
Defines functions getResMisOne GetBins GetBinnedCurve

GetBinnedCurve <- function(x, y, M = 10, isMnumBin = TRUE, 
    nonEmptyOnly = FALSE, limits = c(min(x),max(x)) ){
  # x : 1 * n vector of values to be binned
  # y : 1 * n vector of values corresponding to x
  # M : positive interger denotes the number of bins to be use  or 
  #             positive value of the width of each equidistant bin
  # isMnumBin : use number of bin (TRUE) or bandwith h (FALSE)
  # nonEmptyOnly : output only non-empty bins (TRUE)
  # limits : lower and upper limit of domain x (a0, b0)
  # Function 'GetBinnedCurve' starts here  
  if( M<0 ){  
    stop("GetBinnedCurve is aborted because the argument: M is invalid!\n");  
    # Use bandwidth h
    h = M;
    if ( h >= diff(range(x))){
      res = getResMisOne(x,y,h)
    xx =  seq(limits[1],limits[2],by=h)
    M = length(xx)-1;
    N = M + 1;
    midpoint = xx[1:(N-1)]+(h/2);
    zList = GetBins(x,y,xx)
    newy = zList$newy
    count = zList$count
    if (nonEmptyOnly){
      midpoint = midpoint[count > 0];
      newy = newy[count > 0];
      count = count[count > 0];
      M = length(midpoint);
    res = list(midpoint, newy, count, M, h)
  }  else {   
    # Use number of bins M
    M = ceiling(M)
    if (M == 1){
      res = getResMisOne(x,y);
    } else {
      h <- diff(limits) / M
      xx <- c(limits[1], 
              seq(limits[1] + h / 2, limits[2] - h / 2, length.out=M - 1), 
      N <- length(xx);
      midpoint <- seq(limits[1], limits[2], length.out=M)
      # browser()
      zList = GetBins(x,y,xx)
      newy = zList$newy
      count = zList$count
      if (nonEmptyOnly){
        midpoint = midpoint[count > 0];
        newy = newy[count > 0];
        count = count[count > 0];
        M = length(midpoint);
      res = list(midpoint = midpoint, newy = newy, count = count, numBin = M, binWidth = h)

# Auxilary function 'GetBins'
GetBins <-  function(x,y, xx){
  N <- length(xx)
  count = rep(0,N-1);
  newy = count;
  for (i in  2:(N-1)){    
    ids = ((x >= xx[i-1]) &  (x < xx[i]));
    if (all(ids == 0)){
      count[i-1] = 0;
      newy[i-1] = NaN;      
    } else {
      count[i-1] =   sum(ids);
      newy[i-1] =  mean(y[ids]); 
  # print('GetBins used')
  # for the last bin, include the left and right end point
  ids =  ((x >= xx[i]) &(x <= xx[i+1]));
  if (all(ids == 0)){
    count[i] = 0;
    newy[i] = NaN;
  }else {
    count[i] = sum(ids);
    newy[i] = mean(y[ids]);
  zList = list(newy = newy, count = count)
  return( zList );     
 # Auxilary function 'GetResMisOne'
getResMisOne <-  function(x, y, h = diff(range(x))){
  r = h;
  M = 1;
  midpoint = r*0.5;
  count = length(x);
  newy = mean(y);
  zList = list(midpoint, newy, count, M, h)
  return( zList );
hadjipantelis/tPACE documentation built on July 4, 2024, 8:10 a.m.