

test_that("simBase returns a sample as expected", {
  ll <- liver
  ll$ndose <- as.numeric(ll$dose)
  mm <- lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + ndose, data=ll)
  ll$r <- resid(mm)
  nsim <- 10500; burn <- 500
  gm <- evm(r, data=ll, qu=.5, xi=~ndose, method="sim",
            iter=nsim, burn=burn, thin=1, verbose=FALSE)
  b <- simBase(mm, gm, baseline="log(ALT.B)")
  # Check length is the same as the number of simulated
  # parameters in the GPD model
  expect_that(length(b), equals(nsim - burn))
  # Check the simualted baselines are from the same distribution
  # as the original. Don't want to be warned about ties in the data,
  # so suppress warnings.
  suppressWarnings(k <- ks.test(log(ll$ALT.B), b)$p.value)
  expect_that(k > .2, is_true())

test_that("Distribution of expected values from robust regression is ok", {
  ll <- liver
  ll$ndose <- as.numeric(ll$dose)
  mm <- lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + ndose, data=ll)
  ll$r <- resid(mm)
  nsim <- 10500; burn <- 500
  gm <- evm(r, data=ll, qu=.5, xi=~ndose, method="sim",
            iter=nsim, burn=burn, thin=1, verbose=FALSE)
  nd <- data.frame(ndose=1:4)
  sl <- simLinear(mm, gm, nd,
                  baseline="log(ALT.B)", rawBaseline="ALT.B",
  # Check number of simulations is same as number of GPD
  # simualted parameters times number of rows in newdata
  expect_that(nrow(sl), equals(nrow(nd) * (nsim - burn)))
  # Check the (nsim-burn) baseline values got replicated correctly
  expect_that(log(sl$ALT.B[1:(nsim-burn)]), equals(log(sl$ALT.B[((nsim-burn)+1):(2*(nsim-burn))])))
  expect_that(log(sl$ALT.B[1:(nsim-burn)]), equals(log(sl$ALT.B[(2*(nsim-burn)+1):(3*(nsim-burn))])))
  expect_that(log(sl$ALT.B[1:(nsim-burn)]), equals(log(sl$ALT.B[(3*(nsim-burn)+1):nrow(sl)])))
  # Check that coefficients match those from the original robust regression.
  # The data have not been centred, so omit the intercept.
  ols <- lm(fitted ~ log(ALT.B) + ndose, data=sl)
  # Data not centred, so intercepts could differ
  expect_that(coef(ols)[-1], equals(coef(mm)[-1], tol=.01))
  # Check that the difference in fitted values is the same from one dose to
  # the next (which checks the simulated regression coefficients have been
  # replicated in the same way as the baselines).
  ssl <- split(sl, sl$ndose)
  diff1 <- ssl[[2]]$fitted - ssl[[1]]$fitted
  diff2 <- ssl[[3]]$fitted - ssl[[2]]$fitted
  diff3 <- ssl[[4]]$fitted - ssl[[3]]$fitted
  expect_that(diff1, equals(diff2))
  expect_that(diff2, equals(diff3))
  # Check the differences correspond to the dose effect
  expect_that(mean(diff1), equals(as.numeric(coef(mm)[3]), tol=.01))
  co <- coef(summary(mm))
  # tol is mean relative diff tol. Simulation suggests 0.025 should be fairly safe
  expect_that(sd(diff1), equals(co[3,2], tol=.03))

test_that("Probabilities of threshold exceedance are calculated correctly", {
  # margarita.rp and margarita.getProbs are just wrappers that allow for
  # dealing with matrices and lists of parameters and return levels.
  for (i in 1:10){
    sigma <- abs(rnorm(1, 10))
    xi <- rnorm(1, 0, .5)
    phi <- log(sigma)
    m <- 2
    mrp <- margarita.rp(1, matrix(m), u=0, phi, xi, 1, NULL)
    p <- 1-pgpd(2, u=0, sigma=sigma, xi=xi)
    mgp <- margarita.getProbs(1, list(matrix(c(phi, xi), ncol=2)), u=0, p=1, r=NULL, m=matrix(2))
    expect_that(mrp, equals(p))
    expect_that(unlist(mgp), equals(p))

