
Defines functions gameStartScenario

#' R6 classes for the Castle of R game

Room <- R6::R6Class("Room",
                public = list(
                  name = NULL,
                  title = NULL,
                  door = NULL,
                  object = NULL,
                  timeLimit = Inf,
                  object_numbers = NULL,
                  floor = NULL,
                  additionalCommentToGreetMessage = NULL,
                  initialize = function(name = NA, title = NA, floor = NA,
                                        comment = NA) {
                    self$name <- name
                    self$title <- title
                    self$floor <- floor
                    self$additionalCommentToGreetMessage <- comment
                    # self$additionalCommentToGreetMessage <- ifelse(comment == "NoComment",
                    #                                                "", comment)
                  set_doors = function(doors) {
                    self$door <- doors
                  set_objects = function(objects) {
                    self$object <- objects
                    self$object_numbers <- 1:length(objects)
                  set_timeLimit = function(timeLimit) {
                    self$timeLimit <- as.numeric(timeLimit)
                  set_additionalCommentToGreetMessage = function(comment) {
                    self$additionalCommentToGreetMessage <- comment
                  countLockedDoors = function() {
                    sum(sapply(self$door, function(door) !door$open))
                  doorsList_toString = function(directionChosen) {
                    l <- self$door
                    s <- ""
                    if (!is.null(l) && is.list(l) && length(l) > 0) {
                      s <- paste0(s, "You see ")
                      if (length(l) == 1) {
                        s <- paste0(s,
                                    l[[1]]$toString(self$name, directionChosen),
                                    " (1).")
                      } else {
                        doorStrings <- lapply(l,
                                                x$toString(self$name, directionChosen))
                        numbers <- 1:length(l)
                        s <- paste0(s,
                                          " (", numbers[-length(l)], ")"),
                                        collapse = ", "),
                                      " and ", doorStrings[length(l)],
                                      " (", numbers[length(l)], ")."))
                  objectsList_toString = function() {
                    l <- self$object
                    numbers <- self$object_numbers
                    s <- ""
                    if (!is.null(l) && is.list(l) && length(l) > 0) {
                      takenObjectsIdx <- which(sapply(l, function(obj) !obj$taken))
                      l <- l[takenObjectsIdx]
                      numbers <- numbers[takenObjectsIdx]
                      if (length(l) > 0) {
                        s <- paste0(s, "Around you, you see ")
                        if (length(l) == 1) {
                          s <- paste0(s, l[[1]]$toString(), " (", numbers[1], ").")
                        } else {
                          objStrings <- lapply(l, function(x) x$toString())
                          s <- paste0(s,
                                            " (", numbers[-length(l)], ")"),
                                          collapse = ", "),
                                        " and ", objStrings[length(l)],
                                        " (", numbers[length(l)], ")."))
                  greet = function(directionChosen = NULL) {
                    floorNum <- switch(self$floor, "1" = "1st", "2" = "2nd",
                                       "3" = "3rd", "4" = "4th")
                    objectsString <- self$objectsList_toString()
                    doorsString <- self$doorsList_toString(directionChosen)
                    message(paste0("You are in ", self$title, ", ", floorNum,
                                   " floor.\n",
                                   ifelse(objectsString == "", doorsString, paste0("\n", doorsString)),
                                   ifelse(is.na(self$additionalCommentToGreetMessage), "",
                                                paste0("\n", self$additionalCommentToGreetMessage))))

Door <- R6::R6Class("Door",
                public = list(
                  direction = list(NULL, NULL),
                  room = list(NULL, NULL),
                  riddle = list(NULL, NULL),
                  open = FALSE,
                  initialize = function(direction = NA,
                                        room = list(NA, NA),
                                        riddle = list(NA, NA)) {
                    if (!direction %in% c("north", "south", "east", "west", "up", "down")) {
                      stop("invalid direction")
                    self$direction[[1]] <- direction
                    self$direction[[2]] <- self$reverseDirection(self$direction[[1]])
                    self$room <- room
                    self$riddle <- riddle
                    names(self$riddle) <- self$getRoomsNames()
                    names(self$direction) <- self$getRoomsNames()
                  getRoomsNames = function() {
                    lapply(self$room, function(room) room$name)
                  openDoor = function() {
                    self$open <- TRUE
                  lockDoor = function() {
                    self$open <- FALSE
                  reverseDirection = function(direction) {
                           "north" = "south",
                           "south" = "north",
                           "east" = "west",
                           "west" = "east",
                           "up" = "down",
                           "down" = "up")
                  getRiddle = function(room) {
                  getRoom = function(room) {
                  getNextRoom = function(room) {
                    self$room[[which(self$getRoomsNames() != room)]]
                  getDirection = function(room) {
                  toString = function(room, directionChosen) {
                    currentDirection <- self$getDirection(room)
                    s <- switch(currentDirection,
                           "north" = "a door to the north",
                           "south" = "a door to the south",
                           "east" = "a door to the east",
                           "west" = "a door to the west",
                           "up" = "a hatch in the ceiling to an upper floor",
                           "down" = "a hatch on the ground to a lower floor")
                    if (!is.null(directionChosen)) {
                      reverseDirectionChosen <- self$reverseDirection(directionChosen)
                      if (reverseDirectionChosen == currentDirection) {
                        s <- paste0(s, " (where you just came from)")

