#' @title Ergodicity Information Index
#' @description Computes the Ergodicity Information Index
#' @param dynEGA.object A \code{\link[EGAnet]{dynEGA.ind.pop}} object
#' @param use Character (length = 1).
#' A string indicating what network element will be used
#' to compute the algorithm complexity, the list of edges or the weights of the network.
#' Defaults to \code{use = "unweighted"}.
#' Current options are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"edge.list"} --- Calculates the algorithm complexity using the list of edges
#' \item \code{"unweighted"} --- Calculates the algorithm complexity using the binary weights of the encoded prime
#' transformed network. 0 = edge absent and 1 = edge present
#' \item \code{"weighted"} --- Calculates the algorithm complexity using the weights of encoded prime-weight transformed network
#' }
#' @param shuffles Numeric.
#' Number of shuffles used to compute the Kolmogorov complexity.
#' Defaults to \code{5000}
#' @return Returns a list containing:
#' \item{PrimeWeight}{The prime-weight encoding of the individual networks}
#' \item{PrimeWeight.pop}{The prime-weight encoding of the population network}
#' \item{Kcomp}{The Kolmogorov complexity of the prime-weight encoded individual networks}
#' \item{Kcomp.pop}{The Kolmogorov complexity of the prime-weight encoded population network}
#' \item{complexity}{The complexity metric proposed by Santora and Nicosia (2020)}
#' \item{EII}{The Ergodicity Information Index}
#' @author Hudson Golino <hfg9s at virginia.edu> and Alexander Christensen <alexpaulchristensen@gmail.com>
#' @examples
#' # Obtain data
#' sim.dynEGA <- sim.dynEGA # bypasses CRAN checks
#' \dontrun{
#' # Dynamic EGA individual and population structure
#' dyn.ega1 <- dynEGA.ind.pop(
#' data = sim.dynEGA[,-26], n.embed = 5, tau = 1,
#' delta = 1, id = 25, use.derivatives = 1,
#' ncores = 2, corr = "pearson"
#' )
#' # Compute empirical ergodicity information index
#' eii <- ergoInfo(dyn.ega1)}
#' @references
#' \strong{Original Implementation} \cr
#' Golino, H., Nesselroade, J. R., & Christensen, A. P. (2022).
#' Toward a psychology of individuals: The ergodicity information index and a bottom-up approach for finding generalizations.
#' \emph{PsyArXiv}.
#' @export
# Ergodicity Information Index ----
# Updated 12.11.2023
ergoInfo <- function(
use = c("edge.list", "unweighted", "weighted"),
shuffles = 5000
# Check for missing arguments (argument, default, function)
use <- set_default(use, "unweighted", ergoInfo)
# Check for appropriate class ("dynEGA.ind.pop" defunct to legacy)
if(!is(dynEGA.object, "dynEGA") & !is(dynEGA.object, "dynEGA.ind.pop")){
class_error(dynEGA.object, "dynEGA", "ergoInfo")
# Control exponential notation of numbers
user_scipen <- options("scipen")$scipen
# Set option
options(scipen = 0)
# Get proper objects (if not, send an error)
dynEGA.object <- get_dynEGA_object(dynEGA.object)
# Get individual networks
individual_networks <- lapply(dynEGA.object$individual, function(x){x$network})
# Get sequence for number of individuals
individual_sequence <- seq_along(individual_networks)
# Initialize encoding matrix
dimensions <- dim(individual_networks[[1]])
encoding_matrix <- matrix(1, nrow = dimensions[1], ncol = dimensions[2])
# "unweighted" and "weighted" needs canonical prime association
if(use != "edge.list"){
# Set individual networks based on use
if(use == "unweighted"){
# Binarize networks
individual_networks <- lapply(
individual_networks, # NAs occur when there is zero variance
function(x){return(x != 0 & !is.na(x))}
# Order networks
individual_networks <- individual_networks[
order(nvapply(individual_networks, edge_count), decreasing = FALSE)
# Get prime numbers
prime_numbers <- get(
data("prime.num", package = "EGAnet", envir = environment())
