
# R6 inference class objects

# base node class
inference <- R6Class(
  public = list(
    model = NULL,

    # compute information
    compute_options = NULL,

    # RNG seed
    seed = 1,

    # size and current value of the free state
    n_free = 1L,
    free_state = 0,

    # and of the traced values
    n_traced = 1L,

    # where to write the traced values to
    trace_log_file = NULL,
    parameters = list(),
    tuning_periods = list(),

    # free state values for the last burst
    last_burst_free_states = list(),
    # all recorded free state values
    traced_free_state = list(),
    # all recorded greta array values
    traced_values = list(),
    initialize = function(initial_values,
                          parameters = list(),
                          seed = get_seed()) {

      self$parameters <- parameters
      self$model <- model
      free_parameters <- model$dag$example_parameters(free = TRUE)
      free_parameters <- unlist_tf(free_parameters)
      self$n_free <- length(free_parameters)
      # maybe inefficient-  potentially speed up?

      self$n_traced <- length(model$dag$trace_values(self$free_state))
      self$seed <- seed

    # Write burst values to log file; appends if the file exists, creates it if
    # not.
    write_trace_to_log_file = function(last_burst_values) {
      if (file.exists(self$trace_log_file)) {
        # Append
        write.table(last_burst_values, self$trace_log_file,
                    append = TRUE,
                    row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE
      } else {
        # Create file
        write.table(last_burst_values, self$trace_log_file,
                    append = FALSE,
                    row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE

    # write the percentage progress to a file
    write_percentage_log = function(total, completed, stage) {
      if (!is.null(self$percentage_file)) {
        percentage <- round(100 * completed / total)
        msg <- glue::glue(
          "{stage} {percentage}%"
        writeLines(msg, self$percentage_file)

    # set RNG seed for a tensorflow graph. Must be done before definition of a
    # random tensor
    set_tf_seed = function() {
      dag <- self$model$dag
      dag$tf_environment$rng_seed <- self$seed

    # check and try to autofill a single set of initial values (single vector on
    # free state scale)
    check_initial_values = function(inits,
                                    call = rlang::caller_env()) {
      undefined <- is.na(inits)

      # try to fill in any that weren't specified
      if (any(undefined)) {
        n_missing <- sum(undefined)

        valid <- FALSE
        attempts <- 1
        while (!valid & attempts < 20) {
          inits[undefined] <- rnorm(n_missing, 0, 0.1)

          # test validity of values
          valid <- self$valid_parameters(inits)
          attempts <- attempts + 1

        self$check_reasonable_starting_values(valid, attempts)

      } else {

        # if they were all provided, check they can be be used
        valid <- self$valid_parameters(inits)



    check_reasonable_starting_values = function(valid, attempts){
      if (!valid) {
          message = c(
            "Could not find reasonable starting values after \\
              {attempts} attempts.",
            "Please specify initial values manually via the \\
              {.arg initial_values} argument"

    check_valid_parameters = function(valid){
      if (!valid) {
            "The log density could not be evaluated at these initial values",
            "Try using these initials as the {.arg values} argument in \\
              {.fun calculate} to see what values of subsequent \\
              {.cls greta_array}s these initial values lead to."

    # check and set a list of initial values
    set_initial_values = function(init_list) {

      # check/autofill them
      init_list <- lapply(init_list, self$check_initial_values)

      # combine into a matrix
      inits <- do.call(rbind, init_list)

      # set them as the state
      self$free_state <- inits

    # check whether the model can be evaluated at these parameters
    valid_parameters = function(parameters) {
      dag <- self$model$dag
      tf_parameters <- fl(array(
        data = parameters,
        dim = c(1, length(parameters))
      ld <- lapply(
      is.finite(ld$adjusted) && is.finite(ld$unadjusted)

    # run a burst of sampling, and put the resulting free state values in
    # last_burst_free_states
    run_burst = function() {
        "no method to run a burst in the base inference class"
      self$last_burst_free_states <- free_states

    # store the free state, and/or corresponding values of the target greta
    # arrays for the latest batch of raw draws
    trace = function(free_state = TRUE, values = FALSE) {
      if (free_state) {

        # append the free state trace for each chain
        self$traced_free_state <- mapply(rbind,
                                         SIMPLIFY = FALSE

      if (values) {
        # calculate the observed values
        last_burst_values <- self$trace_burst_values()
        if (!is.null(self$trace_log_file)) {
        self$traced_values <- mapply(rbind,
                                     SIMPLIFY = FALSE

