
Defines functions extract_features_all_legacy extract_features_all extract_feature_overlap extract_feature_length extract_feature_length_mm extract_feature_sd_D extract_feature_D extract_feature_lag_mm extract_feature_lag extract_feature_rough_cor extract_feature_ccf extract_feature_sum_peaks extract_feature_mismatches_per_mm extract_feature_mismatches extract_feature_matches extract_feature_matches_per_mm extract_helper_feature_n_striae extract_feature_non_cms_per_mm extract_feature_non_cms extract_feature_cms_per_mm extract_feature_cms extract_feature_cms2_per_mm extract_feature_cms2 extract_feature_left_cms extract_feature_right_cms

Documented in extract_feature_ccf extract_feature_cms extract_feature_cms2 extract_feature_cms2_per_mm extract_feature_cms_per_mm extract_feature_D extract_feature_lag extract_feature_lag_mm extract_feature_left_cms extract_feature_length extract_feature_length_mm extract_feature_matches extract_feature_matches_per_mm extract_feature_mismatches extract_feature_mismatches_per_mm extract_feature_non_cms extract_feature_non_cms_per_mm extract_feature_overlap extract_feature_right_cms extract_feature_rough_cor extract_features_all extract_features_all_legacy extract_feature_sd_D extract_feature_sum_peaks extract_helper_feature_n_striae

#' Extract number of consecutively matching elevated striation marks from the right of two aligned signatures
#' @param striae data frame of striation marks based on two aligned signatures
#' @return number of consecutively matching striation marks (from right)
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
#' @importFrom dplyr '%>%' arrange
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_right_cms(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_right_cms <- function(striae) {
    has_name(striae, "xmin"),
    has_name(striae, "match")
  xmin <- NULL

  striae <- striae %>% arrange(xmin)
  striae$rightcms <- FALSE
  idx <- which(striae$match == FALSE)
  lastidx <- length(idx)
  if (lastidx > 0) {
    return(nrow(striae) - idx[lastidx])

#' Extract number of consecutively matching elevated striation marks from the left of two aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_right_cms
#' @return number of consecutively matching striation marks (from left)
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
#' @importFrom dplyr '%>%' arrange
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_left_cms(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_left_cms <- function(striae) {
    has_name(striae, "xmin"),
    has_name(striae, "match")
  xmin <- NULL

  striae <- striae %>% arrange(xmin)
  striae$leftcms <- FALSE
  idx <- which(striae$match == FALSE)
  if (length(idx) > 0) {
    return(idx[1] - 1)


#' Extract number of consecutively matching elevated striation marks from two aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_right_cms
#' @return number of consecutively matching elevated striation marks
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
#' @importFrom dplyr filter arrange '%>%'
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_cms2(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_cms2 <- function(striae) {
  # TODO: Rename function: cms2 -> cms
  # TODO: Rename function cms -> cms_all
  # This cms definition is consistent with Biasotti - it only counts peaks
    has_name(striae, "xmin"),
    has_name(striae, "type"),
    has_name(striae, "match")
  xmin <- type <- NULL

  striae <- striae %>% arrange(xmin)
  peaks <- filter(striae, type == 1)
  get_longest_run(peaks$match == TRUE)

#' Extract scaled number of consecutively matching elevated striation marks from two aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_cms_per_mm
#' @return scaled number of consecutively matching elevated striation marks per millimeter
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
#' @importFrom dplyr filter arrange '%>%'
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_cms2_per_mm(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_cms2_per_mm <- function(striae, aligned, resolution) {
  # TODO: Rename function: cms2 -> cms
  # TODO: Rename function cms -> cms_all
  # This cms definition is consistent with Biasotti - it only counts peaks

  extract_feature_cms2(striae) / extract_feature_length_mm(aligned, resolution)

#' Extract number of consecutively matching striation marks (peaks and valleys) from two aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_right_cms
#' @return number of consecutively matching striation marks (peaks and valleys)
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_cms(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_cms <- function(striae) {
  # cms_all is counting peaks and valleys, definition by Biasotti only counts peaks.
  # TODO: Rename function: cms -> cms_all
  assert_that(has_name(striae, "match"))
  get_longest_run(striae$match == TRUE)

