
Defines functions check_package totitle textsymbol styletext colortext system.check d trace matrix_eigenvalues is_positive_definite entropy matrix_entropy igraph_rewire network_scramble sparse_network reindex_memberships binary_accuracy ordinal_accuracy continuous_accuracy pcor2inv pcor2cor cor2pcor range_error length_error typeof_error object_error class_error not_refactored experimental ggheatmap compare_plots dimension_comparison single_plot basic_plot_setup get_layout readable_names rescale_edges GGally_errors GGally_args estimator_arguments make_unidimensional_cfa legacy_EGA_args legacy_overwrite obtain_arguments overwrite_arguments set_default remove_attributes silent_plot silent_load silent_call obtain_thresholds obtain_sample_correlations needs_usable obtain_networks usable_data transfer_names ensure_dimension_names is_symmetric data_categories count_table vector2factor fast_table edge_count unique_length force_numeric force_vector get_object_type fast.data.frame get_dynEGA_object get_EGA_object format_integer format_decimal byte_digits digits leading_zero swiftelse ncol_sequence nrow_sequence parallel_process restore_state store_state available_memory clear_memory reproducible_bootstrap MASS_mvrnorm_quick mvrnorm_precompute MASS_mvrnorm rnorm_ziggurat shuffle_replace shuffle runif_xoshiro reproducible_seeds symmetric_matrix_lapply column_apply row_apply ulapply nvapply lvapply cvapply

#### {EGAnet} Helpers ####

# These helpers are internal functions that are repeatedly
# used across the package. They are implemented here once
# so that changes only need to be made here and not in
# multiple places across the package.
# The goal is to minimize redundant calls to improve reliability of code.
# Sections are separated by how they are associated with their utility
# in other functions.


# These functions are merely wrappers over the `*apply`
# family to execute specific tasks that are often repeatedly
# done. Their purpose are to provide slightly cleaner code.

# These `*vapply` are specific versions of `vapply` that
# pre-specify the output. These versions are generally
# simpler (in function) and marginally faster than
# the more commonly used `sapply`. They are more strict
# in that they require knowing the output format (e.g., numeric)

#' @noRd
# Character vector/matrix output apply ----
# Updated 06.07.2023
cvapply <- function(X, FUN, ..., LENGTH = 1, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
  return(vapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, FUN.VALUE = character(LENGTH), ..., USE.NAMES = USE.NAMES))

#' @noRd
# Logical vector/matrix output apply ----
# Updated 06.07.2023
lvapply <- function(X, FUN, ..., LENGTH = 1, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
  return(vapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, FUN.VALUE = logical(LENGTH), ..., USE.NAMES = USE.NAMES))

#' @noRd
# Numeric vector/matrix output apply ----
# Updated 06.07.2023
nvapply <- function(X, FUN, ..., LENGTH = 1, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
  return(vapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, FUN.VALUE = numeric(LENGTH), ..., USE.NAMES = USE.NAMES))

#' @noRd
# Unlist `lapply` ----
# Updated 14.07.2023
ulapply <- function(X, FUN, ..., recursive = TRUE)
  return(unlist(lapply(X, FUN, ...), recursive = recursive))

# The `row_apply` and `column_apply` functions are
# not necessary faster than `apply` but they are
# more strict in that they return a matrix with
# the same dimensions that was input into 'X'.
# Therefore, there is never a need to transpose
# the output because it will always have the same
# dimensions as what went in

#' @noRd
# Stricter `apply` by row ----
# Slightly faster than `apply` but not appreciably
# Updated 06.07.2023
row_apply <- function(X, FUN, ...)

  # Ensure matrix
  X <- as.matrix(X)

  # Get dimensions of data
  dimensions <- dim(X)

  # Get appropriate function
  vapply_FUN <- switch( # in order of most likely
    "double" = nvapply,
    "integer" = nvapply,
    "logical" = lvapply,
    "character" = cvapply,
        "\"", typeof(X), "\"",
        " is not available for `row_apply`. Only \"character\", \"logical\", and \"numeric\" are available"
      ), call. = FALSE

  # Return call
        split(X, seq_len(dimensions[1])),
        FUN = FUN, ..., LENGTH = dimensions[2],
        USE.NAMES = FALSE # names are supplied below
      dimensions, dimnames = dimnames(X), byrow = TRUE


#' @noRd
# Stricter `apply` by column ----
# Slightly faster than `apply` but not appreciably
# Updated 06.07.2023
column_apply <- function(X, FUN, ...)

  # Ensure matrix
  X <- as.matrix(X)

  # Get dimensions of data
  dimensions <- dim(X)

  # Get appropriate function
  vapply_FUN <- switch( # in order of most likely
    "double" = nvapply,
    "integer" = nvapply,
    "logical" = lvapply,
    "character" = cvapply,
        "\"", typeof(X), "\"",
        " is not available for `row_apply`. Only \"character\", \"logical\", and \"numeric\" are available"
      ), call. = FALSE

  # Return call
        split(t(X), seq_len(dimensions[2])),
        FUN = FUN, ..., LENGTH = dimensions[1],
        USE.NAMES = FALSE # names are supplied below
      dimensions, dimnames = dimnames(X), byrow = FALSE


#' @noRd
# 3D Array apply ----
# Apply's a function across a 3D array to obtain a 2D array
# About 2x faster than `apply(simplify2array(X), 1:2, FUN)`
# Updated 06.07.2023
symmetric_matrix_lapply <- function(X, FUN, ...){

  # Get appropriate function
  vapply_FUN <- switch( # in order of most likely
    "double" = nvapply,
    "integer" = nvapply,
    "logical" = lvapply,
    "character" = cvapply,
        "\"", typeof(X[[1]]), "\"",
        " is not available for `symmetric_matrix_lapply`. Only \"character\", \"logical\", and \"numeric\" are available"
      ), call. = FALSE

  # Get dimensions of single matrix in list
  dimensions <- dim(X[[1]])

  # Pre-obtain lower triangle indices
  # Equivalent to: (`lower.tri(matrix, diag = TRUE)`)
  lower_triangle_index <- .row(dimensions) >= .col(dimensions)

  # Get lower triangles
  lower_matrix <- do.call(rbind, lapply(X, function(x){x[lower_triangle_index]}))

  # Apply function
  values <- vapply_FUN(as.data.frame(lower_matrix), FUN, ...)

  # Initialize return matrix
  new_matrix <- matrix(
    nrow = dimensions[1], ncol = dimensions[2],
    dimnames = dimnames(X[[1]])

  # Add values to lower triangle
  new_matrix[lower_triangle_index] <- values

  # Transpose
  new_matrix <- t(new_matrix)

  # Add values again to lower triagle
  new_matrix[lower_triangle_index] <- values

  # Return new matrix



# For these random generation functions, the goal
# is reproducibility, which runs counter to "random".
# However, for bootstrap results to be reproduced
# there is a need to generate "random" samples that
# can be reproduced so that the user arrives at the
# same results *without* influencing R's random number
# generation or changing a user-defined seed previous
# to, while, or after using {EGAnet} functions.
# Assistance in writing C and interfacing with R
# was provided by GPT-4

#' @noRd
# Generate integer seeds ----
# (non-randomly based on `seed`)
# `NULL` is reserved for actual pseudo-randomness
# Uses xoshiro256++ random number generation: https://prng.di.unimi.it/
# Updated 27.07.2023
reproducible_seeds <- function(n, seed = NULL)

  # Return call from C
      as.integer(n), swiftelse(is.null(seed), 0, seed),
      PACKAGE = "EGAnet"


#' @noRd
# Generate uniform data ----
# Allows adjustment of range
# Updated 26.10.2023
runif_xoshiro <- function(n, min = 0, max = 1, seed = NULL)

  # Get values
  values <- .Call(
    swiftelse(is.null(seed), 0, seed),
    PACKAGE = "EGAnet"

  # Check for changes to minimum and maximum
  if(min != 0 || max != 1){ # transform
    values <- min + (max - min) * values

  # Return call from C


#' @noRd
# Shuffle (without replacement) ----
# Uses xoshiro256++ random number generation: https://prng.di.unimi.it/
# Updated 30.07.2023
shuffle <- function(x, size = length(x), seed = NULL)

  # Return call from C
        swiftelse(is.null(seed), 0, seed),
        PACKAGE = "EGAnet"


#' @noRd
# Shuffle (with replacement) ----
# Uses xoshiro256++ random number generation: https://prng.di.unimi.it/
# Updated 30.07.2023
shuffle_replace <- function(x, size = length(x), seed = NULL)

  # Return call from C
      x, swiftelse(is.null(seed), 0, seed),
      PACKAGE = "EGAnet"


#' @noRd
# Random normal generation with Ziggurat ----
# https://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/cpp_src/ziggurat/ziggurat.html
# Updated 27.07.2023
rnorm_ziggurat <- function(n, seed = NULL)

  # Return call from C
      swiftelse(is.null(seed), 0, seed),
      PACKAGE = "EGAnet"


#' @noRd
# Generate multivariate normal data ----
# Removes MASS package dependency (from version 7.3.60)
# Original code here for legacy and bug checking
# Updated 03.07.2023
MASS_mvrnorm <- function(
    n = 1, mu, Sigma,
    tol = 1e-06, empirical = FALSE, EISPACK = FALSE

  p <- length(mu)
  if (!all(dim(Sigma) == c(p, p)))
    stop("incompatible arguments")
  if (EISPACK)
    stop("'EISPACK' is no longer supported by R", domain = NA)
  eS <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
  ev <- eS$values
  if (!all(ev >= -tol * abs(ev[1])))
    stop("'Sigma' is not positive definite")
  X <- matrix(rnorm(p * n), n)
  if (empirical) {
    X <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE)
    X <- X %*% svd(X, nu = 0)$v
    X <- scale(X, FALSE, TRUE)
  X <- drop(mu) + eS$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(pmax(ev, 0)), p) %*%
  nm <- names(mu)
  if (is.null(nm) && !is.null(dn <- dimnames(Sigma)))
    nm <- dn[[1]]
  dimnames(X) <- list(nm, NULL)
  if (n == 1)
  else t(X)


#' @noRd
# Generate multivariate normal data (quicker) ----
# A very aggressive optimization
# Removes 'tol', 'empirical' and 'EISPACK' arguments
# Removes safeguards like positive definite (should be from `auto.correlate`)
# 'empirical' is ALWAYS = FALSE
# Pre-computes `np` (n * p)
# Avoids repeated calls to `eigen` in `MASS_mvrnorm`
# Pre-computes `eS$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(pmax(ev, 0)), p)`
# Updated 27.07.2023
mvrnorm_precompute <- function(cases, Sigma)