test_that("Return levels match those from pre-margarita code", {
  # Compute return levels useing old pre-margarita code that was submitted to a Git
  # repo on 2013-06-19 (though the code predates that)
  liver$ndose <- as.numeric(liver$dose)
  rmod <- lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + ndose, data=liver)
  liver$r <- resid(rmod)
  gmod <- evm(r, data=liver, qu=.7, xi=~ndose, method="sim", verbose=FALSE)
  nsim <- nrow(gmod$param)
  # Resample baselines
  base <- sample(log(liver$ALT.B), size=nsim, replace=TRUE)
  mycov <- summary(rmod)$cov.unscaled * summary(rmod)$stddev^2 # <-------- margarita uses sigma, not sttdev
  myloc <- coef(rmod)
  mycoefs <- rmvnorm(4*nsim, mean=myloc, sigma=mycov)
  ElogALT <- mycoefs[,1] + mycoefs[,2]*base + rep(1:4,each=nsim)*mycoefs[,3]
  ElogALT <- matrix(ElogALT, ncol=4)
  m <- c(100, 1000)
  gg <- list()
  for (i in 1:2){
    rl <- predict(gmod, M=m[i], all=TRUE)[[1]]
    colnames(rl) <- LETTERS[1:4]
    logRL <- rl + ElogALT
    srl <- exp(apply(logRL, 2, quantile, probs=c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95))) / 36
    r <- range(srl)
    srl <- data.frame(t(srl))
    srl$dose <- paste("Dose", LETTERS[1:4])
    gg[[i]] <- srl
  } # Close for i
  gg <- do.call("rbind", gg)
  # Redo using margarita
  mar <- margarita(rmod, gmod, newdata=data.frame(ndose=1:4), baseline="ALT.B")
  rl <- simulate(mar, M=c(100, 1000))
  s <- summary(rl) / 36

  res <- as.data.frame(s)[, 1:5] / as.data.frame(gg)[, 1:5]
  expect_less_than(max(res), 1.1)
  expect_more_than(min(res), 1/1.1)
  # Medians should be more stable than 5th and 95th percentiles
  expect_less_than(max(res[, 3]), 1.05)
  expect_more_than(min(res[, 3]), 1/1.05)

test_that("Excess probabilities match those from pre-margarita code", {
  liver$ndose <- as.numeric(liver$dose)
  rmod <- lmr(log(ALT.M) ~ log(ALT.B) + ndose, data=liver)
  liver$r <- resid(rmod)
  gmod <- evm(r, data=liver, qu=.7, xi=~ndose, method="sim", verbose=FALSE)
  nsim <- nrow(gmod$param)
  rp <- function(xm, u, phi, xi, p, r) {
    res <- p * (1 + xi/exp(phi) * (xm - u))^(-1/xi)
    if (any(u > xm)){
      res[u > xm] <- sapply(u[u>xm],
                            function(x,r,m,p) mean((r + x - quantile(r,1-p)) > m),
    res[xi < 0 & xm > u - exp(phi)/xi] <- 0
  getProbs <- function(u, phi, xi, p, r, ULN, m = c(1, 3, 10, 20)) {
    m <- log(ULN * m)
    res <- t(sapply(m, rp, u = u, phi = phi, xi = xi, p = p, r=r))
    res <- apply(res, 1, quantile,  prob=c(.05, .25, .5, .75, .95))
    round(res, 4)
  DoCalc <- function(gmod, ElogALT, xi){
    cnames <- paste("P(ALT > ", c("", "3x", "10x", "20x"), "ULN)",sep = "")
    out <- getProbs(u = ElogALT + gmod$map$threshold,
                    phi = gmod$param[,1], xi = xi,
                    r=liver$r, p = 1-0.7, ULN = 36)
    colnames(out) <- cnames
  bmodParams <- predict(gmod, type="lp", all=TRUE)
  rpA <- DoCalc(gmod, ElogALT = ElogALT[,1], xi = bmodParams[[1]][[1]][,2])
  rpB <- DoCalc(gmod, ElogALT = ElogALT[,2], xi = bmodParams[[1]][[2]][,2])
  rpC <- DoCalc(gmod, ElogALT = ElogALT[,3], xi = bmodParams[[1]][[3]][,2])
  rpD <- DoCalc(gmod, ElogALT = ElogALT[,4], xi = bmodParams[[1]][[4]][,2])
  rpl <- list(rpA, rpB, rpC, rpD)
  # Do by multiples of ULN, not dose
  fun <- function(o, i){
    res <- t(sapply(o, function(x, i){ x[, i] }, i=i))
    res <- data.frame(res)
    res$dose <- paste('Dose', LETTERS[1:4])

  rpl <- do.call("rbind", lapply(rpl, t))

  # Redo using margarita
  mar <- margarita(rmod, gmod, newdata=data.frame(ndose=1:4), baseline="ALT.B")
  p <- simulate(mar, M=c(1, 3, 10, 20)*36, type="prob")
  sp <- as.data.frame(summary(p))

  res <- sp[, 3:7] - rpl
  expect_less_than(max(res), .01)
  expect_more_than(min(res), -.03)
  # image(as.matrix(res)); res
  # Medians should be more stable than 5th and 95th percentiles
  expect_less_than(max(res[, 3]), .002)
  expect_more_than(min(res[, 3]), -.002)
harrysouthworth/margarita documentation built on Aug. 19, 2021, 5 a.m.