Man pages for guldenolgun/NoRCE
NoRCE: Noncoding RNA Sets Cis Annotation and Enrichment

annGOAnnotate the set of genes with the GO terms for a given...
assemblyGet the required information for the given assembly
brain_disorder_ncRNADifferentially expressed non-coding gene
brain_mirnaDifferentially expressed human brain data
breastmRNAProtein coding genes that are differentially expressed in...
calculateCorrCalculates the correlation coefficient values between two...
convertGeneIDConvert gene ids according to the gene type
convertGMTConvert gmt formatted pathway file to the Pathway ID, Entrez,...
corrbasedPearson correlation coefficient value of the miRNA genes...
corrbasedMrnaPearson correlation coefficient value of the mRNA genes...
createNetworkCreate interaction network for top n enriched GO term:coding...
drawDotPlotDraw dot plot of the enrichment object
extractBiotypeGet the biotype of the non-coding genes. It is suitable for...
filterBiotypeExtract the genes that have user provided biotypes. This...
geneGOEnricherGiven genes that fall in a given upstream and downstream...
genePathwayEnricherGiven genes that fall in the given upstream and downstream...
geneRegionGOEnricherGiven gene regions that fall in the given upstream and...
geneRegionPathwayEnricherGiven gene regions that fall in the given upstream and...
getGoDagPlot and save the GO term DAG of the top n enrichments in...
getKeggDiagramDisplay the enriched KEGG diagram of the KEGG pathway. This...
getmiRNACountGet TCGA miRNAseq expression of miRNA genes for the given...
getNearToExonGet only those neighbouring genes that fall within exon...
getNearToIntronGet only those neighbouring genes that fall within intron...
getReactomeDiagramDisplay the enriched Reactome diagram of the given Reactome...
getTADOverlapFor given region of interest, overlapped genes in the TAD...
getUCSCGet nearest genes for the window of the upstream/downstream...
goEnrichmentPerform enrichment analysis of the given genes
KeggEnrichmentKEGG pathway enrichment
listTADList cell line of the given topological domain regions
mirnaBrain miRNA expression retrieved from the TCGA
mirnaGOEnricherGO term enrichments of the microRNA genes with mRNAs that...
mirnaPathwayEnricherPathway enrichments of the microRNA genes with mRNAs that...
mirnaRegionGOEnricherGO enrichments of the microRNA regions with mRNAs that fall...
mirnaRegionPathwayEnricherPathway enrichments of the microRNA regions with mRNAs that...
mrnaBrain mRNA expression retrieved from the TCGA
ncRegionDifferentially expressed non-coding gene regions
NoRCE-classAn S4 class to represent enrichment
packageCheckCheck the package availability for the given assembly
pathwayEnrichmentFor a given gmt file of a specific pathway database, pathway...
predictmiTargetsPredict the miRNA targets for the miRNA or mRNA genes, which...
reactomeEnrichmentReactome pathway enrichment
setParametersSet the parameters
tad_dmelTAD regions for the fly
tad_hg19TAD regions for human hg19 assembly
tad_hg38TAD regions for human hg38 assembly
tad_mm10TAD regions for mouse
topEnrichmentNumber of top enrichment results of the pathway or GO terms...
WikiEnrichmentWikiPathways Enrichment
writeEnrichmentWrite the tabular form of the pathway or GO term enrichment...
guldenolgun/NoRCE documentation built on Oct. 21, 2022, 11:48 a.m.