  # Get p (number of variables)
  p <- dim(Sigma)[2]

  # Compute eigenvalues
  eS <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE)

  # Get eigenvalues
  eigenvalues <- eS$values

  # Get non-zero eigenvalues
  non_zero <- eigenvalues > 0

  # Set negative eigenvalues to zero
  eigenvalues[!non_zero] <- 0

  # Get square root of non-zero eigenvalues
  eigenvalues[non_zero] <- sqrt(eigenvalues[non_zero])

  # Return pre-computed values
      p = p,
      np = cases * p,
      coV = eS$vectors %*% diag(eigenvalues, p)


#' @noRd
# Generate multivariate normal data (quick) ----
# Updated 27.07.2023
MASS_mvrnorm_quick <- function(seed = NULL, p, np, coV)
  return(t(tcrossprod(coV, matrix(rnorm_ziggurat(np, seed), ncol = p))))

#' @noRd
# Generate reproducible bootstrap data ----
# Wrapper for `reproducible_parametric` and `reproducible_resampling`
# Updated 30.07.2023
reproducible_bootstrap <- function(
    seed = NULL, data = NULL, case_sequence = NULL,
    mvrnorm_parameters = NULL,
    type = c("parametric", "resampling")

  # Based on bootstrap type, generate data
  if(type == "parametric"){

    # Return parametric samples
        what = MASS_mvrnorm_quick,
        args = c(
          list(seed = seed),

  }else if(type == "resampling"){

    # Return resampling samples
    return(data[shuffle_replace(x = case_sequence, seed = seed),])




#' @noRd
# Clear memory ----
# Updated 07.11.2023
clear_memory <- function()
  sink <- capture.output(
    gc(verbose = FALSE, reset = TRUE, full = TRUE)

#' @noRd
# Get available memory ----
# Updated 18.10.2023
available_memory <- function()

  # Get operating system
  OS <- tolower(Sys.info()["sysname"])

  # Branch based on OS
  if(OS == "windows"){ # Windows

    # Alternative (outputs memory in kB)
    bytes <- as.numeric(
      trimws(system("wmic OS get FreePhysicalMemory", intern = TRUE))[2]
    ) * 1e+03

  }else if(OS == "linux"){ # Linux

    # Split system information
    info_split <- strsplit(system("free", intern = TRUE), split = " ")

    # Remove "Mem:" and "Swap:"
    info_split <- lapply(info_split, function(x){gsub("Mem:", "", x)})
    info_split <- lapply(info_split, function(x){gsub("Swap:", "", x)})

    # Get actual values
    info_split <- lapply(info_split, function(x){x[x != ""]})

    # Bind values
    info_split <- do.call(rbind, info_split[1:2])

    # Get free values (Linux reports in *kilo*bytes -- thanks, Aleksandar Tomasevic)
    bytes <- as.numeric(info_split[2, info_split[1,] == "available"]) * 1e+03

  }else{ # Mac

    # System information
    system_info <- system("top -l 1 -s 0 | grep PhysMem", intern = TRUE)

    # Get everything after comma
    unused <- gsub(" .*,", "", system_info)

    # Get values only
    value <- gsub(" unused.", "", gsub("PhysMem: ", "", unused))

    # Check for bytes
    if(grepl("M", value)){
      bytes <- as.numeric(gsub("M", "", value)) * 1e+06
    }else if(grepl("G", value)){
      bytes <- as.numeric(gsub("G", "", value)) * 1e+09
    }else if(grepl("K", value)){
      bytes <- as.numeric(gsub("K", "", value)) * 1e+03
    }else if(grepl("B", value)){ # edge case
      bytes <- as.numeric(gsub("B", "", value)) * 1
    }else if(grepl("T", value)){ # edge case
      bytes <- as.numeric(gsub("T", "", value)) * 1e+12


  # Return bytes


#' @noRd
# Store random state ----
# Updated 04.08.2023
store_state <- function()
  if(exists(".Random.seed", envir = parent.frame(2))){
    assign("saved_state", .Random.seed, envir = parent.frame(2))

#' @noRd
# Restore and remove random state ----
# Updated 04.08.2023
restore_state <- function()
  if(exists("saved_state", envir = parent.frame(2))){
    saved_state <- get("saved_state", envir = parent.frame(2))
    assign(".Random.seed", saved_state, envir = parent.frame(2))
    rm("saved_state", envir = parent.frame(2))

#' @noRd
# Wrapper for parallelization ----
# Updated 01.03.2024
parallel_process <- function(
    iterations, # number of iterations
    datalist = NULL, # list of data
    FUN, # function to use
    ..., # ellipse arguments to pass on
    export = TRUE, # variables to export (if necessary)
    packages = "EGAnet", # always uses {EGAnet}
    ncores, # number of cores
    progress = TRUE, # progress bar
    clear = FALSE # whether progress bar should be cleared

  # Get available memory
  memory_available <- try(
    silent = TRUE

  # In case the memory check fails
  if(!is(memory_available, "try-error")){

    # Check for global environment size
    if(export){ # needs `isTRUE` in case of character vector
      global_memory_usage <- sum(nvapply(ls(),function(x){object.size(get(x))}))
      global_memory_usage <- sum(nvapply(ls()[ls() %in% export],function(x){object.size(get(x))}))

    # Check for memory overload
    if(memory_available < global_memory_usage * ncores){
          "Available memory (", byte_digits(memory_available), ") is less than ",
          "the amount of memory needed to perform parallelization: ",
          byte_digits(global_memory_usage * ncores), ".\n\n",
          "Lower the number of cores (`ncores`) or perform ",
          "batches of your operation."
        ), call. = FALSE

    # Set max size
    memory_options <- options(future.globals.maxSize = memory_available)

    # Set up undo changes


  # Set up plan
  parallel_plan <- future::plan(
    strategy = "multisession",
    workers = ncores

  # Set up undo changes

  # Check for progress

    # Set up handler
        format = ":spin [:bar] :percent elapsed: :elapsed ~remaining: :eta",
        clear = clear

    # Run progress locally

      # Initialize progress bar
      progressbar <- progressr::progressor(iterations / ncores)

      # Perform parallel processing
      results <- future.apply::future_lapply(
        X = seq_len(iterations),

          # Update progress with full cores completion
          # (rather than every completion)
          if(iteration %% ncores == 0){

          # Return results
              silent_call( # Ensures quiet run with all arguments passed on
                FUN(datalist[[iteration]], ...)
              silent_call( # Ensures quiet run with all arguments passed on

        future.globals = export,
        future.packages = packages,
        future.seed = NULL

    }, enable = TRUE)


    # Perform parallel processing
    results <- future.apply::future_lapply(
      X = seq_len(iterations),

        # Return results
            silent_call( # Ensures quiet run with all arguments passed on
              FUN(datalist[[iteration]], ...)
            silent_call( # Ensures quiet run with all arguments passed on

      future.globals = export,
      future.packages = packages,
      future.seed = NULL


  # Return results



# These functions aren't often used because
# dimensions of the data are usually used
# elsewhere in {EGAnet}; however, these
# functions use `seq_len` and `dim` which
# have minimal speed advantages over their
# respective `1:nrow` and `1:ncol`
# The primary benefit of using this functions
# is `seq_len` which throws an error with
# `seq_len(0)` where `1:0` will not
# (at least not at the top of the call)

#' @noRd
# Faster row sequences ----
# Updated 06.07.2023
nrow_sequence <- function(data)

#' @noRd
# Faster column sequences ----
# Updated 06.07.2023
ncol_sequence <- function(data)

#' @noRd
# Faster `ifelse` ----
# For single value replacements:
# 1.5x faster with 1 value
# 2.5x faster with 10 values
# >= 18x faster with >= 100 values
# Updated 24.07.2023
swiftelse <- function(condition, true, false)

  # Get condition length
  condition_length <- length(condition)

  # Check for single value
  if(condition_length == 1){

    # If TRUE
    }else{ # Otherwise, FALSE


  # Initialize result
  result <- vector(mode(true), condition_length)

  # Set TRUE condition
  if(length(true) == 1){
    result[condition] <- true
    result[condition] <- true[condition]

  # Set FALSE condition
  if(length(false) == 1){
    result[!condition] <- false

    # Get opposite condition (slightly faster than repeated calls)
    opposite_condition <- !condition
    result[opposite_condition] <- false[opposite_condition]

  # Return result



#' @noRd
# Determine decimal places before non-zero ----
# From StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35553244/count-leading-zeros-between-the-decimal-point-and-first-nonzero-digit
# Updated 10.11.2023
leading_zero <- function(number)
  floor(-log10(.Machine$double.eps + abs(number) - floor(abs(number))))

#' @noRd
# Determine number of digits in a number ----
# Updated 24.07.2023
digits <- function(number)
  # Obtain the lowest value of log base 10 and add 1
  return(floor(log10(abs(number))) + 1)


#' @noRd
# Determine format of bytes ----
# Updated 22.07.2023
byte_digits <- function(bytes)

  # Get number of digits
  ndigits <- digits(bytes)

  # Loop over values
  if(ndigits > 11){
    value <- paste0(round(bytes / 1e+12, 2), " TB")
  }else if(ndigits > 8){
    value <- paste0(round(bytes / 1e+09, 2), " GB")
  }else if(ndigits > 5){
    value <- paste0(round(bytes / 1e+06, 2), " MB")
  }else if(ndigits > 2){
    value <- paste0(round(bytes / 1e+03, 2), " KB")
    value <- paste0(round(bytes, 2), " B")

  # Return configured value


#' @noRd
# Format number with certain decimals ----
# Mainly for naming and printing
# Updated 14.06.2024
format_decimal <- function(numbers, places)

      x = numbers,
      digits = places,
      format = "f", flag = "0"


#' @noRd
# Format number with certain integer ----
# Mainly for naming and printing
# Updated 14.06.2024
format_integer <- function(numbers, places)

      x = numbers,
      digits = places,
      format = "d", flag = "0"



#' @noRd
# Gets base `EGA` object that are necessary for most
# functions in {EGAnet}
# Updated 21.07.2023
get_EGA_object <- function(object)

  # `dynEGA` is a special case
  if(is(object, "dynEGA")){

    # Regardless of level, return all
        population = object$dynEGA$population,
        group = object$dynEGA$group,
        individual = object$dynEGA$individual