#' Extract scaled number of consecutively matching striation marks (peaks and valleys) from two aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_right_cms
#' @param aligned two aligned signatures
#' @param resolution micron per pixel resolution
#' @return scaled number of consecutively matching striation marks (peaks and valleys)
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
#' @family scaled-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_cms(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_cms_per_mm <- function(striae, aligned, resolution) {
  cms <- extract_feature_cms(striae)
  length <- extract_feature_length_mm(aligned, resolution)
  cms / length

# #' Extract number of consecutively matching striation marks per mm from two
# #' aligned signatures
# #'
# #' @inheritParams extract_feature_cms
# #' @inheritParams extract_feature_length
# #' @param resolution Resolution of the scans, in microns
# #' @return number of consecutively matching striation marks (peaks and valleys)
# #'           per mm
# #' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
# #' @family striae-related-features
# extract_feature_cms_all_mm <- function(striae, aligned, resolution = NULL) {
#   # TODO: scale cms to relative cms per millimeter to account for length of a signature
#   if (is.null(resolution)) {
#     warning("Assuming a resolution of 1.5625 microns")
#     resolution <- 1.5625
#   }
#   assert_that(is.numeric(resolution))
#   assert_that(!is.null(striae), !is.null(aligned))
#   # Get shortest aligned signature length in mm
#   sequence_len <- extract_feature_length(aligned)
#   # Convert to mm length
#   sig_len_micron <- resolution * sequence_len
#   sig_len_mm <- sig_len_micron * 1000
#   # Get cms_all and divide by signature length in mm
#   extract_feature_cms(striae) / sig_len_mm
# }

#' Extract number of consecutively non-matching striation marks from two aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_right_cms
#' @return number of consecutively non-matching striation marks
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_non_cms(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_non_cms <- function(striae) {
  assert_that(has_name(striae, "match"))
  get_longest_run(striae$match == FALSE)

#' Extract scaled number of consecutively non-matching striation marks from two aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_cms_per_mm
#' @return scaled number of consecutively non-matching striation marks
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_non_cms(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_non_cms_per_mm <- function(striae, aligned, resolution) {
  extract_feature_non_cms(striae) / extract_feature_length_mm(aligned, resolution)

#' Extract information for striation marks from two aligned signatures
#' internal function, called by multiple extract_feature functions
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_right_cms
#' @param type one of "peak", "valley" or "all"
#' @param match binary setting: TRUE for matching striae, FALSE for non-matching
#'          striae
#' @return number of striae
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_helper_feature_n_striae(striae$lines, type = "all", match = T)
#' }
extract_helper_feature_n_striae <- function(striae, type = "peak",
                                            match = TRUE) {
    has_name(striae, "type"),
    has_name(striae, "match")
  assert_that(type %in% c("peak", "valley", "all"),
    msg = "type must be peak, valley, or all"

  striae$type__ <- TRUE

  if (type == "peak") striae$type__ <- striae$type == 1
  if (type == "valley") striae$type__ <- striae$type == -1

  if (match) {
    n <- sum(striae$match & striae$type__)
  } else {
    n <- sum(!striae$match)


#' Extract scaled number of matching striation marks from two aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_cms_per_mm
#' @return scaled number of matching striation marks per mm
#' @export
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_matches(striae$lines)
#' extract_feature_mismatches(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_matches_per_mm <- function(striae, aligned, resolution) {
  extract_feature_matches(striae) / extract_feature_length_mm(aligned, resolution)

#' Extract number of matching striation marks from two aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_right_cms
#' @return number of matching striation marks
#' @export
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_matches(striae$lines)
#' extract_feature_mismatches(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_matches <- function(striae) {
  extract_helper_feature_n_striae(striae, type = "all", match = TRUE)

