
Defines functions params2data.nim params2data prob nll.gev lgev

lgev = function(data,era=0,K=NA){


  if (era==0) (era=dim(data)[1])

 # L=Lmoments(data[1:era,],4)
  L = t(apply(data[1:era, , drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) samlmu(x, ratios = FALSE)))
  if (is.na(K)) (k=7.8590*cc+2.9554*cc^2) else (k=K)

  L=samlmu(unlist(data), ratios = FALSE)
  if (is.na(K)) (k=7.8590*cc+2.9554*cc^2) else (k=K)

  if(ga<0) ga = sig # more clever solution?


nll.gev = function(par,fpar,xpar,dat=NA,opar=NA,theta=NA,narm=T) {
  if (any(!is.na(dat))) (data=dat)
  if (any(is.na(opar))) (pmat <- fpar(par, xpar)) else (pmat <- fpar(par, xpar,opar,theta))
  loc <- pmat$loc
  scale <- pmat$scale
  shape <- pmat$shape
  if(any(scale <= 0)) return(1e+20)
  gumbel <- (abs(shape) < 1e-06)
  y <- (data - loc) / scale
  z <- 1 + shape * y
  if(any(z <= 0, na.rm = TRUE)) return(1e+20)
  nll <- (1 + 1 / shape) * log(z) + z^(-1 / shape)
  nll[gumbel] <- y[gumbel] + exp(-y[gumbel])
  if (narm) (out=sum(nll + log(scale), na.rm = TRUE)) else ({
    if (any(is.na(nll+log(scale)))) (out=1e+20) else(out=sum(nll + log(scale), na.rm = TRUE))

prob = function(x){
  (rank(x)-.3) / (length(x)+.4)

params2data = function(...){

params2data.nim = function(nim, data = NULL){

  if (is.null(data)) data = attr(nim, 'data')
  if (is.null(data)) stop('Data must be provided.')
  i = attr(attr(nim, 'data'), 'extremes')
  nfo = model_info(nim)

  if (nfo$type==1) {
    data = data.frame(I = 1:nrow(data), extremes(data))
    extremes(data) = 2:ncol(data)
    nim$REG[['I']] = 1:nrow(data)

  data = data[, names(data) %in% c(names(extremes(data)), nfo$cvrt)]
  mx = data.table(melt(data, id.vars = nfo$cvrt, variable.name = 'ID'))
  #setnames(mx, nfo$cvrt, 'COV')

  xi = data.table(COV = data[[nfo$cvrt]], nim$.xi())
  setnames(xi, names(xi), names(data))
 # setnames(xi, nfo$cvrt, 'COV')
  mxi = melt.data.table(xi, id.vars = nfo$cvrt, variable.name = 'ID', value.name = 'XI0')
  mxi = mxi[data.table(nim$REG), on = nfo$cvrt]
  mxi[, X:=XI0 * XI]
  m = mx[mxi, on = c(nfo$cvrt, 'ID')]
  m = m[, .(eval(parse(text = nfo$cvrt)), ID, value, XI = X, G, K, S = X * exp(G))]
  setnames(m, 1, nfo$cvrt)

provideResid = function(nim, data = NULL){

  nfo = model_info(nim)
  m = params2data(nim, data)
  if (nfo$type == 1) {
    m[, I:=1:.N, by = ID]
  m[, RESID:= (1 / K) * log ( 1 + (K / exp(G) * (value/XI - 1)  ) ) ]
  s = m[, .(eval(parse(text = nfo$cvrt)), ID, RESID)]
  setnames(s, 1, nfo$cvrt)
  res = dcast.data.table(s, eval(parse(text = nfo$cvrt)) ~ ID, value.var = 'RESID')
  setnames(res, 'nfo', nfo$cvrt)

