
Defines functions LambdaSeq setupLambda_copy XZ_std glmmPen fD_adj glmm

Documented in glmm glmmPen LambdaSeq

#' @title Fit a Generalized Mixed Model via Monte Carlo Expectation Conditional Minimization (MCECM)
#' @description \code{glmm} is used to fit a single generalized mixed model via Monte Carlo 
#' Expectation Conditional Minimization (MCECM). Unlike \code{glmmPen}, no model selection 
#' is performed.
#' @inheritParams glmmPen
#' @param ... additional arguments that could be passed into \code{glmmPen}. See \code{\link{glmmPen}}
#' for further details.
#' @details The \code{glmm} function can be used to fit a single generalized mixed model.
#' While this approach is meant to be used in the case where the user knows which
#' covariates belong in the fixed and random effects and no penalization is required, one is
#' allowed to specify non-zero fixed and random effects penalties using \code{\link{lambdaControl}}
#' and the (...) arguments. The (...) allow for specification of penalty-related arguments; see
#' \code{\link{glmmPen}} for details. For a high dimensional situation, the user may want to fit a 
#' minimal penalty model using a small penalty for the fixed and random effects and save the posterior
#' samples from this minimal penalty model for use in any BIC-ICQ calculations during selection within \code{glmmPen}. 
#' Specifying a file name in the 'BICq_posterior' argument will save the posterior samples from the 
#' \code{glmm} model into a big.matrix with this file name, see the Details section of 
#' \code{\link{glmmPen}} for additional details.
#' @return A reference class object of class \code{\link{pglmmObj}} for which many methods are 
#' available (e.g. \code{methods(class = "pglmmObj")})
#' @export
glmm = function(formula, data = NULL, family = "binomial", covar = NULL,
                offset = NULL, 
                optim_options = optimControl(), adapt_RW_options = adaptControl(),
                trace = 0, tuning_options = lambdaControl(),
                progress = TRUE, ...){
  # Check that (...) arguments are subsets of glmmPen arguments
  args_extra = list(...)
  args_avail = c("fixef_noPen","penalty","alpha","gamma_penalty","BICq_posterior","survival_options")
  if(length(args_extra) >= 1){
    if(!(names(args_extra) %in% args_avail)){
      stop("additional arguments provided in '...' input must match glmmPen arguments \n",
           "allowed extra arguments inclue 'fixef_noPen', 'penalty', 'alpha', 'gamma_penalty', 'BICq_posterior', 'survival_options', \n",
           "see glmmPen documentation for details")
  # Check that tuning_options has the correct input type
  if(!inherits(tuning_options, "lambdaControl")){
    stop("glmm requires the use of lambdaControl for the tuning_options. \n",
         "  In order to use selectControl for model selection, please use glmmPen function")
  call = match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  # Call glmmPen() (tuning_options = lambdaControl() specifies the fitting of a single model 
  #     and not model selection)
  # If ... arguments empty or only includes a few of the args_avail, 
  # glmmPen will use default arguments 
  output = glmmPen(formula = formula, data = data, family = family, covar = covar,
                   offset = offset, optim_options = optim_options,
                   adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options, trace = trace,
                   tuning_options = tuning_options,
                   progress = progress, ...)
  output$call = call
  out_object = pglmmObj$new(output)

# fD_adj: internal function, used within glmmPen()
# Purpose: (a) run some additional input checks and (b) perform some adjustments to the data
#   to make it easier for the fit algorithm to use the data
# Input: initial output from "glFormula_edit" (an edited version of glFormula() from the lme4 package)
# Output: list with following elements:
## frame: a model frame including all fixed and random covariates, the response, and the 
##    grouping variable
## y, X, Z: response, fixed effects covariates matrix, and random effects covariates model matrix
## group: factor of the grouping variable
## group_num: numeric version of the group factor (e.g. factor with levels "A","B","C" 
##    --> factor with levels 1,2,3
## group_name: character string storing name of variable used for grouping factor
## cnms: vector of names of the random effects covariates
## reTrms: list containing several items relating to the random effects, including: 
##    - Zt: a matrix that will eventually become the Z matrix (after some manipulations)
##    - cnms: see above
##    - flist: a list of grouping factors using inf the random-effects terms
## fixed_vars: vector of variables used for the fixed effects covariates
#' @importFrom stats model.response
fD_adj = function(out, data_type){
  frame = out$fr
  y = model.response(frame)
  X = out$X
  reTrms = out$reTrms
  Zt = reTrms$Zt
  cnms = reTrms$cnms
  flist = reTrms$flist
  fixed_vars = out$fixed_vars
  family = out$family
  # Check y input
  if(data_type == "survival"){
      stop("response in formula must be of class 'Surv', use survival::Surv()")
      # Note: Additional checks in 'survival_data()' function
    # If y is not numeric (e.g. a factor), convert to numeric
    if(!is.double(y)) {
      # If y is a character vector, first set y as a factor
        y = as.factor(y)
      # Convert y to a numeric vector
      ## If two-level factor, will convert to numeric vector with values {1,2}
      tmp <- try(y <- as.double(y), silent=TRUE)
      if (inherits(tmp, "try-error")) stop("y must be numeric or able to be coerced to numeric", call.=FALSE)
  # Check X input
    stop("X must be a matrix \n")
  }else if(typeof(X)=="integer") storage.mode(X) <- "double"
  if(nrow(X) != length(y)){
    stop("the dimension of X and y do not match")
  # Check that response type matches family
  if(family$family == "binomial"){
    # Check only two response options (binary data)
    if(length(unique(y)) != 2){
      stop("response must be binary for the binomial family; response currently has ", 
           length(unique(y))," different responses")
    # Convert response y to numeric {0,1} if necessary
    if(!all(y %in% c(0,1))){
      # If response input by user is a character or factor, 
      # above "as.double" step should convert response to a
      # factor with levels (1,2). Subtract 1 to get response (0,1)
      if(all(y %in% c(1,2))){
        y = y-1
      }else{ # In case error pops up with glFormula_edit()
        stop("response needs to be coded as a binary variable with levels 0 vs 1")
  }else if((family$family == "poisson") & (data_type != "survival")){
    if(!all(floor(y) == y)){
      stop("response must be integer counts for the poisson family")
    }else if(any(y < 0)){
      stop("response must be non-negative integer counts for the poisson family")
  # Note: Check of response for data_type == "survival" is done in "survival_data()" function in
  #   the "coxph_utility.R" file
  # For now, restrict algorithm to only handle single grouping factor
  if(length(flist) > 1){
    stop("procedure can only handle one group")
    group = flist[[1]]
    group_name = names(flist)
    cnms = cnms[[1]]
