\n`condition2`: ", condition2, "\n`condition_names`: ",
            collapse = ", "

      treatment_prob <- obtain(ra_declaration,condition2)

    } else {
      # assuming treatment is second column
      treatment_prob <- ra_declaration$probabilities_matrix[, 2]
    .treatment_prob_ddinternal <- treatment_prob
    condition_prs <- quo(.treatment_prob_ddinternal)

  ## Clean data
  datargs <- enquos(
    formula = formula,
    subset = subset,
    block = blocks,
    cluster = clusters,
    condition_pr = condition_prs
  data <- enquo(data)
  model_data <- clean_model_data(data = data, datargs, estimator = "ht")

  ## condition_pr_mat, if supplied, must be same length
  if (!is.null(condition_pr_mat) &&
      (2 * length(model_data$outcome) != nrow(condition_pr_mat))) {
      "After cleaning the data, it has ", length(model_data$outcome), " ",
      "while `condition_pr_mat` has ", nrow(condition_pr_mat), ". ",
      "`condition_pr_mat` should have twice the rows"

  data <- data.frame(
    y = model_data$outcome,
    t = model_data$original_treatment,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  # Parse conditions
  condition_names <- parse_conditions(
    treatment = data$t,
    condition1 = condition1,
    condition2 = condition2,
    estimator = "horvitz_thompson"
  condition2 <- condition_names[[2]]
  condition1 <- condition_names[[1]]

  data$clusters <- model_data$cluster
  data$blocks <- model_data$block
  if (!is.null(model_data$condition_pr)) {
    data$condition_probabilities <- model_data$condition_pr

  # ----------
  # Learn design
  # ----------

  # Declaration is passed
  if (!is.null(ra_declaration)) {

    prob_matrix <- NULL
    # Use output from clean_model_data to rebuild declaration
    if (nrow(ra_declaration$probabilities_matrix) != length(data$y)) {
      prob_matrix <-
          1 - data$condition_probabilities,
    # If simple, just use condition probabilities shortcut
    # Same if se not needed
    if (inherits(ra_declaration, "ra_simple") || se_type == "none") {
      condition_pr_mat <- NULL
    } else {
      # TODO to allow for declaration with multiple arms, get probability matrix
      # and build it like decl$pr_mat <- cbind(decl$pr_mat[, c(cond1, cond2)])
      condition_pr_mat <- declaration_to_condition_pr_mat(
  } else if (is.null(condition_pr_mat)) {
    # need to learn it if no declaration and not passed
    # check simple arg
    simple <- ifelse(is.null(simple), TRUE, simple)

    if (is.null(data$blocks) && is.null(data$clusters)) {
      # no blocks or clusters
      if (simple) {
        # don't need condition_pr_mat, just the condition_prs
        # if the user passed it, we're fine and can use just the
        # marginal probabilities
        # if user didn't pass, we have to guess
        if (is.null(data$condition_probabilities)) {
          data$condition_probabilities <- mean(data$t == condition2)

            "Assuming simple random assignment with probability of treatment ",
            "equal to the mean number of obs in `condition2`, which is roughly ",
            round(data$condition_probabilities[1], 3)
      } else {
        # If we don't know the prob, learn it
        if (is.null(data$condition_probabilities)) {
          data$condition_probabilities <- mean(data$t == condition2)
            "Learning probability of complete random assignment from data ",
            "with prob = ", round(data$condition_probabilities[1], 3)

          if (se_type != "none") {
            condition_pr_mat <- gen_pr_matrix_complete(
              pr = data$condition_probabilities[1],
              n_total = length(data$y)
        } else {
          if (length(unique(data$condition_probabilities)) > 1) {
              "Treatment probabilities must be fixed for complete randomized designs"

          if (se_type != "none") {
            condition_pr_mat <- gen_pr_matrix_complete(
              pr = data$condition_probabilities[1],
              n_total = length(data$y)
    } else if (is.null(data$blocks)) {
      # clustered case
      if (!simple_specified) {
          "Assuming ", ifelse(simple, "simple", "complete"),
          " cluster randomization"

      if (is.null(data$condition_probabilities)) {

        # Split by cluster and get complete randomized values
        # within each cluster
        cluster_treats <- get_cluster_treats(data, condition2)
        data$condition_probabilities <- mean(cluster_treats$treat_clust)