#' Create bootstrap sample based on fitted nim
#' @param nim fitted model
#' @param length number of bootstrap samples
#' @param type one of \code{parametric_average_cor} (the default), \code{parametric} and \code{nonparametric}
#' @return list of bootstrap samples
#' @export sample.nim
#' @examples
sample.nim = function(nim, length = 1, type = 'parametric_average_cor', impute_NA = FALSE, include_nim = TRUE){
  if (type %in% c('parametric', 'parametric_average_cor', 'nonparametric')) {
    nfo = model_info(nim)
    out = list()
    obs = attr(nim, 'data')
    if (nfo$cvrt=='I') {
      obs[[names(obs)[-attr(obs, 'extremes')]]] = 1
      names(obs)[-attr(obs, 'extremes')] = 'I'
    }#obs$I = 1
    #attr(obs, 'extremes') = c(attr(obs, 'extremes'), -which(colnames(obs)=='I'))
    rsd = copy(obs)
    # if (nfo$cvrt=='I') obs$I = 1
    if (type %in% c('parametric', 'parametric_average_cor') ){
      #cc = cov(resid(nim, type = 'Normal')[, 2:ncol(obs)])
      cc = cov(resid(nim, type = 'Normal')[, attr(obs, 'extremes'), drop = FALSE], use = 'pairwise.complete.obs')
      if (type == 'parametric_average_cor'){
        co = cov2cor(cc)
        co[] = mean(co[upper.tri(co)], na.rm = TRUE)
        diag(co) = 1
        sdMat = diag(sqrt(diag(cc)))
        cc = sdMat %*% co %*% t(sdMat)
      sam = function(...){
        sresid = data.table(rmvnorm(nrow(nim$REG), sigma = cc, method = 'chol'))
        #sresid = data.frame(COV = obs[[nfo$cvrt]], sresid[, sapply(.SD, function(xx) (-log(-log(pnorm(xx) ))))])
        sresid = sresid[, sapply(.SD, function(xx) (-log(-log(pnorm(xx) ))))]
        rsd[, attr(obs, 'extremes')] = sresid
        #names(sresid) = c(nfo$cvrt, names(extremes(obs)))#names(obs)
        #extremes(sresid) = attr(obs, 'extremes')
        m = params2data(nim, rsd)
        m[, value := XI * (1 + exp(G) * ( (exp(K * value) -1) / K ) )]
        s = m[, .(eval(parse(text = nfo$cvrt)), ID, value)]
        setnames(s, 1, nfo$cvrt)
        res = dcast.data.table(s, eval(parse(text = nfo$cvrt)) ~ ID, value.var = 'value')
        setnames(res, 'nfo', nfo$cvrt)
        #res # TDD - what to do with NAs ???!!!
        if (impute_NA) {data.table(res[, 1, with = FALSE], as.matrix(res[, -1, with = FALSE]) * (extremes(nim)/extremes(nim)))} else {res} ## simplest way - copy the NA structure from data
    # TDD opravit - zobecnit pro stacionarni model
    if (type == 'nonparametric'){
      re = data.table(extremes(resid(nim, type = 'Gumbel')))
      #setkeyv(re, nfo$cvrt)
      sam = function(...){
        sresid = re[sample(1:nrow(re), nrow(re), replace = TRUE), ]
        rsd[, attr(obs, 'extremes')] = sresid
        #sresid$COV = nim$REG$COV
        #sresid = data.frame(sresid)
        #names(sresid) = names(obs)
        #extremes(sresid) = attr(obs, 'extremes')
        m = params2data(nim, rsd)
        m[, value := XI * (1 + exp(G) * ( (exp(K * value) -1) / K ) )]
        s = m[, .(eval(parse(text = nfo$cvrt)), ID, value)]
        setnames(s, 1, nfo$cvrt)
        res = dcast.data.table(s, eval(parse(text = nfo$cvrt)) ~ ID, value.var = 'value')
        setnames(res, 'nfo', nfo$cvrt)
    out = mapply(sam, 1:length, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    names(out) = paste0('BSP_', 1:length)
    out = lapply(out, function(x){
      x = data.frame(x)
      extremes(x) = attr(obs, 'extremes')
    if(include_nim) {
      return(c(list(BSP_0 = obs), out))
    } else {
  if (type %in% c('NA_parametric_average_cor', 'NA_nonparametric')) {
    if (type == 'NA_parametric_average_cor') {
      obs <- attr(nim, 'data')
      rsd <- copy(obs)
      i <- 1:length
      cc = cov(resid(nim, type = 'Normal')[, attr(obs, 'extremes'), drop = FALSE], use = 'pairwise.complete.obs')
      co = cov2cor(cc)
      mc = mean(co[upper.tri(co)], na.rm = TRUE)
      out <- mapply(function(i) {
        m <- obs[sample(1:nrow(obs), nrow(obs), replace = TRUE), ]
        m[,1] <- NULL
        for(j in 1:dim(m)[1]) {
          r <- m[j, !is.na(m[j,])] 
          if(length(r) == 0) {
            m[j,] <- NA
          } else {
            co = matrix(mc, nrow = length(r), ncol = length(r))
            diag(co) <- 1
            sdMat = diag(sqrt(diag(cc[!is.na(m[j,]), !is.na(m[j,])])))
            ccc = sdMat %*% co %*% t(sdMat)
            m[j, !is.na(m[j,])] <- -log(-log(pnorm(rmvnorm(1, sigma = ccc, method = 'chol')))) 
        rsd[, attr(obs, 'extremes')] = m
        m = params2data(nim, rsd)
        m[, value := XI * (1 + exp(G) * ( (exp(K * value) -1) / K ) )]
        m <- dcast(m, I ~ ID)
        m$I <- NULL
        m <- cbind(obs[,1],m)
        names(m[1]) <- names(obs[1])
        attributes(m)$extremes <- 2:dim(m)[2]
      }, i, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
      names(out) <- paste0('BSP_', i)
      if(include_nim) {
        return(c(list(BSP_0 = obs), out))
      } else {
    if (type == 'NA_nonparametric') {
      obs <- attr(nim, 'data')
      i <- 1:length
      out <- mapply(function(i) {
        m <- obs[sample(1:nrow(obs), nrow(obs), replace = TRUE), ]
        m[,1] <- obs[,1]
      }, i, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
      names(out) <- paste0('BSP_', i)
      if(include_nim) {
        return(c(list(BSP_0 = obs), out))
      } else {