    # given a matrix of free state values, get a matrix of values of the target
    # greta arrays
    trace_burst_values = function(free_states = self$last_burst_free_states) {

      # can't use apply directly, as it will drop the variable name if there's
      # only one parameter being traced
      values_trace <- lapply(


    # is the sampler in one of the tuning periods for a given parameter
    in_periods = function(periods, i, n_samples) {
      within <- function(period, fraction) {
        fraction > period[1] & fraction <= period[2]

      fraction <- i / n_samples
      in_period <- vapply(periods, within, fraction, FUN.VALUE = FALSE)

#' @importFrom coda mcmc mcmc.list
sampler <- R6Class(
  inherit = inference,
  public = list(

    # sampler information
    sampler_number = 1,
    n_samplers = 1,
    n_chains = 1,
    numerical_rejections = 0,
    thin = 1,
    warmup = 1,

    # tuning information
    mean_accept_stat = 0.5,
    sum_epsilon_trace = NULL,
    hbar = 0,
    log_epsilon_bar = 0,
    tuning_interval = 3,
    uses_metropolis = TRUE,
    welford_state = list(
      count = 0,
      mean = 0,
      m2 = 0
    accept_target = 0.5,
    accept_history = NULL,

    # sampler kernel information
    parameters = list(
      epsilon = 0.1,
      diag_sd = 1

    # parallel progress reporting
    percentage_file = NULL,
    pb_file = NULL,
    pb_width = options()$width,

    # batch sizes for tracing
    trace_batch_size = 100,
    initialize = function(initial_values,
                          parameters = list(),
                          compute_options) {
      # initialize the inference method
        initial_values = initial_values,
        model = model,
        parameters = parameters,
        seed = seed

      self$n_chains <- nrow(self$free_state)

      # duplicate diag_sd if needed
      ## TODO improve explaining variable here - why does this need to happen?
      n_diag <- length(self$parameters$diag_sd)
      n_parameters <- self$n_free
      multiple_parameters <- n_parameters > 1
      if (n_diag != n_parameters && multiple_parameters) {
        diag_sd <- rep(self$parameters$diag_sd[1], n_parameters)
        self$parameters$diag_sd <- diag_sd

      # define the draws tensor on the tf graph
      # define_tf_draws is now used in place of of run_burst


    define_tf_evaluate_sample_batch = function(){
      self$tf_evaluate_sample_batch <- tensorflow::tf_function(
        f = self$define_tf_draws,
        input_signature = list(
          # free state
          tf$TensorSpec(shape = list(NULL, self$n_free),
                        dtype = tf_float()),
          # sampler_burst_length
          tf$TensorSpec(shape = list(),
                        dtype = tf$int32),
          # sampler_thin
          tf$TensorSpec(shape = list(),
                        dtype = tf$int32),
          # sampler_param_vec
          tf$TensorSpec(shape = list(
          dtype = tf_float()

    run_chain = function(n_samples, thin, warmup,
                         verbose, pb_update,
                         one_by_one, plan_is, n_cores, float_type,
                         from_scratch = TRUE) {
      self$warmup <- warmup
      self$thin <- thin
      dag <- self$model$dag

      # set the number of cores
      dag$n_cores <- n_cores

      if (!plan_is$parallel & verbose) {
      if (plan_is$parallel) {





      # create these objects if needed
      if (from_scratch) {
        self$traced_free_state <- replicate(self$n_chains,
                                            matrix(NA, 0, self$n_free),
                                            simplify = FALSE

        self$traced_values <- replicate(self$n_chains,
                                        matrix(NA, 0, self$n_traced),
                                        simplify = FALSE

      # how big would we like the bursts to be
      ideal_burst_size <- ifelse(one_by_one, 1L, pb_update)

      # if warmup is required, do that now
      if (warmup > 0) {
        if (verbose) {
          pb_warmup <- create_progress_bar(
            c(warmup, n_samples),

          iterate_progress_bar(pb_warmup, 0, 0, self$n_chains, self$pb_file)
        } else {
          pb_warmup <- NULL

        # split up warmup iterations into bursts of sampling
        burst_lengths <- self$burst_lengths(warmup,
                                            warmup = TRUE
        completed_iterations <- cumsum(burst_lengths)

        # relay between R and tensorflow in a burst to be cpu efficient
        for (burst in seq_along(burst_lengths)) {
          # TF1/2 check todo?
          # replace with define_tf_draws

          self$run_burst(n_samples = burst_lengths[burst])
          # align the free state back to the parameters we are tracing
          # TF1/2 check todo?
          # this is the tuning stage, might not need to evaluate
          # / record the parameter values, as they will be thrown away
          # after warmup - so could remove trace here.