  # Convert alpha-numeric group to numeric group (e.g. "A","B","C" to 1,2,3) for ease of 
  # computation within fit_dat() algorithm.
  ## Even if already numeric, convert to levels 1,2,3,... (consecutive integers)
  group_num = factor(group, labels = 1:nlevels(group))
  d = nlevels(group)
  numvars = nrow(Zt)/d
  Z = Matrix(0, nrow = ncol(Zt), ncol = nrow(Zt), sparse = TRUE)
  # mkReTrms Zt rows: organized first by level of group, then vars 
  # Want Z columns organized first by vars, then levels of group within vars
  for(lev in 1:numvars){
    Z[,(d*(lev-1)+1):(d*lev)] = Matrix::t(Zt[seq(lev, by = numvars, length.out = d),])
  colnames(Z) = str_c(rep(cnms, each = d), ":", rep(levels(group), times=length(cnms)))
  ## Make sure colnames random effects subset of colnames of fixed effects model matrix X
  if(sum(!(cnms %in% colnames(X))) > 0){
    stop("random effects must be a subset of fixed effects: names of random effect variables must be a subset of names of fixed effect variables; \n",
         "fixef effects: ", paste0(colnames(X), sep=" "), " \n", "random effects: ", paste0(cnms, sep=" "))
  if(!any(cnms == "(Intercept)")){
    stop("Model requires a random intercept term. Current random effects: ", cnms)
  return(list(frame = frame, y = y, X = X, Z = Z, group = group, 
              group_num = group_num, cnms = cnms,
              group_name = group_name, reTrms = reTrms, fixed_vars = fixed_vars))
} # End fD_adj() function

#' @title Fit Penalized Generalized Mixed Models via Monte Carlo Expectation Conditional 
#' Minimization (MCECM)
#' @description \code{glmmPen} is used to fit penalized generalized mixed models via Monte Carlo Expectation 
#' Conditional Minimization (MCECM). The purpose of the function is to perform 
#' variable selection on both the fixed and random effects simultaneously for the
#' generalized linear mixed model. \code{glmmPen} selects the best model using 
#' BIC-type selection criteria (see \code{\link{selectControl}} documentation for 
#' further details). To improve the speed of the algorithm, consider setting
#' \code{var_restrictions} = "fixef" within the \code{\link{optimControl}} options.
#' @param formula a two-sided linear formula object describing both the fixed effects and 
#' random effects part of the model, with the response on the left of a ~ operator and the terms, 
#' separated by + operators, on the right. Random-effects terms are distinguished by vertical bars 
#' ("|") separating expression for design matrices from the grouping factor. \code{formula} should be 
#' of the same format needed for \code{\link[lme4]{glmer}} in package \pkg{lme4}. 
#' Only one grouping factor 
#' will be recognized. The random effects covariates need to be a subset of the fixed effects covariates.
#' The offset must be specified outside of the formula in the 'offset' argument.
#' @param data an optional data frame containing the variables named in \code{formula}. If \code{data} is 
#' omitted, variables will be taken from the environment of \code{formula}.
#' @param family a description of the error distribution and link function to be used in the model. 
#' Currently, the \code{glmmPen} algorithm allows the Binomial ("binomial" or binomial()), 
#' Gaussian ("gaussian" or gaussian()), and Poisson ("poisson" or poisson()) families
#' with canonical links only. See \code{\link{phmmPen}} for variable selection within
#' proportional hazards mixed models for survival data. 
#' @param covar character string specifying whether the covariance matrix should be unstructured
#' ("unstructured") or diagonal with no covariances between variables ("independent").
#' Default is set to \code{NULL}. If \code{covar} is set to \code{NULL} and the number of random effects
#' predictors (not including the intercept) is 
#' greater than or equal to 10 (i.e. high dimensional), then the algorithm automatically assumes an 
#' independent covariance structure and \code{covar} is set to "independent". Otherwise if \code{covar}
#' is set to \code{NULL} and the number of random effects predictors is less than 10, then the
#' algorithm automatically assumes an unstructured covariance structure and \code{covar} is set to "unstructured".
#' @param offset This can be used to specify an \emph{a priori} known component to be included in the 
#' linear predictor during fitting. Default set to \code{NULL} (no offset). If the data 
#' argument is not \code{NULL}, this should be a numeric vector of length equal to the 
#' number of cases (the length of the response vector). 
#' If the data argument specifies a data.frame, the offset
#' argument should specify the name of a column in the data.frame.
#' @param fixef_noPen Optional vector of 0's and 1's of the same length as the number of fixed effects covariates
#' used in the model. Value 0 indicates the variable should not have its fixed effect coefficient
#' penalized, 1 indicates that it can be penalized. Order should correspond to the same order of the 
#' fixed effects given in the formula.
#' @param penalty character describing the type of penalty to use in the variable selection procedure.
#' Options include 'MCP', 'SCAD', and 'lasso'. Default is MCP penalty. If the random effect covariance
#' matrix is "unstructured", then a group MCP, group SCAD, or group LASSO penalty is used on the 
#' random effects coefficients. See Breheny and Huang (2011) <doi:10.1214/10-AOAS388> 
#' and Breheny and Huang (2015) <doi:10.1007/s11222-013-9424-2> for details of these penalties.
#' @param alpha Tuning parameter for the Mnet estimator which controls the relative contributions 
#' from the MCP/SCAD/LASSO penalty and the ridge, or L2, penalty. \code{alpha=1} is equivalent to 
#' the MCP/SCAD/LASSO penalty, while \code{alpha=0} is equivalent to ridge regression. However,
#' \code{alpha=0} is not supported; \code{alpha} may be arbitrarily small, but not exactly zero
#' @param gamma_penalty The scaling factor of the MCP and SCAD penalties. Not used by LASSO penalty.
#' Default is 4.0 for SCAD and 3.0 for MCP. See Breheny and Huang (2011) <doi:10.1214/10-AOAS388> 
#' and Breheny and Huang (2015) <doi:10.1007/s11222-013-9424-2> for further details.
#' @param optim_options a structure of class "optimControl" created 
#' from function \code{\link{optimControl}} that specifies several optimization parameters. See the 
#' documentation for \code{\link{optimControl}} for more details on defaults.
#' @param adapt_RW_options a list of class "adaptControl" from function \code{\link{adaptControl}} 
#' containing the control parameters for the adaptive random walk Metropolis-within-Gibbs procedure. 
