#' @title Visually Compare Two or More \code{EGAnet} plots
#' @description Organizes EGA plots for comparison. Ensures that
#' nodes are placed in the same layout to maximize comparison
#' @param ... Handles multiple arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{*EGA} objects --- can be dropped in without any argument
#' designation. The function will search across input to find
#' necessary \code{EGAnet} objects
#' \item \code{\link[GGally]{ggnet2}} arguments --- can be passed along to \code{\link[GGally]{ggnet2}}
#' \item \code{\link[sna]{gplot.layout}} --- can be specified using \code{mode = } or
#' \code{layout = } using the name of the layout
#' (e.g., \code{mode = "circle"} will produce the
#' circle layout from \link[sna]{gplot.layout}).
#' By default, the layout is the same as \code{qgraph}
#' }
#' @param input.list List.
#' Bypasses \code{...} argument in favor of using a list
#' as an input
#' @param base Numeric (length = 1).
#' Plot to be used as the base for the configuration of the networks.
#' Uses the number of the order in which the plots are input.
#' Defaults to \code{1} or the first plot
#' @param labels Character (same length as input).
#' Labels for each \code{EGAnet} object
#' @param rows Numeric (length = 1).
#' Number of rows to spread plots across
#' @param columns Numeric (length = 1).
#' Number of columns to spread plots down
#' @param plot.all Boolean (length = 1).
#' Whether plot should be produced or just output.
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' Set to \code{FALSE} to avoid plotting (but still obtain
#' plot objects)
#' @return Visual comparison of \code{EGAnet} objects
#' @examples
#' # Obtain WMT-2 data
#' wmt <- wmt2[,7:24]
#' # Draw random samples of 300 cases
#' sample1 <- wmt[sample(1:nrow(wmt), 300),]
#' sample2 <- wmt[sample(1:nrow(wmt), 300),]
#' # Estimate EGAs
#' ega1 <- EGA(sample1)
#' ega2 <- EGA(sample2)
#' \donttest{
#' # Compare EGAs via plot
#' compare.EGA.plots(
#' ega1, ega2,
#' base = 1, # use "ega1" as base for comparison
#' labels = c("Sample 1", "Sample 2"),
#' rows = 1, columns = 2
#' )
#' # Change layout to circle plots
#' compare.EGA.plots(
#' ega1, ega2,
#' labels = c("Sample 1", "Sample 2"),
#' mode = "circle"
#' )}
#' @author Alexander Christensen <alexpaulchristensen@gmail.com>
#' @seealso \code{\link[EGAnet]{plot.EGAnet}} for plot usage in \code{EGAnet}
#' @export
# Compare EGA plots ----
# Updated 26.10.2023
compare.EGA.plots <- function(
..., input.list = NULL, base = 1,
labels = NULL, rows = NULL, columns = NULL,
plot.all = TRUE
# Start with ellipse objects/arguments
ellipse <- list(...)