          # a memory efficient way to calculate summary stats of samples
          self$tune(completed_iterations[burst], warmup)

          if (verbose) {

            # update the progress bar/percentage log
                                 it = completed_iterations[burst],
                                 rejects = self$numerical_rejections,
                                 chains = self$n_chains,
                                 file = self$pb_file

                                      stage = "warmup"

        # scrub the free state trace and numerical rejections
        self$traced_free_state <- replicate(self$n_chains,
                                            matrix(NA, 0, self$n_free),
                                            simplify = FALSE
        self$numerical_rejections <- 0

      if (n_samples > 0) {

        # on exiting during the main sampling period (even if killed by the
        # user) trace the free state values

        on.exit(self$trace_values(trace_batch_size), add = TRUE)

        # main sampling
        if (verbose) {
          pb_sampling <- create_progress_bar(
            c(warmup, n_samples),
          iterate_progress_bar(pb_sampling, 0, 0, self$n_chains, self$pb_file)
        } else {
          pb_sampling <- NULL

        # split up warmup iterations into bursts of sampling
        burst_lengths <- self$burst_lengths(n_samples, ideal_burst_size)
        completed_iterations <- cumsum(burst_lengths)

        for (burst in seq_along(burst_lengths)) {
          # so these bursts are R objects being passed through to python
          # and how often to return them
          # TF1/2 check todo
          # replace with define_tf_draws
          self$run_burst(n_samples = burst_lengths[burst],
                         thin = thin)
          # trace is it receiving the python

          if (verbose) {

            # update the progress bar/percentage log
                                 it = completed_iterations[burst],
                                 rejects = self$numerical_rejections,
                                 chains = self$n_chains,
                                 file = self$pb_file

                                      stage = "sampling"

      # return self, to send results back when running in parallel

    # update the welford accumulator for summary statistics of the posterior,
    # used for tuning
    update_welford = function() {

      # unlist the states into a matrix
      trace_matrix <- do.call(rbind, self$last_burst_free_states)

      count <- self$welford_state$count
      mean <- self$welford_state$mean
      m2 <- self$welford_state$m2

      for (i in seq_len(nrow(trace_matrix))) {
        new_value <- trace_matrix[i, ]

        count <- count + 1
        delta <- new_value - mean
        mean <- mean + delta / count
        delta2 <- new_value - mean
        m2 <- m2 + delta * delta2

      self$welford_state <- list(
        count = count,
        mean = mean,
        m2 = m2
    sample_variance = function() {
      count <- self$welford_state$count
      m2 <- self$welford_state$m2
      m2 / (count - 1)

    # convert traced free state to the traced values, accounting for
    # chain dimension
    trace_values = function(trace_batch_size) {
      self$traced_values <- lapply(self$traced_free_state,
                                   trace_batch_size = trace_batch_size

    # print the sampler number (if relevant)
    print_sampler_number = function() {
      msg <- ""

      if (self$n_samplers > 1) {
        msg <- glue::glue(
          "\n\nsampler {self$sampler_number}/{self$n_samplers}"

      if (self$n_chains > 1) {
        n_cores <- self$model$dag$n_cores
        compute_options <- self$compute_options

        cores_text <- compute_text(n_cores, compute_options)

        msg <- glue::glue(
          "\n\nrunning {self$n_chains} chains simultaneously {cores_text}"

      if (!identical(msg, "")) {
        msg <- cli::format_message(msg)

    # split the number of samples up into bursts of running the sampler,
    # considering the progress bar update frequency and the parameter tuning
    # schedule during warmup
    burst_lengths = function(n_samples, pb_update, warmup = FALSE) {

      # when to stop for progress bar updates
      changepoints <- c(seq(0, n_samples, by = pb_update), n_samples)

      if (warmup) {

        # when to break to update tuning
        tuning_points <- seq(0, n_samples, by = self$tuning_interval)

        # handle infinite tuning interval (for non-tuned mcmc)
        if (all(is.na(tuning_points))) {
          tuning_points <- c(0, n_samples)

        changepoints <- c(changepoints, tuning_points)

      changepoints <- sort(unique(changepoints))