#' Ignored if \code{\link{optimControl}} parameter \code{sampler} is set to "stan" (default) or "independence".
#' @param tuning_options a list of class "selectControl" or "lambdaControl" resulting from 
#' \code{\link{selectControl}} or \code{\link{lambdaControl}} containing additional control parameters.
#' When function \code{glmm} is used,the algorithm may be run using one specific set of
#' penalty parameters \code{lambda0} and \code{lambda1} by specifying such values in \code{lambdaControl()}. 
#' The default for \code{glmm} is to run the model fit with no penalization (\code{lambda0} = \code{lambda1} = 0).
#' When function \code{glmmPen} is run, \code{tuning_options} is specified using \code{selectControl()}. 
#' See the \code{\link{lambdaControl}} and \code{\link{selectControl}} documentation for further details.
#' @param BICq_posterior an optional character string expressing the path and file 
#' basename of a file combination that 
#' will file-back or currently file-backs a \code{big.matrix} of the posterior samples from the 
#' minimal penalty model used for the BIC-ICQ calculation used for model selection. T
#' (BIC-ICQ reference: Ibrahim et al (2011)
#' <doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2010.01463.x>). 
#' If this argument is
#' specified as \code{NULL} (default) and BIC-ICQ calculations are requested (see \code{\link{selectControl}})
#' for details), the posterior samples
#' will be saved in the file combination 'BICq_Posterior_Draws.bin' and 'BICq_Posterior_Draws.desc'
#' in the working directory.
#' See 'Details' section for additional details about the required format of \code{BICq_posterior}
#' and the file-backed big matrix. 
#' @param trace an integer specifying print output to include as function runs. Default value is 0. 
#' See Details for more information about output provided when trace = 0, 1, or 2.
#' @param progress a logical value indicating if additional output should be given showing the
#' progress of the fit procedure. If \code{TRUE}, such output includes iteration-level information
#' for the fit procedure (iteration number EM_iter,
#' number of MCMC samples nMC, average Euclidean distance between current coefficients and coefficients
#' from t--defined in \code{\link{optimControl}}--iterations back EM_conv, 
#' and number of non-zero fixed and random effects covariates
#' not including the intercept). Additionally, \code{progress = TRUE}
#' gives some other information regarding the progress of the variable selection 
#' procedure, including the model selection criteria and log-likelihood estimates
#' for each model fit.
#' Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param ... additional arguments that could be passed into \code{glmmPen}. See \code{\link{glmmPen_FA}}
#' and \code{\link{phmmPen_FA}} for further details.
#' @details Argument \code{BICq_posterior} details: If the \code{BIC_option} in \code{\link{selectControl}} 
#' (\code{tuning_options}) is specified 
#' to be 'BICq', this requests the calculation of the BIC-ICQ criterion during the selection
#' process. For the BIC-ICQ criterion to be calculated, a minimal penalty model assuming a small valued 
#' lambda penalty needs to be fit, and the posterior samples from this minimal penalty model need to be used. 
#' In order to avoid repetitive calculations of
#' this minimal penalty model (i.e. if the user wants to re-run \code{glmmPen} with a different
#' set of penalty parameters), a \code{big.matrix} of these 
#' posterior samples will be file-backed as two files: a backing file with extension '.bin' and a 
#' descriptor file with extension '.desc'. The \code{BICq_posterior} argument should contain a 
#' path and a filename of the form "./path/filename" such that the backingfile and
#' the descriptor file would then be saved as "./path/filename.bin" and "./path/filename.desc", respectively.
#' If \code{BICq_posterior} is set to \code{NULL}, then by default, the backingfile and descriptor
#' file are saved in the working directory as "BICq_Posterior_Draws.bin" and "BICq_Posterior_Draws.desc".
#' If the big matrix of posterior samples is already file-backed, \code{BICq_posterior} should
#' specify the path and basename of the appropriate files (again of form "./path/filename"); 
#' the minimal penalty model 
#' will not be fit again and the big.matrix of 
#' posterior samples will be read using the \code{attach.big.matrix} function of the
#'  \code{bigmemory} package and used in the BIC-ICQ 
#' calculations. If the appropriate files do not exist or \code{BICq_posterior} 
#' is specified as \code{NULL}, the minimal penalty model will be fit and the minimal penalty model posterior
#' samples will be saved as specified above. The algorithm will save 10^4 posterior samples automatically.
#' Trace details: The value of 0 (default) does not output any extra information. The value of 1
#' additionally outputs the updated coefficients, updated covariance matrix values, and the
#' number of coordinate descent iterations used for the M step for each
#' EM iteration. When pre-screening procedure is used and/or if the BIC-ICQ criterion is
#' requested, trace = 1 gives additional information about the penalties used
#' for the 'minimal penalty model' fit procedure. If Stan is not used as the E-step sampling mechanism, 
#' the value of 2 outputs all of the above plus gibbs acceptance rate information
#' for the adaptive random walk and independence samplers and the updated proposal standard deviation
#' for the adaptive random walk. 
#' @return A reference class object of class \code{\link{pglmmObj}} for which many methods are 
#' available (e.g. \code{methods(class = "pglmmObj")}, see ?pglmmObj for additional documentation)
#' @importFrom stringr str_to_lower str_c str_detect
#' @importFrom Matrix Matrix
#' @importFrom bigmemory write.big.matrix attach.big.matrix
#' @importFrom stats model.offset na.omit
#' @import bigmemory Rcpp 
#' @export
glmmPen = function(formula, data = NULL, family = "binomial", covar = NULL,
                   offset = NULL,
                   fixef_noPen = NULL, penalty = c("MCP","SCAD","lasso"),
                   alpha = 1, gamma_penalty = switch(penalty[1], SCAD = 4.0, 3.0),
                   optim_options = optimControl(), adapt_RW_options = adaptControl(),
                   trace = 0, tuning_options = selectControl(), 
                   BICq_posterior = NULL,
                   progress = TRUE, ...){
  # Input argument checks and modifications
  # Check that (...) arguments are subsets of glmmPen_FA arguments (factor assumption version)
  args_extra = list(...)
