## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## several aggregate methods, can be used with by
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
.apply.func.array <- function (x, func, vector, input.types, allow.bool,
data.type, udt.name, inside)
x <- .expand.array(x)
y <- .sub.aggregate(x, func, vector, input.types, allow.bool,
x@.col.data_type, x@.col.udt_name, inside)
return (db.array(y))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## support the operations on array columns
.aggregate <- function (x, func, vector = TRUE, input.types = .num.types,
allow.bool = FALSE,
data.type = "double precision",
udt.name = "float8", inside = "",
array.op = NULL) # some function can use special function to speed up
if (vector && length(names(x)) != 1)
stop(func, " only works on a single column!")
if (vector == FALSE) {
if (length(data.type) == 1)
data.type <- rep(data.type, length(names(x)))
if (length(udt.name) == 1)
udt.name <- rep(udt.name, length(names(x)))
if (length(data.type) != length(names(x)) ||
length(udt.name) != length(names(x)))
stop("data.type or udt_name does not match column names!")
l <- length(names(x))
col.name <- paste(names(x), "_", func, sep = "")
if ((x[[1]])@.col.data_type != "array" && (length(names(x)) != 1 ||
x@.col.data_type != "array"))
res <- .sub.aggregate(x[[1]], func, vector, input.types, allow.bool,
data.type[1], udt.name[1], inside)
else {
if (length(names(x)) == 1) z <- x
else z <- x[[1]]
if (is.null(array.op))
res <- .apply.func.array(z, func, vector, input.types, allow.bool,
data.type[1], udt.name[1], inside)
else {
res <- z
res@.expr <- paste(array.op, "(", res@.expr, ")", sep = "")
res@.content <- gsub("^select .* as", paste("select", res@.expr, "as"), res@.content)
res@.col.name <- col.name[1]
for (i in seq_len(l-1)+1) {
if (x@.col.data_type[i] != "array") {
res[[col.name[i]]] <- .sub.aggregate(x[[i]], func, vector, input.types, allow.bool,
data.type[i], udt.name[i], inside)
} else {
if (is.null(array.op))
res[[col.name[i]]] <- .apply.func.array(x[[i]], func, vector,
input.types, allow.bool,
data.type[i], udt.name[i], inside)
else {
z <- x[[i]]
z@.expr <- paste(array.op, "(", z@.expr, ")", sep = "")
z@.content <- gsub("^select .* as", paste("select", z@.expr, "as"), z@.content)
res[[col.name[i]]] <- z
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
.sub.aggregate <- function (x, func, vector = TRUE, input.types = .num.types,
allow.bool = FALSE,
data.type = "double precision",
udt.name = "float8", inside = "")
cast.bool <- rep("", length(names(x)))
prebra <- ""
apbra <- ""
if (allow.bool)
for (i in seq_len(length(names(x))))
if (x@.col.data_type[i] == "boolean") {
cast.bool[i] <- "::integer"
prebra <- "("
apbra <- ")"
if (is(x, "db.data.frame")) {
expr <- paste(func, "(\"", inside, names(x), "\"", cast.bool, ")",
sep = "")
if (!is.null(input.types)) {
for (i in seq_len(length(expr)))
if (!(x@.col.data_type[i] %in% input.types)) {
if (allow.bool && x@.col.data_type[i] == "boolean") next
expr[i] <-paste( "NULL::", x@.col.data_type[i],
sep = "")
data.type[i] <- x@.col.data_type[i]
udt.name[i] <- x@.col.udt_name[i]
parent <- content(x)
src <- parent
where.str <- ""
where <- ""
} else {
expr <- paste(func, "(", prebra, inside, x@.expr, apbra, cast.bool, ")", sep = "")
if (!is.null(input.types)) {
for (i in seq_len(length(expr)))
if (! (x@.col.data_type[i] %in% input.types)) {
if (allow.bool && x@.col.data_type[i] == "boolean") next
expr[i] <- paste("NULL::", x@.col.data_type[i],
sep = "")
data.type[i] <- x@.col.data_type[i]
udt.name[i] <- x@.col.udt_name[i]
if (x@.source == x@.parent)
parent <- x@.parent
parent <- paste("(", x@.parent, ") s", sep = "")
src <- x@.source
where <- x@.where
if (x@.where != "")
where.str <- paste(" where", x@.where)
where.str <- ""
col.name <- paste(names(x), "_", func, sep = "")
content <- paste("select ", paste(expr,
paste("\"", col.name, "\"", sep = ""),
sep = " as ",
collapse = ", "),
" from ", parent,
where.str, sep = "")
.content = content,
.expr = expr,
.source = src,
.parent = x@.parent,
.conn.id = conn.id(x),
.col.name = col.name,
.key = character(0),
.col.data_type = data.type,
.col.udt_name = udt.name,
.where = where,