ad = function(sgv){
  sgv = sgv[!is.na(sgv)]
  nr = length(sgv)

fit = function(nim, smp, verbose = FALSE, use_MC = TRUE, original = TRUE){#, mc.cores = 2, pullData = TRUE){
  if( .Platform$OS.type == "windows" ){ncores = 1} else ncores = detectCores(FALSE) # or (TRUE) to use logical CPUs
  verb = if (!verbose) suppressMessages else identity
  RES = list()
  nfo = model_info(nim)
  cl = attr(nim, 'call')
  # RES[['BSP_0']] = nim
  # for (i in 1:length(smp)){
  #   message('sample ', i)
  #   cl$data = smp[[i]]
  #   verb({RES[[paste0('BSP_', i)]] = eval(cl)})
  # }
  if(use_MC) {
    message('Progress reporting of forked tasks is not supported in RStudio. To enable', immediate. = TRUE)
    r = mclapply(1:length(smp), function(i){
      message('sample ', i - 1)
      cl$data = smp[[i]]
    }, mc.cores = ncores)
  } else {
    r = lapply(1:length(smp), function(i){
      message('sample ', i - 1)
      cl$data = smp[[i]]
  if(original) {
    names(r) = paste0('BSP_', 0:(length(smp) - 1))
  } else {
    names(r) = paste0('BSP_', 1:length(smp))
  structure(c(RES, r), class = 'nims')
  # res = list()
  # res$results = RES
  # res[[nfo$cvrt]] = RES[[1]]$REG[[nfo$cvrt]]
  # res$ID = names(extremes(nim))
  # res$residuals = function(melt = FALSE, type = 'Gumbel', ...){
  #   p = data.table(BSP = paste0('BSP_', rep(1:length(res$results) - 1, each = length(res[[nfo$cvrt]]))), do.call(rbind, lapply(res$results, resid, type = type)))
  #   if (melt) return(melt(p, id.vars = c('BSP', nfo$cvrt), variable.name = 'ID', ...)) else return(p)
  # }
  # res$REG = function(melt = FALSE, ...){
  #   p =  data.table(BSP = paste0('BSP_', rep(1:length(res$results) - 1, each = length(res[[nfo$cvrt]]))), do.call(rbind, lapply(res$results, function(x)x$REG)))
  #   if (melt) return(melt(p, id.vars = c('BSP', nfo$cvrt), variable.name = 'PAR', ...)) else return(p)
  # }
  # res$atsite = function(melt = FALSE, ...){
  #   p = data.table(BSP = paste0('BSP_', 1:length(res$results)-1), do.call(rbind, lapply(res$results, function(x)x$XI)))
  #   setnames(p, 2:ncol(p), res$ID)
  #   if (melt) return(melt(p, id.vars = c('BSP'), variable.name = 'ID', value.name = 'XI', ...)) else return(p)
  # }
  # res$params2data = function(melt = FALSE, ...){
  #   p = data.table(BSP = paste0('BSP_', 1:length(res$results)-1), do.call(rbind, lapply(res$results, params2data)))
  #   if (melt) return(melt(p, id.vars = c('BSP', nfo$cvrt, 'ID', 'value'), variable.name = 'PAR', ...)) else return(p)
  # }
  # class(res) = c('fitted_sample')
  # return(res)