  args_avail = c("r_estimation","survival_options")
  r_estimation = NULL
  survival_options = NULL
  if(length(args_extra) >= 1){
    if(!all(names(args_extra) %in% args_avail)){
      stop("additional arguments provided in '...' input must match the following glmmPen_FA arguments: \n",
           "'r_estimation' or 'survival_options', see glmmPen_FA and phmmPen_FA documentation for details")
    if(any(names(args_extra) %in% "r_estimation")){
      r_estimation = args_extra$r_estimation
    if(any(names(args_extra) %in% "survival_options")){
      survival_options = args_extra$survival_options
    fit_type = "glmmPen"
  }else if(!is.null(r_estimation)){
    fit_type = "glmmPen_FA"
    if(!inherits(r_estimation, "rControl")){
      stop("r_estimation must be of class 'rControl' (see rControl() documentation)")
    # For the record, fix 'covar' to 'unstructured'
    covar = "unstructured"
  # Input modification and restriction for family
  family_info = family_export(family)
  fam_fun = family_info$family_fun
  data_type = family_info$data_type
  if(data_type == "survival"){
      stop("survival_options must be specified for the 'coxph' family, see phmmPen and phmmPen_FA documentation for details")
      stop("survival_options must be of class 'survivalControl' (see survivalControl() documentation)")
  # Check penalty parameters
  penalty_check = checkPenalty(penalty, gamma_penalty, alpha)
  penalty = penalty_check$penalty
  gamma_penalty = penalty_check$gamma_penalty
  alpha = penalty_check$alpha
  # Check covariance matrix specification
  covar = checkCovar(covar)
  # Check BICq_posterior path is appropriate
  # Check that *_options arguments are the correct types
  if(!inherits(adapt_RW_options, "adaptControl")){ 
    stop("adapt_RW_options must be of class 'adaptControl', see adaptControl documentation")
  if(!inherits(tuning_options, "pglmmControl")){
    stop("tuning_option parameter must be a list of type lambdaControl() or selectControl()")
  if(!inherits(optim_options, "optimControl")){ 
    stop("optim_options must be of class 'optimControl' (see optimControl documentation)")
  if(data_type == "survival"){
    if(!inherits(survival_options, "survivalControl")){ 
      stop("survival_options must be of class 'survivalControl' (see survivalControl documentation)")
  out = NULL
  # Convert formula and data to useful forms
  # Code glFormula_edit() edited version of glFormula() from lme4 package, 
  #   see code in "formula_data_edits.R"
  # fD_out = 'formula-data output'
  # fD_out0: list with elements formula, fr (model.frame), X (fixed effects matrix), 
  #   reTrms (list with a random effects matrix Zt (needs to be adjusted)), 
  #   cnms (names of random effects), and flist (list of the groups) 
  # Note: restrict na.action to be na.omit
  fD_out0 = glFormula_edit(formula = formula, data = data, family = fam_fun, subset = NULL,
                           weights = NULL, na.action = na.omit, offset = offset)
  # Perform additional checks/restrictions/modifications of data input
  # See fD_adj() function earlier in this document
  fD_out = fD_adj(out = fD_out0, data_type = data_type)
  # If offset = NULL, then set offset as arbitrary vector of 0s
    offset = rep(0, length(fD_out$y))
    offset = model.offset(fD_out$frame)
    if((!is.numeric(offset)) | (length(offset) != length(y))){
      stop("offset must be a numeric vector of the same length as y")
  # If survival data, create long-form dataset needed for piecewise exponential
  #   model fit and and update fD_out object
  if(data_type == "survival"){
    # Save original data (input format, one row per observation/subject)
    fD_out_original = fD_out
    offset_original = offset
    # Calculate long-form dataset
    data_surv = survival_data(y = fD_out$y, X = fD_out$X,
                              Z = fD_out$Z, group = fD_out$group_num,
                              offset_fit = offset,
                              survival_options = survival_options)
    # Re-specify offset to include appropriate offset for piecewise exponential model
    offset = data_surv$offset_total
    # Update fD_out object with long-form data elements of X, Z, y, and group
    fD_out$X = data_surv$X
    fD_out$Z = data_surv$Z
    fD_out$y = data_surv$y_status
    fD_out$group_num = data_surv$group
    fD_out$group = fD_out$group[data_surv$IDs]
    fD_out_original = NULL
    offset_original = NULL

  # Names of covariates for fixed effects, random effects, and group factor
  coef_names = list(fixed = colnames(fD_out$X), random = fD_out$cnms, group = fD_out$group_name)
  # If needed, standardize input covariates
  # data_input: list of main data for fit algorithm
  standardization = optim_options$standardization
  if(standardization == TRUE){
    if(data_type != "survival"){
      # Standardize X and Z - see XZ_std() function later in this document
      std_out = XZ_std(fD_out)
      # Specify data to use in fit procedure
      data_input = list(y = fD_out$y, X = std_out$X_std, Z = std_out$Z_std, 
                         group = fD_out$group_num, coef_names = coef_names)
    }else if(data_type == "survival"){
      # Standardize original X and Z (not long-form dataset)
      std_out0 = XZ_std(fD_out_original)
      # Using standardized values of X and Z, create long-form dataset
      data_surv_std = survival_data(y = fD_out_original$y,
                                    X = std_out0$X_std,
                                    Z = std_out0$Z_std,
                                    group = fD_out_original$group_num,
                                    offset_fit = offset_original,
                                    survival_options = survival_options)
      # Specify data to use in fit procedure
      data_input = list(y = fD_out$y,
                        X = data_surv_std$X,
                        Z = data_surv_std$Z,
                        group = fD_out$group_num,
                        coef_names = coef_names)
      # Update std_out object with long-form data elements
      ## Note: No standardization is applied to the time interval indicator variables
      ##    in the long-form X dataset
      std_out = list(X_std = data_surv_std$X,
                     Z_std = data_surv_std$Z,
                     X_center = c(rep(0,length(data_surv$cut_points)-1), std_out0$X_center),
                     X_scale = c(rep(1,length(data_surv$cut_points)-1), std_out0$X_scale),