.is.factor = rep(FALSE, length(names(x))),
.factor.ref = rep(as.character(NA), length(names(x))),
.factor.suffix = rep("", length(names(x))),
.sort = list(by = "", order = "", str = ""),
.dist.by = x@.dist.by)
setGeneric ("sum")
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
res <- .aggregate(x, "sum", FALSE, .num.types, TRUE,
x@.col.data_type, x@.col.udt_name)
res@.is.agg <- TRUE
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("count", function(x) standardGeneric("count"))
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x) {
res <- .aggregate(x, "count", FALSE, NULL, FALSE, "integer", "int4")
res@.is.agg <- TRUE
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("max")
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
res <- .aggregate(x, "max", FALSE, c(.num.types, .time.types),
FALSE, x@.col.data_type, x@.col.udt_name)
res@.is.agg <- TRUE
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("min")
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
res <- .aggregate(x, "min", FALSE, c(.num.types, .time.types),
FALSE, x@.col.data_type, x@.col.udt_name)
res@.is.agg <- TRUE
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("sd", signature = "x",
def = function (x, na.rm = FALSE) {
if (!is(x, "db.obj")) {
stats::sd(x, na.rm)
} else {
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x) {
res <- .aggregate(x, "stddev", FALSE, .num.types, TRUE,
"double precision", "float8")
res@.is.agg <- TRUE
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("var", signature = "x",
def = function (x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use) {
if (!is(x, "db.obj")) {
stats::var(x, y, na.rm, use)
} else {
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x) {
res <- .aggregate(x, "variance", FALSE, .num.types, TRUE,
"double precision", "float8")
res@.is.agg <- TRUE
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("colMeans")
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ...) {
res <- .aggregate(x, "avg", FALSE, .num.types, TRUE,
"double precision", "float8")
res@.is.agg <- TRUE
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("colSums")
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x, na.rm = FALSE, dims = 1, ...) {
res <- .aggregate(x, "sum", FALSE, .num.types, TRUE,
x@.col.data_type, x@.col.udt_name)
res@.is.agg <- TRUE
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("log")
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x, ...) {
.aggregate(x, "ln", FALSE, .num.types, TRUE,
x@.col.data_type, x@.col.udt_name)
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("log10")
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x) {
.aggregate(x, "log", FALSE, .num.types, TRUE,
x@.col.data_type, x@.col.udt_name)
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("exp")
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x) {
.aggregate(x, "exp", FALSE, .num.types, TRUE,
x@.col.data_type, x@.col.udt_name)
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("abs")
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x) {
.aggregate(x, "abs", FALSE, .num.types, TRUE,
x@.col.data_type, x@.col.udt_name)
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("factorial")
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x) {
.aggregate(x, "factorial", FALSE, .int.types,
TRUE, x@.col.data_type, x@.col.udt_name)
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("sqrt")
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x) {
.aggregate(x, "sqrt", FALSE, .num.types, TRUE,
x@.col.data_type, x@.col.udt_name)
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
setGeneric ("sign")
setMethod (
signature(x = "db.obj"),
function (x) {
.aggregate(x, "sign", FALSE, .num.types, TRUE,
x@.col.data_type, x@.col.udt_name)
valueClass = "db.Rquery")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## array_agg each column
colAgg <- function (x)
if (!is(x, "db.obj"))
stop("this function only works with db.obj!")
res <- .aggregate(x, "array_agg", FALSE, NULL, FALSE, "array",
paste("_", x@.col.udt_name, sep = ""))
res@.is.agg <- TRUE
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## array_agg all the columns on the same row
db.array <- function (x, ...)
