
ncbi allows to search, download and parse data records from various NCBI databases.

This package builds on the interface to the NCBI Entrez facilities provided by the package rentrez but attempts to parse the retrieved XML or text records into native R objects.

Sequences in fasta format are returned as AAStringSet or DNAStringSet objects. GenBank flat files are returned as gbRecord objects (Package biofiles). Taxon records are returned as taxon or taxonList objects, PubMed records are returned as pubmed objects.

Currently implemented are functions for the sequence databases protein, nuccore, nucgss, and nucest, as well as for pubmed and taxonomy.


This package is currently only available via github. It depends on a number of utility functions provided in my rmisc package. Use Hadley Wickham's devtools to install:

ncbi depends on functionality provided by packages currently not available from CRAN: rentrez, biofiles, and rmisc.

Use Hadley Wickham's devtools to install:

install_github("rmisc", "gschofl")
install_github("rentrez", "gschofl")
install_github("biofiles", "gschofl")
install_github("ncbi", "gschofl")

Important functions

protein, nucleotide, EST, and GSS

parseTSeqSet, and parseGenBank

pubmed, parsePubmed, and browsePubmed

taxon and parseTaxon


Retrieving protein sequences for Chlamydia psittaci 6BC:

Let's first retrieve the accession numbers for all proteins for C. psittaci 6BC. As a default retmax is set to 100. To get all accession numbers we set retmax = NULL and rettype='acc'.

psit_acc <- protein("Chlamydia psittaci 6BC[ORGN]", rettype = "acc", retmax = NULL)

 ##    [1] "Q46203.1"       "F0T4D1.1"       "Q46225.1"       "F0T376.1"      
 ##    [5] "YP_005663703.1" "YP_005663701.1" "YP_005663699.1" "YP_005663704.1"
 ##    [9] "YP_005663702.1" "YP_005663700.1" "YP_005663698.1" "YP_005663696.1"
 ##   [13] "YP_005663694.1" "YP_005663692.1" "YP_005663690.1" "YP_005663688.1"

Download the first 10 proteins. The default retrieval type is fasta and gets parsed into an AAStringSet or DNAStringSet. Parsing can be turned of by setting the attribute parse = FALSE.

psit_seq <- protein(psit_acc[1:10])

 ##    A AAStringSet instance of length 10
 ##       width seq                                         names               
protein(psit_acc[1:10], parse = FALSE)

 ##  <?xml version="1.0"?>
 ##  <!DOCTYPE TSeqSet PUBLIC "-//NCBI//NCBI TSeq/EN" "">
 ##  <TSeqSet>
 ##    <TSeq>
 ##      <TSeq_seqtype value="protein"/>
 ##      <TSeq_gi>75428263</TSeq_gi>
 ##      <TSeq_accver>Q46203.1</TSeq_accver>
 ##      <TSeq_taxid>331636</TSeq_taxid>

Look at the metadata that comes with the sequences


 ##  [1] "gi"      "accver"  "sid"     "local"   "taxid"   "orgname" "defline"
 ##  [8] "length"

 ##   [1] "RecName: Full=Major outer membrane porin; Short=MOMP; Flags: Precursor"                                                                                                                                                                                  
 ##   [2] "RecName: Full=3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase; Short=Kdo transferase; AltName: Full=Kdo(2)-lipid IV(A) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase; AltName: Full=Kdo(3)-lipid IV(A) 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid transferase; AltNam>"
 ##   [3] "RecName: Full=2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase; AltName: Full=3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid 8-phosphate synthase; AltName: Full=KDO-8-phosphate synthase; Short=KDO 8-P synthase; Short=KDOPS; AltName: Full=Phospho-2-dehydro-3-deoxyocton>"
 ##   [4] "RecName: Full=Small cysteine-rich outer membrane protein omcA; Short=Small-CRP; AltName: Full=9 kDa cysteine-rich lipoprotein; Short=9KD-CRP; Flags: Precursor"                                                                                          
 ##   [5] "replicative DNA helicase [Chlamydophila psittaci 6BC]"                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 ##   [6] "hypothetical protein G5O_p0004 [Chlamydophila psittaci 6BC]"                                                                                                                                                                                             
 ##   [7] "hypothetical protein G5O_p0002 [Chlamydophila psittaci 6BC]"                                                                                                                                                                                             
 ##   [8] "site-specific recombinase, phage integrase family [Chlamydophila psittaci 6BC]"                                                                                                                                                                          
 ##   [9] "hypothetical protein G5O_p0005 [Chlamydophila psittaci 6BC]"                                                                                                                                                                                             
 ##  [10] "sporulation initiation inhibitor protein soj [Chlamydophila psittaci 6BC]"