#' Extract number of mismatched striation marks from two aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_right_cms
#' @return number of mismatched striation marks
#' @export
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_matches(striae$lines)
#' extract_feature_mismatches(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_mismatches <- function(striae) {
  extract_helper_feature_n_striae(striae, type = "all", match = FALSE)

#' Extract number of mismatched striation marks from two aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_cms_per_mm
#' @return number of mismatched striation marks
#' @export
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_matches(striae$lines)
#' extract_feature_mismatches(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_mismatches_per_mm <- function(striae, aligned, resolution) {
  extract_feature_mismatches(striae) / extract_feature_length_mm(aligned, resolution)

#' Extract the combined height of aligned striae between two aligned signatures
#' @param striae data frame of striation marks based on two aligned signatures
#' @return sum of heights of matching striae
#' @export
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_name
#' @importFrom dplyr filter summarize '%>%'
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Set the data up to be read in, cleaned, etc.
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_feature_sum_peaks(striae$lines)
#' }
extract_feature_sum_peaks <- function(striae) {
  heights <- match <- NULL
    has_name(striae, "heights"),
    has_name(striae, "match")
  striae %>%
    filter(match == TRUE) %>%
      sum_peaks = sum(abs(heights), na.rm = TRUE)
    ) %>%

#' Extract ccf from two (or more) aligned signatures
#' @param aligned data frame with variable x (for location) and two or
#'          more measurements (the bullets entry in the list returned from
#'          sig_align)
#' @return (matrix) of correlations
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @family alignment-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' extract_feature_ccf(alignment$lands)
#' }
extract_feature_ccf <- function(aligned) {
  assert_that(dim(aligned)[2] > 2, msg = "aligned must have at least 3 columns")
  for (i in 2:dim(aligned)[2]) {
      is.numeric(aligned[, i]),
      msg = sprintf("Column %d (%s) is not numeric", i, names(aligned)[i])

  if (dim(aligned)[2] == 3) { # only two signatures to compare
    return(cor(aligned[, 2], aligned[, 3], use = "pairwise"))
  return(cor(aligned[, -1], use = "pairwise"))

#' Extract rough correlation from two (or more) aligned signatures
#' @param aligned data frame with variable x (for location) and two or
#'          more measurements
#' @return (matrix) of correlations
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
extract_feature_rough_cor <- function(aligned) {
  assert_that(dim(aligned)[2] > 2, msg = "aligned must have at least 3 columns")
  for (i in 2:dim(aligned)[2]) {
      is.numeric(aligned[, i]),
      msg = sprintf("Column %d (%s) is not numeric", i, names(aligned)[i])

  avgl30 <- rowSums(aligned[, -1]) / (dim(aligned)[2] - 1)
  smoothavgl30 <- smoothloess(y = avgl30, span = 0.3)
  doublesmoothed <- aligned[, -1] - smoothavgl30

  if (dim(aligned)[2] == 3) { # only two signatures to compare
    return(cor(doublesmoothed, use = "pairwise")[1, 2])
  return(cor(doublesmoothed, use = "pairwise"))

#' Extract lag from two (or more) aligned signatures
#' In the case of two signatures the result is an integer definining the number
#' of indices by which the second signature is shifted compared to the first
#' signature in the alignment. Note that this lag can be negative.
#' In the case of multiple signatures the result is a vector of non-negative
#' integers of the same length as signatures. Each element gives the number of
#' indices by which the corresponding signature is shifted compared to the
#' *first* signature. By definition, one of the numbers has to be 0 indicating
#' the *first* signature. XXX Need to indicate that "first" isn't the col index
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_ccf
#' @return (vector) of lags
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @family alignment-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' extract_feature_lag(alignment$lands)
#' }
extract_feature_lag <- function(aligned) {
  assert_that(dim(aligned)[2] > 2, msg = "aligned must have at least 3 columns")
  for (i in 2:dim(aligned)[2]) {
      is.numeric(aligned[, i]),
      msg = sprintf("Column %d (%s) is not numeric", i, names(aligned)[i])

  lags <- sapply(aligned[, -1], function(x) {
    if (!is.na(x[1])) return(0)
    diffs <- diff(is.na(x))
    which(diffs == -1)

  if (length(lags) == 2) return(diff(lags))