#if (length(names(x)) == 1 && x@.col.data_type == "array") return (x)
n <- nargs()
dat <- list()
dat[[1]] <- .expand.array(x)
for (i in seq_len(n-1)) {
y <- eval(parse(text = paste("..", i, sep = "")))
dat[[i+1]] <- .expand.array(y)
base <- NULL
if (is(dat[[1]], "db.obj")) base <- dat[[1]]
for (i in seq_len(n-1)) {
y <- dat[[i+1]]
if (is(y, "db.obj")) {
base <- y
if (is.null(base)) return (c(x, ...))
if (!all(base@.col.data_type %in% .num.types) &&
!all(base@.col.data_type %in% .txt.types) &&
!all(base@.col.data_type %in% c('boolean')))
stop("columns may have different types and cannot be put into the same array!")
if (base@.col.data_type[1] %in% .num.types)
udt.name <- "_float8"
else if (base@.col.data_type[1] %in% .txt.types)
udt.name <- "_text"
else if (base@.col.data_type[1] %in% c("boolean"))
udt.name <- "_bool"
stop("data type not supported!")
if (is(base, "db.data.frame")) {
tbl <- content(base)
src <- tbl
parent <- tbl
} else {
if (base@.parent != base@.source)
tbl <- paste("(", base@.parent, ") s", sep = "")
tbl <- base@.parent
parent <- base@.parent
src <- base@.source
if (is(base, "db.Rquery") && base@.where != "") {
where.str <- paste(" where", base@.where)
where <- base@.where
} else {
where.str <- ""
where <- ""
sort <- .generate.sort(base)
## if (!is(base, "db.obj")) stop("this function only works with db.obj!")
expr <- "array["
x <- dat[[1]]
x <- .check.consistent(base, x, udt.name)
if (is(x, "db.data.frame"))
expr <- paste(expr, paste("(\"", names(x), "\")", sep = "",
collapse = ", "), sep = "")
else if (is(x, "db.Rquery"))
expr <- paste(expr, paste("(", x@.expr, ")", sep = "",
collapse = ", "), sep = "")
expr <- paste(expr, paste("(", x, ")", collapse = ", ",
sep = ""), sep = "")
if (n > 1) expr <- paste(expr, ", ", sep = "")
for (i in seq_len(n-1)) {
y <- dat[[i+1]]
## if (!is(y, "db.obj")) stop("this function only works with db.obj!")
y <- .check.consistent(base, y, udt.name)
if (is(y, "db.data.frame"))
expr <- paste(expr, paste("(\"", names(y), "\")", sep = "",
collapse = ", "), sep = "")
else if (is(y, "db.Rquery"))
expr <- paste(expr, paste("(", y@.expr, ")", sep = "",
collapse = ", "), sep = "")
expr <- paste(expr, paste("(", y, ")", collapse = ", ",
sep = ""), sep = "")
if (i != n-1) expr <- paste(expr, ", ", sep = "")
expr <- paste(expr, "]", sep = "")
.content = paste("select ", expr, " as agg_opr from ",
tbl, where.str, sort$str, sep = ""),
.expr = expr,
.source = src,
.parent = parent,
.conn.id = conn.id(base),
.col.name = "agg_opr",
.key = character(0),
.where = where,
.col.data_type = "array",
.col.udt_name = udt.name,
.is.factor = FALSE,
.factor.ref = as.character(NA),
.factor.suffix = "",
.sort = sort,
.dist.by = base@.dist.by)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
.eql.parent <- function (x1, x2)
if (is(x1, "db.data.frame") && is(x2, "db.data.frame")) {
return (content(x1) == content(x2) &&
conn.eql(conn.id(x1), conn.id(x2)))
} else if (is(x1, "db.data.frame") && is(x2, "db.Rquery")) {
return (content(x1) == x2@.parent && x2@.where == "" &&
conn.eql(conn.id(x1), conn.id(x2)))
} else if (is(x1, "db.Rquery") && is(x2, "db.data.frame"))
.eql.parent(x2, x1)
else {
return (x1@.parent == x2@.parent && x1@.where == x2@.where &&
conn.eql(conn.id(x1), conn.id(x2)))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
.check.consistent <- function (base, x, udt.name)
if (is(x, "db.obj")) {
if (!.eql.parent(base, x))
stop("all the objects must originate from the same source!")
data.types <- c(base@.col.data_type[1], x@.col.data_type)
if (!all(data.types %in% .num.types) &&
!all(data.types %in% .txt.types) &&
!all(data.types %in% c('boolean')))
stop("columns may have different types and cannot be put into the same array!")
} else {
if (udt.name == "_float") x <- as.numeric(x)
else if (udt.name == "_text") x <- as.character(x)
else if (udt.name == "_bool") x <- as.logical(x)
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