
Defines functions summarise_all_vars missingness_patterns take_nonmissing repeat_last

Documented in missingness_patterns repeat_last summarise_all_vars take_nonmissing

#' Summarises a dataset 
#' using [tidyr::gather()] and [dplyr::summarise()].
#' @param data dataset
#' @return return a tbl_df with one var per row and one column for mean, sd, max, min (all with missings removed), the number of missings, the number of nonmissing values, and the number of distinct values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(beavers)
#' summarise_all_vars(beaver1)
#' beaver1 = dplyr::group_by(beaver1, activ)
#' summarise_all_vars(beaver1)
summarise_all_vars = function(data) {
	dplyr_groups = as.character(dplyr::groups(data))
	gather_cols = setdiff(names(data), dplyr_groups)
	data = tidyr::gather_(data, "variable", "value", gather_cols = gather_cols, factor_key = TRUE)
	data = dplyr::group_by_(data, .dots = c("variable", dplyr_groups))
	summary_of_vars = dplyr::summarise_(data, 
		 mean = ~mean(value, na.rm = T), 
		 sd = ~sd(value, na.rm = T), 
		 min = ~min(value, na.rm = T), 
		 max  = ~max(value, na.rm = T),
		 n_miss = ~n_missing(value),
		 n_nonmiss = ~n_nonmissing(value),
		 n_distinct = ~dplyr::n_distinct(value)

#' missingness patterns
#' this function shows how common possible missingness patterns are. Emulates misschk in stata.
#' 1. excludes any variables that don't have any missings, so as not to clutter output. Disable using omit_complete
#' 2. sorts variables by number of missings, so that the usual suspects show up at the front.
#' 3. displays number of missings accounted for by each pattern
#' @param df dataset
#' @param min_freq show only patterns that occur at least this often. Defaults to 1 observation.
#' @param long_pattern by default (FALSE) only shows column indices for space and legibility reasons.
#' @param print_legend prints a legend for the column indices, defaults to FALSE if long_pattern is set
#' @param show_culprit defaults to TRUE. In case a missingness pattern boils down to one variable, it will be shown here.
#' @param relative defaults to FALSE. If true, percentages are shown (relative to total before excluding minimum frequency).
#' @param omit_complete defaults to TRUE. Columns that don't have any missings are excluded.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ChickWeight)
#' ChickWeight[1:2,c('weight','Chick')] = NA
#' ChickWeight[3:5,'Diet'] = NA
#' names(ChickWeight); nrow(ChickWeight)
#' missingness_patterns(ChickWeight)
missingness_patterns = function(df, min_freq = ifelse(relative, 
																											1/nrow(df), 1), long_pattern = FALSE, print_legend = ifelse(long_pattern, 
																																																									FALSE, TRUE), show_culprit = TRUE, relative = FALSE, omit_complete = TRUE) {
	missings_by_column = colSums(is.na(df))
	if (omit_complete) {
		takethese = missings_by_column != 0
	} else {
		takethese = TRUE
	names(missings_by_column) = names(df)
	missings_by_column = sort(missings_by_column[takethese], 
														decreasing = T)
	any_missing_sorted = names(missings_by_column)
	df = subset(df, select = any_missing_sorted)
	cols = names(df)
	if (length(cols) == 0) {
		cat("No missings at all.\n")
	df = !is.na(df)
	ddf = as.data.frame(df)
	if (min_freq > 0) {
		counted = dplyr::count_(ddf, vars = names(ddf))
		names(counted) = c(cols, "Freq")
	} else {
		counted = as.data.frame(stats::xtabs(data = df))
	if (relative) {
		counted$Freq = counted$Freq/sum(counted$Freq)
	counted = counted[counted$Freq >= min_freq, ]
	pattern = character(length = nrow(counted))
	if (show_culprit) {
		culprit = rep(x = "_", nrow(counted))
	for (i in 1:length(cols)) {
		if (show_culprit) {
			culprit[counted[, i] == "FALSE"] = ifelse(culprit[counted[,
																																i] == "FALSE"] == "_", cols[i], "")  # if it's a _, set it, if it's set, set it to empty
		nr = as.character(i)
		pattern = paste0(pattern, ifelse(i == 1, "", "_"), ifelse(counted[, 
																																			i] == "TRUE", stringr::str_pad("", stringr::str_length(nr), 
																																																		 pad = "_"), nr))
	missingness = data.frame(Pattern = pattern, Freq = counted$Freq, 
													 Culprit = culprit)
	if (long_pattern == TRUE) {
		long_pattern = character(length = nrow(counted))
		for (i in 1:length(cols)) {
			long_pattern = paste0(long_pattern, ifelse(counted[, 
																												 i] == "TRUE", "_", paste0(cols[i], ".")))
		missingness$Pattern = long_pattern
	if (print_legend) {
		print(data.frame(index = 1:length(cols), col = cols, 
										 missings = missings_by_column), row.names = FALSE)
	missingness = missingness[order(missingness$Freq, decreasing = T), 
	rownames(missingness) = NULL