# Determine whether it's necessary to search for
# plots in the ellipse
# Get classes for all input
classes <- lapply(ellipse, class)
# Determine which inputs are `EGA`
ega_object <- lvapply(classes, function(x){grepl("EGA", x)})
# Check for no `EGA` objects
h = stop,
msg = "The 'input.list' was `NULL` and there were no `EGA` class objects detected.",
call = "compare.EGA.plots"
# Extract `EGA` objects from list
input.list <- ellipse[ega_object]
ellipse <- ellipse[!ega_object]
# With the input list, there could be different types of
# `EGA` objects... let's figure that out
ega_classes <- cvapply(input.list, class)
# Separate `dynEGA` from rest of `EGA` functions
dynega_classes <- grepl("dynEGA", ega_classes)
# Separate input list
ega_input <- input.list[!dynega_classes]
dynega_input <- input.list[dynega_classes]
# For `EGA` input, extract `EGA` objects
if(length(ega_input) != 0){
ega_list <- lapply(ega_input, get_EGA_object)
}else{ # Set up empty list
ega_list <- list()
# For `dynEGA` input, extract `EGA` objects
if(length(dynega_input) != 0){
# Extract `dynEGA` objects
dynega_objects <- ulapply(
dynega_input, get_EGA_object, recursive = FALSE
# Check for `population` objects
population_objects <- names(dynega_objects) == "population"
# Separate `population` objects from the rest
dynega_population <- dynega_objects[population_objects]
dynega_other <- unlist( # Extract `EGA` objects from rest
dynega_objects[!population_objects], recursive = FALSE
# Put all objects together
dynega_list <- c(
dynega_population, dynega_other
# Remove ".Ord*" labels
dynega_list <- lapply(dynega_list, function(x){
# New names
new_names <- gsub(".Ord*.", "", dimnames(x$network)[[2]])
# Change the network names
dimnames(x$network) <- list(new_names, new_names)
# Change the membership names
names(x$wc) <- new_names
# Return full result
}else{ # Set up empty list
dynega_list <- list()
# Compile all `EGA` objects
input.list <- c(ega_list, dynega_list)
# Organize input list with base plot
base <- which(names(input.list) == base)
# Re-assemble input list
input.list <- c(
input.list[base], input.list[-base]
# Assign "labels"
names(input.list) <- labels
# For `ellipse`, get legacy arguments
ellipse <- legacy_EGA_args(ellipse)
# Get length of input list
input_length <- length(input.list)
# Handle rows and columns
if(is.null(rows) & is.null(columns)){
# Set rows first and then columns
rows <- floor(sqrt(input_length))
columns <- ceiling(input_length / rows)
# use `ceiling` since any non-zero
# remainder means an extra column is necessary
}else if(is.null(rows)){ # Set rows based on columns
rows <- ceiling(input_length / columns)
}else if(is.null(columns)){ # Set columns based on rows
columns <- ceiling(input_length / rows)
# Add labels, rows, and columns
ellipse[c("nrow", "ncol")] <- list(rows, columns)
# Set up for individual plots
# Remove base from individuals
base_object <- input.list[[base]]
# Extract other groups
other_objects <- input.list[-base]
# Get sequence length of other objects
sequence_length <- seq_len(length(other_objects))
# Get base plot
base_plot <- silent_load(
what = basic_plot_setup,
args = c(
network = base_object$network,
wc = base_object$wc,
arguments = TRUE
), ellipse
# Check if any arguments in `ellipse`
# match with `base_plot`
base_plot$ARGS <- overwrite_arguments(base_plot$ARGS, ellipse)
# Set removal arguments
removal_ARGS <- c(
"node.color", "edge.alpha",
"edge.color", "edge.lty", "edge.size"
# Check for if any arguments in still need
# to be removed from `base_plot`
removal_ARGS <- removal_ARGS[!removal_ARGS %in% names(ellipse)]
# Check for any remaining arguments to remove
if(length(removal_ARGS) != 0){
# Remove some arguments from `base_plot`
base_plot$ARGS <- base_plot$ARGS[
!names(base_plot$ARGS) %in% removal_ARGS
# Set up comparison plots
comparison_plots <- lapply(
sequence_length, function(i){
comparison_network = other_objects[[i]]$network,
comparison_wc = other_objects[[i]]$wc,
plot_ARGS = base_plot$ARGS
# Set up plot list
plotlist <- c(list(base_plot$network_plot), comparison_plots)
# `ggarrange` does not like non-plot arguments for its ellipse
ellipse <- ellipse[
names(ellipse) %in% names(formals(ggpubr::ggarrange))
# Store plots all-in-one
all_in_one <- do.call(
what = ggpubr::ggarrange,
args = c(
plotlist = plotlist,
labels = labels,
legend = "bottom"
), ellipse
# Should the plot be produced?
# Check for labels
# Plot numbers
plot_numbers <- seq_along(plotlist)
# Get non-base plot labels
not_base_labels <- plot_numbers[!plot_numbers %in% base]
# Set labels
names(plotlist) <- c(base, not_base_labels)
# Return plot lists
all = all_in_one,
individual = plotlist
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