AD = function(...){

AD.nim = function(nim){
  data.table(ID = names(extremes(nim)), apply(extremes(resid(nim)), 2, nim::ad))

AD.fitted_sample = function(fit){
  res = data.frame(t(sapply(f$results, AD)))
  res = data.frame(BSP = rownames(res), res, row.names = NULL)

# provideFitted = function(data, THETA){
#   mx = melt(data, id.vars = 1, variable.name = 'INDC')
#   mx[, p:= prob(value), by = INDC]
#   mu = data.table(YR = cmx$YR, THETA$.mu())
#   setnames(mu, names(mu), names(cmx))
#   mmu = melt(mu, id.vars = 1, variable.name = 'INDC', value.name = 'MU0')
#   setkey(mmu, YR)
#   setkey(THETA$REG, YR)
#   muu = mmu[THETA$REG]
#   muu[, MU:=MU0 * M]
#   setkey(muu, YR, INDC)
#   setkey(mx, YR, INDC)
#   m = mx[muu]
#   m[, FITTED:= evd::qgev(p, loc = MU, scale = MU * exp(G), shape = K), by = 1:nrow(m)]
#   dcast.data.table(m[, .(YR, INDC, FITTED)], YR ~ INDC, value.var = 'FITTED')
# }

# predict.nprgev = function(obj, mx){
#   mmx = melt(mx, id.var = 'YR', variable.name = 'INDC')
#   setkey(obj$REG, YR)
#   setkey(mmx, YR)
#   mmx = obj$REG[mmx]
#   mmx[, sval:=value/M]
#   mmx[, MU0:= lgev(matrix(sval))$location, by = INDC]
#   mmx[, p:=prob(value), by = INDC]#evd::pgev(value, loc = MU0 * M, scale = (MU0 * M) * exp(G), shape = K), by = 1:nrow(mmx)]
#   mmx[, PRED:= evd::qgev(p, loc = MU0 * M, scale = (MU0 * M) * exp(G), shape = K), by = 1:nrow(mmx)]
#   ll = mmx[, nll.gev.plain(loc = MU0 * M, scale = (MU0 * M) * exp(G), shape = K, value = value)]
#   aa = mmx[,  ad((1 / K) * log ( 1 + (K / exp(G) * (value/(MU0 * M) - 1)  ) ))]
#   rmse = mmx[, mean(sqrt((PRED-value)^2)) ]
#   out = data.table(dcast.data.table(mmx[, .(YR, INDC, PRED)], YR ~ INDC, value.var = 'PRED'))
#   structure(.Data = list(out), logLik = ll, AD = aa, RMSE = rmse, class = 'predict.nprgev')
# }

nll.gev.plain = function(loc, scale, shape, value){

  if(any(scale <= 0)) return(1e+20)
  gumbel <- (abs(shape) < 1e-06)
  y <- (value - loc) / scale
  z <- 1 + shape * y
  if(any(z <= 0, na.rm = TRUE)) return(1e+20)
  nll <- (1 + 1 / shape) * log(z) + z^(-1 / shape)
  nll[gumbel] <- y[gumbel] + exp(-y[gumbel])
  if (any(is.na(nll+log(scale)))) (out=1e+20) else(out=sum(nll + log(scale), na.rm = TRUE))


# getREG = function(x, ...){
#   UseMethod('getREG', x)
# }

# getAtSite = function(x, ...){
#   UseMethod('getAtSite', x)
# }

# getParDat = function(x, ...){
#   UseMethod('getParDat', x)
# }

# getREG.boot_nprgev = function(x, melt = FALSE, ...){
#   p =  data.table(BSP = paste0('BSP_', rep(1:length(x$results) - 1, each = length(x$YR))), do.call(rbind, lapply(x$results, function(y)y$REG)))
#   if (melt) return(melt(p, id.vars = c('BSP', 'YR'), ...)) else return(p)
# }