    # overall tuning method
    tune = function(iterations_completed, total_iterations) {
      self$tune_epsilon(iterations_completed, total_iterations)
      self$tune_diag_sd(iterations_completed, total_iterations)
    tune_epsilon = function(iter, total) {

      # tuning periods for the tunable parameters (first 10%, last 60%)
      tuning_periods <- list(c(0, 0.1), c(0.4, 1))

      # whether we're tuning now
      tuning_now <- self$in_periods(

      if (tuning_now) {

        # epsilon & tuning parameters
        kappa <- 0.75
        gamma <- 0.1
        t0 <- 10
        mu <- log(t0 * 0.05)

        hbar <- self$hbar
        log_epsilon_bar <- self$log_epsilon_bar
        mean_accept_stat <- self$mean_accept_stat

        w1 <- 1 / (iter + t0)
        hbar <- (1 - w1) * hbar + w1 * (self$accept_target - mean_accept_stat)
        log_epsilon <- mu - hbar * sqrt(iter) / gamma
        w2 <- iter^-kappa
        log_epsilon_bar <- w2 * log_epsilon + (1 - w2) * log_epsilon_bar

        self$hbar <- hbar
        self$log_epsilon_bar <- log_epsilon_bar
        self$parameters$epsilon <- exp(log_epsilon)

        # if this is the end of the warmup, put the averaged epsilon back in for
        # the parameter
        if (iter == total) {
          self$parameters$epsilon <- exp(log_epsilon_bar)
    tune_diag_sd = function(iterations_completed, total_iterations) {

      # when, during warmup, to tune this parameter (after epsilon, but stopping
      # before halfway through)
      tuning_periods <- list(c(0.1, 0.4))

      tuning_now <- self$in_periods(

      if (tuning_now) {
        n_accepted <- sum(!self$accept_history)

        # provided there have been at least 5 acceptances in the warmup so far
        if (n_accepted > 5) {

          # get the sample posterior variance and shrink it
          sample_var <- self$sample_variance()
          shrinkage <- 1 / (n_accepted + 5)
          var_shrunk <- n_accepted * shrinkage * sample_var + 5e-3 * shrinkage
          self$parameters$diag_sd <- sqrt(var_shrunk)
    # TF1/2 check todo
    # need to convert this into a TF function
    define_tf_draws = function(free_state,
                               # pass values through
    ) {

      dag <- self$model$dag
      tfe <- dag$tf_environment

      # TF1/2 check seed
      # how do TF2 and TFP use seeds?

      sampler_kernel <- self$define_tf_kernel(

      # TF1/2 check
      # some sampler parameter values need to be re-run at each iteration to
      # decide, e.g., the leap step in HMC, which is run inside define_tf_kernel
      # currently we run `sample_parameter_values` which will randomly pick
      # an "l" step.
      # Need to understand if/how tf_function will re-run those values - might
      # need to pass these arguments directly

      # define the whole draws tensor
      # TF1/2 check
      # `seed` arg now gets passed to `sample_chain`.
      # Need to work out how to get sampler_batch() to run as a TF function.
      # To do that we need to work out how to get the free state

      sampler_batch <- tfp$mcmc$sample_chain(
        num_results = tf$math$floordiv(sampler_burst_length, sampler_thin),
        current_state = free_state,
        kernel = sampler_kernel,
        trace_fn = function(current_state, kernel_results) {
        num_burnin_steps = tf$constant(0L, dtype = tf$int32),
        num_steps_between_results = sampler_thin,
        parallel_iterations = 1L

    # run a burst of the sampler
    # TF1/2 check
    # this will be removed in favour of the tf_function decorated
    # define_tf_draws() function that takes in argument values
    # sampler_burst_length and sampler_thin
    run_burst = function(n_samples,
                         thin = 1L) {
      dag <- self$model$dag
      tfe <- dag$tf_environment

      param_vec <- unlist(self$sampler_parameter_values())
      # combine the sampler information with information on the sampler's tuning
      # parameters, and make into a dict

      # sampler_values <- list(
      #   # TF1/2 check
      # do we need free state here anymore?
      #   free_state = self$free_state,
      #   sampler_burst_length = as.integer(n_samples),
      #   sampler_thin = as.integer(thin)
      # )
      # # create a function that takes in these arguments ^^
      # # and then run the code for the sampler_batch

      dag$set_tf_data_list("batch_size", nrow(self$free_state))