#' take only nonmissing
#' this function takes a subset of a dataset, omitting all
#' cases with missings in variables specified in 'keep'
#' and omitting all variables that still have missings after that.
#' Good to see how large your dataset for a certain analysis 
#' will be and which covariates are 'free' in terms of sample size.
#' @param df dataset
#' @param keep defaults to empty vector
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(ChickWeight)
#' ChickWeight[1:2,c('weight','Chick')] = NA
#' ChickWeight[3:4,'Diet'] = NA
#' names(ChickWeight); nrow(ChickWeight)
#' ChickWeight2 = take_nonmissing(ChickWeight, keep = c('weight'))
#' names(ChickWeight2); nrow(ChickWeight2)
take_nonmissing = function(df, keep = c()) {
	df = df[rowSums(is.na(subset(df, select = keep, drop = F))) == 
						0, ]  # omit all cases with missings in keep
	df = subset(df, select = names(which(colSums(is.na(df)) == 
																			 	0)), drop = F)  # omit all variables with missings

#' repeat last non-NA value
#' Will repeat the last non-NA value. This is also known as carrying the last observation forward/backward.
#' It's faster than zoo::na.locf http://rpubs.com/rubenarslan/repeat_last_na_locf and other alternatives.
#' By specifying maxgap, you can choose not to bridge overly long gaps.
#' By specifying forward = FALSE, you can carry the last observation backward.
#' @param x vector to be repeated
#' @param forward carry last observation forward? or backward (FALSE)
#' @param maxgap bridge only up to x NAs (defaults to Inf)
#' @param na.rm whether to omit NAs at the beginning (defaults to FALSE)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x = c(NA,NA,1,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2,3,4,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,5, NA)
#' data.frame(x, 
#'    repeat_last(x), 
#'    repeat_last(x, forward = FALSE), 
#'    repeat_last(x, maxgap = 5), 
#' check.names = FALSE)
repeat_last = function(x, forward = TRUE, maxgap = Inf, na.rm = FALSE) {   # repeats the last non NA value.
	if (!forward) x = rev(x)           # reverse x twice if carrying backward
	ind = which(!is.na(x))             # get positions of nonmissing values
	if (is.na(x[1]) && !na.rm)         # if it begins with NA
		ind = c(1,ind)    					     # add first pos
	rep_times = diff(                  # diffing the indices + length yields how often
		c(ind, length(x) + 1) )          # they need to be repeated
	if (maxgap < Inf) {
		exceed = rep_times - 1 > maxgap  # exceeding maxgap
		if (any(exceed)) {               # any exceed?
			ind = sort(c(ind[exceed] + 1, ind))      # add NA following large gaps to indices
			rep_times = diff(c(ind, length(x) + 1) ) # diff again
	x = rep(x[ind], times = rep_times) # repeat the values at these indices
	if (!forward) x = rev(x)           # second reversion
grebbel/formr_test documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:34 a.m.