Fetch the full Genbank entry for a protein

gi5 <- elementMetadata(psit_seq)[["gi"]][5]
p <- protein(gi5, "gp")

 ##  Parsing features into "file7a619c5daf2.db"

 ##  'gbRecord' database 'file7a619c5daf2.db' with 10 features
 ##  LOCUS       YP_005663703 458 aa AA linear BCT 27-SEP-2012
 ##  DEFINITION  replicative DNA helicase [Chlamydophila psittaci 6BC].
 ##  ACCESSION   YP_005663703
 ##  VERSION     YP_005663703.1 GI:384451104
 ##  DBLINK      Project: 159845
 ##  DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession NC_017288.1
 ##  KEYWORDS    .
 ##  SOURCE      Chlamydophila psittaci 6BC (Chlamydia psittaci 6BC)
 ##    ORGANISM  Chlamydophila psittaci 6BC
 ##              Bacteria; Chlamydiae; Chlamydiales; Chlamydiaceae;
 ##               Chlamydia/Chlamydophila group; Chlamydia.
 ##  REFERENCE   Not implemented yet
 ##  COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject
 ##               to final NCBI review. The reference sequence is identical
 ##               to AEB56030. Method: conceptual translation.
 ##  ORIGIN      mikqseeekdlldveffvlgqavnylehahvvvrrlsehhfksenhknifllirdilrdrd
 ##               ...
 ##               gqieqdadvilflhrkdyysqeatkglseiivgknrhgsvfsttlrfnsctgkftiqkeaw

 ##  'gbFeatureList' with 10 features:
 ##  Feature:         Location/Qualifiers:
 ##   source          1..458
 ##                   /organism="Chlamydophila psittaci 6BC"
 ##                   /strain="6BC"
 ##                   /culture_collection="ATCC:VR-125"
 ##                   /db_xref="taxon:331636"
 ##                   /plasmid="pCps6BC"

Retrieving taxon information for Chlamydiaceae:

Which taxa within the family Chlamydiaceae are on NCBI

tx <- taxon("Chlamydiaceae[subtree]", "uilist", retmax = NULL)

 ##  [1] 254
head(tx, 10)

 ##   [1] 1283074 1282969 1282882 1282662 1282442 1260223 1260222 1238237
 ##   [9] 1238236 1238235

Download all taxon records

txlist <- taxon("Chlamydiaceae[subtree]", retmax = NULL)

 ##  A 'taxonList' instance of length 254
 ##  Chlamydia psittaci FalTex (1283074; no rank) 
 ##  Chlamydia psittaci 6BC/83 (1282969; no rank) 
 ##  Chlamydia psittaci CT1 (1282882; no rank) 
 ##  Chlamydia psittaci str. Borg (1282662; no rank) 
 ##  Chlamydia psittaci RTH (1282442; no rank) 
 ##  Chlamydia trachomatis IU888 (1260223; no rank) 
 ##  Chlamydia trachomatis IU824 (1260222; no rank) 
 ##  Chlamydia psittaci 10_1398_11 (1238237; no rank) 
 ##  Chlamydia psittaci 10_743_SC13 (1238236; no rank) 

The scientific names of all those recognized as species

sciName(txlist)[taxRank(txlist) == "species"]

