
Defines functions nim

Documented in nim

#' nim: A package for fitting and assessment of non-stationary index floods models
#' The nim package provides functions for fitting, uncertainty and goodness-of-fit assessment of Non-stationary Index-flood Models (nims) with smooth or parametric trends in the parameters of the GEV model together with some classes and methods for easy manipulation and assessment of results.
#' @author Martin Hanel \email{hanel@@fzp.czu.cz}
#' @references Hanel, M., Buishand, T. A., Ferro, C. A. T. (2009)  A non-stationary index-flood model for precipitation extremes in transient Regional Climate Model simulations, Journal of Geophysical Research., 114(D15107). \href{http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2009JD011712/abstract}{link}
#' @docType package
#' @name nim-package

#' Fitting the non-stationary index-flood models
#' @param formula one or two sided formula describing the model, see Details
#' @param data data.frame including the covariate and the extremes to be fitted
#' @param method method used for the parameter optimization see ?optim
#' @param tol minimum improvement of the log-likelihood between the iteration steps, if the difference between two succesive iteration steps is lower, the iteration ends
#' @param try_shape a vector of initial shape parameters to be tried in the case that default initial parameters based on l-moments fail
#' @param force (logical) indicates whether to try the initial shape parameters from \code{try_shape} also in the case that the fitting converges (note that somethimes change in initial parameters leads to different optimum)
#' @param ... other parameters passed to \code{optim(control = list(...))}
#' @return Object of class \link{nim} - i.e. simply
#' @export
#' @section Details:
#' The function is a simple wrapper for fitting non-stationary index-flood models with parametric (currently only linear) and smoothing trends in the parameters of the GEV model. Stationary index-flood models can be fitted also. For the data (\code{data.frame}) that are used within the function, the attribute \code{extremes} (see \link{extremes}) has to be set. The trend can be either smooth (\link{s}) or parametric (\link{p})n.
#' @section See also:
#' \link{sample}, \link{fit}, ...
#' @examples
#' data('precip_max')
#' head(precip_max)
#' # indicate which columns contain the extremes to be fitted
#' extremes(precip_max) = 2:ncol(precip_max)
#' # stationary model
#' nim( ~1, data = precip_max)
#' # smooth trend in xi, with bandwidth h = 0.2
#' nim(xi ~ s(YR, h = 0.2), data = precip_max)
#' # smooth trend in all parameters, default bandwidth
#' nim(xi + g + k ~ s(YR), data = precip_max)
#' # linear trend in xi and gamma
#' nim(xi + g ~ p(YR), data = precip_max)
nim = function(formula =   ~ 1, data, method = 'Nelder-Mead', tol = 0.1, try_shape = NA, force = FALSE, ...){

  inim = function(formula, data, method, tol, ini_shape = NA){

    ext = attr(data, 'extremes')
    data = data.frame(data)
    extremes(data) = ext

    estSmoothReg = function(){

      if (h > 1) h = h / length(xcov)
      r = list()
      for (i in eval_at){

        W = w((xcov - i)/ (d * h))
        win = dmx[W>0,]
        xpr = list(t0 = i, t = xcov[W>0])

        .xt = xpr$t - xpr$t0
        .xi = THETA$.xi(xpr)

        params = c(xi = mean(THETA$REG$XI[W > 0]), xi1 = 0.000000001, g = mean(THETA$REG$G[W > 0]), g1 = 0.000000001, k = mean(THETA$REG$K[W > 0]))
        start = params[sort(charmatch( c(pars, paste0(pars, '1')), names(params) ))]
        fp = function(par)cReg(p = par, xpar = .xt, xi = .xi, g = THETA$REG$G[1], k = THETA$REG$K[1])

        f = cffx(data = as.matrix(win), fpar = fp, start = start, xpar = .xt, method = method, w = W[W>0])

        params[names(f$estimate)] = f$estimate
        r[[as.character(i)]] = params

      params = list(XI = approx(x = eval_at, xout = THETA$REG[[cvrt]], y = sapply(r, function(x)x[1]))$y, G =approx(x = eval_at, xout = THETA$REG[[cvrt]], y = sapply(r, function(x)x[3]))$y, K =approx(x = eval_at, xout = THETA$REG[[cvrt]], y = sapply(r, function(x)x[5]))$y)

    estLinReg = function(){

      .xi = THETA$.xi()
      params = c(xi = mean(THETA$REG$XI), xi1 = 0, g = mean(THETA$REG$G), g1 = 0, k = mean(THETA$REG$K), k1 = 0)
      start = params[sort(charmatch( c(pars, paste0(pars, '1')), names(params) ))]
      fp = function(par)cReg(p = par, xpar = xcov, xi = .xi, g = THETA$REG$G[1], k = THETA$REG$K[1])
      f = cffx(data = as.matrix(dmx), fpar = fp, start = start, xpar = xcov, method = method)

      params[names(f$estimate)] = f$estimate
      list(XI = params['xi'] + xcov * params['xi1'], G = params['g'] + xcov * params['g1'], K = params['k'] + xcov * params['k1'])