Object <- R6::R6Class("Object",
                  public = list(
                    name = NULL,
                    location = NULL,
                    riddle = NULL,
                    taken = FALSE,
                    type = NULL,
                    points = NULL,
                    initialize = function(name = NA, location = NA, type = NA,
                                          points = NA, riddle = NA) {
                      self$name <- name
                      self$location <- location
                      self$type <- type
                      self$points <- as.numeric(points)
                      self$riddle <- riddle
                    toString = function() {
                      prefix <- ifelse(grepl("^[aeiou]", self$name), "an", "a")
                      paste0(prefix, " ", self$name, " ", self$location)
                    takeObject = function() {
                      self$taken <- TRUE

Riddle <- R6::R6Class("Riddle",
                  public = list(
                    question = NULL,
                    solution = NULL,
                    val = NULL,
                    hint = NULL,
                    tip = NULL,
                    floorMapsIdx = NULL,
                    prepare = NULL,
                    cleanup = NULL,
                    initialize = function(question = NA, solution = NA, val = NA,
                                          hint = NA, tip = NA, floorMapsIdx = NA,
                                          prepare = NA, cleanup = NA) {
                      self$question <- question
                      self$solution <- solution
                      self$val <- tryCatch(as.numeric(val),
                                           warning = function(w) val)
                      self$hint <- hint
                      self$tip <- tip
                      self$floorMapsIdx <- floorMapsIdx
                      self$prepare <- prepare
                      self$cleanup <- cleanup
                    askQuestion = function() {
                    getSolution = function() {
                    getHint = function() {

TimeRoom <- R6::R6Class("TimeRoom",
                    inherit = Room,
                    public = list(
                      riddle = NULL,
                      timeLimit = NULL,
                      floorMapsIdx = NULL,
                      initialize = function(name = NA, title = NA, timeLimit = NA, floorMapsIdx = NA) {
                        self$name <- name
                        self$title <- title
                        self$timeLimit <- as.numeric(timeLimit)
                        self$floorMapsIdx <- floorMapsIdx
                      set_riddles = function(riddles) {
                        self$riddle <- riddles
                      set_timeLimit = function(timeLimit) {
                      greet = function(alreadyHasMap = FALSE) {
                        message(paste0("Oh oh. You reached ", self$title,
                                       ".\n\nThis means you have ",
                                       self$timeLimit, " minutes to answer these ",
                                       " questions.\nIf you don't make it - Lady R will get you.\nBut if you do - you will return to the previous room ",
                                       ifelse(!alreadyHasMap, "with a valuable\npiece of information.",
                                              "(with nothing 'cause you've already been here!)."), "\n"))

DarkRoom <- R6::R6Class("DarkRoom",
                    inherit = Room,
                    public = list(
                      nObjectsLeave = NULL,
                      #timeLimit = Inf,
                      initialize = function(name = NA, title = NA, nObjectsLeave = NA) {
                        self$name <- name
                        self$title <- title
                        self$nObjectsLeave <- as.numeric(nObjectsLeave)
                      greet = function(directionChosen = NULL) {
                        message(paste0("Damn! You reached ", self$title,
                                       "!\n\nYou can't see a thing.\n\nSuddenly, you see a small candle light approaching towards you.\nOh no! It's Lady R! She's laughing maniacally and is coming towards you!\n\nQuick! To go back you must leave behind ",
                                       self$nObjectsLeave, " objects. Do you have enough stuff in your satchel to go back?"))

gameStartScenario <- function() {
  message("Welcome to the Castle of R!")
  message("\nCastle of R is a text-based adventure, based on the canonical 'An Introduction to R' book, by Venables, Smith and the R Core Team. The purpose of this game is to test your skills in base R.")
  message("\nIf at (almost) any stage you'd like to quit the game and possibly return back later, enter endGame(). Let's begin.")
  message("\nYou're in the Castle lounge, 1st floor.\nYou're sitting in front of Lady R, an elderly and pleasant woman, who is the owner of the Castle of R.\nBehind you there's a window with a lovely view to the gardens of the Castle of R.\nIn front of you, over Lady R's shoulder, you can see a door, towards the north.")
  message("Lady R is asking for your name.")
  playerName <- readline()
  message(paste0("\"Pleased to meet you ", playerName, ". Would like some tea?\""))
  tea <- menu(c("yes", "no")) == 1
  if (tea) {
    message("Lady R pours you a cup of tea. You drink the tea and at the bottom of the cup you see a strange message:\n      \"Read.\"\n")
  message("Lady R says:\"Biscuits?\"")
  biscuits <- menu(c("yes", "no")) == 1
  if (biscuits) {
    message("Lady R serves you a small plate with biscuits. You eat the biscuits and at the bottom of the plate it says:\n      \"Run.\"")
  } else {
    message("\"Quite the ascetic, aren't we? Very well then.\"")
  message("\nSuddenly Lady R gets off her chair.\nShe no longer looks pleasant. In fact she's holding a knife and saying:\n\"I'm so glad you could join me at this beautiful day. I need me a fresh R gimp!\"\nYou realize you need to run. But where?")
  message("\nYou move towards the northern door with your satchel, quick! Write \"openDoor(1)\"! Hurry!")
  startTime <- Sys.time()

Lounge <- R6::R6Class("Lounge",
                  inherit = Room,
                  public = list(
                    startScenario = function() {

Bridge <- R6::R6Class("Bridge",
                      inherit = Room,
                      public = list(
                        greet = function(directionChosen = NULL) {
                          doorsString <- self$doorsList_toString(directionChosen)
                          message(paste0("You are crossing ", self$title,
                                         ".\n", doorsString))
gsimchoni/CastleOfR documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:23 p.m.