  # `hierEGA` is also a special case
  if(is(object, "hierEGA")){

    # Return levels
        lower_order = object$lower_order,
        higher_order = object$higher_order


  # `bootEGA` has some precedence with
  # empirical `EGA` object nested
  if(is(object, "bootEGA")){
    object <- object$EGA

  # Based on class, get EGA object
      "ega" = object,
      "ega.fit" = object$EGA,
      "riega" = object$EGA,
      "hierega" = object,
        "Could not find `EGA` object nested in object",
        call. = FALSE


#' @noRd
# Get appropriate `dynEGA` objects ----
# Updated 09.07.2023
get_dynEGA_object <- function(dynEGA.object)

  # Check for legacy
  if(is(dynEGA.object, "dynEGA.ind.pop")){

    # Set up objects
    dynEGA.pop <- dynEGA.object$dynEGA.pop
    dynEGA.ind <- dynEGA.object$dynEGA.ind

    # Remove Methods
    if("Methods" %in% names(dynEGA.ind$dynEGA)){
      dynEGA.ind$dynEGA <- dynEGA.ind$dynEGA[names(dynEGA.ind$dynEGA) != "Methods"]

    # Return proper objects
        population = dynEGA.pop$dynEGA,
        individual = dynEGA.ind$dynEGA


  # Get EGA objects
  ega_objects <- get_EGA_object(dynEGA.object)

  # Determine which names are available
  available_objects <- c("population", "individual") %in% names(ega_objects)
  names(available_objects) <- c("population", "individual")

  # Get proper objects

    # Return population and individual
        population = ega_objects$population,
        individual = ega_objects$individual

  }else{ # Otherwise, send an error

    # Set up proper messaging
    missing_objects <- swiftelse(
      sum(available_objects) == 0,
      paste0("\"population\" and \"individual\""),
      paste0("\"", names(available_objects)[!available_objects], "\"")

    # Send error
        "The input for 'dynEGA.object' was class \"dynEGA\" but did not contain object(s): ",
        missing_objects, "\n\n",
        "To avoid this error, perform `dynEGA` using the argument: level = c(\"population\", \"individual\")"
      call. = FALSE



#' @noRd
# Faster data frame initialization ----
# Initializes a matrix and converts to a data frame
# Data frames are initialized as individual vectors
# carrying extra overhead
# Updated 06.07.2023
fast.data.frame <- function(
    data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1,
    rownames = NULL, colnames = NULL,

        data = data,
        nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol,
        dimnames = list(rownames, colnames)
      ), make.names = FALSE,


#' @noRd
# Determine object type ----
# Updated 05.07.2023
get_object_type <- function(object)

  # Remove attributes and class from object
  unclassed_object <- remove_attributes(object)

  # Add object type to object's attributes
  ## In order of precedence
  if(is(object, "tbl")){ # needs precedence over 'data.frame'
  }else if(is.data.frame(object)){ # needs precedence over 'list'
  }else if(is.list(unclassed_object)){ # needs precedence over 'vector'
  }else if(is.factor(object)){
  }else if(is.vector(unclassed_object)){
  }else if(is.matrix(unclassed_object)){
  }else if(is.array(unclassed_object)){


#' @noRd
# Force vector ----
# For 1D matrix or data frames only
# Updated 05.07.2023
force_vector <- function(object)

  # Get object type
  object_type <- get_object_type(object)

  # Branch across types
  if(object_type == "vector"){
    return(object) # already a vector
  }else if(object_type %in% c("matrix", "data.frame", "tibble")){

    # Ensure matrix
    new_matrix <- as.matrix(object)

    # Get dimensions
    dimensions <- dim(new_matrix)

    # Check for more than one dimension
    if(all(dimensions) > 1){
      stop("Cannot sufficiently force object into 'vector'.", call. = FALSE)

    # Set as vector
    new_vector <- as.vector(new_matrix)

    # Set names based on dimension
    names(new_vector) <- unlist(dimnames(object)[dimensions != 1])

    # Return new vector



#' @noRd
# Force numeric ----
# For factors
# Updated 05.07.2023
force_numeric <- function(object)

  # Check for whether object is already numeric
    return(object) # just return
  }else if(is.factor(object)){ # factors are trickier...

    # Switch based on type in the levels

      # Get original values rather than factor values


      # Just used factor assigned values





#' @noRd
# Unique Length ----
# Counts length of unique variables (without `NA`)
# Updated 03.07.2023
unique_length <- function(x)
  return(length(unique(x)) - anyNA(x))

#' @noRd
# Edge count ----
# Counts the number of edges
# (assumes network is _symmetric_ matrix)
# Updated 11.10.2023
edge_count <- function(network, nodes, diagonal = FALSE)
  return((sum(network != 0, na.rm = TRUE) - swiftelse(diagonal, nodes, 0)) * 0.50)

#' @noRd
# Faster table ----
# Skips many checks in `table`
# Updated 22.07.2023
fast_table <- function(values)

  # Get factor values
  factor_values <- swiftelse(
    is.factor(values), values, factor(values)

  # Get factor levels
  factor_levels <- levels(factor_values)

  # Return with names
      tabulate(factor_values, length(factor_levels)),


#' @noRd
# Converts entire vectors to a single value ----
# Same logic as {plyr}'s `id_var` and `ninteraction`
# Avoids {plyr} dependency for single function
# Updated 06.07.2023
vector2factor <- function(data)

  # Use "paste" method
  stringed_values <- do.call(
    # Get total unique values each variable takes
    paste, rev(lapply( # `ninteraction`

      # Ensure data frame
      as.data.frame(data), function(x){

      # Get matched ID (`id_var`)
      matched_id <- match(x, sort(unique(x), na.last = TRUE))

      # Attached number of unique as attribute
      attr(matched_id, "n") <- max(matched_id)

      # Return result


  # Return unique ID
  return(factor(match(stringed_values, unique(stringed_values))))


#' @noRd
# Count table ----
# Provides counts of repeated rows in a data frame
# Same logic as {plyr}'s `count`
# Avoids {plyr} dependency for single function
# Updated 22.07.2023
count_table <- function(data, proportion = FALSE)

  # Ensure data frame
  data <- as.data.frame(data)

  # Get unique ID
  unique_id <- vector2factor(data)

  # Get unique solutions
  unique_solutions <- data[!duplicated(unique_id),,drop = FALSE]

  # Tabulate data
  Value <- fast_table(unique_id) # tabulate(unique_id, length(levels(unique_id)))

  # Check for proportion
    Value <- Value / dim(data)[1]

  # Return data frame
      cbind(unique_solutions[order(unique(unique_id)),], Value)



#' @noRd
# Determine number of categories in data ----
# Updated 06.07.2023
data_categories <- function(data)
  return(nvapply(as.data.frame(data), unique_length))

#' @noRd
# All-purpose symmetric checker ----
# Faster but less robust than `isSymmetric`
# Defaults to floating point tolerance
# Updated 01.07.2023
is_symmetric <- function(data, tolerance = 1e-06){

  # Get dimensions
  dimensions <- dim(data)

  # Check for whether rows equal columns
  if(dimensions[1] != dimensions[2]){ # Not a (square) matrix

    # Convert to matrix
    data_matrix <- as.matrix(data)

    # Check that all are equal
    return(all(abs(data_matrix - t(data_matrix)) < tolerance))



#' @noRd
# Ensure data has dimension names ----
# Updated 24.07.2023
ensure_dimension_names <- function(data)

  # Determine object type
  object_type <- get_object_type(data)

  # Branch for vector vs. matrix and data frame
  if(object_type == "vector"){

    # Get length of vector
    vector_length <- length(data)

    # Check for names
      names(data) <- paste0(
        "V", format_integer(
          digits(vector_length) - 1

  }else if(object_type %in% c("matrix", "data.frame")){

    # Get dimensions
    dimensions <- dim(data)

    # Get dimension names
    dimension_names <- dimnames(data)

    # Check for column names

      # Standardize names
      dimnames(data)[[2]] <- paste0(
        "V", format_integer(
          digits(dimensions[2]) - 1


    # Check for symmetric matrix

      # Check for row names
      if(is.null(dimnames(data)[[1]]) | any(dimension_names[[1]] != dimension_names[[2]])){

        # Assign column names to row names
        dimnames(data)[[1]] <- dimnames(data)[[2]]




  # Return named data


#' @noRd
# Transfer names from data to output ----
# Usually for matrix and data frame
# Updated 25.06.2023
transfer_names <- function(data, output)

  # Obtain column names
  column_names <- dimnames(data)[[2]]

  # Check for variable names

    # Add names to rows and columns
    dimnames(output) <- list(column_names, column_names)


  # Return named output


#' @noRd
# Function to check for usable variables ----
# Updated 24.07.2023
usable_data <- function(data, verbose)

  # Turn data into a data matrix
  data_matrix <- data.matrix(data)

  # All missing after coercions
  remove_columns <- lvapply(as.data.frame(is.na(data_matrix)), all)

  # Send warning if there are any removals

    # Send warning
        "Some variables could not to be coerced to numeric values. These variables have been removed from the analysis:\n",
        paste0("'", dimnames(data_matrix)[[2]][remove_columns], "'", collapse = ", "),
        "\n\nIf these variables were not intended to be removed, then try converting them to numeric values before inputting the data into the function"
      ), call. = FALSE

    # Remove these variables from `data` and `data_matrix`
    keep_columns <- !remove_columns
    data <- data[,keep_columns]
    data_matrix <- data_matrix[,keep_columns]


  # Determine whether each variable was coerced
  coercions <- lvapply(as.data.frame(data_matrix != data), any, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Send warning for any coercions
  if(any(coercions) & verbose){

    # Send warning
        "Several variables were coerced to numeric values. These variables were changed to numeric values:\n",
        paste0("'", dimnames(data_matrix)[[2]][coercions], "'", collapse = ", ")
      ), call. = FALSE


  # Send back usable data


#' @noRd
# Obtain {igraph} and matrix networks ----
# Updated 24.07.2023
obtain_networks <- function(network, signed)

  # Get network matrix first
  if(is(network, "igraph")){
    network_matrix <- igraph2matrix(network)
  }else{ # If not {igraph}, then ensure matrix
    network_matrix <- as.matrix(network)

  # Then, check for sign
    network_matrix <- abs(network_matrix)

  # Return networks
      # (Re-)convert to {igraph} network
      igraph_network = convert2igraph(network_matrix),
      network_matrix = network_matrix


#' @noRd
# Whether usable data is needed ----
# Updated 07.09.2023
needs_usable <- function(ellipse)
  return(!"needs_usable" %in% names(ellipse) || ellipse$needs_usable)

#' @noRd
# Obtain data, sample size, correlation matrix ----
# Generic function to get the usual needed inputs
# Updated 16.03.2024
obtain_sample_correlations <- function(data, n, corr, na.data, verbose, ...)