    type = formula[[length(formula)]][[1]]
    vars = all.vars(formula)
    cvrt = vars[!grepl('xi|g|k', vars)]
    pars = vars[!(vars %in% cvrt)]
    if (length(cvrt)==0) cvrt = 'I'
    xcov = if (type==1) (rep(1, nrow(data))) else (data[[cvrt]])
    dmx = extremes(data)#data[,!grepl(cvrt, colnames(data))]

    if (all(c('xi', 'g') %in% pars) & !('k' %in% pars)) cReg = cppREG_constK
    if (all(c('xi') %in% pars) & all(!(c('g', 'k') %in% pars))) cReg = cppREG_constGK

    if (type == 's'){
      estReg = estSmoothReg
      if (all(c('xi', 'g', 'k') %in% pars)) cReg = cppREG
      h = eval(formula[[3]])$h
      eval_at = eval(formula[[3]])$eval_at
      if (is.function(eval_at) | is.character(eval_at)) eval_at = 1:length(xcov)
      eval_at = c(1, eval_at, length(xcov))
      eval_at = eval_at[!duplicated(eval_at)]
      eval_at = xcov[eval_at]
      w = eval(formula[[3]])$w
      d = diff(range(xcov))

      if (type == 'p'){
      estReg = estLinReg
      if (all(c('xi', 'g', 'k') %in% pars)) cReg = cppREG_lin

    if (type == 1){
      estReg = function()THETA$REG

    ini = lgev(as.matrix(dmx))
    if (!is.na(ini_shape)) ini$shape = ini_shape
    THETA = list(XI = ini$location, .xi = function(xpar = list(t = THETA$REG[[1]])){matrix(THETA$XI, nrow = length(xpar$t), ncol = length(THETA$XI), byrow = TRUE)}, REG = data.frame(COV = unname(xcov), XI = 1, G = unname(log(ini$dispersion)), K = unname(ini$shape)))
    names(THETA$REG)[1] = cvrt
    names(THETA$XI) = names(dmx)
    dev0 = Inf
    dev1 = nll.gev(par = THETA, fpar = lpar, dat = as.matrix(dmx))

    while (dev1 - dev0 < -tol){

     message('\ndeviance: ', dev1, '\t DIFF: ', dev1-dev0)
     dev0 = dev1

     message( '\testimating at-site xi')

     for (i in 1:ncol(dmx)){
       THETA$XI[i] = cffx(data = as.matrix(dmx[!is.na(dmx[, i]), i]), fpar = function(par){cppXI0(p = par, xi = THETA$REG$XI, g = THETA$REG$G, k = THETA$REG$K) }, start = c(THETA$XI[i]), xpar = xcov, method = 'Brent', lower = min(dmx, na.rm = TRUE), upper = max(dmx, na.rm =TRUE))$estimate

     message( '\testimating regional parameters')

     if ((!('g' %in% pars) & !('k' %in% pars)) | (type == 1) ){

        est = cffx(data = as.matrix(dmx), fpar = function(par)lpar_gk(par, THETA), start = c(THETA$REG$G[1], THETA$REG$K[1]), xpar = xcov, method = method)$estimate
        THETA$REG$G = est[1]
        THETA$REG$K = est[2]

     if (('g' %in% pars) & !('k' %in% pars) & ('xi' %in% pars)){

       THETA$REG$K = cffx(data = as.matrix(dmx), fpar = function(par)lpar_k(par, THETA), start = THETA$REG$K[1], xpar = xcov, method = 'Brent', lower = -.5, upper = .5)$estimate


     est = estReg()
     THETA$REG$XI = est$XI
     THETA$REG$G = est$G
     THETA$REG$K = est$K

     dev1 = nll.gev(par = THETA, fpar = lpar, dat = as.matrix(dmx))


   extremes(data) = ext
   out = structure(.Data = THETA, logLik = -nll.gev(par = THETA, fpar = lpar, dat = as.matrix(dmx)), call = match.call(), class = 'nim', data = data)#, resid = provideResid(data, THETA), observed = data, h = h, call = match.call(), class = 'nprgev')
 structure(out, resid = provideResid(out))

 cl = call('inim', formula = formula, data = data, method = method, tol = tol)
 n = eval(cl)
 attr(n, 'call') = call('nim', formula = formula, data = data, method = method, tol = tol, try_shape = try_shape)

 if ( (all(!is.na(try_shape)) & logLik(n)==-1e20) |  (all(!is.na(try_shape)) & force==TRUE)) {

   N = list()

   for (i in try_shape){
    message('>> Trying ', i, '\n')
    cl = call('inim', formula = formula, data = data, method = method, tol = tol, ini_shape = i)
    N[[length(N) + 1]] = eval(cl)
   wh = which.max(sapply(N, logLik))
   n = N[[wh]]
   attr(n, 'call') = call('nim', formula = formula, data = data, method = method, tol = tol, try_shape = try_shape[wh])

 if (logLik(n)==-1e20) warning('Loglikelihood not defined!')


hanel/nim documentation built on Sept. 27, 2020, 3:13 a.m.