          "`condition_prs` not found, estimating probability of treatment ",
          "to be constant at mean of clusters in `condition2` at prob =",

        if (se_type != "none") {
          # Some redundancy in following fn
          condition_pr_mat <- gen_pr_matrix_cluster(
            clusters = data$clusters,
            treat_probs = data$condition_probabilities,
            simple = simple
      } else if (se_type != "none") {

        # Just to check if cluster has same treatment within
        get_cluster_treats(data, condition2)

        condition_pr_mat <- gen_pr_matrix_cluster(
          clusters = data$clusters,
          treat_probs = data$condition_probabilities,
          simple = simple
    } else {
      # blocked case
      if (simple) {
          "Assuming complete random assignment of clusters within blocks. ",
          "User can use `ra_declaration` or `condition_pr_mat` to have full ",
          "control over the design."

      if (is.null(data$condition_probabilities)) {
          "`condition_prs` not found, estimating probability of treatment ",
          "to be proportion of units or clusters in condition2 in each block"
        condition_pr_mat <- gen_pr_matrix_block(
          blocks = data$blocks,
          clusters = data$clusters,
          t = data$t,
          condition2 = condition2
      } else {
        condition_pr_mat <- gen_pr_matrix_block(
          blocks = data$blocks,
          clusters = data$clusters,
          p2 = data$condition_probabilities

  # Need the marginal condition prs for later in rare cases where not yet set
  if (is.null(data$condition_probabilities)) {
    data$condition_probabilities <-
      diag(condition_pr_mat)[(length(data$y) + 1):(2 * length(data$y))]

  # Check some things that must be true, could do this earlier
  # but don't have condition_probabilities then, and unfortunatey
  # this loops over data clusters a second time
  if (!is.null(data$clusters)) {
    if (any(!tapply(
      function(x) all(x == x[1])
    ))) {
      stop("`condition_prs` must be constant within `cluster`")


  # -----
  # Estimation
  # -----

  if (is.null(data$blocks)) {
    return_frame <-
        condition_pr_mat = condition_pr_mat,
        condition1 = condition1,
        condition2 = condition2,
        data = data,
        se_type = se_type,
        alpha = alpha
  } else {
    clust_per_block <- check_clusters_blocks(data)

    N <- nrow(data)

    data$index <- 1:N

    block_dfs <- split(data, data$blocks)

    block_estimates <- lapply(block_dfs, function(x) {
        data = x,
        condition1 = condition1,
        condition2 = condition2,
        condition_pr_mat = condition_pr_mat[c(x$index, N + x$index),
                                            c(x$index, N + x$index)],
        se_type = se_type,
        alpha = alpha

    block_estimates <- do.call(rbind, block_estimates)

    N_overall <- with(block_estimates, sum(nobs))

    n_blocks <- nrow(block_estimates)

    diff <- with(block_estimates, sum(coefficients * nobs / N_overall))

    if (se_type != "none") {
      std.error <- with(
        sqrt(sum(std.error^2 * (nobs / N_overall)^2))
    } else {
      std.error <- NA

    return_frame <- data.frame(
      coefficients = diff,
      std.error = std.error,
      nobs = N_overall,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  return_frame$df <- NA
  return_list <- add_cis_pvals(return_frame, alpha, ci, ttest = FALSE)

  # -----
  # Build and return output
  # -----

  return_list <- dim_like_return(
    alpha = alpha,
    formula = formula,
    conditions = list(condition1, condition2)

  if (return_condition_pr_mat) {
    return_list[["condition_pr_mat"]] <- condition_pr_mat
  return_list[["se_type"]] <- se_type

  attr(return_list, "class") <- "horvitz_thompson"


var_ht_total_no_cov <- function(y, ps) {
  sum((1 - ps) * ps * y^2)

horvitz_thompson_internal <- function(condition_pr_mat = NULL,
                                      condition1 = NULL,
                                      condition2 = NULL,
                                      pair_matched = FALSE,
                                      alpha = .05) {

  # TODO, add estimator from Middleton & Aronow 2015 page 51

  t2 <- which(data$t == condition2)
  t1 <- which(data$t == condition1)

