#' Compile dataframe of all synonyms listed on Amphibian Species of the World
#' This function looks up any listed synonyms on the ASW website (https://amphibiansoftheworld.amnh.org/). It takes a minimum of one argument: the asw_taxonomy table generated with the function getTaxonomy(). If a full search is performed, this can take quite long (looking through ~8800 species webpages for upwards of 31 000 synonyms), but additional arguments can be included to restrict searches to a specified taxonomic group.
#' @param asw_taxonomy the ASW taxonomy table obtained with get_taxonomy(). If no table is provided, by default it will use the internally stored data set. WARNING! this version of the amphibian taxonomy may be outdated
#' @param Order limit search to a user-specified amphibian order
#' @param Superfamily limit search to a user-specified amphibian superfamily
#' @param Family limit search to a user-specified amphibian family
#' @param Subfamily limit search to a user-specified amphibian subfamily
#' @param Genus limit search to a user-specified amphibian genus
#' @param Species limit search to a user-specified amphibian species
#' @return returns a data frame listing all species and their listed synonyms
#' @details Users may experience issues with umlauts that are not supported by their system language. On Mac OSX, this can be changed by running the following line of code in R:
#' system("defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8")
#' and then restarting the session. Read more here: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/RMacOSX-FAQ.html#Internationalization-of-the-R_002eapp
#' @examples
#' #to get a full list of synonyms for all species, run:
#' \dontrun{asw_synonyms<-get_synonyms()}
#' #to get synonyms for a specific taxonomic group only:
#' \dontrun{get_synonyms(Family="Sooglossidae")}
#' @import utils XML
#' @export
get_synonyms<-function(asw_taxonomy=AmphiNom::asw_taxonomy, Order=NA, Superfamily=NA, Family=NA,Subfamily=NA, Genus=NA, Species=NA){
if(!is.na(Order)) asw_taxonomy<-asw_taxonomy[asw_taxonomy$order %in% Order,]
if(!is.na(Superfamily)) asw_taxonomy<-asw_taxonomy[asw_taxonomy$superfamily %in% Superfamily,]
if(!is.na(Family)) asw_taxonomy<-asw_taxonomy[asw_taxonomy$family %in% Family,]
if(!is.na(Subfamily)) asw_taxonomy<-asw_taxonomy[asw_taxonomy$subfamily %in% Subfamily,]
if(!is.na(Genus)) asw_taxonomy<-asw_taxonomy[asw_taxonomy$genus %in% Genus,]
if(!is.na(Species)) asw_taxonomy<-asw_taxonomy[asw_taxonomy$species %in% gsub(Species, pattern="_", replacement = " "),]
if(nrow(asw_taxonomy)<1) print("No match found. Check spelling and make sure nested searches are compatible")
if(nrow(asw_taxonomy)<1) return()
if(nrow(asw_taxonomy)>1) asw_taxonomy<-as.data.frame(apply(X=asw_taxonomy, MARGIN=2, FUN=factor))
print("Looking up synonyms. If performing a full search, this could take a while...")
pb<- txtProgressBar(max=nrow(asw_taxonomy),style=3)
for(i in 1:nrow(asw_taxonomy)){
#add random sleep time
Sys.sleep(runif(1, min = 0.3, max = 1)) # random sleep time
#get url and parse to document
#extract first paragraph (containing synonyms) and capture species names, based on the pattern that they occur before a
#website link and is printed in bold (<b></b>)
syn<-grep(html, pattern="<p>", value=T)[1]
syn<-unlist(strsplit(syn, split ="<p>"))
syn<-syn[grep(syn, pattern="<b>")] # keep only elements with a bold word in it
syn<-gsub(syn, pattern="<a href=.*",replacement = "")
syn<-gsub(syn, pattern="</b>.*", replacement = "")
junk<-'<.*?>| | |\\s+'
syn<-gsub(syn, pattern=junk, replacement = " ")
syn<-gsub(syn, pattern=""", replacement="'")
syn<-gsub(syn, pattern="[^[:alnum:]]+$", replacement = " ")
syn<-gsub(syn, pattern="^\\s+|\\s+$", replacement = "")
syn<-gsub(syn, pattern="\\s+", replacement=" ")
#remove all single strings (binomials that were split due to inconsistent formatting)
synon.names<-synon.names[grepl(synon.names, pattern="[[:blank:]]") & !grepl(synon.names, pattern="^\\w+$|^\\w+[[:blank:]]+$|^[[:blank:]]\\w+$")]
#extract and divide sub genera
sub.gen.pat<-"(\\w+ )(\\()(\\w+)(\\) )(\\w+)"
sub.gen<-grep(synon.names, pattern=sub.gen.pat)
synon.names<-c(synon.names,gsub(synon.names[sub.gen], pattern=sub.gen.pat, replacement=c("\\3 \\5")),gsub(synon.names[sub.gen], pattern=sub.gen.pat, replacement=c("\\1\\5")))
#remove any non-alpha numerics at the end of the strings
synon.names<-gsub(synon.names, pattern="[^[:alnum:]]+$", replacement="")
#check if current species name is included in the list:
if(!as.character(asw_taxonomy$species[i]) %in% synon.names) synon.names<-c(as.character(asw_taxonomy$species[i]),synon.names)
#include also binomial species if only subspecies is lists
triplets<-grep(synon.names, pattern="^\\w+ \\w+ \\w+$")
original<-triplets[which(sapply(strsplit(synon.names[triplets],split = " "), FUN=duplicated), arr.ind=T)[,"col"]]
synon.names<-c(synon.names, gsub(synon.names[original], pattern="(\\w+ )(\\w+)( \\w+)", replacement = "\\1\\2"))
#remove any duplicates
# sort alphabetically
names(synon.names)<-rep(asw_taxonomy$species[i], length(synon.names))
asw.syn.tab<-c(asw.syn.tab, synon.names)
# counter:
# convert to table
asw.syn.tab<-data.frame(species=names(asw.syn.tab), synonyms=asw.syn.tab)
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