#' Extract lag in mm from two (or more) aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_ccf
#' @param resolution numeric value of resolution in micron per pixel
#' @return (vector) of lags in millimeter
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @family alignment-related-features
extract_feature_lag_mm <- function(aligned, resolution) {
  extract_feature_lag(aligned) * resolution / 1000

#' Extract average distance between two (or more) aligned signatures
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_ccf
#' @param ... arguments for function `dist`
#' @return object of class distance
#' @importFrom stats dist as.dist
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @family alignment-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' extract_feature_D(alignment$lands)
#' }
extract_feature_D <- function(aligned, ...) {
  assert_that(dim(aligned)[2] > 2, msg = "aligned must have at least 3 columns")
  for (i in 2:dim(aligned)[2]) {
      is.numeric(aligned[, i]),
      msg = sprintf("Column %d (%s) is not numeric", i, names(aligned)[i])

  dists <- dist(t(aligned[, -1]), ...)
  ns <- t(!is.na(aligned[, -1])) %*% !is.na(aligned[, -1])

  if (attr(dists, "Size") == 2) return(as.numeric(dists / as.dist(ns)))

  dists / as.dist(ns)

#' Extract variation in the height measurements between two aligned signatures
#' @param aligned data frame with variable x (for location) and two aligned
#'          signatures
#' @return numeric value
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
extract_feature_sd_D <- function(aligned) {
  # TODO: sd_D does not have anything to do with D - named atm only to be consistent with legacy stuff
  assert_that(dim(aligned)[2] > 2, msg = "aligned must have at least 3 columns")
  for (i in 2:dim(aligned)[2]) {
      is.numeric(aligned[, i]),
      msg = sprintf("Column %d (%s) is not numeric", i, names(aligned)[i])

  aligned[, 2:3] %>% purrr::map_dbl(.f = sd, na.rm = TRUE) %>% sum(na.rm = TRUE)

#' Length of two (aligned) signatures in millimeter
#' Signatures will usually be of different lengths. In a comparison, the length
#' of the shorter signature represents the potential length for a match.
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_ccf
#' @param resolution micron per pixel resolution
#' @return length of the shorter signature in millimeters.
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom zoo na.trim
#' @export
#' @family alignment-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' extract_feature_length(alignment$lands)
#' }
extract_feature_length_mm <- function(aligned, resolution) {
  extract_feature_length(aligned) * resolution / 1000 # one millimiter is 1000 microns

#' Extract length of two (aligned) signatures
#' Signatures will usually be of different lengths. In a comparison, the length
#' of the shorter signature represents the potential length for a match.
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_ccf
#' @return integer value of the length of the shorter signature.
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom zoo na.trim
#' @export
#' @family alignment-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' extract_feature_length(alignment$lands)
#' }
extract_feature_length <- function(aligned) {
  assert_that(dim(aligned)[2] > 2, msg = "aligned must have at least 3 columns")
  for (i in 2:dim(aligned)[2]) {
      is.numeric(aligned[, i]),
      msg = sprintf("Column %d (%s) is not numeric", i, names(aligned)[i])

  # only smaller of the length of the first two signatures

  # n1 <- length(na.trim(aligned[, 2]))
  # n2 <- length(na.trim(aligned[, 3]))
  # min(n1, n2)
  n <- apply(aligned[, -1], 2, function(x) length(na.trim(x)))

#' Extract overlap between two aligned signatures
#' The overlap of two aligned signatures is defined as the ratio of the number
#' of non-missing overlapping values of the two aligned signatures and
#' the length of the shorter signature. A larger overlap indicates a higher
#' level of agreement between the signatures.
#' @inheritParams extract_feature_ccf
#' @return value between 0 and 1, ratio of length of overlap compared to
#'           smaller length of the signature
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @family alignment-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' extract_feature_overlap(alignment$lands)
#' }
extract_feature_overlap <- function(aligned) {
  assert_that(dim(aligned)[2] > 2, msg = "aligned must have at least 3 columns")
  for (i in 2:dim(aligned)[2]) {
      is.numeric(aligned[, i]),
      msg = sprintf("Column %d (%s) is not numeric", i, names(aligned)[i])