  # Check if data is a correlation matrix

    # Check for sample size
        "A symmetric matrix was provided in the 'data' argument but the sample size argument, 'n', was not set. Please input the sample size into the 'n' argument.",
        call. = FALSE

    # If symmetric and sample size is provided, then
    # data to correlation matrix
    correlation_matrix <- data


    # Check for usable data
      data <- usable_data(data, verbose)

    # Obtain sample size
    n <- dim(data)[1]

    # Check for automatic correlations
    if(corr == "auto"){
      correlation_matrix <- auto.correlate(
        data = data, corr = "pearson", na.data = na.data,
        verbose = verbose, ...
    }else if(corr == "cor_auto"){

      # Get arguments for `cor_auto`
      cor_auto_ARGS <- obtain_arguments(
        FUN = qgraph::cor_auto,
        FUN.args = list(...)

      # Set 'data' and 'verbose' arguments
      cor_auto_ARGS[c("data", "verbose")] <- list(data, verbose)

      # Obtain correlations
      correlation_matrix <- do.call(
        what = qgraph::cor_auto,
        args = cor_auto_ARGS

      correlation_matrix <- cor(
        data, use = swiftelse(
          na.data == "pairwise",
        ), method = corr


  # Return results
      data = data, n = n,
      correlation_matrix = correlation_matrix


# Compute thresholds ----
#' @noRd
# Updated 22.07.2023
obtain_thresholds <- function(categorical_variable)

  # Obtain cumulative sums from frequency table
  cumulative_sum <- cumsum(fast_table(categorical_variable))

  # Obtain cumulative length
  cumsum_length <- length(cumulative_sum)

  # Obtain thresholds
      cumulative_sum[-cumsum_length] /



# Lots of R packages and functions print
# messages that add to the noise of {EGAnet}
# outputs; these functions make other
# packages' messages go away
# NOTE: In some cases, some package messages
# are important and should not be ignored
# (don't use these functions in those cases)

#' @noRd
# General function to silently obtain output ----
# Updated 01.07.2023
silent_call <- function(...)

  # Make call
  sink <- capture.output(
    result <- suppressWarnings(

  # Return result


#' @noRd
# General function to silently load package ----
# Updated 01.07.2023
silent_load <- function(...)

#' @noRd
# Specific function to silently plot ----
# Updated 06.07.2023
silent_plot <- function(...)


#' @noRd
# Strip classes and attributes
# Updated 09.07.2023
remove_attributes <- function(object)

  # Remove all except special attributes (see `?structure`)
  attributes(object) <- attributes(object)[
    names(attributes(object)) %in% c(
      "dim", "dimnames", "names", "tsp", "levels"

  # Return unclassed object


#' @noRd
# Set default argument (cleaner missing function) ----
# Updated 28.07.2023
set_default <- function(argument, default, FUN, several.ok = FALSE)

  # Check for type error
  typeof_error(argument, c(typeof(default), "closure"), "set_default")

  # Return argument if it's a function

  # Return default if NULL

  # Return default if length > 1 and several are NOT okay
  if(length(argument) > 1 & !several.ok){

  # Get argument name
  argument_name <- as.character(substitute(argument))

  # Get choices for the function
  if(!is.function(FUN)){ # choices are provided in 'FUN'
    choices <- FUN
  }else{ # get formal arguments from the function itself

    # Get formal argument choices from default call
    choices <- formals(FUN)[[argument_name]]

    # Check if choices is a call

      # Get choices
      choices <- as.character(choices)

      # Remove "c" from call
      choices <- choices[-which(choices == "c")]



  # Make argument lowercase (if necessary)
  argument <- tolower(argument); choices <- tolower(choices)

  # Get arguments not in choices
  if(any(!argument %in% choices)){ # Repeated calls OK since returning error

    # Get arguments not in choices
    not_in_choices <- !argument %in% choices

    # Get number not in choices
    number_not <- sum(not_in_choices)

    # Send error for bad argument
    if(number_not > 0){

      # Only one not in choices
      if(number_not == 1){
        argument_text <- paste0(" = \"", argument[not_in_choices], "\"")
      }else{ # Multiple not in choices
        argument_text <- paste0(
          " = c(",
          paste0("\"", argument[not_in_choices], "\"", collapse = ", "),

      # Throw error
          paste0("Invalid argument: ", argument_name, argument_text),
          "\n\nPlease choose from: ",
          paste0("\"", choices, "\"", collapse = ", ")
        ), call. = FALSE



  # Return argument


#' @noRd
# Overwrite Arguments ----
# Updated 24.06.2023
overwrite_arguments <- function(main, ARGS)

  # Obtain replacement arguments
  target_args <- ARGS[names(ARGS) %in% names(main)]

  # Replace the arguments with the same name
  main[names(target_args)] <- target_args

  # Return main arguments


#' @noRd
# Function to obtain arguments ----
# Updated 06.07.2023
obtain_arguments <- function(FUN, FUN.args)

  # Overwrite arguments
  FUN.formals <- overwrite_arguments(formals(FUN), FUN.args)

  # Remove ellipses
  FUN.formals <- FUN.formals[names(FUN.formals) != "..."]

  # Remove call arguments (assume they are supplied elsewhere)
  return(FUN.formals[!lvapply(FUN.formals, is, "call")])


#' @noRd
# Legacy Argument Overwrite ----
# Preference given to legacy
# Updated 25.07.2023
legacy_overwrite <- function(ellipse, legacy_ARG)

  # Check for legacy argument in ellipse
  if(legacy_ARG %in% names(ellipse)){

    # Get legacy arguments
    legacy_ARGS <- ellipse[[legacy_ARG]]

    # Overwrite arguments
    ellipse[names(legacy_ARGS)] <- legacy_ARGS

    # Remove legacy argument
    ellipse <- ellipse[names(ellipse) != legacy_ARG]


  # Return ellipse


#' @noRd
# Legacy Argument Handling ----
# Updated 24.06.2023
legacy_EGA_args <- function(ellipse)

  # `model.args`
  ellipse <- legacy_overwrite(ellipse, "model.args")

  # `algorithm.args`
  ellipse <- legacy_overwrite(ellipse, "algorithm.args")

  # `plot.args`
  ellipse <- legacy_overwrite(ellipse, "plot.args")

  # Return ellipse


#' @noRd
# Make unidimensional CFA model ----
# Updated 08.11.2023
make_unidimensional_cfa <- function(variable_names)
      "LF =~",
        length(variable_names) == 2,
        paste0("a*", variable_names, collapse = " + "),
        paste(variable_names, collapse = " + ")

#' @noRd
# Determine estimator arguments ----
# Updated 24.07.2023
estimator_arguments <- function(lavaan_ARGS, ellipse)

  # Check for `ordinal.categories` in ellipse arguments
  ordinal.categories <- swiftelse(
    !"ordinal.categories" %in% names(ellipse), 7, # default

  # Obtain categories
  categories <- data_categories(lavaan_ARGS$data)

  # Get categorical variables
  categorical_variables <- categories <= ordinal.categories

  # Check for categories

    # Set arguments
    lavaan_ARGS$estimator <- "WLSMV"
    lavaan_ARGS$missing <- "pairwise"
    lavaan_ARGS$ordered <- names(categories)[categorical_variables]


    # Set arguments
    lavaan_ARGS$estimator <- "MLR"
    lavaan_ARGS$missing <- "fiml"
    lavaan_ARGS$ordered <- FALSE


  # Return arguments



#' @noRd
# Defaults for GGally plotting ----
# For plots and methods
# Updated 04.08.2023
GGally_args <- function(ellipse)

  # Get default `ggnet2` arguments
  default_args <- formals(
    # Should always be first call to {GGally}

  # Get default {EGAnet} arguments
  ega_default_args <- list(
    layout.exp = 0.20, label.size = 5,
    label.color = "black", mode = "qgraph",
    edge.label.color = "black", node.alpha = 0.50,
    node.shape = 19, node.size = 12,
    edge.alpha = "edge.alpha", edge.size = 8

  # Legacy arguments
  ellipse <- legacy_EGA_args(ellipse)

  # Replace `ggnet2` arguments with {EGAnet} arguments
  default_args <- overwrite_arguments(default_args, ega_default_args)

  # Replace `ggnet2` arguments with arguments input
  default_args <- overwrite_arguments(default_args, ellipse)

  # Remove the ellipse
  default_args <- default_args[names(default_args) != "..."]

  # Various possible names for things
  ## Layout
  if("layout" %in% names(ellipse)){
    default_args$mode <- ellipse$layout

  ## Node transparency
  if("alpha" %in% names(ellipse)){
    default_args$node.alpha <- ellipse$alpha

  ## Node color
  if("color" %in% names(ellipse)){
    default_args$node.color <- ellipse$color

  ## Node shape
  if("shape" %in% names(ellipse)){
    default_args$node.shape <- ellipse$shape

  ## Node size
  if("vsize" %in% names(ellipse)){
    default_args$node.size <- ellipse$vsize

  ## Edge color
  if(!"edge.color" %in% names(ellipse)){
    default_args$edge.color <- c("darkgreen", "red")

  ## Edge line types
  if(!"edge.lty" %in% names(ellipse)){
    default_args$edge.lty <- c("solid", "solid")

  ## Color palette
  if(!"color.palette" %in% names(ellipse)){
    default_args$color.palette <- "polychrome"
  }else if(is.character(ellipse$color.palette)){

    # Check for gray scale options
    gray_options <- c(
      "greyscale", "grayscale", "colorblind"

    # Check for gray scale
    if(any(tolower(ellipse$color.palette) %in% gray_options)){
      default_args$edge.color <- c("#293132", "grey25")
      default_args$edge.lty <- c("solid", "dashed")

  # NOTE: gray scale will override node and edge colors
  # as well as line types

  # Return arguments


#' @noRd
# Error Checking for GGally plotting ----
# For plots and methods
# Updated 13.08.2023
GGally_errors <- function(
    plot_ARGS, dimensions,
    communities, non_zero_edges

  # Only the most common arguments are checked here
  # Edge case inputs are not considered

  # Determine number of nodes and edges
  nodes <- dimensions[2]
  edges <- length(non_zero_edges)

  ### Node arguments

  # Node Label Alpha
  typeof_error(plot_ARGS$label.alpha, "numeric", "plot.EGAnet")
  length_error(plot_ARGS$label.alpha, c(1, nodes), "plot.EGAnet")