                     Z_center = std_out0$Z_center,
                     Z_scale = std_out0$Z_scale) 
  }else if(standardization == FALSE){
    # Put dummy values into std_out list
    std_out = list(X_std = NULL, Z_std = NULL, 
                   X_center = rep(0,ncol(fD_out$X[,-1,drop=FALSE])), 
                   X_scale = rep(1,ncol(fD_out$X[,-1,drop=FALSE])),
                   Z_center = NULL, Z_scale = NULL)
    # Specify data to use in the fit procedure
    data_input = list(y = fD_out$y, X = fD_out$X, Z = fD_out$Z, 
                      group = fD_out$group_num, coef_names = coef_names)
  # Add cut-points information to data_input list if survival data (piecewise exponential model)
  if(data_type == "survival"){
    data_input$cut_points = data_surv$cut_points
  # Identify fixed effects that should not be penalized in select_tune or fit_dat (if any)
  ## For now, do not allow grouping of fixed effects (i.e. cannot penalize fixed effects as groups of covariates)
  # group_X: 0 indicates intercept or other covariates that should not be penalized
  #   positive integer indicates that the fixed effect can be penalized
  if(data_type != "survival"){
      group_X = 0:(ncol(data_input$X)-1)
    }else if(is.numeric(fixef_noPen)){
      if(length(fixef_noPen) != (ncol(data_input$X)-1)){
        stop("length of fixef_noPen must match number of fixed effects covariates")
      if(sum(fixef_noPen == 0) == 0){
        group_X = 0:(ncol(data_input$X)-1)
        ones = which(fixef_noPen == 1) + 1
        # Sequence: consecutive integers (1 to number of fixed effects to potentially penalize)
        sq = 1:length(ones)
        # Initialize as all 0
        group_X = rep(0, times = ncol(data_input$X))
        # for appropriate fixed effects, set to the appropriate postive integer
        group_X[ones] = sq
  }else if(data_type == "survival"){
    p_tmp = ncol(data_input$X)
    cut_num = length(data_input$cut_points)
      group_X = c(rep(0,times = cut_num),1:(p_tmp-cut_num))
      fixef_noPen = c(rep(0,times = cut_num-1), rep(1,times=p_tmp-cut_num))
    }else if(is.numeric(fixef_noPen)){
      if(length(fixef_noPen) != (p_tmp-cut_num-1)){
        stop("length of fixef_noPen must match number of fixed effects covariates")
      if(sum(fixef_noPen == 0) == 0){
        group_X = c(rep(0,times = cut_num),1:(p_tmp-cut_num))
        ones = which(fixef_noPen == 1) + 1
        # Sequence: consecutive integers (1 to number of fixed effects to potentially penalize)
        sq = 1:length(ones) + cut_num
        # Initialize as all 0
        group_X = rep(0, times = ncol(data_input$X))
        # for appropriate fixed effects, set to the appropriate positive integer
        group_X[ones] = sq
      # Update fixef_noPen to include 0's for the time indicator columns
      fixef_noPen = c(rep(0,times = cut_num-1), fixef_noPen)
  # Store call for output object
  call = match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  # If covar specified as NULL, recommend a covariance structure based on the size of the 
  # random effects.
  if(is.null(covar) & (ncol(data_input$Z)/nlevels(data_input$group) >= 11)){
    message("Setting random effect covariance structure to 'independent'")
    covar = "independent"
  }else if(is.null(covar) & (ncol(data_input$Z)/nlevels(data_input$group) < 11)){
    message("Setting random effect covariance structure to 'unstructured'")
    covar = "unstructured"
  if((covar == "unstructured") & (ncol(data_input$Z)/nlevels(data_input$group) >= 11) & (fit_type == "glmmPen")){
    warning("The random effect covariance matrix is currently specified as 'unstructured'. 
            Due to dimension of sigma covariance matrix, we suggest using covar = 'independent' to simplify computation",
            immediate. = TRUE)
  if(fit_type == "glmmPen_FA"){
    # Estimate number of latent factors, r
    # If input r = NULL, use input data to estimate this value
      # penalty to use for fixed effects:
      if(inherits(tuning_options, "lambdaControl")){
        lambda0 = tuning_options$lambda0
      }else if(inherits(tuning_options, "selectControl")){
        lambda0_seq = tuning_options$lambda0_seq
          lambda.min = tuning_options$lambda.min
            if(ncol(data_input$X) <= 51){ # 50 predictors plus intercept
              lambda.min = 0.01
            }else if(ncol(data_input$X) <= 201){
              lambda.min = 0.05
            }else if(ncol(data_input$X) > 201){
              lambda.min = 0.10
          lambda0 = min(LambdaSeq(X = data_input$X[,-1,drop=FALSE], y = data_input$y, family = fam_fun$family, offset = offset,
                                  alpha = alpha, nlambda = tuning_options$nlambda, penalty.factor = fixef_noPen,
                                  lambda.min = lambda.min))
          lambda0 = min(lambda0_seq)
      # Estimate number of common factors r
      r_out = estimate_r(dat = data_input, optim_options = optim_options,
                         coef_names = coef_names, 
                         r_est_method = r_estimation$r_est_method,
                         r_max = r_estimation$r_max, 
                         family_info = family_info, offset_fit = offset, 
                         penalty = penalty, lambda0 = lambda0, 
                         gamma_penalty = gamma_penalty, alpha = alpha, 
                         group_X = group_X, 
                         sample = ((r_estimation$size > nlevels(data_input$group)) & (r_estimation$sample)), 
                         size = r_estimation$size, data_type = data_type,
                         trace = trace)
      # Extract estimate of r
      r = r_out$r_est
      # Record maximum considered value of r
      r_max = r_out$r_max
      message("estimated r: ", r)
    }else{ # Checks on input r
      r = r_estimation$r
      if(r <= 1){
        message("glmmPen_FA restricts the number of latent factors r to be at least 2, ",
                "setting r to 2")
        r = 2
        stop("number of latent factors r must be an integer")
      r_max = NULL
  # Fitting of model
  # Recommend starting variance  for random effects covariance matrix (if necessary)
  if(optim_options$var_start == "recommend"){
    if((fit_type == "glmmPen") | ((fit_type == "glmmPen_FA") & (optim_options$B_init_type == "data"))){
      if(data_type != "survival"){
        var_start = var_init(data_input, fam_fun)
      }else if(data_type == "survival"){
        var_start = var_init_survival(data_input)
