
Defines functions iBMA.glm

Documented in iBMA.glm

iBMA.glm<-function(x, ...)

iBMA.glm.data.frame <-
function (x, Y, wt = rep(1, nrow(X)), thresProbne0 = 5, glm.family, 
    maxNvar = 30, nIter = 100, verbose = FALSE, sorted = FALSE, 
    factor.type = TRUE, ...) 
    printCGen <- function(printYN) {
        printYN <- printYN
        return(function(x) if (printYN) cat(paste(paste(x, sep = "", 
            collapse = " "), "\n", sep = "")))

# CF: solution to namespace lock  https://gist.github.com/wch/3280369
inc <- '
/* This is taken from envir.c in the R 2.15.1 source
#define FRAME_LOCK_MASK (1<<14)
src <- '
if (TYPEOF(env) == NILSXP)
error("use of NULL environment is defunct");
if (TYPEOF(env) != ENVSXP)
error("not an environment");
// Return TRUE if unlocked; FALSE otherwise
SEXP result = PROTECT( Rf_allocVector(LGLSXP, 1) );
LOGICAL(result)[0] = FRAME_IS_LOCKED(env) == 0;
return result;
unlockEnvironment <- cfunction(signature(env = "environment"),
includes = inc,
body = src)

    nsEnv <- asNamespace('BMA')
    nsEnv$glob <- function() {
    environment(nsEnv$glob) <- nsEnv
    pkgEnv <- as.environment('package:BMA')
    pkgEnv$glob <- nsEnv$glob
    exportEnv <- nsEnv$.__NAMESPACE__.$exports
    exportEnv$glob <- c(glob="glob")

    utils::globalVariables(c("nastyHack_glm.family", "nastyHack_x.df"))
    sortX <- function(Y, X, glm.family, wt) {
        fitvec <- rep(NA, times = ncol(X))
        nastyHack_glm.family <- glm.family
        nastyHack_x.df <- data.frame(X)
        glm.out <- glm(Y ~ 1, family = nastyHack_glm.family, 
            weights = wt, data = nastyHack_x.df)
        scp <- formula(paste("~", paste(colnames(X), sep = "", 
            collapse = " + ")))
        addglm <- add1(glm.out, scope = scp, test = "Chisq", 
            data = nastyHack_x.df)
        fitvec <- addglm[-1, grep("^P.*Chi", names(addglm))]
        initial.order <- order(fitvec, decreasing = FALSE)
        sortedX <- X[, initial.order]
        return(list(sortedX = sortedX, initial.order = initial.order))
    X <- x
    cl <- match.call()
    printC <- printCGen(verbose)
    if (factor.type == FALSE) {
        x.df <- data.frame(X)
        X <- model.matrix(terms.formula(~., data = x.df), data = x.df)[, 
    if (!sorted) {
        printC("sorting X")
        sorted <- sortX(Y, X, glm.family, wt = wt)
        sortedX <- sorted$sortedX
        initial.order <- sorted$initial.order
    else {
        sortedX <- X
        initial.order <- 1:ncol(sortedX)
    nVar <- ncol(sortedX)
    maxNvar <- min(maxNvar, nVar)
    stopVar <- 0
    nextVar <- maxNvar + 1
    current.probne0 <- rep(0, maxNvar)
    maxProbne0 <- rep(0, times = nVar)
    nTimes <- rep(0, times = nVar)
    currIter <- 0
    first.in.model <- rep(NA, times = nVar)
    new.vars <- 1:maxNvar
    first.in.model[new.vars] <- currIter + 1
    iter.dropped <- rep(NA, times = nVar)
    currentSet <- NULL
    current_state <- list(Y = Y, sortedX = sortedX, wt = wt, 
        call = cl, initial.order = initial.order, thresProbne0 = thresProbne0, 
        maxNvar = maxNvar, glm.family = glm.family, nIter = nIter, 
        verbose = verbose, nVar = nVar, currentSet = currentSet, 
        new.vars = new.vars, stopVar = stopVar, nextVar = nextVar, 
        current.probne0 = current.probne0, maxProbne0 = maxProbne0, 
        nTimes = nTimes, currIter = currIter, first.in.model = first.in.model, 
        iter.dropped = iter.dropped)
    class(current_state) <- "iBMA.intermediate.glm"
    result <- iBMA.glm.iBMA.intermediate.glm(current_state, ...)