  # Node Label Color
  typeof_error(plot_ARGS$label.color, "character", "plot.EGAnet")
  length_error(plot_ARGS$label.color, c(1, nodes), "plot.EGAnet")

  # Node Label Size
  typeof_error(plot_ARGS$label.size, "numeric", "plot.EGAnet")
  length_error(plot_ARGS$label.size, c(1, nodes), "plot.EGAnet")

  # Node Label
  typeof_error(plot_ARGS$node.label, "character", "plot.EGAnet")
  length_error(plot_ARGS$node.label, c(1, nodes), "plot.EGAnet")

  # Node Alpha
  typeof_error(plot_ARGS$node.alpha, "numeric", "plot.EGAnet")
  length_error(plot_ARGS$node.shape, c(1, communities, nodes), "plot.EGAnet")

  # Node Color
  typeof_error(plot_ARGS$node.color, "character", "plot.EGAnet")
  length_error(plot_ARGS$node.color, c(1, communities, nodes), "plot.EGAnet")

  # Node Shape
  typeof_error(plot_ARGS$node.shape, "numeric", "plot.EGAnet")
  length_error(plot_ARGS$node.shape, c(1, communities, nodes), "plot.EGAnet")

  # Node Size
  typeof_error(plot_ARGS$node.size, "numeric", "plot.EGAnet")
  length_error(plot_ARGS$node.size, c(1, communities, nodes), "plot.EGAnet")

  ### Edge arguments

  # Edge Alpha
  typeof_error(plot_ARGS$edge.alpha, "numeric", "plot.EGAnet")
  length_error(plot_ARGS$edge.alpha, c(1, edges), "plot.EGAnet")

  # Edge Color (allow two for positive and negative)
  typeof_error(plot_ARGS$edge.color, "character", "plot.EGAnet")
  length_error(plot_ARGS$edge.color, c(1, 2, edges), "plot.EGAnet")

  # Edge Size
  typeof_error(plot_ARGS$edge.size, "numeric", "plot.EGAnet")
  length_error(plot_ARGS$edge.size, c(1, edges), "plot.EGAnet")

  # Edge line type (allow two for positive and negative)
  typeof_error(plot_ARGS$edge.lty, "character", "plot.EGAnet")
  length_error(plot_ARGS$edge.lty, c(1, 2, edges), "plot.EGAnet")


#' @noRd
# Re-scale edges ----
# Updated 01.07.2023
rescale_edges <- function(network, edge_size)

  # Set up scaling sequence
  scale_sequence <- seq.int(0, 1, 0.0001)
  names(scale_sequence) <- scale_sequence

  # Set edge scaling (default `edge.size = 8`)
  edge_scaling <- scale_sequence * edge_size

  # Return scaled edges


#' @noRd
# Readable names ----
# Updated 01.07.2023
readable_names <- function(node_names)

  # Add return to names
      strsplit(node_names, split = " "), function(x){

        # Obtain words in name
        words <- length(x)

        # Determine if split is necessary
        if(words > 1){

          # Determine number of lines
          add_line <- round(words / 2)

          # Paste back together name
          name <- paste(
            paste(x[seq_len(add_line)], collapse = " "),
            paste(x[(add_line + 1):words], collapse = " "),
            sep = "\n"

          # Return name




#' @noRd
# Get network layout ----
# Updated 04.08.2023
get_layout <- function(network, dimensions, non_zero_index, plot_ARGS)

  # Determine whether "mode" was used

    # Check for {qgraph}
    if(plot_ARGS$mode == "qgraph"){

      # Lower triangle for edge list
      network_lower <- network[lower.tri(network)]
      weights_lower <- abs(network_lower[network_lower != 0])

      # Set up edge list
      edge_list <- which(non_zero_index, arr.ind = TRUE)
      edge_list <- edge_list[edge_list[,"row"] < edge_list[,"col"],, drop = FALSE]

      # Set layout (spring)
      network_layout <- qgraph::qgraph.layout.fruchtermanreingold(
        edgelist = edge_list[order(edge_list[,"row"]),, drop = FALSE],
        weights = (weights_lower / max(weights_lower))^2,
        vcount = dimensions[2]


      # Get layout function
      mode_FUN <- switch(
        "adj" = sna::gplot.layout.adj,
        "circle" = sna::gplot.layout.circle,
        "circrand" = sna::gplot.layout.circrand,
        "eigen" = sna::gplot.layout.eigen,
        "fruchtermanreingold" = sna::gplot.layout.fruchtermanreingold,
        "geodist" = sna::gplot.layout.geodist,
        "hall" = sna::gplot.layout.hall,
        "kamadakawai" = sna::gplot.layout.kamadakawai,
        "mds" = sna::gplot.layout.mds,
        "princoord" = sna::gplot.layout.princoord,
        "random" = sna::gplot.layout.random,
        "rmds" = sna::gplot.layout.rmds,
        "segeo" = sna::gplot.layout.segeo,
        "seham" = sna::gplot.layout.seham,
        "spring" = sna::gplot.layout.spring,
        "springrepulse" = sna::gplot.layout.springrepulse,
        "target" = sna::gplot.layout.target

      # Set network and arguments
      mode_ARGS <- list(
        d = network,
        layout.par = plot_ARGS$layout.par

      # Obtain layout
      network_layout <- do.call(
        what = mode_FUN,
        args = mode_ARGS


  }else{ # Assume "mode" is a 2D matrix corresponding to a layout
    network_layout <- plot_ARGS$mode

  # Return layout


#' @noRd
# Basic set up for plots ----
# Updated 20.08.2023
basic_plot_setup <- function(network, wc = NULL, ...)

  # Obtain ellipse arguments
  ellipse <- list(...)

  # Ensure network is a matrix
  network <- as.matrix(network)

  # Make sure network has a zero diagonal
  ## Mainly for `TMFG`
  diag(network) <- 0

  # Obtain network dimensions
  dimensions <- dim(network)

  # Set insignificant values to zero
  # (prevents `ggnet2` from erroring out)
  network <- round(network, 4)
  # Each digit of accuracy increases time 10x

  # Check for empty network
  if(sum(network) == 0){

    # Send message
    message("Network is empty. No plot produced.")

    # Return NULL


  # Obtain number of communities
  communities <- unique_length(wc)

  # Obtain node names
  node_names <- dimnames(network)[[2]]

  # With packages, set up arguments
  plot_ARGS <- GGally_args(ellipse)

  # Set up the result of the plot arguments (runs in order of `ggnet2` arguments)
  ## Network
  plot_ARGS$net <- network

  # Set up networks for later use
  ## Full network
  non_zero_index <- network != 0
  non_zero_edges <- network[non_zero_index]

  ## Mode (layout)
  plot_ARGS$mode <- get_layout(
    network, dimensions,
    non_zero_index, plot_ARGS

  ### Generic arguments (mostly handled in `GGally_args`)

  ## Remove some arguments
  plot_ARGS[c("alpha", "color", "size")] <- NULL

  ### Node arguments

  ## Color palette
    palette <- rep("grey", length(wc))
    palette <- color_palette_EGA(plot_ARGS$color.palette, wc)
  ## Set missing values to "white"
  palette[is.na(palette)] <- "white"

  ## Remove color palette
  color.palette <- plot_ARGS$color.palette
  plot_ARGS$color.palette <- NULL

  # Get number of node colors supplied
  node.color_length <- length(plot_ARGS$node.color)

  ## Set node color to communities
  if(all(plot_ARGS$node.color == "color")){

    # Use predefined palette
    plot_ARGS$node.color <- palette

  }else if(node.color_length == communities){

    # If number of node colors supplied is
    # for communities, then set them for each node
    plot_ARGS$node.color <- plot_ARGS$node.color[wc]


  ## Set node label (default)
  if(all(plot_ARGS$node.label == "label")){
    plot_ARGS$node.label <- node_names

  ## Set node size to zero (keep original node size)
  node.size <- plot_ARGS$node.size # handled in `GGally_args`
  plot_ARGS$node.size <- 0

  ### Edge arguments

  ## Set edge alpha (set to "edge.alpha" in `GGally_args`)
  if(all(plot_ARGS$edge.alpha == "edge.alpha")){
    plot_ARGS$edge.alpha <- sqrt(abs(non_zero_edges)) * 0.60
    # Not sure why `* 0.60` is needed to match old behavior
    # but without it the edges appear darker than original plots

  ## Set edge color
  if(length(plot_ARGS$edge.color) == 2){
    plot_ARGS$edge.color <- swiftelse(non_zero_edges >= 0, plot_ARGS$edge.color[1], plot_ARGS$edge.color[2])

  ## Set edge line type
  if(length(plot_ARGS$edge.lty) == 2){
    plot_ARGS$edge.lty <- swiftelse(non_zero_edges >= 0, plot_ARGS$edge.lty[1], plot_ARGS$edge.lty[2])

  ## Set edge size (scale by `edge.size`)
  if(length(plot_ARGS$edge.size) == 1){
    plot_ARGS$edge.size <- rescale_edges(non_zero_edges, plot_ARGS$edge.size)

  ## Edge label size (not used)
  plot_ARGS$edge.label.size <- swiftelse(
    plot_ARGS$edge.label.size == "max_size/2",
    node.size / 2,

  # Before call, check all arguments
  # for any errors
    plot_ARGS = plot_ARGS, dimensions = dimensions,
    communities = communities, non_zero_edges = non_zero_edges

  # Set up node names to be more readable
  node_names <- readable_names(plot_ARGS$node.label)

  # Remove node labels
  plot_ARGS$node.label <- NULL

  # Get first layer with silent call
  first_layer <- silent_call(
    do.call(GGally::ggnet2, plot_ARGS)

  # Return node size to `plot_ARGS` (was removed above)
  plot_ARGS$node.size <- node.size

  # Determine border color
  ## Check for gray scale options
  gray_options <- c(
    "greyscale", "grayscale", "colorblind"

  ## Set border color
  if(all(is.na(wc))){ # Plain network (without communities)
    border_color <- rep("black", dimensions[2])
  }else if(
    length(color.palette) == 1 &&
    color.palette %in% gray_options
  ){ # Gray scale network
    border_color <- swiftelse(palette == "white", "white", "black")
  }else{ # Same color as nodes
    border_color <- plot_ARGS$node.color

