
#' Interaction Plots with Error Bars
#' This function allows you to generate interaction plots for a Two-Way ANOVA
#' with error bars.
#' @param formula an object of class "\link{formula}" (or one that can be
#'   coerced to that class); a symbolic description of the model to be plotted.
#'   The details of the model specification are given under "Details".
#' @param data a required data frame containing the variables for the plot.
#' @param type character.  One of "p" or "b".  Defaults to "b" for base version that adds lines between points. Choose "p" to not have lines (just points with error bars).
#' @param x.cont boolean.  Defaults to FALSE as current interaction plots are not for continuous predictors but included for future development.
#' @param legend boolean.  Defaults to TRUE. Adds legend to plot, removal causes other changes.
#' @param trace.label text. Adds a text label to the legend
#' @param leg.lab text. Changes the names of levels used in legend, must match the number of levels.
#' @param fixed boolean. Defaults to FALSE and relates to order of labels in legend.
#' @param x.leg Defaults to NULL. Determines x-location of legend on plot.
#' @param y.leg Defaults to NULL. Determines x-location of legend on plot.
#' @param cex.leg Defaults to 1. Size of text in legend.
#' @param ncol Defaults to 1. Number of columns for the legend. 1 is usually best.
#' @param pch Symbols for means in plot. Match number of levels as used in first variable in formula.
#' @param fun Function for finding the point estimates, defaults to finding the mean. Change not recommended.
#' @param ci.fun Function for finding the width of error bars, with default of plus/minus 1 SE. See function for details to change this.
#' @param err.width Defaults to 0.1 if less than 10 levels and 0 otherwise. Can specify wider or smaller than 0.1.
#' @param err.col Defaults to matching order of levels and other aspects of plot but can make contrasting error bars with other choices.
#' @param err.lty Defaults to 1. Line type for the error bars. Best to leave solid but can be changed.
#' @param xlim Defaults to NULL. Can make other choices to modify default choice that tries to make room for standard versions of interaction plots.
#' @param ylim Defaults to NULL. Can make other choices to modify default choice that tries to make room for standard versions of interaction plots.
#' @param cex Defaults to 1. Size of points for means in plot.
#' @param lwd Deafults to 1. Line width for lines in plot.
#' @param col Defaults to 1:10 for the colors used in the plot.
#' @param cex.axis Defaults to 1. Size of text for tick marks on x and y axis.
#' @param xaxt Defaults to "s". Change to "n" to remove x-axis tick marks.
#' @param main Title for plot.
#' @param cld boolean.  Defaults to FALSE. If true, adds compact letter display from Tukey's HSD that is run.
#' @param cldshift Defaults to 0.1. Amount to shift letters added to plot.
#' @param cldcol Colors for letters for CLD.
#' @param ... optional arguments to be passed to plot.
#' @details Function for making nice looking interaction plots with 1 SE-based intervals. Add Tukey's HSD results via Compact Letter Displays.
#' @examples
#' # must have the carData package installed
#' data(TitanicSurvival, package = "carData")
#' intplot(age ~ sex * survived, data = TitanicSurvival)

#' @export
intplot<-function (formula = NULL, data = NULL, type = "b", x.cont = FALSE,
                   legend = TRUE, trace.label = NULL, leg.lab = NULL, fixed = FALSE,
                   x.leg = NULL, y.leg = NULL, cex.leg = 1, ncol = 1, pch = c(16,
                                                                              21, 15, 22, 17, 24, c(3:14)), fun = function(x) mean(x,
                                                                                                                                   na.rm = TRUE), ci.fun = function(x) c(fun(x) - se(x),
                                                                                                                                                                         fun(x) + se(x)), err.width = if (length(levels(as.factor(x.factor))) >
                                                                                                                                                                                                          10) 0 else 0.1, err.col = col, err.lty = 1, xlim = NULL,
                   ylim = NULL, cex = NULL, lwd = NULL, col = 1:10, cex.axis = 1,
                   xaxt = "s",main=NULL ,cld=F, cldshift=0.1, cldcol="white", hor.shift=.02, ...)
  #Modifications by Mark Greenwood, July, 2020 based on interface from compareCatsL by Bryan Hanson, DePauw Univ, Jan 2010 and using the lineplot.CI from the sciplot package

  se<-function (x, na.rm = TRUE){ sqrt(var(x, na.rm = na.rm)/length(x[complete.cases(x)]))}