      # run the sampler, handling numerical errors
      batch_results <- self$sample_carefully(
        free_state = self$free_state,
        sampler_burst_length = as.integer(n_samples),
        sampler_thin = as.integer(thin),
        sampler_param_vec = param_vec

      # get trace of free state and drop the null dimension
      if (is.null(batch_results$all_states)){
      free_state_draws <- as.array(batch_results$all_states)

      # if there is one sample at a time, and it's rejected, conversion from
      # python back to R can drop a dimension, so handle that here. Ugh.
      if (n_dim(free_state_draws) != 3) {
        dim(free_state_draws) <- c(1, dim(free_state_draws))

      self$last_burst_free_states <- split_chains(free_state_draws)

      n_draws <- nrow(free_state_draws)
      if (n_draws > 0) {
        free_state <- free_state_draws[n_draws, , , drop = FALSE]
        dim(free_state) <- dim(free_state)[-1]
        self$free_state <- free_state

      if (self$uses_metropolis) {

        # log acceptance probability
        log_accept_stats <- as.array(batch_results$trace$log_accept_ratio)
        is_accepted <- as.array(batch_results$trace$is_accepted)
        self$accept_history <- rbind(self$accept_history, is_accepted)
        accept_stats_batch <- pmin(1, exp(log_accept_stats))
        self$mean_accept_stat <- mean(accept_stats_batch, na.rm = TRUE)

        # numerical rejections parameter sets
        bad <- sum(!is.finite(log_accept_stats))
        self$numerical_rejections <- self$numerical_rejections + bad

    tf_evaluate_sample_batch = NULL,

    sample_carefully = function(free_state,
                                sampler_param_vec) {

      # tryCatch handling for numerical errors
      dag <- self$model$dag
      tfe <- dag$tf_environment
      # legacy: previously we used `n_samples` not `sampler_burst_length`
      n_samples <- sampler_burst_length

      result <- cleanly(
          free_state = tensorflow::as_tensor(
            dtype = tf_float()
          sampler_burst_length = tensorflow::as_tensor(sampler_burst_length),
          sampler_thin = tensorflow::as_tensor(sampler_thin),
          sampler_param_vec = tensorflow::as_tensor(
            dtype = tf_float(),
            shape = length(sampler_param_vec)
      ) # closing cleanly

      # if it's fine, batch_results is the output
      # if it's a non-numerical error, it will error
      # if it's a numerical error, batch_results will be an error object
      self$check_for_free_state_error(result, n_samples)


    check_for_free_state_error = function(result, n_samples){
      # if it's fine, batch_results is the output
      # if it's a non-numerical error, it will error
      # if it's a numerical error, batch_results will be an error object
      if (inherits(result, "error")) {

        # simple case that this is a single bad sample. Mock up a result and
        # pass it back
        if (n_samples == 1L) {
          result <- list(
            all_states = self$free_state,
            trace = list(
              log_accept_ratio = rep(-Inf, self$n_chains),
              is_accepted = rep(FALSE, self$n_chains)
        } else {

          greta_stash$tf_num_error <- result

          # otherwise, *one* of these multiple samples was bad. The sampler
          # won't be valid if we just restart, so we need to error here,
          # informing the user how to run one sample at a time
            message = c(
              "TensorFlow hit a numerical problem that caused it to error",
              "{.pkg greta} can handle these as bad proposals if you rerun \\
              {.fun mcmc} with the argument {.code one_by_one = TRUE}.",
              "This will slow down the sampler slightly.",
              "The error encountered can be recovered and viewed with:",
              "{.code greta_notes_tf_num_error()}"


    sampler_parameter_values = function() {

      # random number of integration steps

hmc_sampler <- R6Class(
  inherit = sampler,
  public = list(
    parameters = list(
      Lmin = 10,
      Lmax = 20,
      epsilon = 0.005,
      diag_sd = 1
    accept_target = 0.651,

    define_tf_kernel = function(sampler_param_vec) {

      dag <- self$model$dag
      tfe <- dag$tf_environment

      free_state_size <- length(sampler_param_vec) - 2

      # TF1/2 check
      # this will likely get replaced...

      hmc_l <- sampler_param_vec[0]
      hmc_epsilon <- sampler_param_vec[1]
      hmc_diag_sd <- sampler_param_vec[2:(1+free_state_size)]

      hmc_step_sizes <- tf$cast(
        x = tf$reshape(
          hmc_epsilon * (hmc_diag_sd / tf$reduce_sum(hmc_diag_sd)),
          shape = shape(free_state_size)
        dtype = tf$float64
      # TF1/2 check
      # where is "free_state" pulled from, given that it is the
      # argument to this function, "generate_log_prob_function" ?
      # log probability function