  # Custom nodes: transparent insides and dark borders
  second_layer <- first_layer +
    ggplot2::geom_point( # transparent insides
      size = node.size + 0.50, shape = 19,
      color = plot_ARGS$node.color,
      alpha = plot_ARGS$node.alpha,
      show.legend = FALSE
    ) +
    ggplot2::geom_point( # dark borders
      size = node.size, color = border_color,
      shape = 1, stroke = 1.5, alpha = 0.80
    ) +
    ggplot2::geom_text( # put text back on top
      ggplot2::aes(label = node_names),
      color = plot_ARGS$label.color,
      size = plot_ARGS$label.size
    ) +
    ggplot2::guides( # create legend with these settings
      color = ggplot2::guide_legend(
        override.aes = list(
          color = unique(plot_ARGS$node.color),
          size = median(node.size, na.rm = TRUE),
          alpha = median(plot_ARGS$node.alpha, na.rm = TRUE),
          stroke = 1.5
        title = swiftelse(
          "legend.title" %in% names(ellipse),
          ellipse$legend.title, ""

  # Check for title
  if("title" %in% names(ellipse)){
    second_layer <- second_layer +
      ggplot2::labs(title = ellipse$title)

  # Check for legend labels
  if("legend.names" %in% names(ellipse)){ # add user assigned names
    second_layer <- second_layer +
        values = unique(plot_ARGS$node.color),
        labels = ellipse$legend.names
  }else if(all(is.na(wc))){ # no legend (network with no communities plot)
    second_layer <- second_layer +
      ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")
  }else{ # add membership names
    second_layer <- silent_call(
      second_layer +
        values = unique(plot_ARGS$node.color),
        labels = unique(wc)

  # Set up return
  ## Hidden argument to return arguments plots
  ## Used most for comparing plots (same node placements)
  if("arguments" %in% names(ellipse) & isTRUE(ellipse$arguments)){

    # Set up return list
        network_plot = second_layer,
        ARGS = plot_ARGS


    # Return plot only



#' @noRd
# Basic set up for single plot ----
# Updated 25.07.2023
single_plot <- function(network, wc = NULL, ...)

  # Look for memberships in arguments
  ## If no memberships, then plot network
  # as if all memberships are missing
    wc <- rep(NA, dim(network)[2])

  # Reorder network and communities
  new_order <- order(wc)

  # Send on and return from `basic_plot_setup`
      network[new_order, new_order],

  # I'm not sure why the memberships were ordered
  # in the original code (before refactoring)
  # `single_plot` doesn't affect anything in
  # terms of reordering but it's not good
  # for more than one plot
  # `basic_plot_setup` is preferred for multiple plots


#' @noRd
# Dimension comparison for comparison plots ----
# Updated 20.06.2023
dimension_comparison <- function(original, comparison){

  # Get dimensions
  original_dimensions <- dim(original)
  comparison_dimensions <- dim(comparison)

  # Determine whether network to be compared has same
  # dimensions as the original plotted network
  if(any(original_dimensions != comparison_dimensions)){

    # Send error
        "The original network's dimensions (",
        paste0(original_dimensions, collapse = " x "),
        ") do not match the comparison network's dimensions (",
        paste0(comparison_dimensions, collapse = " x "),
        ").\n\nDouble check to make sure the network dimensions match."
      call. = FALSE


  # Get names
  original_names <- dimnames(original)[[2]]
  comparison_names <- dimnames(comparison)[[2]]

  # Check for NULL
  if(!is.null(original_names) & is.null(comparison_names)){
    comparison_names <- original_names
  }else if(is.null(original_names) & !is.null(comparison_names)){
    original_names <- comparison_names

  # Determine whether network to be compared has same
  # column names as the original plotted network
  not_matched <- !comparison_names %in% original_names

  # Check for names that don't match

    # Obtain names that don't match in comparison
    no_match_names <- comparison_names[not_matched]

    # Send error
        "Some variable names in the comparison network ",
        "did not match the original network: ",
        paste0("\"", no_match_names, "\"", collapse = ", ")
      call. = FALSE



#' @noRd
# Basic set up for comparing plots ----
# Updated 26.10.2023
compare_plots <- function(comparison_network, comparison_wc, plot_ARGS)

  # original network = plot_ARGS$net

  # Make sure dimensions are the same before proceeding
  dimension_comparison(plot_ARGS$net, comparison_network)

  # Get comparison network names
  comparison_names <- dimnames(comparison_network)[[2]]

  # Ensure row names to ensure proper ordering
  dimnames(comparison_network)[[1]] <- comparison_names

  # Put network into same order as original network
  matching_order <- match(
    dimnames(plot_ARGS$net)[[2]], # target to match
    comparison_names # adjust to target

  # Set comparison network in proper order
  ## Add to plot arguments
  plot_ARGS$network <- comparison_network[
    matching_order, matching_order

  # Also, set comparison memberships in proper order
  ## Add to plot arguments
  plot_ARGS$wc <- comparison_wc[matching_order]

  # Remove some arguments from `plot_ARGS`
  ## Essentially, the same call but allows some freedom
  plot_ARGS[c("net", "node.color")] <- NULL

  # Check for edges
  ## Assume more than one edge alpha is default
  if(length(plot_ARGS[["edge.alpha"]]) > 1){
    plot_ARGS[["edge.alpha"]] <- NULL

  ## Assume more than two edge color is default
  if(length(plot_ARGS[["edge.color"]]) > 2){
    plot_ARGS[["edge.color"]] <- NULL

  ## Assume more than two edge line type is default
  if(length(plot_ARGS[["edge.lty"]]) > 2){
    plot_ARGS[["edge.lty"]] <- NULL

  ## Assume more than one edge size is default
  if(length(plot_ARGS[["edge.size"]]) > 1){
    plot_ARGS[["edge.size"]] <- NULL

  # Send on and return from `basic_plot_setup`
  return(do.call(basic_plot_setup, plot_ARGS))


#' @noRd
# Heatmap ----
# Creates a basic heatmap of a symmetric matrix
# Updated 07.02.2024
ggheatmap <- function(matrix_input, type = c("full", "lower", "upper"), ...)

  # Set defaults
  type <- set_default(type, default = "full", ggheatmap)

  # Ensure matrix
  matrix_input <- as.matrix(matrix_input)

  # Ensure dimension names
  matrix_input <- ensure_dimension_names(matrix_input)
  matrix_input <- t(ensure_dimension_names(t(matrix_input)))

  # Get dimensions and dimension names
  dimensions <- dim(matrix_input)
  dimension_names <- dimnames(matrix_input)

  # Set up data frame
  matrix_df <- data.frame(
    Rows = rep(dimension_names[[1]], each = dimensions[2]),
    Columns = rep(dimension_names[[2]], times = dimensions[1]),
    Values = as.vector(matrix_input)

  # Set up factors
  matrix_df$Rows <- factor(matrix_df$Rows, levels = dimension_names[[1]])
  matrix_df$Columns <- factor(matrix_df$Columns, levels = rev(dimension_names[[2]]))
  matrix_df$Values <- as.numeric(matrix_df$Values)

  # Determine full/lower/upper
  NA_indices <- switch(
    "full" = rep(FALSE, length(matrix_df$Values)),
    "lower" = as.numeric(matrix_df$Rows) > rev(as.numeric(matrix_df$Columns)),
    "upper" = rev(as.numeric(matrix_df$Columns)) > as.numeric(matrix_df$Rows)

  # Set NAs
  matrix_df$Values[NA_indices] <- NA

  # Plot
      data = matrix_df, ggplot2::aes(x = Rows, y = Columns, fill = Values)
    ) + ggplot2::geom_tile(...) + ggplot2::theme(
      panel.background = ggplot2::element_blank()


#' @noRd
# Global variables needed for CRAN checks ----
# Updated 09.02.2024
utils::globalVariables(c("Rows", "Columns", "Values"))


#' @noRd
# Experimental warning ----
# Updated 03.08.2023
experimental <- function(function_name)
      "This implementation of `", function_name,
      "` is ", styletext("experimental", "italics"), ". \n\nThe underlying function ",
      "and/or output may change until the results have been appropriately vetted and validated."
    ), call. = FALSE

#' @noRd
# Not refactored warning ----
# Updated 04.08.2023
not_refactored <- function(function_name)
      "This implementation of `", function_name, "` was not refactored in the {EGAnet} 2.0.0 update. ",
      "There are no guarantees that this function will work.\n\n",
      "Please do not create a GitHub issue or bug report for this function"
    ), call. = FALSE

#' @noRd
# Error for class ----
# Updated 04.09.2023
class_error <- function(input, expected_class, function_name){

  # Check for object types
  if(!is(input, expected_class)){
      h = stop,
      msg = paste0(
        "Input into '", deparse(substitute(input)),
        "' is an object with ", paste0("'", class(input), "'", collapse = ", "), " class(es)",
        ". Input is expected to be ", paste0("'", expected_class, "'", collapse = ", "), " class(es)",
        "\n\n For more details on how to fix this error, see:\n",
      call = function_name


#' @noRd
# Error for object type ----
# Updated 04.09.2023
object_error <- function(input, expected_type, function_name){

  # Get input type
  input_type <- get_object_type(input)

  # Check for object types
  if(!input_type %in% expected_type){
      h = stop,
      msg = paste0(
        "Input into '", deparse(substitute(input)),
        "' is a ", paste0("'", input_type, "'", collapse = ", "), " object",
        ". Input is expected to be ", paste0("'", expected_type, "'", collapse = ", "), " object",
        "\n\n For more details on how to fix this error, see:\n",
      call = function_name


#' @noRd
# Error for `typeof` ----
# Updated 04.09.2023
typeof_error <- function(input, expected_value, function_name){

  # Switch out "closure" with "function"
  if("closure" %in% expected_value){
    expected_value[expected_value == "closure"] <- "function"

  # Get type of input
  typeof_input <- typeof(input)

  # Convert "closure" to "function"
  if("closure" %in% typeof_input){
    typeof_input[typeof_input == "closure"] <- "function"

  # Convert "integer" and "double" to "numeric"
  ## Input
  typeof_input <- swiftelse(
    typeof_input %in% c("integer", "double"),
    "numeric", typeof_input
  ## Expected value
  expected_value <- swiftelse(
    any(expected_value %in% c("integer", "double")),
    "numeric", expected_value

  # Check for value
  if(!typeof_input %in% expected_value){
      h = stop,
      msg = paste0(
        "Input into '", deparse(substitute(input)),
        "' is ", paste("'", typeof_input, "'", sep = "", collapse = ", "), " type",
        ". Input is expected to be ",
        paste0("'", expected_value, "'", collapse = " or "), " type",
        "\n\n For more details on how to fix this error, see:\n",
        # can use "or" because `typeof` won't ever be more than two
      call = function_name