      optim_options$var_start = var_start
  if(inherits(tuning_options, "lambdaControl")){
    # Fit single model specified by glmm() or glmm_FA()
    # Default: penalty parameters lambda0 and lambda1 both = 0.
    # Checks of penalty parameters
    lambda0 = tuning_options$lambda0
    lambda1 = tuning_options$lambda1
    if(lambda0 < 0 | lambda1 < 0){
      stop("lambda0 and lambda1 cannot be negative")
    # If any optim_option arguments initialized as NULL, give defaults
    ## See bottom of "control_options.R" for function optim_recommend()
    if(fit_type == "glmmPen"){
      optim_options = optim_recommend(optim_options = optim_options, family = fam_fun$family,
                                      q = ncol(fD_out$Z)/nlevels(data_input$group), select = FALSE)
    }else if(fit_type == "glmmPen_FA"){
      optim_options = optim_recommend(optim_options = optim_options, family = fam_fun$family,
                                      q = r, select = FALSE)
    # Fit model (single model)
    if(fit_type == "glmmPen"){
      # Call fit_dat function to fit the model
      # fit_dat function found in "/R/fit_dat.R" file
      fit = fit_dat(dat = data_input, lambda0 = lambda0, lambda1 = lambda1, 
                    family = fam_fun, offset_fit = offset, trace = trace, 
                    optim_options = optim_options,
                    group_X = group_X, penalty = penalty, alpha = alpha, gamma_penalty = gamma_penalty,
                    adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options,
                    covar = covar, logLik_calc = FALSE,
                    checks_complete = TRUE, progress = progress)
    }else if(fit_type == "glmmPen_FA"){
      # Call fit_dat_FA function to fit the model
      # fit_dat_Fa function found in "/R/fit_dat_FA.R" file
      fit = fit_dat_FA(dat = data_input, lambda0 = lambda0, lambda1 = lambda1, 
                       family = fam_fun, offset_fit = offset, trace = trace,
                       optim_options = optim_options,
                       group_X = group_X, penalty = penalty, alpha = alpha, gamma_penalty = gamma_penalty,
                       adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options,
                       r = r, logLik_calc = FALSE,
                       checks_complete = TRUE, progress = progress)
    selection_results = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
    ranef_keep = NULL
    # If relevant, save posterior samples for later BIC-ICQ calculations
      y = data_input$y
      X = data_input$X
      Z = Matrix::as.matrix(data_input$Z)
      group = data_input$group
      d = nlevels(data_input$group)
      coef = fit$coef
      J = fit$J
      if(fit_type == "glmmPen"){
        gamma = fit$Gamma_mat
        # Znew2: For each group k = 1,...,d, calculate Znew2 = Z %*% gamma (calculate for each group individually)
        # Used within E-step
        Znew2 = Z
        for(j in 1:d){
          Znew2[group == j,seq(j, ncol(Z), by = d)] = Z[group == j,seq(j, ncol(Z), by = d)]%*%gamma
        Estep_out = E_step(coef = coef, ranef_idx = sum(diag(fit$sigma) > 0), 
                           y=y, X=X, Znew2=Znew2, group=group, offset_fit = offset,
                           nMC=optim_options$nMC, nMC_burnin=optim_options$nMC_burnin, 
                           family=fam_fun$family, link=fam_fun$link, 
                           phi=1.0, sig_g=out$sigma_gaus,
                           sampler=optim_options$sampler, d=d, uold=fit$u_init, 
                           batch=fit$updated_batch, batch_length=adapt_RW_options$batch_length, 
      }else if(fit_type == "glmmPen_FA"){
        B = fit$B
        # Znew2: For each group k = 1,...,d, calculate Znew2 = Z %*% B (calculate for each group individually)
        # Used within E-step
        Znew2 = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Z), ncol = d*r)
        for(j in 1:d){
          Znew2[group == j,seq(j, ncol(Znew2), by = d)] = Z[group == j, seq(j, ncol(Z), by = d)] %*% B
        Estep_out = E_step(coef = coef, ranef_idx = 1:r, 
                           y=y, X=X, Znew2=Znew2, group=group, offset_fit = offset,
                           nMC=optim_options$nMC, nMC_burnin=optim_options$nMC_burnin, 
                           family=fam_fun$family, link=fam_fun$link, 
                           phi=1.0, sig_g=out$sigma_gaus,
                           sampler=optim_options$sampler, d=d, 
                           uold=fit$u_init, proposal_SD=fit$proposal_SD, 
                           batch=fit$updated_batch, batch_length=adapt_RW_options$batch_length, 
      u0 = attach.big.matrix(Estep_out$u0)
      # File-back the posterior samples of the minimal penalty model
      ufull_big_tmp = as.big.matrix(u0[,],
                                    backingpath = dirname(BICq_posterior),
                                    backingfile = sprintf("%s.bin",basename(BICq_posterior)),
                                    descriptorfile = sprintf("%s.desc",basename(BICq_posterior)))
  }else if(inherits(tuning_options, "selectControl")){
    # Perform variable and model selection based on specifications from glmmPen()
    lambda.min = tuning_options$lambda.min
      if(ncol(data_input$X) <= 51){ # 50 predictors plus intercept
        lambda.min = 0.01
      }else if(ncol(data_input$X) <= 201){
        lambda.min = 0.05
      }else if(ncol(data_input$X) > 201){
        lambda.min = 0.10
    # Extract or calculate penalty parameter values for grid search
    # See LambdaSeq() function later in this document
    ## Fixed effects penalty parameters
      lambda0_seq = LambdaSeq(X = data_input$X[,-1,drop=FALSE], y = data_input$y, family = fam_fun$family, offset=offset,
                                alpha = alpha, nlambda = tuning_options$nlambda, penalty.factor = fixef_noPen,
                                lambda.min = lambda.min)
      lambda0_seq = tuning_options$lambda0_seq
    ## Random effects penalty parameters
      lambda1_seq = LambdaSeq(X = data_input$X[,-1,drop=FALSE], y = data_input$y, family = fam_fun$family, offset=offset,
                              alpha = alpha, nlambda = tuning_options$nlambda, penalty.factor = fixef_noPen,
                              lambda.min = lambda.min)
      # Extract or calculate penalty parameters for pre-screening step
      lambda.min.presc = tuning_options$lambda.min.presc
        if(fit_type == "glmmPen"){
          if((ncol(data_input$Z)/nlevels(data_input$group) <= 11)){ # number random effects (including intercept)
            lambda.min.presc = 0.01
            lambda.min.presc = max(0.05, lambda.min)
        }else if(fit_type == "glmmPen_FA"){
          lambda.min.presc = lambda.min
      # Minimum lambda values to use for pre-screening and BIC-ICQ minimal penalty model fit
      # Fixed effects: use minimum fixed effects penalty parameters
      # Random effects: calculate penalty to use using lambda.min.presc 
      ##    (penalty = lambda.min.presc * max random effect penalty parameter)
      full_ranef = LambdaSeq(X = data_input$X[,-1,drop=FALSE], y = data_input$y, family = fam_fun$family, offset=offset,
                             alpha = alpha, nlambda = 2, penalty.factor = fixef_noPen,
                             lambda.min = lambda.min.presc)
      lambda.min.full = c(min(lambda0_seq), min(full_ranef))
      lambda1_seq = tuning_options$lambda1_seq
      # Minimum lambda values to use for pre-screening and BIC-ICQ minimal penalty model fit
      # Fixed and random effects: choose minimum penalty for respective sequence
      lambda.min.full = c(min(lambda0_seq), min(lambda1_seq))
    names(lambda.min.full) = c("fixef","ranef")
    # Extract additional arguments needed for selection
    BIC_option = tuning_options$BIC_option
    if(lambda.min.full["ranef"] == 0){
      message("minimum random effect penalty set to 0, will consequently skip pre-screening procedure")
      pre_screen = FALSE
      pre_screen = tuning_options$pre_screen # TRUE vs FALSE
    logLik_calc = tuning_options$logLik_calc # TRUE vs FALSE
    if((is.null(BICq_posterior)) & (BIC_option == "BICq")){
      BICq_post_file = "BICq_Posterior_Draws"