  N <- length(t2) + length(t1)

  std.error <- NA

  collapsed <- !is.null(data$clusters)
  if (collapsed) {
    if (se_type == "constant") {
        "`se_type` = 'constant' only supported for simple random designs ",
        "at the moment"

    if (is.factor(data$clusters)) {
      data$clusters <- as.numeric(data$clusters)

    # used for cluster randomized designs
    k <- length(unique(data$clusters))

    y2_totals <- tapply(data$y[t2], data$clusters[t2], sum)
    y1_totals <- tapply(data$y[t1], data$clusters[t1], sum)

    to_drop <- which(duplicated(data$clusters))
    t2 <- which(data$t[-to_drop] == condition2)
    t1 <- which(data$t[-to_drop] == condition1)

    # reorder totals because tapply above sorts on cluster
    y2_totals <-
    y1_totals <-

    prs <- data$condition_probabilities[-to_drop]
    ps2 <- prs[t2]
    ps1 <- 1 - prs[t1]

    # for now rescale, with joint pr need squared top alone
    Y2 <- y2_totals / ps2
    Y1 <- y1_totals / ps1

    diff <- (sum(Y2) - sum(Y1)) / N

    if (se_type != "none") {
      condition_pr_mat <-
        condition_pr_mat[-c(to_drop, N + to_drop), -c(to_drop, N + to_drop)]

      std.error <-
          sum(Y2^2) +
            sum(Y1^2) +
              condition_pr_mat[(k + t2), (k + t2), drop = FALSE]
            ) +
              condition_pr_mat[t1, t1, drop = FALSE]
            ) -
            2 * ht_covar_partial(
              condition_pr_mat[(k + t2), t1, drop = FALSE],
        ) / N
  } else {
    # All non-clustered designs

    ps2 <- data$condition_probabilities[t2]
    ps1 <- 1 - data$condition_probabilities[t1]

    Y2 <- data$y[t2] / ps2
    Y1 <- data$y[t1] / ps1

    diff <- (sum(Y2) - sum(Y1)) / N

    if (is.null(condition_pr_mat)) {
      # Simple random assignment
      # joint inclusion probabilities = product of marginals
      if (se_type == "constant") {
        # Scale again
        y0 <- ifelse(
          data$t == condition1,
          data$y / (1 - data$condition_probabilities),
          (data$y - diff) / (1 - data$condition_probabilities)
        y1 <- ifelse(
          data$t == condition2,
          data$y / data$condition_probabilities,
          (data$y + diff) / data$condition_probabilities

        std.error <-
            var_ht_total_no_cov(y1, data$condition_probabilities) +
              var_ht_total_no_cov(y0, 1 - data$condition_probabilities) +
              # TODO why is it +2 instead of - (looking at old samii/aronow)
              2 * sum(c(data$y[t2], data$y[t1] + diff) * c(data$y[t2] - diff, data$y[t1]))
          ) / N
      } else if (se_type == "youngs") {
        # Young's inequality
        std.error <-
          sqrt(sum(Y2^2) + sum(Y1^2)) / N
    } else {
      # Complete random assignment
      if (se_type == "constant") {
          "`se_type` = 'constant' only supported for simple random designs ",
          "at the moment"
      } else if (se_type == "youngs") {
        # Young's inequality
        # this is the "clustered" estimator where each unit is a cluster
        # shouldn't apply to clustered designs but may if user passes a
        # condition_pr_mat
        varN2 <-
          sum(Y2^2) +
          sum(Y1^2) +
            condition_pr_mat[(N + t2), (N + t2), drop = FALSE]
          ) +
            condition_pr_mat[t1, t1, drop = FALSE]
          ) -
          2 * ht_covar_partial(
            condition_pr_mat[(N + t2), t1, drop = FALSE],

        if (!is.nan(varN2)) {
          if (varN2 < 0) {
            warning("Variance below 0")
            std.error <- NA
          } else {
            std.error <- sqrt(varN2) / N
        } else {
            "Variance is NaN. This is likely the result ",
            "of a complex condition probability matrix"
          std.error <- NA

  return_frame <-
      coefficients = diff,
      std.error = std.error,
      nobs = N,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

graemeblair/DDestimate documentation built on April 2, 2024, 2:07 p.m.