  fun <- eval(substitute(fun), envir = data)
  ci.fun = eval(substitute(ci.fun),envir=data)

  if((length(parse(text=as.character(formula[[2]]))))>1){return(print("Do not do transformations in formula call to function, transform variable prior to use of function"))}

  response <- eval(parse(text=as.character(formula[[2]])),data)
  x.factor <- factor(eval(parse(text=as.character(formula[[3]][3])),data))
  group <- factor(eval(parse(text=as.character(formula[[3]][2])),data))


  subset = NULL
  int.plot <- function(x.factor = x.factor, group = group,
                       response = response, type = c("l", "p", "b"), legend = legend,
                       trace.label = deparse(substitute(group)), fixed = FALSE,
                       xlab = deparse(xfname), ylab = ylabel,
                       lty = nc:1, pch = NA, xpd = NULL, leg.bg = par("bg"),
                       leg.bty = "n", xtick = FALSE, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
                       axes = TRUE, hshift = hor.shift, ...) {
    ylabel <- paste("Mean(", deparse(respname),")", "\u00B1", " 1 SE")
    if (is.null(mainlabel))    mainlabel<- paste("Interaction plot of", deparse(respname), "based on",deparse(xfname), "and", deparse(grpname) )
    type <- match.arg(type)
    cells <- tapply(response, list(x.factor, group), fun)
    nr <- nrow(cells)
    nc <- ncol(cells)
    xvals <- if (x.cont)
    else 1:nr

    if (is.ordered(x.factor)) {
      wn <- getOption("warn")
      options(warn = -1)
      xnm <- as.numeric(levels(x.factor))
      options(warn = wn)
      if (!any(is.na(xnm)))
        xvals <- xnm
    xvals.h <- matrix(rep(xvals,nc),ncol=nc)
    hshifts <- matrix(rep(seq(from=-hshift,to=hshift, length.out=nc),each=nr),ncol=nc)
    xvals.h <- xvals.h + hshifts #To move the points and CIs to not overlap
    xlabs <- rownames(cells)
    ylabs <- colnames(cells)
    nch <- max(sapply(ylabs, nchar, type = "width"))
    if (is.null(xlabs))
      xlabs <- as.character(xvals)
    if (is.null(ylabs))
      ylabs <- as.character(1:nc)
    if (is.null(xlim)) {
      xlim <- range(xvals)
      xleg <- xlim[2] + 0.05 * diff(xlim)
      xlim <- xlim + c(-0.2/nr, if (legend & is.null(x.leg) &
                                    is.null(y.leg)) 0.2 + 0.02 * nch else 0.2/nr) *
    else {
      xleg <- xlim[2] - 0.25 * diff(xlim)
    matplot(xvals.h, cells, ..., type = type, xlim = xlim,
            ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, axes = axes,
            xaxt = "n", col = col, lty = lty, lwd = lwd, pch = pch,main=mainlabel)
    if (axes && xaxt != "n") {
      axisInt <- function(x, main, sub, lwd, bg, log, asp,
                          ...) axis(1, x, ...)
      mgp. <- par("mgp")
      if (!xtick)
        mgp.[2] <- 0
      axisInt(1, at = xvals, labels = xlabs, tick = xtick,
              mgp = mgp., xaxt = xaxt, ...)
    ord <- sort.list(cells[nr, ], decreasing = TRUE)
    if (legend) {
      yrng <- diff(ylim)
      yleg <- ylim[2] - 0.1 * yrng
      if (!is.null(xpd) || {
        xpd. <- par("xpd")
        !is.na(xpd.) && !xpd. && (xpd <- TRUE)
      }) {
        op <- par(xpd = xpd)
      text(xleg, ylim[2] - 0.05 * yrng, paste("  ", trace.label),
           adj = 0)
      if (!fixed) {
        ylabs <- ylabs[ord]
        lty <- lty[1 + (ord - 1)%%length(lty)]
        col <- col[1 + (ord - 1)%%length(col)]
        pch <- pch[ord]
    return.data <- if (legend)
      list(pch = pch, ord = ord, xleg = xleg, yleg = yleg,
           ylabs = ylabs, lty = lty, leg.bty = leg.bty,
           leg.bg = leg.bg, ord = ord, xvals = xvals.h, cells = cells)
    else list(pch = pch, ord = ord, xvals = xvals)
  if (length(group[[1]]) > 1)
    group <- factor(interaction(group, lex.order = TRUE))
  group <- factor(group)
  groups <- list(x.factor, group)

