
Defines functions plotlowertri

Documented in plotlowertri

plotlowertri <-
  function(input, valuename = "r", pchlist = c(19, 17, 15, 1, 5, 2, 7),
           interval = 6, cex = 1, ncex = 1, int = 1.2, add.number = TRUE,
           size = FALSE, add.text = FALSE, show.legend = TRUE, digits = 2) {
    if (!is.matrix(input)) {
      input <- as.matrix(input)
      if (any(!is.numeric(input))) {
        stop("Non numeric values found in the input matrix.\n")
    if (!nrow(input) == ncol(input)) {
      stop("The input data must be a square matrix.\n")
    if (!(interval + 1) == length(pchlist)) {
      stop("Pchlist must be equal to interval + 1.\n")

    if (nrow(input) < 10) {
        "Warning: Too few rows, please adjust the legend using \"cex\" and \"int\".\n",
        "Some of the points may be missing due to the distribution of data.\n",
        "You may also have to choose an appropriate number of intervals \n",
        "using \"interval\" and \"pchlist\".\n"

    if (nrow(input) > 40) {
      cat("Warning: Too many rows, please adjust the legend using cex and int.\n")
    if (is.null(pchlist)) {
      pchlist <- c(19, 17, 15, 1, 5, 2, 7)
    } else {
      pchlist <- pchlist
    interval <- interval
    d <- as.dist(input)
    seqn <- (seq(0, interval^2, by = interval)) / (interval^2)
    limit0 <- round((min(d) + (max(d) - min(d)) * seqn), digits)
    limit <- limit0[c(-1, -length(limit0))]
    limit <- sort(limit, decreasing = TRUE)

    matrix <- lower.tri(input)
    plot(x = 0:nrow(matrix), y = 0:nrow(matrix), type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
    xleft <- 0
    ybottom <- 0
    for (i in 2:nrow(matrix)) {
      for (j in 1:length(matrix[i, ][matrix[i, ]])) {
        xleft <- j - 1
        ybottom <- nrow(matrix) - i
        rect(xleft = xleft, ybottom = ybottom, xright = xleft + 1, ytop = ybottom + 1)
        x <- xleft + 0.5
        y <- ybottom + 0.5
        if (input[i, j] >= limit[1]) {
          pch <- pchlist[1]
        if (input[i, j] < limit[length(limit)]) {
          pch <- pchlist[(length(limit) + 1)]
        } else {
          for (n in 2:(length(limit))) {
            if (input[i, j] >= limit[n] & input[i, j] < limit[n - 1]) {
              pch <- pchlist[n]
        if (size) {
          points(x, y, pch = pch, cex = cex * abs(input[i, j]))
        } else {
          points(x, y, pch = pch, cex = cex)
        if (add.text) {
          text(x, y + 0.25, pch)
          text(x, y - 0.25, round(input[i, j], digits))
    if (add.number) {
      x1 <- -0.5
      for (textloc in 1:nrow(matrix)) {
        x1 <- x1 + 1
        y1 <- nrow(matrix) - textloc + 0.5
        text(x1, y1, as.character(textloc), cex = ncex)
    if (show.legend) {
      xlegend <- ncol(input)
      for (k in 0:(length(limit))) {
        ylegend <- nrow(input) - k * int
        points(ncol(input) * 0.6, ylegend, pch = pchlist[k + 1])
        if (k == 0) {
          text(xlegend * 0.68, ylegend, paste(formatC(sprintf("%.2f", limit[k + 1]), width = 5)))
          text(xlegend * 0.76, ylegend, expression("" <= ""))
          text(xlegend * 0.8, ylegend, valuename)
        if (!k == 0 & !k == length(limit)) {
          text(xlegend * 0.88, ylegend, paste("<", formatC(sprintf("%.2f", limit[k]), width = 5)))
          text(xlegend * 0.8, ylegend, valuename)
          text(xlegend * 0.68, ylegend, paste(formatC(sprintf("%.2f", limit[k + 1]), width = 5)))
          text(xlegend * 0.76, ylegend, expression("" <= ""))
        if (k == length(limit)) {
          text(xlegend * 0.88, ylegend, paste("<", formatC(sprintf("%.2f", limit[k]), width = 5)))
          text(xlegend * 0.8, ylegend, valuename)
helixcn/spaa documentation built on Aug. 13, 2021, 3:21 a.m.