ggpoint: Grob function: point

View source: R/grobs-basic.r

ggpointR Documentation

Grob function: point


Aesthetic mappings that this grob function understands:


ggpoint(plot, aesthetics = list(), ..., data = NULL)



the plot object to modify


named list of aesthetic mappings, see details for more information


other options, see details for more information


data source, if not specified the plot default will be used


  • x:x position (required)

  • y:y position (required)

  • size:size of the point, in mm (see scsize)

  • shape:shape of the glyph used to draw the point (see scshape)

  • colour:point colour (see sccolour)

These can be specified in the plot defaults (see ggplot) or in the aesthetics argument. If you want to modify the position of the points or any axis options, you will need to add a position scale to the plot. These functions start with ps, eg. pscontinuous or pscategorical

Other options:

  • unique:if TRUE, draw at most one point at each unique location


p <- ggplot(mtcars, aesthetics=list(x=wt, y=mpg))
ggpoint(p, list(colour=cyl))
ggpoint(p, list(blahbalh=cyl)) #unknown aesthetics are ignored
ggpoint(p, list(shape=cyl))
ggpoint(p, list(shape=cyl, colour=cyl))
ggpoint(p, list(size=mpg))
ggpoint(p, list(size=mpg/wt))
ggpoint(p, list(x=cyl, colour=cyl))
p <- ggplot(mtcars)
ggpoint(p, aesthetics=list(x=wt, y=mpg))

hadley/ggplot1 documentation built on Dec. 1, 2024, 11:23 a.m.