  mn.data <- tapply(response, groups, fun)
  CI.data <- tapply(response, groups, ci.fun)
  plot.limits = c(min(c(unlist(mn.data), unlist(CI.data)),
                      na.rm = TRUE), max(c(unlist(mn.data), unlist(CI.data)),
                                         na.rm = TRUE))
  if (is.null(group)) {
    nlevels.x <- if (x.cont)
    else 1:nrow(mn.data)
    plot(nlevels.x, mn.data, xaxt = "n", type = type, col = col,
         pch = NA, cex = cex, cex.axis = cex.axis, lwd = lwd,
         xlim = if (is.null(xlim)) {
           c(min(nlevels.x) - 0.2, max(nlevels.x) + 0.2)
         else xlim, ylim = if (is.null(ylim))
         else ylim, ...)
    if (xaxt != "n")
      axis(1, labels = names(mn.data), at = nlevels.x,
           cex.axis = cex.axis, ...)
  else leg.vals <- int.plot(x.factor, group, response, type = type,
                            xlim = xlim, ylim = if (is.null(ylim))
                            else ylim, cex.axis = cex.axis, trace.label = trace.label,
                            pch = NA, legend = legend, ...)
  if (is.null(group)) {
    nlevels.x <- if (x.cont)
    else 1:nrow(mn.data)
    CI.seln <- !is.na(mn.data)
    CI.plot <- matrix(unlist(CI.data[CI.seln]), nrow = sum(CI.seln),
                      byrow = TRUE)
    suppressWarnings(arrows(nlevels.x[CI.seln], CI.plot[, 1], nlevels.x[CI.seln],
                            CI.plot[, 2], angle = 90, col = err.col, length = err.width,
                            code = 3, lwd = lwd, lty = err.lty))
  else {
    nlevels.y <- ncol(mn.data)
    for (i in 1:nlevels.y) {
      CI.seln <- !is.na(mn.data)[, i]
      CI.plot <- matrix(unlist(CI.data[CI.seln, i]), nrow = sum(CI.seln),
                        byrow = TRUE)
      suppressWarnings(arrows(leg.vals$xvals[CI.seln, i], CI.plot[, 1], leg.vals$xvals[CI.seln,i],
                              CI.plot[, 2], angle = 90, length = err.width,
                              col = if (length(err.col) > 1)
                              else err.col, lty = if (length(err.lty) > 1)
                              else err.lty, code = 3, lwd = lwd))
  if (type %in% c("p", "b")) {
    if (is.null(group)) {
      nlevels.x <- if (x.cont)
      else 1:nrow(mn.data)
      points(nlevels.x, mn.data, pch = pch[1], bg = "white",
             cex = cex, col = col)
    else {
      nlevels.y <- dim(mn.data)[2]
      for (i in 1:nlevels.y) points(leg.vals$xvals[,i], mn.data[,
                                                                i], pch = pch[i], bg = "white", col = if (length(col) >
                                    else col, cex = cex)
  if (legend & !is.null(group)) {
    legend(x = if (is.null(x.leg))
      else x.leg, y = if (is.null(y.leg))
      else y.leg, legend = if (!is.null(leg.lab))
      else {
        if (fixed)
        else leg.vals$ylabs
      }, pch = if (type %in% c("p", "b")) {
        if (!fixed)
        else pch
      }, col = if (type %in% c("p", "b")) {
        if (!fixed & length(col) > 1)
        else col
      }, lty = if (type %in% c("l", "b")) {
        if (fixed)
        else leg.vals$lty
      }, ncol = ncol, bty = leg.vals$leg.bty, bg = leg.vals$leg.bg,
      cex = cex.leg)
  if (cld==T){
    if(!require("multcomp")) stop("you need to install multcomp")
    #First, flatten two way model and run Tukey HSD
    #Create interaction version of two-way ANOVA model:
    #Then put letters from compact letter display (CLD) on the plot at close to correct locations
    if (cldcol=="white"){cldcol<-as.numeric(factor(cldres$mcletters$Letters))+1}
    #Need x-location from x.factor
    text(x=rep(1:length(levels(x.factor)),length(unique(group))),y=ymeans+cldshift, labels=cldres$mcletters$Letters,col=cldcol,cex=1.3*cex.axis)


  invisible(list(vals = mn.data, CI = CI.data))
greenwood-stat/catstats documentation built on Dec. 14, 2024, 6:25 p.m.