      # Check to see if files already exist in working directory
      # If they exist, remove files. 
      # Since this name is generic for all cases where the input of BICq_posterior was NULL,
      #   safe to assume user forgot that these files were saved previously.
      # Delete to avoid potential issues of using wrong posterior draws for the model
      if(file.exists("BICq_Posterior_Draws.bin") | file.exists("BICq_Posterior_Draws.desc")){
        message("Removing existing BICq_Posterior_Draws files with saved posterior samples")
        if(file.exists("BICq_Posterior_Draws.bin")) file.remove("BICq_Posterior_Draws.bin")
        if(file.exists("BICq_Posterior_Draws.desc")) file.remove("BICq_Posterior_Draws.desc")
      BICq_post_file = BICq_posterior
    if(tuning_options$search == "abbrev"){
      # Two-stage (abbreviated) grid search
      # Fit the following set of models:
      ## fixed effects penalty: fixed at lambda_min
      ## random effects penalty: all lambda1 values (from min to max penalty parameters)
      lam_min = min(lambda0_seq)
      # Fit first stage of abbreviated grid search
      if(progress == TRUE) message("Start of stage 1 of abbreviated grid search")
      if(fit_type == "glmmPen"){
        fit_fixfull = select_tune(dat = data_input, offset = offset, family = family,
                                  lambda0_seq = lam_min, lambda1_seq = lambda1_seq,
                                  penalty = penalty, alpha = alpha, gamma_penalty = gamma_penalty,
                                  group_X = group_X, trace = trace,
                                  adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options, 
                                  optim_options = optim_options, 
                                  covar = covar, logLik_calc = logLik_calc,
                                  BICq_calc = (BIC_option == "BICq"),
                                  BIC_option = BIC_option, BICq_posterior = BICq_post_file, 
                                  checks_complete = TRUE, pre_screen = pre_screen, 
                                  lambda.min.full = lambda.min.full, stage1 = TRUE,
                                  progress = progress)
      }else if(fit_type == "glmmPen_FA"){
        fit_fixfull = select_tune_FA(dat = data_input, offset = offset, family = family,
                                     lambda0_seq = lam_min, lambda1_seq = lambda1_seq,
                                     penalty = penalty, alpha = alpha, gamma_penalty = gamma_penalty,
                                     group_X = group_X, trace = trace,
                                     adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options, 
                                     optim_options = optim_options, logLik_calc = logLik_calc,
                                     BICq_calc = (BIC_option == "BICq"),
                                     BIC_option = BIC_option, BICq_posterior = BICq_post_file, 
                                     checks_complete = TRUE, pre_screen = pre_screen, 
                                     lambda.min.full = lambda.min.full, stage1 = TRUE,
                                     progress = progress, r = r)
      if(progress == TRUE) message("End of stage 1 of abbreviated grid search")
      # Extract stage 1 results needed for stage 2
      res_pre = fit_fixfull$results
      coef_pre = fit_fixfull$coef
      # Choose the best model from the above 'fit_fixfull' models
      opt_pre = matrix(res_pre[which.min(res_pre[,BIC_option]),], nrow = 1)
      # optimum penalty parameter on random effects from above first step
      lam_ref = opt_pre[,2]
      # Extract coefficient and posterior results from 'best' model from first step
      coef_old = coef_pre[which(res_pre[,2] == lam_ref),]
      u_init = fit_fixfull$out$u_init
      # Extract other relevant info
      ## only consider random effects that are non-zero or above 10^-2 in the optimal random effect model
      # ranef_keep = fit_fixfull$ranef_keep
      vars = diag(fit_fixfull$out$sigma)
      # Fit second stage of 'abbreviated' model fit
      if(progress == TRUE) message("Start of stage 2 of abbreviated grid search")
      if(fit_type == "glmmPen"){
        fit_select = select_tune(dat = data_input, offset = offset, family = family,
                                 lambda0_seq = lambda0_seq, lambda1_seq = lam_ref,
                                 penalty = penalty, alpha = alpha, gamma_penalty = gamma_penalty,
                                 group_X = group_X, trace = trace,
                                 coef_old = coef_old, u_init = u_init,
                                 adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options, 
                                 optim_options = optim_options, covar = covar, 
                                 logLik_calc = logLik_calc, BICq_calc = (BIC_option == "BICq"),
                                 BIC_option = BIC_option, BICq_posterior = BICq_post_file, 
                                 checks_complete = TRUE, pre_screen = FALSE,
                                 ranef_keep = as.numeric((vars > 0)), 
                                 lambda.min.full = lambda.min.full, stage1 = FALSE,
                                 progress = progress)
      }else if(fit_type == "glmmPen_FA"){
        fit_select = select_tune_FA(dat = data_input, offset = offset, family = family,
                                    lambda0_seq = lambda0_seq, lambda1_seq = lam_ref,
                                    penalty = penalty, alpha = alpha, gamma_penalty = gamma_penalty,
                                    group_X = group_X, trace = trace,
                                    beta_init = coef_old[1:ncol(data_input$X)], 
                                    B_init = t(matrix(coef_old[-c(1:ncol(data_input$X))],
                                                      ncol = ncol(data_input$Z)/nlevels(data_input$group),
                                                      nrow = r)), 
                                    u_init = u_init,
                                    adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options, 
                                    optim_options = optim_options,
                                    logLik_calc = logLik_calc, BICq_calc = (BIC_option == "BICq"),
                                    BIC_option = BIC_option, BICq_posterior = BICq_post_file, 
                                    checks_complete = TRUE, pre_screen = FALSE,
                                    ranef_keep = as.numeric((vars > 0)), 
                                    lambda.min.full = lambda.min.full, stage1 = FALSE,
                                    progress = progress, r = r)
      if(progress == TRUE) message("End of stage 2 of abbreviated grid search")
      resultsA = rbind(fit_fixfull$results, fit_select$results)
      coef_results = rbind(fit_fixfull$coef, fit_select$coef)
    }else if(tuning_options$search == "full_grid"){
      # Full grid search
      if(fit_type == "glmmPen"){