 ##   [1] "Chlamydia sp. 10DC88"                 
 ##   [2] "Chlamydia sp. 12DC97"                 
 ##   [3] "Chlamydia sp. 12DC96"                 
 ##   [4] "Chlamydia sp. PV_7344/2"              
 ##   [5] "Chlamydia sp. PV_7341/13"             
 ##   [6] "Chlamydia sp. PV_58394/2012"          
 ##   [7] "Chlamydia sp. PV_48558/2010"          
 ##   [8] "Chlamydia sp. PV_3954/22"             
 ##   [9] "Chlamydia sp. PV_3515/3"              
 ##  [10] "Chlamydia sp. PV_2863/2"              

Retrieving data from Pubmed:

First we search PubMed for all publications with Chlamydia psittaci in the title from 2010 to 2012. We use the esearch function from rentrez for greater control over the search.

pmid <- esearch("Chlamydia psittaci[TITL] and ", "pubmed", mindate = 2010, maxdate = 2012)

 ##  ESearch query using the 'pubmed' database.
 ##  Query term: 'Chlamydia psittaci[TITL] AND 2010[EDAT] : 2012[EDAT]'
 ##  Total number of hits: 24
 ##  Number of hits retrieved: 24
 ##   [1] "23265868" "23227890" "23209198" "23189195" "23098816" "22957128"
 ##   [7] "22689815" "22506068" "22472082" "22382892" "22302240" "22299031"
 ##  [13] "22296995" "21921110" "21885218" "21846923" "21791668" "21761223"
 ##  [19] "21622741" "21393457" "21173126" "21152037" "20807089" "22802266"

Now we fetch the first 5 of these records from PubMed. We can extract the PMIDs from the esearch object using the function idList and pass them to pubmed or, more conveniently, simply pass on the subsetted `esearch object.

ids <- idList(pmid)

 ##  [1] "23265868" "23227890" "23209198" "23189195" "23098816"
p <- pubmed(pmid[1:5])

 ##  A 'pubmed' instance of length 5
 ##  [1] Pmid: 23265868 References: 1
 ##  -------------------------------------------------------------------
 ##  Ostermann C, Schroedl W, Schubert E, Sachse K and Reinhold P
 ##  (2012). "Dose-dependent effects of Chlamydia psittaci infection on
 ##  pulmonary gas exchange, innate immunity and acute-phase reaction
 ##  in a bovine respiratory model." _Veterinary journal (London,
 ##  England : 1997)_. ISSN 1532-2971, <URL:
 ##  [2] Pmid: 23227890 References: 1
 ##  -------------------------------------------------------------------
 ##  Gartrell B, French N, Howe L, Nelson N, Houston M, Burrows E,
 ##  Russell J and Anderson S (2012). "First detection of Chlamydia
 ##  psittaci from a wild native passerine bird in New Zealand." _New
 ##  Zealand veterinary journal_. ISSN 0048-0169, <URL:

Which journals where they published in?


 ##  [[1]]
 ##  [1] "Veterinary journal (London, England : 1997)"
 ##  attr(,"abbrev")
 ##  [1] "Vet. J."
 ##  attr(,"issn")
 ##  [1] "1532-2971"
 ##  [[2]]
 ##  [1] "New Zealand veterinary journal"
 ##  attr(,"abbrev")
 ##  [1] "N Z Vet J"
 ##  attr(,"issn")

Which are the authors?


 ##  [[1]]
 ##  [1] "Carola Ostermann" "Wieland Schroedl" "Evelyn Schubert" 
 ##  [4] "Konrad Sachse"    "Petra Reinhold"  
 ##  [[2]]
 ##  [1] "Bd Gartrell" "Np French"   "L Howe"      "Nj Nelson"   "M Houston"  
 ##  [6] "Ea Burrows"  "Jc Russell"  "Sh Anderson"
 ##  [[3]]
 ##  [1] "Sarah Van Lent"         "Jurgen R Piet"         
 ##  [3] "Delphine Beeckman"      "Arie van der Ende"     
 ##  [5] "Filip Van Nieuwerburgh" "Patrik Bavoil"         

And finally which are the DOIs?


 ##   [1] doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2012.10.035
 ##   [2] doi:10.1080/00480169.2012.740656
 ##   [3] doi:10.1128/JB.01828-12
 ##   [4] doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050327
 ##   [5] doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2012.09.026

gschofl/ncbi documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:53 a.m.