  # compute non-missing overlap of the first two signatures
  sum(!is.na(aligned[, 2]) & !is.na(aligned[, 3])) /

#' Extract features from aligned signatures
#' @param aligned aligned signatures, result from `sig_cms_max`
#' @param striae data frame with evaluated matching striae
#' @param resolution micron per pixel resolution of scans
#' @param tmpfile character consisting of the path to a temporary file. If not `NULL`, one line is appended to the file each time the function is executed.
#' @param ... passed on to extractor functions
#' @importFrom utils apropos getFromNamespace write.table
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @export
#' @family alignment-related-features
#' @family striae-related-features
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(bulletxtrctr)
#' library(x3ptools)
#' example_data <- bullet_pipeline(
#'   location = list(
#'     Bullet1 = c(hamby252demo$bullet1[2]),
#'     Bullet2 = c(hamby252demo$bullet2[4])
#'   ),
#'   x3p_clean = function(x) x %>%
#'       x3p_scale_unit(scale_by=10^6) %>%
#'       rotate_x3p(angle = -90) %>%
#'       y_flip_x3p()
#' )
#' alignment <- sig_align(example_data$sigs[[1]]$sig,
#'                        example_data$sigs[[2]]$sig)
#' striae <- sig_cms_max(alignment)
#' extract_features_all(alignment, striae)
#' }
extract_features_all <- function(aligned, striae, resolution, tmpfile = NULL, ...) {
  feature <- value <- NULL
  assert_that(!is.null(aligned), !is.null(striae),
    msg = "aligned and striae must not be NULL"

  features <- apropos("extract_feature_")
  dots <- list(...)

  values <- features %>% purrr::map_dbl(.f = function(f) {
    fun <- getFromNamespace(f, asNamespace("bulletxtrctr"))
    fun_args <- names(formals(fun))
    matching_args <- dots[names(dots) %in% fun_args]

    if ("aligned" %in% fun_args) {
      matching_args$aligned <- aligned$lands
    if ("striae" %in% fun_args) {
      matching_args$striae <- striae$lines
    if ("resolution" %in% fun_args) {
      matching_args$resolution <- resolution
    res <- do.call(fun, matching_args)


  dframe <- data.frame(
    feature = gsub("extract_feature_", "", features),
    value = values
  ) %>% spread(feature, value)

  if (!is.null(tmpfile)) {
    if (file.exists(tmpfile)) {
        file = tmpfile, sep = ",", append = TRUE,
        col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE
    } else {
        file = tmpfile, sep = ",", append = FALSE,
        col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE


#' Extract features from aligned signatures (legacy)
#' @param res list consisting of data frames of lines and aligned signatures,
#'          result from `sig_cms_max`
#' XXX this needs some fixing
#' @param resolution resolution at which the scans were taken in microns per pixel
#' @param tmpfile character value consisting of a path to a temporary file. If not NULL, a line is added to this file each time this function is executed.
#' @return data frame with variables ccf, rough_cor, D, sd_D, matches,
#'           mismatches, cms, non_cms, and sum_peaks
#' @export
extract_features_all_legacy <- function(res, resolution, tmpfile = NULL) {
#   browser()
  avgl30 <- bullet <- l30 <- sig1 <- sig2 <- smoothavgl30 <- type <- x <- NULL

  lofX <- res$lands
  #    lofX$l30 <- lofX$sig
  #    b12 <- unique(lofX$bullet)
  b12 <- c("sig1", "sig2")
  subLOFx1 <- lofX[, c("x", "sig1")]
  names(subLOFx1) <- c("y", "val")
  subLOFx2 <- lofX[, c("x", "sig2")]
  names(subLOFx2) <- c("y", "val")
  #    browser()