# Get prime weights
prime_weights <- lapply(individual_sequence, function(case){
return(prime_numbers[[case]] ^ individual_networks[[case]])
# Get encoding matrix
encoding_matrix <- Reduce("*", prime_weights)
# Revert 1s to 0s
encoding_matrix[encoding_matrix == 1] <- 0
# Get edge list (matches {igraph})
edge_list <- sparse_network(encoding_matrix)
# Get edge list rows (used at the end)
edge_rows <- dim(edge_list)[1]
# Get edge list sequence
edge_sequence <- seq_len(edge_rows)
# Set up population
# Get population adjacency
population_edges <- dynEGA.object$population$network != 0
# Initialize population encoding matrix
population_encoding <- matrix(1, nrow = dimensions[1], ncol = dimensions[2])
# Branch based on "use"
if(use != "edge.list"){
# Check for weighted vs. unweighted
population_encoding <- 2 ^ swiftelse(
use == "unweighted", population_edges,
# Revert 1s to 0s
population_encoding[population_encoding == 1] <- 0
# Set upper triangle to FALSE
population_edges[upper.tri(population_edges)] <- FALSE
# Get edge list ("col" then "row" matches {igraph})
population_edge_list <- cbind(
which(population_edges, arr.ind = TRUE)[,c("col", "row")],
# Get edge list sequence
population_edge_sequence <- nrow_sequence(population_edge_list)
# K-complexity
# Use `keep_weights` for quick indexing
keep_weights <- swiftelse(
use == "edge.list",
c(1L, 2L), c(1L, 2L, 3L)
# Transpose edge lists (more efficient)
edge_list <- t(edge_list[,keep_weights])
population_edge_list <- t(population_edge_list[,keep_weights])
# Get k-complexity for individuals and population
kcomplexities <- lapply(
seq_len(shuffles), function(iteration){
# Set up return
individual = k_complexity(
population = k_complexity(
# Pre-compute values
mean_individual_complexity <- mean(
nvapply(kcomplexities, function(x){x["individual"]}),
na.rm = TRUE
mean_population_complexity <- mean(
nvapply(kcomplexities, function(x){x["population"]}),
na.rm = TRUE
# Set up results
results <- list(
KComp = mean_individual_complexity,
KComp.pop = mean_population_complexity,
EII = sqrt(dynEGA.object$population$n.dim + 1)^(
(mean_individual_complexity / mean_population_complexity) / log(edge_rows)
# Check for prime weights
if(use != "edge.list"){
results$PrimeWeight <- remove_attributes(encoding_matrix)
results$PrimeWeight.pop <- remove_attributes(population_encoding)
# Add "methods" attribute
attr(results, "methods") <- list(use = use, shuffles = shuffles)
# Add class
class(results) <- "EII"
# Restore user's "scipen" option
options(scipen = user_scipen)
# Return results
# Bug checking ----
# Population, group, and individual structure
# dynEGA.object <- dynEGA(
# data = sim.dynEGA,
# level = c("individual", "group", "population"),
# ncores = 8, verbose = TRUE
# )
# use = "edge.list"; seed = 1234
# r_sample_seeds <- r_sample_seeds
# r_sample_with_replacement <- r_sample_with_replacement
# r_sample_without_replacement <- r_sample_without_replacement
# Need above functions for testing!
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Print Method
# Updated 12.11.2023
print.EII <- function(x, ...)
# Print EII method
"EII Method: ",
attr(x, "methods")$use,
"edge.list" = "Edge List",
"unweighted" = "Unweighted",
"weighted" = "Weighted"
), "\n",
"Shuffles: ", attr(x, "methods")$shuffles, "\n"
# Print EII value
cat("EII: ", x$EII)
#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Summary Method
# Updated 14.07.2023
summary.EII <- function(object, ...)
print(object, ...) # same as print
#' @noRd
# k-complexity ----
# Updated 12.11.2023
k_complexity <- function(values)
# Streamlined form
length( # length of compression
memCompress( # bit compression
paste0( # bits (matches `toString`)
values, collapse = ", "
), type = "gzip" # type of compression
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