
examples.make.pages = function() {
	gameId = "UltStratMeth"

	rg = get.rg(gameId=gameId)
	make.stage.page(stage = 2,rg=rg)

load.rg.wait.page = function(rg,  pages.dir = get.pages.dir(gameId=rg$gameId), file=NULL, make.if.missing = TRUE, remake.auto = !TRUE) {
	if (is.null(file)) {
		file = paste0("wait-page.Rmd")
		if (!file.exists(file.path(pages.dir,file)) & !remake.auto)
			file = paste0("wait-page.auto.Rmd")

	if (!file.exists(file.path(pages.dir,file))) {
		if (make.if.missing) {
			page = make.wait.page(rg=rg)
		} else {
			stop(paste0("Wait page for for game ", rg$gameId, " does not exist in folder ", pages.dir))
	} else {
		page = readLines(file.path(pages.dir,file))

load.rg.stage.page = function(stage, rg,  pages.dir = get.pages.dir(gameId=rg$gameId), file=NULL, make.if.missing = TRUE, remake.auto = TRUE) {
	if (is.numeric(stage) | is.character(stage)) {
		stage = rg$stages[[stage]]
	if (is.null(file)) {
		file = paste0(stage$name,".Rmd")
		if (!file.exists(file.path(pages.dir,file)) & !remake.auto)
			file = paste0(stage$name,".auto.Rmd")

	if (!file.exists(file.path(pages.dir,file))) {
		if (make.if.missing) {
			page = make.stage.page(stage=stage, rg=rg)
		} else {
			stop(paste0("Page for stage ", stage$name, " for game ", rg$gameId, " does not exist in folder ", pages.dir))
	} else {
		page = readLines(file.path(pages.dir,file))

make.rg.pages = function(rg) {
	for (stage in rg$stages) {
		make.stage.page(stage=stage, rg=rg)

make.wait.page = function(rg, pages.dir = get.pages.dir(gameId=rg$gameId), file = NULL, lang="en") {
	if (is.null(file)) {
		file = paste0("wait-page.auto.Rmd")
	txt = paste0("<h3>Please wait...</h3>")
	writeLines(txt, file.path(pages.dir, file))

make.stage.page = function(stage=rg$stages[[1]], rg, pages.dir = get.pages.dir(gameId=rg$gameId), file = NULL, lang="en") {

	if (is.numeric(stage) | is.character(stage)) stage = rg$stages[[stage]]

	if (is.null(file)) {
		file = paste0(stage$name,".auto.Rmd")

	head.txt = paste0(
'<h3>', stage$name,'</h3>
<h4>Player: {{.player}}</h4>'
	if (is.call(stage$observe)) {
		obs.txt = paste0("Cannot automatically generate observations for R formula <br>\n",deparse1(stage$observe))
	} else {
		obs.vars = setdiff(stage$observe, c("",stage$domain.vars))
		if (length(obs.vars)>0) {
			obs.txt = paste0(stage$observe, ": {{", stage$observe,"}}", collapse = "<br>\n" )
			obs.txt = paste0("\n\n<h3>Observations</h3>\n<p>\n", obs.txt,"\n</p>")
		} else {
			obs.txt = ""

	action.txt = ""
	if (length(stage$actions)>0) {
		action.txt = lapply(stage$actions, make.page.action.txt, rg=rg, stage=stage)
		action.txt = paste0("\n",paste0(action.txt, collapse="\n<br>\n"))

	addin.txt = ""
	if (length(stage$ai.li)>0) {
		addin.txt = lapply(stage$ai.li, make.page.addin.txt, rg=rg, stage=stage)
		addin.txt = paste0("\n",paste0(addin.txt, collapse="\n<br>\n"))

	btn.txt = paste0('\n<br>\n{{submitPageBtn("Press to proceed")}}')
	txt = c(head.txt, obs.txt,addin.txt, action.txt, btn.txt)

	if (!dir.exists(pages.dir))
		try(dir.create(pages.dir, recursive = TRUE))

	writeLines(txt, file.path(pages.dir,file))



make.page.addin.txt = function(ai, rg, stage) {
  txt = paste0("<!-- ",ai$type, ": ", ai$name, "-->")

  fun = paste0("gtree.addin.", ai$type,".page.txt")
  if (!exists(fun, mode="function")) {
    txt = paste0(txt, "\n<!-- not shown on page because there is no function ", fun,"-->")

  ai.txt = do.call(fun, list(ai=ai, rg=rg, stage=stage))
  paste0(txt, "\n", ai.txt)

make.page.action.txt = function(action,rg, stage) {
	label = paste0(action$name,":")
	choiceLabels = action$labels
	if (identical(choiceLabels,"")) choiceLabels=NULL

	if (is.null(choiceLabels)) {
		clc = "NULL"
	} else {
		clc = paste0("c(", paste0('"', choiceLabels,'"', collapse=", "),")")

	if (!is.null(action$domain.var)) {
		domain.var = action$domain.var
		domain.var.td = paste0('<td>', domain.var,'</td>', collapse=" ")
		domain.val.td = paste0('<td>{{domain.val[["', domain.var,'"]]}}</td>', collapse=" ")

		table.class = paste0("table-",stage$name,"-",action$name)
		res = paste0('
Choose your action "',action$name,'" conditional on the value of "',paste0(domain.var, collapse=", "),'"
You can adapt the style of the strategy method table cells here. -->
	table.',table.class,' > tbody > tr > td {
		border-bottom: solid;
		border-bottom-width: 1px;
		padding-left: 5px;
	table.',table.class,' table.rowRadioTable td {
		padding-left: 5px;
		padding-right: 3px;
		padding-top: 3px;
		padding-bottom: 3px;
<table class="',table.class,'">
<tr>', domain.var.td,'<td>Your choice</td></tr>

#< stratMethRows action= "',action$name,'"
<!-- possible input types: "rowRadio", "select", "radio" -->
<td>{{stratMethInput(inputType="rowRadio", choiceLabels= ', clc,')}}</td>
#> end stratMethRows

'{{actionField(name="',action$name,'", label="',label,'", choiceLabels = ', clc,")}}")

save.stage.page = function(txt,gameId, stage.name, pages.dir = get.pages.dir(gameId=gameId), file = NULL, auto=FALSE) {
	if (is.null(file)) {
		file = paste0(stage.name, ifelse(auto,".auto",""), ".Rmd")
	if (!dir.exists(pages.dir))
		try(dir.create(pages.dir, recursive = TRUE))

	writeLines(txt, file.path(pages.dir,file))
gtree-gh/gtree documentation built on May 13, 2019, 12:53 p.m.