# residuals.boot_nprgev = function(x, melt = FALSE, type = 'Gumbel', ...){
#   p = data.table(BSP = paste0('BSP_', rep(1:length(x$results) - 1, each = length(x$YR))), do.call(rbind, lapply(x$results, resid, type = type)))
#   if (melt) return(melt(p, id.vars = c('BSP', 'YR'), ...)) else return(p)
# }

# resid.boot_nprgev = function(x, ...){
#   residuals(x, ...)
# }

# getAtSite.boot_nprgev = function(x, melt = FALSE, ...){
#   p = data.table(BSP = paste0('BSP_', 1:length(x$results)-1), do.call(rbind, lapply(x$results, function(xx)xx$MU)))
#   setnames(p, 2:ncol(p), x$ID)
#   if (melt) return(melt(p, id.vars = c('BSP'), ...)) else return(p)
# }

# getParDat = function(x, melt = FALSE, ...){
#   p = data.table(BSP = paste0('BSP_', 1:length(x$results)-1), do.call(rbind, lapply(x$results, params2data)))
#   if (melt) return(melt(p, id.vars = c('BSP', 'YR', 'INDC', 'value'), value.name = 'parVal', ...)) else return(p)
# }

extremity = function(nim, type = 'fitted', return_period = FALSE){
  d = attr(nim, 'data')
  r = resid(nim)
    'fitted' = {
      o = apply(extremes(r), 2, function(x) evd::pgev(x))
    'empirical' = {
      o = apply(extremes(r), 2, function(x) prob(x))
  if (return_period) o = apply(o, 2, function(x) (1/(1-x)))
  d[, attr(d, 'extremes')] = o

# quantile.nim = function(nim, p = NULL, T = c(2, 5, 10, 50), at_site = TRUE){
#   cl = match.call()
#   qO = Vectorize(function(p){
#     outer(XI , (1 - rg$G/rg$K * (1 - ( - log(p) ) ^ (-rg$K) )))
#   }  )
#   XI = if (at_site == TRUE) (nim$XI) else (1)
#   if (is.null(p)) p = 1 - 1 / T
#   rg = nim$REG
#   rg$G = exp(rg$G)
#   res = data.frame(qO(p))
#   #browser()
#   names(res) = if (is.null(cl$p)) (paste0(eval(cl$T), 'yr')) else (paste0(eval(cl$p), '%'))
#   res = data.frame(nim$REG[[1]], res, check.names = FALSE)
#   names(res)[1] = model_info(nim)$cvrt
#   res
# }
############ older version of quantile.nim
# quantile.nim = function(nim, p = NULL, T = c(2, 5, 10, 50), at_site = TRUE){
#   cl = match.call()
#   qO = Vectorize(function(p){
#     r = data.frame(t(outer(XI , (1 - rg$G/rg$K * (1 - ( - log(p) ) ^ (-rg$K) )))))
#     if (model_info(nim)$cvrt == 'I') {
#       r = data.frame(I = 1, r[1, ])
#       names(r) = c(names(r)[1], names(XI))#if (!at_site) {names(r)[2] = 'regional'}
#       r
#     } else {
#       r = data.frame(nim$REG[[1]], r, check.names = FALSE)
#       names(r)[1] = model_info(nim)$cvrt
#       r
#     }
#   }, SIMPLIFY = FALSE  )
#   XI = if (at_site == TRUE) (nim$XI) else (regional(nim)$XI)
#   if (is.null(p)) p = 1 - 1 / T
#   rg = nim$REG
#   rg$G = exp(rg$G)
#   res = qO(p)
#   #  browser()
#   names(res) = if (is.null(cl$p)) (paste0(eval(cl$T), 'yr')) else (paste0(eval(cl$p)*100, '%'))
#   res = rbindlist(res, idcol = 'q')
#   #res = data.frame(nim$REG[[1]], res, check.names = FALSE)
#   #names(res)[1] = model_info(nim)$cvrt
#   res
# }