  #   subLOFx1 <- subset(lofX, bullet==b12[1])
  #  subLOFx2 <- subset(lofX, bullet==b12[2])

#  ys <- dplyr::intersect(
#    round(subLOFx1$y, digits = 3),
#    round(subLOFx2$y, digits = 3)
#  )
   ys <- na.omit(lofX)$x

#  idx1 <- which(round(subLOFx1$y, digits = 3) %in% ys)
#  idx2 <- which(round(subLOFx2$y, digits = 3) %in% ys)

  g1_inc_x <- resolution

#  sq <- function(x) x^2

  distr.dist <- sqrt(mean(((lofX$sig1 - lofX$sig2)*g1_inc_x/1000)^2, na.rm=TRUE))

#  distr.dist <- sqrt(distr.dist) # Fixed so pipe doesn't cause check() to freak
  distr.sd <- sd(subLOFx1$val * g1_inc_x / 1000, na.rm = TRUE) +
    sd(subLOFx2$val * g1_inc_x / 1000, na.rm = TRUE)

  km <- which(res$lines$match)
  knm <- which(!res$lines$match)
  if (length(km) == 0) km <- c(length(knm) + 1, 0)
  if (length(knm) == 0) knm <- c(length(km) + 1, 0)

  signature.length <- min(nrow(na.omit(subLOFx1)), nrow(na.omit(subLOFx2)))

  doublesmoothed <- lofX %>%
    tidyr::gather(bullet, l30, sig1:sig2) %>%
    #   group_by(y) %>%
    mutate(avgl30 = mean(l30, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
      smoothavgl30 = smoothloess(y = avgl30, span = 0.3),
      l50 = l30 - smoothavgl30

  final_doublesmoothed <- doublesmoothed %>%
    filter(round(x, digits = 3) %in% ys)

  rough_cor <- cor(
    final_doublesmoothed$l50[final_doublesmoothed$bullet == b12[1]],
    final_doublesmoothed$l50[final_doublesmoothed$bullet == b12[2]],
    use = "pairwise.complete.obs"

  dframe <- data.frame(
    ccf = res$ccf,
    rough_cor = rough_cor,
    lag = res$lag / 1000,
    D = distr.dist,
    sd_D = distr.sd,
    #     b1=b12[1], b2=b12[2],
    signature_length = signature.length * g1_inc_x / 1000,
    overlap = length(ys) / signature.length,
    matches = sum(res$lines$match) * (1000 / g1_inc_x) / length(ys),
    mismatches = sum(!res$lines$match) * 1000 / abs(diff(range(c(subLOFx1$y, subLOFx2$y)))),
    cms = res$maxCMS * (1000 / g1_inc_x) / length(ys),
    cms2 = get_longest_run(
      subset(res$lines, type == 1 | is.na(type))$match
    ) * (1000 / g1_inc_x) / length(ys),
    non_cms = get_longest_run(!res$lines$match) * 1000 /
      abs(diff(range(c(subLOFx1$y, subLOFx2$y)))),
    left_cms = max(knm[1] - km[1], 0) * (1000 / g1_inc_x) / length(ys),
    right_cms = max(km[length(km)] - knm[length(knm)], 0) *
      (1000 / g1_inc_x) / length(ys),
    left_noncms = max(km[1] - knm[1], 0) * 1000 / abs(diff(range(c(subLOFx1$y, subLOFx2$y)))),
    right_noncms = max(knm[length(knm)] - km[length(km)], 0) *
      1000 / abs(diff(range(c(subLOFx1$y, subLOFx2$y)))),
    sum_peaks = sum(abs(res$lines$heights[res$lines$match]), na.rm = TRUE) *
      (1000 / g1_inc_x) / length(ys)

  if (!is.null(tmpfile)) {
    if (file.exists(tmpfile)) {
        file = tmpfile, sep = ",", append = TRUE,
        col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE
    } else {
        file = tmpfile, sep = ",", append = FALSE,
        col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE

heike/bulletxtrctr documentation built on June 3, 2024, 12:08 a.m.