
context("lmr functions")


test_that("lmr and lmRob give similar results", {
  wh <- try(library(robust), silent=TRUE)
  if (class(wh) == "try-error") return()

  r1 <- lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + as.numeric(dose), data=liver)
  r2 <- lmRob(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + as.numeric(dose), data=liver,
              control=lmRob.control(weight=c("Bisquare", "Bisquare"),
  r3 <- lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + as.numeric(dose), data=liver, engine = "lmrob")

  co1 <- coef(summary(r1))
  co2 <- coef(summary(r2))
  co3 <- coef(summary(r3))

  # Compare 1 and 2 (rlm and lmRob)
  expect_equal(co1[, 1], co2[, 1], tol=.001, label="lmr: point estimates")
  expect_equal(co1[, 2], co2[, 2], tol=.05, label="lmr: standard errors")
  expect_equal(r1$c, r2$yc, label="lmr: tuning constant")
  expect_equal(resid(r1), resid(r2), tol=.001, label="lmr: residuals")

  # Compare 3 and 2 (lmrob and lmRob)
  expect_equal(co3[, 1], co2[, 1], tol=.001, label="lmrob: point estimates")
  expect_equal(co3[, 2], co2[, 2], tol=.05, label="lmrob: standard errors")
  expect_equal(r3$control$tuning.psi, r2$yc, label="lmrob: tuning constant")
  expect_equal(resid(r3), resid(r2), tol=.001, label="lmrob: residuals")

test_that("RFPE works", {
  rfpe1 <- margarita:::RFPE.lmr(r1, r1$s)
  rfpe2 <- margarita:::RFPE.lmRob(r2, r2$s)
  expect_equal(rfpe1, rfpe2, tol=.001, lable="lmr: RFPE for lmr and lmRob")
  expect_equal(rfpe2 * nrow(liver), robust::lmRob.RFPE(r2), tol=.001, lable="lmr: RFPE with robust::lmRob.RFPE")

  fun <- function(){
    d <- liver[sample(1:nrow(liver), size=nrow(liver), replace=TRUE), ]
    r1 <- lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + as.numeric(dose), data=d)
    r2 <- lmRob(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + as.numeric(dose), data=d,
                     control=lmRob.control(weight=c("Bisquare", "Bisquare"),
    c(margarita:::RFPE.lmr(r1, r1$s), margarita:::RFPE.lmRob(r2, r2$s))
  bs <- t(replicate(100, fun()))
  expect_gt(cor(bs[, 1], bs[, 2]), .99, label="lmr: lmr vs lmRob with RFPE")

test_that("bisquare works", {
  # Since RFPE is ok, bisquare must be. Test it directly, anyway
  x <- rnorm(1000)
  expect_equal(cor(robust::rho.weight(x, 2, 3.443689), margarita:::bisquare(x, d=0)), 1, label="lmr: bisquare rho")
  expect_equal(cor(robust::psi.weight(x, 2, 3.443689), margarita:::bisquare(x, d=1)), 1, label="lmr: bisquare psi")
  expect_equal(cor(robust::psp.weight(x, 2, 3.443689), margarita:::bisquare(x, d=2)), 1, label="lmr: bisquare dpsi")
  # Note MASS implementation doesn't multiply by input
  expect_equal(cor(MASS::psi.bisquare(x, c=3.443689)*x, margarita:::bisquare(x, d=1)), 1, label="lmr: bisquare MASS")
  expect_equal(cor(MASS::psi.bisquare(x, c=3.443689, deriv=1), margarita:::bisquare(x, d=2)), 1, label="lmr: bisquare MASS")

test_that("RFPE.list is good", {
  liver <- texmex::liver
  liver$dose <- as.numeric(dose)

  rc <- lmRob.control(eff=.85, weight=c("bisquare", "bisquare"))
  rbc <- lmrob.control(tuning.psi=3.443689)

  # Fit with robust::lmRob
  robust.m1 <- lmRob(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B), data=liver, control=rc)
  robust.m2 <- lmRob(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + dose, data=liver, control=rc)
  robust.m3 <- lmRob(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + log(ALP.B) + dose, data=liver, control=rc)

  # ... and with robustbase::lmrob
  lmrob.m1 <- lmrob(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B), data=liver, control=rbc)
  lmrob.m2 <- lmrob(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + dose, data=liver, control=rbc)
  lmrob.m3 <- lmrob(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + log(ALP.B) + dose, data=liver, control=rbc)

  # ... and with MASS::rlm
  rlm.m1 <- margarita::lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B), data=liver,
                           method="MM", c=3.443689)
  rlm.m2 <- margarita::lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + dose, data=liver,
                           method="MM", c=3.443689)
  rlm.m3 <- margarita::lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + log(ALP.B) + dose, data=liver,
                           method="MM", c=3.443689)

  r1 <- RFPE(list(rlm.m1, rlm.m2, rlm.m3))
  r2 <- RFPE(list(robust.m1, robust.m2, robust.m3))
  r3 <- RFPE(list(lmrob.m1, lmrob.m2, lmrob.m3))