quantile.nim <- function(nim, p = NULL, Tm = c(2, 5, 10, 50), at_site = TRUE){
  cl = match.call()
  qO = Vectorize(function(p){
    r = data.frame(XI * (1 - G / K * (1 - ( - log(p) ) ^ (-K) )))
    if (model_info(nim)$cvrt == 'I') {
      r = data.frame(I = 1, r[1, ])
      names(r) = c(names(r)[1], names(XI))#if (!at_site) {names(r)[2] = 'regional'}
    } else {
      r = data.frame(nim$REG[[1]], r, check.names = FALSE)
      names(r)[1] = model_info(nim)$cvrt
      names(r)[2:ncol(r)] = if (at_site) (names(nim$XI)) else ('regional')
  if (is.null(p)) p = 1 - 1 / Tm
  if(at_site) {
    XI <- outer(regional(nim)$XI, atsite(nim))
    G <- matrix(data = rep(x = exp(nim$REG$G), times = dim(XI)[2]),
                nrow = dim(XI)[1])
    K <- matrix(data = rep(x = nim$REG$K, times = dim(XI)[2]),
                nrow = dim(XI)[1])
  } else {
    XI <- regional(nim)$XI
    G <- exp(nim$REG$G)
    K <- nim$REG$K
  res = qO(p)
  names(res) = p
  res = rbindlist(res, idcol = 'p')

quantile.nims = function(nims, p = NULL, T = c(2, 5, 10, 50), at_site = TRUE){
  r = lapply(nims, function(x) melt(quantile(x, p, T, at_site), id.vars = 1:2))
  r = rbindlist(r, idcol = 'NIM')
  r[, p := as.double(gsub('%', '', q))/100]
  r[, T := 1/(1-p)]

detrend = function(nim, wrt = 1){
  nfo = model_info(nim)
  rescale = function(x, xi, g, k){
    xi * (1 + g * (exp(k * x) -1) / k)
  r = resid(nim)
  r = params2data(nim, data = r)
  r[, c('XI', 'G', 'K') := list(XI[wrt], G[wrt], K[wrt]), by = ID]
  r[, rsc:= rescale(value, XI, exp(G), K)]
  res = dcast.data.table(r[, .(eval(parse(text = nfo$cvrt)), ID, rsc)], eval(parse(text = nfo$cvrt)) ~ ID, value.var = 'rsc')
  setnames(res, 'nfo', nfo$cvrt)

## TDD growth curve

#' Draw gumble plot from a nim object
#' @param nim nim object
#' @param use_plotly argument specifying whether to use/or not the 'plotly' package for interactive graph
#' @return
#' @export gumbelplot
#' @examples
#' data('precip_max')
#' extremes(precip_max) = 2:ncol(precip_max)
#' n <- nim( ~1, data = precip_max)
#' gumbelplot(n)
gumbelplot <- function(nim, use_plotly = if ('plotly' %in% row.names(installed.packages())) {TRUE} else {FALSE}) {

  res_gp <- data.table(attributes(nim)$data)
  # names(attr(res_gp, 'data')) <- gsub('X','', names(attr(res_gp, 'data')))
  res_gp <- melt(res_gp, id.var = 1)
  res_gp <- data.table(variable = names(nim$XI), XI = nim$XI)[res_gp, on = c('variable')]
  res_gp <- res_gp[!is.na(value), p:= (rank(value) - .3) / (length(value)+.4), by = variable]
  res_gp <- res_gp[, val_xi := value/XI]

  gp <- ggplot(res_gp) +
    geom_point(aes(x=-log(-log(p)), y = val_xi), alpha = .5) +
    geom_line(aes(x=-log(-log(p)), y = val_xi, group = variable), alpha = .5) +
    stat_function(fun = function(x)qgev(exp(-exp(-x)), 1, regional(nims(nim))$G[1], regional(nims(nim))$K[1]), col = 'red', lwd = 1) +

  if (use_plotly) {
  } else {

#' Draw growth cruve from a fitted and sapmled nim object
#' @param f fitted and sapmled nim object
#' @param ribbon_1_probs probabilites interval of the 1st ribbon
#' @param ribbon_2_probs probabilites interval of the 2nd ribbon
#' @param use_plotly argument specifying whether to use/or not the 'plotly' package for interactive graph
#' @return
#' @export growthcurve
#' @examples
#' data('precip_max')
#' extremes(precip_max) = 2:ncol(precip_max)
#' n <- nim( ~1, data = precip_max)
#' smp <- sample(n, length = 50)
#' f <- fit(n, smp, mc.cores = 4)
#' growthcurve(f)
#' growthcurve(f, c(.10, .90), c(.40,.60))
growthcurve <- function(f, ribbon_1_probs = c(.05,.95), ribbon_2_probs = c(.25,.75), use_plotly = if ('plotly' %in% row.names(installed.packages())) {TRUE} else {FALSE}) {