#' @noRd
# Error for `length` ----
# Updated 04.09.2023
length_error <- function(input, expected_lengths, function_name){

  # Check for length of input in expected length
  if(!length(input) %in% expected_lengths){
      h = stop,
      msg = paste0(
        "Length of '", deparse(substitute(input)),
        "' (", length(input),") does not match expected length(s). Length must be: ",
        paste0("'", expected_lengths, "'", collapse = " or "),
        "\n\n For more details on how to fix this error, see:\n",
      call = function_name


#' @noRd
# Error for `range` ----
# Updated 04.09.2023
range_error <- function(input, expected_ranges, function_name){

  # Obtain expected maximum and minimum values
  expected_maximum <- max(expected_ranges, na.rm = TRUE)
  expected_minimum <- min(expected_ranges, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Obtain maximum and minimum values
  actual_maximum <- round(max(input, na.rm = TRUE), 3)
  actual_minimum <- round(min(input, na.rm = TRUE), 3)

  # Check for maximum of input in expected range
  if(actual_maximum > expected_maximum){
      h = stop,
      msg = paste0(
        "Maximum value of '", deparse(substitute(input)),
        "' (", actual_maximum,") does not match expected range(s). Values must range between: ",
        paste0("'", expected_ranges, "'", collapse = " and "),
        "\n\n For more details on how to fix this error, see:\n",
      call = function_name

  # Check for maximum of input in expected range
  if(actual_minimum < expected_minimum){
      h = stop,
      msg = paste0(
        "Minimum value of '", deparse(substitute(input)),
        "' (", actual_minimum,") does not match expected range(s). Values must range between: ",
        paste0("'", expected_ranges, "'", collapse = " and "),
        "\n\n For more details on how to fix this error, see:\n",
      call = function_name



#' @noRd
# Zero-order correlations to partial correlations ----
# Updated 29.06.2023
cor2pcor <- function(correlation_matrix)

  # Convert to inverse correlations to partial correlations
  partial_correlations <- -cov2cor(solve(correlation_matrix))

  # Set diagonal to zero
  diag(partial_correlations) <- 0

  # Return


#' @noRd
# Partial correlations to zero-order correlations ----
# Updated 29.06.2023
pcor2cor <- function(partial_correlations)

  # Set diagonal to negative 1
  diag(partial_correlations) <- -1

  # Return partial correlations as zero-order correlations


#' @noRd
# Partial correlations to inverse covariances ----
# Updated 29.06.2023
pcor2inv <- function(partial_correlations)

  # Set diagonal to negative 1
  diag(partial_correlations) <- -1

  # Return inverse covariance matrix



#' @noRd
# Continuous Accuracy (for single variable) ----
# Updated 26.03.2024
continuous_accuracy <- function(prediction, observed)

  # No intercept for prediction
  # sum((observed - mean(observed, na.rm = TRUE))^2, na.rm = TRUE)
  # A great explanation on why not: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/26176/removal-of-statistically-significant-intercept-term-increases-r2-in-linear-mo

  # Return accuracies
      R2 = cor(prediction, observed, use = "pairwise")^2,
      RMSE = sqrt(mean((prediction - observed)^2, na.rm = TRUE))


#' @noRd
# Ordinal Accuracy (for single variable) ----
# Updated 01.03.2024
ordinal_accuracy <- function(prediction, observed)

  # Get maximum categories
  max_category <- max(prediction, observed, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Check for single category
  if(max_category == 1){
    return(c(linear_kappa =  1, kripp_alpha = 1))

  # Set category sequence
  category_sequence <- seq_len(max_category)

  # Set up table
  accuracy_table <- matrix(
    0, nrow = max_category, ncol = max_category,
    dimnames = list(category_sequence, category_sequence)

  # Get table
  tabled <- table(observed, prediction)

  # Get names from table
  table_names <- dimnames(tabled)

  # Populate accuracy table
  accuracy_table[table_names$observed, table_names$prediction] <- tabled

  # START of linear weighted Kappa

  # Get frequencies
  observed_frequency <- table(factor(observed, levels = category_sequence))
  prediction_frequency <- table(factor(prediction, levels = category_sequence))

  # Get total values
  total_values <- sum(observed_frequency)

  # Get diagonal of table (correct predictions)
  correct <- diag(accuracy_table)

  # Standardize tables
  observed_standard <- observed_frequency / total_values
  prediction_standard <- prediction_frequency / total_values
  confusion_matrix <- accuracy_table / total_values

  # Compute absolute differences (linear kappa weighted)
  weights <- outer(
    category_sequence, category_sequence,
    FUN = function(x, y){abs(x - y)}

  # START of Krippendorff's alpha

  # Coincidence table
  coincidence_table <- accuracy_table + t(accuracy_table)

  # Get upper triangle indices
  upper_indices <- upper.tri(coincidence_table)

  # Get upper triangle of coincidence table
  coincidence_upper <- coincidence_table[upper_indices]

  # Get sums
  coincidence_sums <- colSums(coincidence_table, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Compute outer of sums
  coincidence_outer <- outer(coincidence_sums, coincidence_sums)[upper_indices]

  # Pre-compute diff2 (based on irr::kripp.alpha)

  ## Halve coincidence sums
  half_sums <- coincidence_sums / 2

  ## Set diff2
  diff2 <- numeric(sum(upper_indices))

  ## Initialize count
  count <- 1

  ## Perform loop as in irr::kripp.alpha
  for(i in 2:max_category){
    for(j in 1:(i-1)){

      # Update diff2
      diff2[count] <- half_sums[j] + half_sums[i]

      # Check for outer loop greater than inner loop
      if(i > (j + 1)){
        for(k in (j + 1):(i - 1)){
          diff2[count] <- diff2[count] + coincidence_sums[k]

      # Update diff2
      diff2[count] <- diff2[count]^2

      # Increase count
      count <- count + 1


  # Return accuracy by category
      linear_kappa =  1 - (
        sum(weights * confusion_matrix) / # observed
        sum(weights * tcrossprod(observed_standard, prediction_standard)) # expected
      kripp_alpha = 1 - (sum(coincidence_table) - 1) *
                    sum(coincidence_upper * diff2) /
                    sum(coincidence_outer * diff2)


#' @noRd
# Binary Accuracy (for single variable) ----
# Updated 02.03.2024
binary_accuracy <- function(prediction, observed)

  # Get maximum categories
  max_category <- max(prediction, observed, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Set category sequence
  category_sequence <- seq_len(max_category)

  # Set up table
  accuracy_table <- matrix(
    0, nrow = max_category, ncol = max_category,
    dimnames = list(category_sequence, category_sequence)

  # Get table
  tabled <- table(observed, prediction)

  # Get names from table
  table_names <- dimnames(tabled)

  # Populate accuracy table
  accuracy_table[table_names$observed, table_names$prediction] <- tabled

  # Get frequencies
  observed_frequency <- table(factor(observed, levels = category_sequence))
  prediction_frequency <- table(factor(prediction, levels = category_sequence))

  # Get elements
  elements <- sum(accuracy_table)

  # Compute observed agreement
  po <- sum(diag(accuracy_table)) / elements

  # Compute expected agreement (based on random assignment)
  pe <- sum(observed_frequency * prediction_frequency) / elements^2

  # Return metrics
      accuracy = po,
      kappa = swiftelse(
        po == 1 && pe == 1, 1, (po - pe) / (1 - pe))



#' @noRd
# Re-index memberships ----
# Updated 19.11.2023
reindex_memberships <- function(memberships)

  # Re-index back into same vector
  memberships[] <- as.numeric(factor(memberships, unique(memberships)))

  # Return memberships


#' @noRd
# Create sparse network ----
# Updated 08.11.2023
sparse_network <- function(network)

  # Get number of nodes
  nodes <- dim(network)[2]

  # Get node sequence
  node_sequence <- seq_len(nodes)

  # Create data frame
  sparse_df <- data.frame(
    row = rep(node_sequence, each = nodes),
    col = rep(node_sequence, times = nodes),
    weight = as.vector(network)

  # Return lower triangle
  return(sparse_df[sparse_df$row < sparse_df$col,])


#' @noRd
# Scramble networks ----
# Updated 11.11.2023
network_scramble <- function(base, comparison)

  # Get sparse networks
  base_sparse <- sparse_network(base)
  comparison_sparse <- sparse_network(comparison)

  # Get edges
  base_edges <- base_sparse$weight != 0
  comparison_edges <- comparison_sparse$weight != 0

  # Get shared edges
  shared_total <- sum(base_edges & comparison_edges)

  # Get unique indices in comparison
  unique_index <- !base_edges & comparison_edges

  # Assign edges
  base_sparse$weight[-shuffle(which(base_edges), shared_total)] <- 0
  base_sparse$weight[unique_index] <- comparison_sparse$weight[unique_index]

  # Remove zero edges from equivalent
  base_sparse <- base_sparse[base_sparse$weight != 0,]

  # Get number of nodes
  nodes <- dim(base)[2]

  # Initialize network to return
  return_network <- matrix(0, nrow = nodes, ncol = nodes)

  # Loop over sparse equivalent
  for(i in nrow_sequence(base_sparse)){

    # Populate return network
    return_network[base_sparse$row[i], base_sparse$col[i]] <-
    return_network[base_sparse$col[i], base_sparse$row[i]] <-


  # Return the network


#' @noRd
# Rewiring based on {igraph} ----
# Updated 30.10.2023
igraph_rewire <- function(network, prob, noise = 0)

  # Get nodes
  nodes <- dim(network)[2]

  # Assume NAs are zero
  network[is.na(network)] <- 0

  # Get rewired network
  rewired_network <- igraph2matrix(
      graph = convert2igraph(network),
      with = igraph::each_edge(prob = prob)

  # Add noise (if any)
  if(noise != 0){

    # Get absolute noise
    abs_noise <- abs(noise)

    # Get lower triangle
    lower_triangle <- lower.tri(rewired_network)

    # Get lower triangle
    rewired_lower <- rewired_network[lower_triangle]

    # Get non-zero
    non_zero <- rewired_lower != 0

    # Set noise
    rewired_lower[non_zero] <- rewired_lower[non_zero] +
      runif_xoshiro(sum(non_zero), min = -abs_noise, max = abs_noise)

