## functions for weighted Rand Index (wRI)
## This function computes the weights used for weighted Rand Index,
## given an expression matrix and true cell classes
createWeights <- function(Y, classes) {
## normalize by total
ss = colMeans(Y)
ss = ss / median(ss)
Ynorm = sweep(Y, 2, ss, FUN="/")
## get cluster means
allClasses = unique(classes)
mY = matrix(0, nrow=nrow(Y), ncol=length(allClasses))
for(i in 1:length(allClasses)) {
ix = classes == allClasses[i]
mY[,i] = rowMeans(Ynorm[,ix])
colnames(mY) = allClasses
## select some marker genes - this step is tricky
ix = selectMarker(mY)
mY2 = mY[ix,]
## W1 is the correlation of cluster centers
W1 = cor(mY2) ## note it can be negative
## W0 is the average within group variances
W0 = matrix(1, nrow=nrow(W1), ncol=ncol(W1))
rownames(W0) = rownames(W1)
colnames(W0) = colnames(W1)
for( i in 1:nrow(W1) ) {
ix = classes==allClasses[i]
tmp = cor(Y[,ix])
diag(tmp) = NA
W0[i,i] = 1- mean(tmp, na.rm=TRUE)
list(W0=W0, W1=W1)
## The main Weighted Rand Index function
wRI <- function(trueclass, cluster, w0=NULL, w1=NULL) {
J = length(unique(trueclass)) #number of true classes
if (is.null(w0)) {
w0 = 1-diag(J)
colnames(w0) = names(table(trueclass))
} # credit for keeping celltype j1 and j2 separate
if (is.null(w1)) {
w1 = diag(J)
colnames(w1) = names(table(trueclass))
T1 = table(cluster, trueclass)
T1 = T1[,colnames(w0)]
T0 = table(trueclass, trueclass)
T0 = T0[colnames(w0), colnames(w0)]
S1 = GetScore(T1, w0=w0, w1=w1)
S0 = GetScore(T0, w0=w0, w1=w1)
wRI1 = sum(S1[1:4])/sum(S0[1:4]) ## weighted Rand Index
NI1 = (S1["N11"]+S1["N01"])/(S1["N11"]+S1["d0"]) #adjusted positive predicative value
NI2 = (S1["N00"]+S1["N10"])/(S1["b0"]+S1["c0"]) #adjusted negative predicative value
n = length(trueclass)
output = c("wRI"=wRI1,"NI1"=NI1,"NI2"=NI2,"p1"=(S1["N11"]+S1["d0"])/choose(n,2),
names(output) = c("wRI","NI1","NI2","p1", "p0")
GetScore <- function(T1, w0, w1) {
n = sum(T1)
J = ncol(T1)
I = nrow(T1)
a = sum(choose(T1,2)) # friends remain friends (N11)
c = d = 0 # c:friends separated (N10); d: foes called friends (N01)
b0 = c0 = d0 = 0
for(i in 1:I){
for( j in 1:J) {
c = c + sum(T1[i,j]*T1[-i,j]*w0[j,j])/2 #partial score in N10
d = d + sum(T1[i,j]*T1[i,-j]*w1[j,-j])/2 #partial score in N01
b0 = b0 + sum(T1[i,j]*colSums(matrix(T1[-i,-j],ncol=J-1)))/2
c0 = c0 + sum(T1[i,j]*T1[-i,j])/2
d0 = d0 + sum(T1[i,j]*T1[i,-j])/2
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