#' makeInfile
#' Takes a tree and some data, ladderizes the tree, matches the tree and the
#' data and then makes a run file based on a control list. The prepared tree,
#' data, infile and command to execute the analysis will be written out to
#' the analysis_path with the prefixes analysis_name.
#' Sets up basic
#' BayesTraits analysis - for more complex analyses (e.g. alternate priors,
#' parameter restriction, fixed scalars on nodes, fossilised states etc.) users
#' must write their own control files.
#' @param tree The tree for the analysis to be run on.
#' @param data The data to analyse
#' @param analaysis_name The name for the analysis - will be prefixed to all
#' files generated.
#' @param analysis_path The file path to put the resultant files in - defaults
#' to working directory.
#' @param control List of options for BayesTraits.
#' @name makeInfile
#' @export
makeInfile <- function(tree, data, analysis_name, analysis_path,
species_col = NULL, job = FALSE, bt.control = list(), job.control = list()) {
opts <- list(
model = "",
analysis_type = "mcmc",
varrates = FALSE,
rjtransform = "none",
burnin = 1000000,
iterations = 11000000,
sample = 2000,
stones = c(1000, 5000),
ancstates = FALSE,
bayestraits = "BayesTraitsV3",
shellscript = TRUE
opts[names(bt.control)] <- bt.control
if (job) {
job.opts <- list(
walltime = "4:0:0",
mem = 16,
tmpfs = 1,
jobname = analysis_name
job.opts[names(job.control)] <- job.control
if (!"destination" %in% names(job.opts)) {
stop("Please provide a destination for analysis outputs in job.control.")
if (!"wd" %in% names(job.opts)) {
stop("If making a job script please specify the working directory for the
job in the job.control list.")
if (class(data) == "matrix") {
data <- as.data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# create the directory to put the analysis files in, if needed.
dir.create(file.path(analysis_path), showWarnings = FALSE)
# read and ladderize the tree.
if (!class(tree) %in% c("phylo", "multiPhylo")) {
tree <- ape::read.nexus(tree)
if (class(tree) == "phylo") {
tree <- ape::ladderize(tree)
} else if (class(tree) == "multiPhylo") {
tree <- lapply(tree, ape::ladderize)
class(tree) <- "multiPhylo"
# match data to tree - drop missing tips/data and order data to match the
# tree.
if (is.null(rownames(data)) && is.null(species_col)) {
stop("If species names are not the rownames of data then species_col must
be provided")
# is species_col is not provided then assume that the rownames are the species
# names.
if (is.null(species_col)) {
data$species <- rownames(data)
sc <- "species"
} else {
sc <- species_col
if (class(tree) == "multiPhylo") {
ttree <- tree[[1]]
} else {
ttree <- tree
tr_n_d <- ttree$tip.label[!ttree$tip.label %in% data[, sc]]
d_n_tr <- data[, sc] %in% ttree$tip.label
if (class(tree) == "phylo") {
tree <- ape::drop.tip(tree, tip = tr_n_d)
} else if (class(tree) == "multiPhylo") {
tree <- lapply(tree, function(x) ape::drop.tip(x, tip = tr_n_d))
class(tree) <- "multiPhylo"
data <- data[d_n_tr, ]
data <- cbind(data[, sc], data[, colnames(data) != sc])
# translate options into BT format.
if (opts$model == "cont_random") {
opts$model <- 4
} else if (opts$model == "cont_directional") {
opts$model <- 5
} else if (opts$model == "cont_regression") {
opts$model <- 6
} else if (opts$model == "ic") {
opts$model <- 7
} else if (opts$model == "ic_correl") {
opts$model <- 8
} else if (opts$model == "ic_regression") {
opts$model <- 9
} else if (opts$model == "multistate") {
opts$model <- 1
} else if (opts$model == "discrete_ind") {
opts$model <- 2
} else if (opts$model == "discrete_dep") {
opts$model <- 3
} else if (opts$model == "") {
stop("No model specified!")
} else {
stop(paste("Model", opts$model, "not implemented in makeInfile. Please
specify model and setup analysis manually."))
if (opts$analysis_type == "ml") {
opts$analysis_type <- 1
mcmc <- FALSE
} else if (opts$analysis_type == "mcmc") {
opts$analysis_type <- 2
if (opts$varrates && opts$model %in% c(4, 5, 6)) {
stop("Variable rates is not available for continuous models.")
if (opts$ancstates && opts$model %in% c(7, 8, 9)) {
stop("Ancestral state reconstruction is not available for independent
contrast models.")
if (opts$ancstates) {
tags <- list()
commands <- list()
descnodes <- unique(tree$edge[, 1])
for (i in seq_along(descnodes)) {
tips <- getTipNames(tree, descnodes[i])
tags[[i]] <- paste0(
"AddTag ",
"node", descnodes[i], " ",
paste(tips, collapse = " ")
commands[[i]] <- paste0("AddMRCA node", descnodes[i], " node", descnodes[i])
# write data
dfile <- paste0(analysis_name, ".txt")
tfile <- paste0(analysis_name, ".trees")
ifile <- paste0(analysis_name, ".in")
if (opts$shellscript) {
afile <- paste0(analysis_name, "_analysis.sh")
} else {
afile <- paste0(analysis_name, "_command.txt")
jfile <- paste0(analysis_name, "_job.sh")
write.table(data, file = file.path(analysis_path, dfile), col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
ape::write.nexus(tree, file = file.path(analysis_path, tfile))
sink(file.path(analysis_path, ifile))
cat(paste0(opts$model, "\n"))
cat(paste0(opts$analysis_type, "\n"))
if (opts$rjtransform != "none") {
cat(paste0("rjlocaltransform ", opts$rjtransform, "\n"))
if (opts$varrates) {
cat(paste0("burnin ", opts$burnin, "\n"))
cat(paste0("iterations ", opts$iterations, "\n"))
cat(paste0("sample ", opts$sample, "\n"))
cat(paste0("stones ", opts$stones[1], " ", opts$stones[2], "\n"))
if (opts$ancstates) {
ilapply(tags, function(x) cat(paste0(x, "\n")))
ilapply(commands, function(x) cat(paste0(x, "\n")))
# write command
sink(file.path(analysis_path, afile))
if (opts$shellscript) {
cat(paste0("./", opts$bayestraits, " ", tfile, " ", dfile,
" ", "<", " ", ifile, "\n"))
if (job) {
sink(file.path(analysis_path, jfile))
cat("#!/bin/bash -l\n")
cat("#$ -S /bin/bash\n")
cat(paste0("#$ -l h_rt=", job.opts$walltime, "\n"))
cat(paste0("#$ -l mem=", job.opts$mem, "G\n"))
cat(paste0("#$ -l tmpfs=", job.opts$tmpfs, "G\n"))
cat(paste0("#$ -N ", job.opts$jobname, "\n"))
cat(paste0("#$ -wd ", job.opts$wd, "\n"))
cat("module unload compilers mpi\n")
cat("module load r/recommended\n")
cat(paste("cp", tfile, dfile, ifile, opts$bayestraits, "$TMPDIR\n"))
cat("cd $TMPDIR\n")
cat(paste0("./", opts$bayestraits, " ", tfile, " ", dfile, " ", "<", " ",
ifile, "\n"))
cat(paste0("rm ", opts$bayestraits, "\n"))
paste0("tar zcvf ", job.opts$destination, "/",
analysis_name, "_$JOB_ID.tar.gz $TMPDIR\n")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.