    # Create new matrix
    rewired_network <- matrix(0, nrow = nodes, ncol = nodes)

    # Add to lower triangle
    rewired_network[lower_triangle] <- rewired_lower

    # Make symmetric
    rewired_network <- rewired_network + t(rewired_network)


  # Return rewired network



# There are some redundancies in the math functions because
# it's often faster to call some functions directly
# rather than nesting non-base R functions in functions

#' @noRd
# Matrix entropy calculation ----
# The default `exp(1)` base is pre-calculated to reduce function calls
# Returns entropy value
# Updated 29.06.2023
matrix_entropy <- function(density_matrix, base = 2.718282)
        density_matrix %*% log(density_matrix, base = base)
      ), na.rm = TRUE


#' @noRd
# Basic entropy calculation ----
# Returns entropy value
# Updated 29.06.2023
entropy <- function(values, base = 2.718282)
  return(-sum(values * log(values, base = base), na.rm = TRUE))

#' @noRd
# Positive definite matrix ----
# Logical for whether a matrix is positive definite
# Updated 29.06.2023
is_positive_definite <- function(data)
  return(all(eigen(data, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values > 0))

#' @noRd
# Wrapper for `eigen` ----
# Extracts eigenvalues only
# Updated 29.06.2023
matrix_eigenvalues <- function(data)
  return(eigen(data, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)$values)

#' @noRd
# Trace of matrix ----
# Updated 25.06.2023
trace <- function(object)
  return(sum(diag(object), na.rm = TRUE))

#' @noRd
# Cohen's d ----
# Updated 13.07.2023
d <- function(sample1, sample2, paired = FALSE)

  # Check for paired

    # Get differences
    differences <- sample1 - sample2

    # Return paired Cohen's d
      mean(differences, na.rm = TRUE) /
      sd(differences, na.rm = TRUE)


  # Get usable indices
  usable1 <- sample1[!is.na(sample1)]
  usable2 <- sample2[!is.na(sample2)]

  # Numerator
  num <- mean(usable1) - mean(usable2)

  # Degrees of freedom
  df1 <- length(usable1) - 1
  df2 <- length(usable2) - 1

  # Denominator
  denom <- sqrt(
      (df1 * var(usable1)) + (df2 * var(usable2))
    ) / (df1 + df2)

  # Return Cohen's d
  return(abs(num / denom))


#' @noRd
# Adaptive Alpha ----
# Needs desparate updating
# Updated 01.08.2022
adapt.a <- function (test = c("anova","chisq","cor","one.sample","two.sample","paired"),
                     ref.n = NULL, n = NULL, alpha = .05, power = .80,
                     efxize = c("small","medium","large"), groups = NULL, df = NULL)

  # Need a test
    stop("test must be selected")
  }else{test <- match.arg(test)}

  # Assign medium effect size
    efxize <- "medium"
    message("No effect size selected. Medium effect size computed.")
  }else{efxize <- efxize}

  if(test == "anova"){

    # Check for groups
      stop("ANOVA is selected. Number of groups must be set")

    # Set effect size
    efxize <- switch(
      "small" = 0.10,
      "medium" = 0.25,
      "large" = 0.40

    # Determine reference sample size
      ref.n <- pwr::pwr.anova.test(f=efxize,power=power,sig.level=alpha,k=groups)$n
      message("ref.n is observations per group")

    # Numerator
    num <- sqrt(ref.n*(log(ref.n)+qchisq((1-alpha),1)))

  }else if(test == "chisq"){ # Chi-square

    # Needs degrees of freedom
      stop("Chi-square is selected. Degrees of freedom must be set")

    # Set effect size
    efxize <- switch(
      "small" = 0.10,
      "medium" = 0.30,
      "large" = 0.50

    # Determine reference sample size
      ref.n <- pwr::pwr.chisq.test(w=efxize,df=df,power=power,sig.level=alpha)$N
    # Numerator
    num <- sqrt(ref.n*(log(ref.n)+qchisq((1-alpha),1)))

  }else if(test == "cor"){ # Correlation

    # Set effect size
    efxize <- switch(
      "small" = 0.10,
      "medium" = 0.30,
      "large" = 0.50

    # Determine reference sample size
      ref.n <- pwr::pwr.r.test(r=efxize,power=power,sig.level=alpha)$n

    # Numerator
    num <- sqrt(ref.n*(log(ref.n)+qchisq((1-alpha),1)))

  }else if(any(c("one.sample", "two.sample", "paired") %in% test)){# t-test

    # Set effect size
    efxize <- switch(
      "small" = 0.20,
      "medium" = 0.50,
      "large" = 0.80

    # Determine reference sample size
      ref.n <- pwr::pwr.t.test(d=efxize,power=power,sig.level=alpha,type=test)$n

    # Numerator
    num <- sqrt(ref.n*(log(ref.n)+qchisq((1-alpha),1)))

  }else{stop("test does not exist")}

  # Denominator
  denom <- (sqrt(n*(log(n)+qchisq((1-alpha),1))))

  # Adjusted alpha calculation
  adj.a <- alpha*num/denom

  # Critical values
  if(test == "anova"){

    critical.f <- function (groups, n, a)
      df1 <- groups - 1
      df2 <- n - groups
      cvf <- qf(a, df1, df2, lower.tail = FALSE)

    cv <- critical.f(groups, n, adj.a)

  }else if(test == "chisq"){

    critical.chi <- function (df, a)
      cvchi <- qchisq(a, df, lower.tail = FALSE)

    cv <- critical.chi(df, adj.a)

  }else if(test == "cor"){

    critical.r <- function (n, a)
      df <- n - 2
      critical.t <- qt( a/2, df, lower.tail = FALSE )
      cvr <- sqrt( (critical.t^2) / ( (critical.t^2) + df ) )

    cv <- critical.r(n, adj.a)

  }else if(any(c("one.sample", "two.sample", "paired") %in% test)){

    critical.t <- function (n, a)
      df <- n - 2
      cvt <- qt( a/2, df, lower.tail = FALSE )

    cv <- critical.t(n, adj.a)


  # Output
  output <- list(
    adapt.a = adj.a, crit.value = cv,
    orig.a = alpha, ref.n = ref.n,
    exp.n = n, power = power,
    efxize = efxize
  # Check for ANOVA or Chi-square
  if(test == "anova"){
    output$groups <- groups
    output$df <- c((groups - 1), (n - groups))

  }else if(test=="chisq"){
    output$df <- df
  # Add test
  output$test <- test



#' @noRd
# OS and System Check ----
# Updated 28.11.2023
system.check <- function()

  # Get OS usage
  OS <- unname(tolower(Sys.info()["sysname"]))

  # Get RStudio usage
  RSTUDIO <- swiftelse(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO") == "1", TRUE, FALSE)

  # Return list
      OS = OS,
      R = paste0(R.version$major, ".", R.version$minor),
      TEXT = swiftelse(!RSTUDIO & OS != "linux", FALSE, TRUE)


#' @noRd
# Colorize text ----
# Updated 08.09.2020
colortext <- function(text, number = NULL, defaults = NULL)
  # Check system
  sys.check <- system.check()

    # Defaults for number (white text)
    if(is.null(number) || number < 0 || number > 231)
    {number <- 15}

    # Check for default color
      # Adjust highlight color based on background color
      if(defaults == "highlight")
        number <- 208

        number <- switch(defaults,
                         message = 204,
                         red = 9,
                         orange = 208,
                         yellow = 11,
                         "light green" = 10,
                         green = 34,
                         cyan = 14,
                         blue = 12,
                         magenta = 13,
                         pink = 211,



    return(paste("\033[38;5;", number, "m", text, "\033[0m", sep = ""))


#' @noRd
# Style text ----
# Updated 26.07.2023
styletext <- function(
    text, defaults = c(
      "bold", "italics", "highlight",
      "underline", "strikethrough"


      number <- 0

      number <- switch(
        bold = 1, italics = 3,
        underline = 4, highlight = 7,
        strikethrough = 9


    return(paste("\033[", number, ";m", text, "\033[0m", sep = ""))



#' @noRd
# Symbols ----
# Updated 26.07.2024
textsymbol <- function(
    symbol = c(
      "alpha", "beta", "chi", "delta",
      "eta", "gamma", "lambda", "omega",
      "phi", "pi", "rho", "sigma", "tau",
      "theta", "square root", "infinity",
      "check mark", "x", "bullet"
  # Return code
      alpha = "\u03B1", beta = "\u03B2", chi = "\u03C7",
      delta = "\u03B4", eta = "\u03B7", gamma = "\u03B3",
      lambda = "\u03BB,", omega = "\u03C9", phi = "\u03C6",
      pi = "\u03C0", rho = "\u03C1", sigma = "\u03C3", tau = "\u03C4",
      theta = "\u03B8", "square root" = "\u221A", infinity = "\u221E",
      "check mark" = "\u2713", x = "\u2717", bullet = "\u2022"


#' @noRd
# Title Case ----
# Not truly title case -- just capitializes
# the first letter of each word
# Uses `tools::toTitleCase` for actual title case
# Updated 25.06.2023
totitle <- function(string)

  # Split by spaces
  words <- unlist(strsplit(string, split = " "))

  # Set first letters to uppercase
  titleCased <- cvapply(words, function(x){

    # Stitch together letters
        toupper(substr(x, 1, 1)),
        tolower(substr(x, 2, nchar(x)))


  # Paste words back together
  return(paste(titleCased, collapse = " "))


#' @noRd
# General function to check for packages ----
# Updated 13.07.2023
check_package <- function(packages)

  # Performs what original `installed.packages()` does
  # but without additional fluff
  installed <- packages %in% ulapply(.libPaths(), list.files)

  # Determine which packages are not installed
  not_installed <- packages[!installed]

  # Print error with missing packages
  if(length(not_installed) != 0){

    # Organize packages error output
    if(length(not_installed) > 1){

      # Get missing packages
      missing_packages <- paste0("{", packages , "}", collapse = ", ")
      packages <- paste0("\"", packages, "\"", collapse = ", ")

      # Stop and tell user to install package
          " are not installed but are required for this function. ",
          "Please run \n\n",
          "`install.packages(c(", packages, "))`",
          "\n\nOnce installed, re-run this function (you may need to restart R/RStudio)."
        ), call. = FALSE


      # Get missing packages
      missing_packages <- paste0("{", packages, "}")
      packages <- paste0("\"", packages, "\"")

      # Stop and tell user to install package
          " is not installed but is required for this function. ",
          "Please run \n\n",
          "`install.packages(", packages, ")`",
          "\n\nOnce installed, re-run this function (you may need to restart R/RStudio)."
        ), call. = FALSE



hfgolino/EGA documentation built on July 14, 2024, 5:42 p.m.