  prbs <- sort(c(ribbon_1_probs, ribbon_2_probs))

  qntl <- quantile(f, seq(.01,.99,.01), at_site = FALSE)

  res_gc <- qntl[, .(quantile = quantile(value, probs = prbs)), by = p]
  res_gc <- data.table(cbind(res_gc, c(paste0('q_',prbs[1]),paste0('q_',prbs[2]),paste0('q_',prbs[3]),paste0('q_',prbs[4]))))
  names(res_gc) <- c('p', 'value', 'q')
  res_gc[, p := -log(-log(p))]
  res_gc <- dcast(res_gc, p ~ q, value.var = 'value')

  gc <- ggplot(res_gc) +
    geom_ribbon(aes_string(x = colnames(res_gc)[1], ymin = colnames(res_gc)[2], ymax = colnames(res_gc)[5]), fill = 'grey70') +
    geom_ribbon(aes_string(x = colnames(res_gc)[1], ymin = colnames(res_gc)[3], ymax = colnames(res_gc)[4]), fill = 'grey50') +
    stat_function(fun = function(x)qgev(exp(-exp(-x)), 1, regional(nims(f[[1]]))$G[1], regional(nims(f[[1]]))$K[1]), col = 'red', lwd = 1)

  if (use_plotly) {
  } else {

comparenims_LLRsampling = function(nim1, nim2, nsamples){#compare 2 nims - sampling
  if(as.character(model_info(nim1)$type=="p")){ #sampling from linear model is preferred if available
  ll = lapply(1:nsamples, function(i){ #compute LLRs (see Padoan and Wand 2008, eq. 4)
    n1_sa = sample(n1, include_nim = FALSE)
    n1_fit = fit(n1, n1_sa, verbose = FALSE)
    n2_fit = fit(n2, n1_sa, verbose = FALSE)
    message('Sample ', i, " fitted.")
    ll=2*(attributes(n2_fit[[1]])$logLik - attributes(n1_fit[[1]])$logLik)
  names(ll) = paste0('BSP_', 1:nsamples)
  LLR=data.table(sample=attributes(ll)$names, LLR=as.numeric(as.matrix(ll)[,1]))
  LLR=rbind(LLR, data.table(sample="BSP_0", LLR=2*(attributes(n2)$logLik - attributes(n1)$logLik))) #add observed data as BSP_0
  LLR[, type := ifelse(sample == "BSP_0", "observ", "sample")]
  LLR[,IF:=as.numeric(LLR>LLR[type=="observ"])] #indicator function
  LLR[,pval:=sum(IF)/nsamples] # (Padoan and Wand 2008, eq. p-value)

comparenims_LLRshow = function(LLRsample, ggplot=TRUE){#compare 2 nims - show results 
  res = lapply(1:3, function(x) x=NULL)
  names(res) = list('p_value','LLR_obs','LLR_samp')
  attr(res,'summary') = summary(LLRsample[,list(sample=sample[type!="observ"], sample_LLR=LLR[type!="observ"])]) #summary for samples as attribute 
  if(ggplot==TRUE){ #ggplot results as attribute
    ggp = ggplot(LLRsample[sample!="BSP_0"],aes(x=LLR))+stat_density(aes(colour=type),fill="lightgrey",alpha=0.6)+geom_point(data=LLRsample[sample=="BSP_0"],aes(x=LLR,y=0,colour=type),size=3)+geom_vline(data=LLRsample[sample=="BSP_0"],aes(xintercept=LLR, colour=type))+scale_x_continuous("Likelihood ratio (LLR)")+ggtitle("Likelihood ratio test")+scale_color_manual(labels = c("observation", "samples"), values = c("blue", "red"))
    attr(res,'plot') = ggp
  else return(res)
hanel/nim documentation built on Sept. 27, 2020, 3:13 a.m.