  # Compare with robust::lmRob.RFPE
  ii <- sapply(list(robust.m1, robust.m2, robust.m3), robust::lmRob.RFPE, scale=robust.m3$scale)
  ii <- ii / ii[3]
  ii <- sort(ii)

  expect_equal(r1$"Rel. RFPE", ii, tolerance = 10^(-4),
               label="RFPE: RFPE.list returns same as robust::lmRob.RFPE")

  # Monkey with order of inputs
  r1.1 <- RFPE(list("3" = rlm.m3, "1" = rlm.m1, "2" = rlm.m2))
  expect_identical(r1, r1.1, label="RFPE: RFPE.list reordered models")

  # Try with a noncomparable model
  lmrob.m4 <- lmrob(log(AST.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + log(ALP.B) + dose, data=liver, control=rbc)
  expect_error(RFPE(list(lmrob.m2, lmrob.m4)),
               label="RFPE: fail when comparing models with different response")

test_that("drop1.lmr works", {
  m <- lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + as.numeric(dose), data=liver)
  d <- drop1(m)

  s <- m$s
  rf <- c(RFPE(m, s), RFPE(lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ as.numeric(dose), data=liver), scale=s),
          RFPE(lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B), data=liver), scale=s))

  expect_equal(d$RFPE, rf, tolerance=10^(-4))

  # A bug in step.lmRob means we need to take logs and create numeric dose
  ll <- liver
  ll$logALT.M <- log(ll$ALT.M)
  ll$logALT.B <- log(ll$ALT.B)
  ll$ndose <- as.numeric(ll$dose)
  r1 <- lmRob(logALT.M ~ logALT.B + ndose + TBL.B + TBL.M, data=ll,
              control=lmRob.control(eff=.85, weight=c("Bisquare", "Bisquare")))
  d1 <- drop1(r1)

  r2 <- lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + as.numeric(dose) + TBL.B + TBL.M, data=liver)
  d2 <- drop1(r2)

  expect_equal(d2[, 2], d1[, 2]/nrow(liver), tol=.001)

test_that("step.lmr works", {
  # A bug in step.lmRob means we need to take logs and create numeric dose
  ll <- liver
  ll$logALT.M <- log(ll$ALT.M)
  ll$logALT.B <- log(ll$ALT.B)
  ll$ndose <- as.numeric(ll$dose)
  x <- rmvnorm(nrow(ll), mean=rep(0, 10))
  ll <- cbind(ll, data.frame(x))
  r1 <- lmRob(logALT.M ~ logALT.B + ndose + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7 + X8 + X9 + X10, data=ll,
              control=lmRob.control(eff=.85, weight=c("Bisquare", "Bisquare")))
  s1 <- step.lmRob(r1, trace=FALSE)

  r2 <- lmr(logALT.M ~ logALT.B + ndose + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7 + X8 + X9 + X10, data=ll)
  s2 <- step.lmr(r2, trace=FALSE)

  expect_equal(coef(s2), coef(s1), tol=.001)

  for (i in 1:10){
    ll <- liver
    x <- rmvnorm(nrow(ll), mean=rep(0, 10))
    ll <- cbind(ll, data.frame(x))
    r1 <- lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + as.numeric(dose) + X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7 + X8 + X9 + X10, data=ll)
    s1 <- step.lmr(r1, trace=FALSE)
    expect_lt(length(coef(s1)), length(coef(r1)))

test_that("AIC.lmr does what it ought", {
  # Define some functions using code found at
  Rho = function(x, cc){
    U = x/cc; U1 = 3 * U^2 - 3 * U^4 + U^6
    U1[abs(U) > 1] = 1; return(U1)
  Psi = function(x, cc){
    U = x/cc; U1 = 6/cc * U * (1 - U^2)^2
    U1[abs(U) > 1] = 0; return(U1)

  dPsi = function(x, cc){
    U = x/cc; U1 = (6/(cc^2)) *(1- 6* U^2+ 5* U^4)
    U1[abs(U) > 1] = 0; return(U1)
  AIC.S <- function(y, X, beta.s, scale.s, cc){
    n <- length(y)

    for(i in 1:n){
      U[i,]=dPsi((y[i,]-X[i,] %*% beta.s)/scale.s ,cc)
      UU[i,]=(Psi((y[i,]-X[i,] %*% beta.s)/scale.s ,cc))^2
    J= (t(X) %*% diag(as.vector(U)) %*% X * (1/(scale.s^2)))/n
    inv.J<- solve(J)
    K= (t(X) %*% diag(as.vector(UU)) %*% X * (1/(scale.s^2)))/n
    AIC =2*n*(log(scale.s))+ 2* sum(diag(inv.J %*%(K)))
  } # close AIC.S

  r1 <- lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + as.numeric(dose), data=liver)
  a1 <- AIC.lmr(r1)
  a2 <- AIC.S(y=as.matrix(log(liver$ALT.M), ncol=1), r1$x, coef(r1), r1$s, r1$c)
  expect_equal(a1, a2)
harrysouthworth/margarita documentation built on Aug. 19, 2021, 5 a.m.