      # build the kernel
      # nolint start

      sampler_kernel <- tfp$mcmc$HamiltonianMonteCarlo(
        target_log_prob_fn = dag$tf_log_prob_function_adjusted,
        step_size = hmc_step_sizes,
        num_leapfrog_steps = hmc_l
      # nolint end
    sampler_parameter_values = function() {

      # random number of integration steps
      l_min <- self$parameters$Lmin
      l_max <- self$parameters$Lmax
      l <- sample(seq(l_min, l_max), 1)

      epsilon <- self$parameters$epsilon
      diag_sd <- matrix(self$parameters$diag_sd)

      # return named list for replacing tensors
        hmc_l = l,
        hmc_epsilon = epsilon,
        hmc_diag_sd = diag_sd

rwmh_sampler <- R6Class(
  inherit = sampler,
  public = list(
    parameters = list(
      proposal = "normal",
      epsilon = 0.1,
      diag_sd = 1
    accept_target = 0.44,

    define_tf_kernel = function(sampler_param_vec) {

      # wrap this up into a function to extract these out
      free_state_size <- length(sampler_param_vec) - 1 # get it from dag object
      # e.g., length(dag$free_state)
      rwmh_epsilon <- sampler_param_vec[0]
      rwmh_diag_sd <- sampler_param_vec[1:(1+free_state_size)]

      dag <- self$model$dag
      tfe <- dag$tf_environment

      tfe$rwmh_proposal <- switch(self$parameters$proposal,
                                  normal = tfp$mcmc$random_walk_normal_fn,
                                  uniform = tfp$mcmc$random_walk_uniform_fn

      # TF1/2 check
      # I think a good portion of this code could be abstracted away
      # Perhaps from `rwmh_epsilon` to `new_state_fn`
      # could be passed
      # tfe$log_prob_fun <- dag$generate_log_prob_function()

      # tensors for sampler parameters
      # rwmh_epsilon <- tf$compat$v1$placeholder(dtype = tf_float())

      # need to pass in the value for this placeholder as a matrix (shape(n, 1))
      # rwmh_diag_sd <- tf$compat$v1$placeholder(
      #   dtype = tf_float(),
      #   # TF1/2 check
      # again what do we with with `free_state`?
      #   shape = shape(dim(free_state)[[2]], 1)
      # )

      # but it step_sizes must be a vector (shape(n, )), so reshape it
      rwmh_step_sizes <- tf$reshape(
        rwmh_epsilon * (rwmh_diag_sd / tf$reduce_sum(rwmh_diag_sd)),
        # TF1/2 check
        # what are we to do about `free_state` here?
        shape = shape(free_state_size)

      new_state_fn <- tfe$rwmh_proposal(scale = rwmh_step_sizes)

      # build the kernel
      # nolint start
      sampler_kernel <- tfp$mcmc$RandomWalkMetropolis(
        target_log_prob_fn = dag$tf_log_prob_function_adjusted,
        new_state_fn = new_state_fn
      # nolint end
    sampler_parameter_values = function() {
      epsilon <- self$parameters$epsilon
      diag_sd <- matrix(self$parameters$diag_sd)

      # return named list for replacing tensors
        rwmh_epsilon = epsilon,
        rwmh_diag_sd = diag_sd

slice_sampler <- R6Class(
  inherit = sampler,
  public = list(
    parameters = list(
      max_doublings = NA
    tuning_interval = Inf,
    uses_metropolis = FALSE,

    define_tf_kernel = function(sampler_param_vec) {
      slice_max_doublings <- tensorflow::as_tensor(
        x = sampler_param_vec[0],
        dtype = tf$int32

      dag <- self$model$dag
      tfe <- dag$tf_environment

      # build the kernel
      # nolint start
      sampler_kernel <- tfp$mcmc$SliceSampler(
        target_log_prob_fn = dag$tf_log_prob_function_adjusted,
        step_size = fl(1),
        max_doublings = slice_max_doublings

      # nolint end
    sampler_parameter_values = function() {
      max_doublings <- as.integer(self$parameters$max_doublings)

      # return named list for replacing tensors
      list(slice_max_doublings = max_doublings)

    # no additional here tuning
    tune = function(iterations_completed, total_iterations) {

greta-dev/greta documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 5:03 a.m.