### this function does a set number of iterations of iBMA, returning an intermediate result unless it is finished,
### in which case it returns a final result
iBMA.glm.iBMA.intermediate.glm<- function (x, nIter = NULL, verbose = NULL, ...) 

   printCGen<- function(printYN)
        printYN<- printYN
        return(function(x) if (printYN) cat(paste(paste(x,sep="", collapse = " "),"\n", sep="")))
   cs<- x
   # check if nIter has been redefined
   if (!is.null(nIter)) cs$nIter<- nIter
   if (!is.null(verbose)) cs$verbose<- verbose
   printC<- printCGen(cs$verbose)
   finalIter<- cs$currIter + cs$nIter
### iterate until a final result is produced (cs$stopVar == 1) or nIter more iterations have been done
   while (cs$stopVar == 0 && cs$currIter < finalIter) 
        # add in the new variables
        nextSet<- c(cs$currentSet, cs$new.vars)
        cs$currIter<- cs$currIter + 1    
        printC(paste("\n\n starting iteration ",cs$currIter,"   nextVar =",cs$nextVar))
        printC("applying bic.glm now")
        currentX<- cs$sortedX[,nextSet]
        colnames(currentX)<- colnames(cs$sortedX)[nextSet]
        ret.bic.glm <- bic.glm (x = currentX, y = cs$Y, glm.family= cs$glm.family, maxCol = cs$maxNvar + 1, ...)

        cs$maxProbne0[nextSet]<- pmax(ret.bic.glm$probne0, cs$maxProbne0[nextSet])
        cs$nTimes[nextSet]<- cs$nTimes[nextSet] + 1
        cs$rmVector <- ret.bic.glm$probne0 < cs$thresProbne0

        # adaptive threshold
        if (any(cs$rmVector) == FALSE) 
            # no var to swap in!!, increase threshold
            currMin <- min (ret.bic.glm$probne0)
            printC (paste("no var to swap! Min probne0 = ", currMin, sep=""))
            newThresProbne0 <- currMin + 1
            printC(paste("new probne0 threshold = ", newThresProbne0, sep=""))
            cs$rmVector <- ret.bic.glm$probne0 < newThresProbne0
            # check that we do not drop everything!
            if (all(cs$rmVector))
                cs$rmVector<- c(rep(FALSE, times = length(cs$rmVector)-1), TRUE)

        # drop the bad ones...
        cs$iter.dropped[nextSet[cs$rmVector]]<- cs$currIter
        cs$currentSet<- nextSet[!cs$rmVector]

        # now if there are more variables to examine add the new set of variables to the current set
        if ( cs$nextVar <= cs$nVar) 
            # set up new X
            printC ("generating next set of variables")
            lastVar<- sum(cs$rmVector) + cs$nextVar - 1
            # add in bulk if we are not close to the end of the variables,
            if (lastVar <= cs$nVar) 
                cs$new.vars<- cs$nextVar:lastVar
                cs$first.in.model[cs$new.vars]<- cs$currIter + 1
                cs$nextVar <- lastVar + 1
            # add in one by one until no variables left
                cs$new.vars<- NULL
                for (i in length(cs$rmVector):1) 
                   if (cs$rmVector[i] == TRUE && cs$nextVar <= cs$nVar) 
                        cs$new.vars<- c(cs$new.vars, cs$nextVar)
                        cs$first.in.model[cs$nextVar]<- cs$currIter + 1
                        cs$nextVar <- cs$nextVar + 1
            # exhausted all data
            cs$stopVar <- 1
            cs$new.vars = NULL
   # if we have finished (all variables) do some wrap-up and generate output values 
   if (cs$stopVar == 1) 
        printC("finished iterating")
        currentX<- cs$sortedX[,cs$currentSet]
        colnames(currentX)<- colnames(cs$sortedX)[cs$currentSet]
        ret.bic.glm <- bic.glm (x = currentX, y = cs$Y, glm.family= cs$glm.family, maxCol = cs$maxNvar + 1, ...)
        output<- cs
        output$bma<- ret.bic.glm
        output$selected<- cs$currentSet
        output$nIterations<- cs$currIter
        class(output)<- "iBMA.glm"
        output<- cs
        class(output)<- "iBMA.intermediate.glm"

iBMA.glm.matrix<- iBMA.glm.data.frame
hanase/BMA documentation built on July 23, 2022, 3:05 a.m.