        fit_select = select_tune(dat = data_input, offset = offset, family = family,
                                 lambda0_seq = lambda0_seq, lambda1_seq = lambda1_seq,
                                 penalty = penalty, alpha = alpha, gamma_penalty = gamma_penalty,
                                 group_X = group_X, trace = trace,
                                 adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options, 
                                 optim_options = optim_options, 
                                 covar = covar, logLik_calc = logLik_calc,
                                 BICq_calc = (tuning_options$BIC_option == "BICq"),
                                 BIC_option = BIC_option, BICq_posterior = BICq_post_file, 
                                 checks_complete = TRUE, pre_screen = pre_screen, 
                                 lambda.min.full = lambda.min.full, stage1 = FALSE,
                                 progress = progress)
      }else if(fit_type == "glmmPen_FA"){
        fit_select = select_tune_FA(dat = data_input, offset = offset, family = family,
                                    lambda0_seq = lambda0_seq, lambda1_seq = lambda1_seq,
                                    penalty = penalty, alpha = alpha, gamma_penalty = gamma_penalty,
                                    group_X = group_X, trace = trace,
                                    adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options, 
                                    optim_options = optim_options, logLik_calc = logLik_calc,
                                    BICq_calc = (tuning_options$BIC_option == "BICq"),
                                    BIC_option = BIC_option, BICq_posterior = BICq_post_file, 
                                    checks_complete = TRUE, pre_screen = pre_screen, 
                                    lambda.min.full = lambda.min.full, stage1 = FALSE,
                                    progress = progress, r = r)
      resultsA = fit_select$results
      coef_results = fit_select$coef
    } # End if-else tuning_options$search == 'abbrev'
    # Extract output from best model
    # Extract best model
    fit = fit_select$out
    # Unstandardize fixed effect coefficient results
    beta_results = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(coef_results), ncol = ncol(data_input$X))
    beta_results[,1] = coef_results[,1] - apply(coef_results[,2:ncol(data_input$X),drop=FALSE], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) sum(x * std_out$X_center / std_out$X_scale))
    for(i in 1:nrow(beta_results)){
      beta_results[i,-1] = coef_results[i,2:ncol(data_input$X),drop=FALSE] / std_out$X_scale
    if(fit_type == "glmmPen"){
      gamma_results = coef_results[,(ncol(data_input$X)+1):ncol(coef_results),drop=FALSE]
      # Combine all relevant selection results
      selection_results = cbind(resultsA,beta_results,gamma_results)
      colnames(selection_results) = c(colnames(resultsA), coef_names$fixed, 
    }else if(fit_type == "glmmPen_FA"){
      # B = factor loadings matrix
      B_results = coef_results[,(ncol(data_input$X)+1):ncol(coef_results),drop=FALSE]
      # Combine all relevant selection results
      selection_results = cbind(resultsA,beta_results,B_results)
      colnames(selection_results) = c(colnames(resultsA), coef_names$fixed, 
    # Find optimum/best model from model selection
    optim_results = matrix(selection_results[which.min(selection_results[,BIC_option]),], nrow = 1)
    colnames(optim_results) = colnames(selection_results)
    # Record what final optimization arguments were used (could have been modified within
    #   the select_tune() selection procedure if input optimization options were set to NULL)
    optim_options = fit_select$optim_options
    if(tuning_options$search == "full_grid"){
      ranef_keep = fit_select$ranef_keep
    }else if(tuning_options$search == "abbrev"){
      ranef_keep = fit_fixfull$ranef_keep
  } # End if-else inherits(tuning_options)
  # Final output preparation
  sampling = switch(optim_options$sampler, stan = "Stan", 
                    random_walk = "Metropolis-within-Gibbs Adaptive Random Walk Sampler",
                    independence = "Metropolis-within-Gibbs Independence Sampler")
  if(penalty == "lasso"){
    gamma_penalty = NULL
  # Perform a final E-step
  ## Use results to calculate logLik and posterior samples, and save samples for MCMC diagnostics
  Estep_final_complete = FALSE
  # if problematic model fit, do not perform final calculations for 
  #   logLik and posterior samples and give NA values for appropriate output
    if(str_detect(fit$warnings, "coefficient values diverged") | str_detect(fit$warnings, "coefficient estimates contained NA values") | str_detect(fit$warnings, "Error in model fit")){
      Estep_out = list(u0 = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, 
                                   ncol = ifelse(fit_type == "glmmPen",
                                                 ncol(data_input$Z), r*nlevels(data_input$group))), 
                       post_modes = rep(NA, times = ncol(data_input$Z)), 
                       post_out = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(data_input$Z)), 
                       u_init = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(data_input$Z)),
                       ll = NA, BICh = NA, BIC = NA, BICNgrp = NA)
      Estep_final_complete = TRUE
  # if model fit completed without serious issues, perform final computations
  if(Estep_final_complete == FALSE){
    if(fit_type == "glmmPen"){
      Estep_out = E_step_final(dat = data_input, offset_fit = offset, 
                               fit = fit, optim_options = optim_options, 
                               fam_fun = fam_fun, extra_calc = TRUE, 
                               adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options, trace = trace, 
                               progress = progress)
    }else if(fit_type == "glmmPen_FA"){
      Estep_out = E_step_final_FA(dat = data_input, offset_fit = offset, fit = fit, 
                                  optim_options = optim_options, 
                                  fam_fun = fam_fun, extra_calc = TRUE, 
                                  adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options, trace = trace, 
                                  progress = progress, r = r)
  # save optim_results:
  if(inherits(tuning_options, "lambdaControl")){
    # If performed a single model fit, save the final model output as the 'optimal' model
    # in order to standarize the output 
    optim_results = c(fit$lambda0, fit$lambda1, Estep_out$BICh, Estep_out$BIC, fit$BICq,
                      Estep_out$BICNgrp, Estep_out$ll,
                      sum(fit$coef[2:ncol(data_input$X)] != 0),
                      sum(diag(fit$sigma[-1,-1,drop=FALSE]) !=0),
                      sum(fit$coef != 0))
    optim_results = matrix(optim_results, nrow = 1)
    colnames(optim_results) = c("lambda0","lambda1","BICh","BIC","BICq","BICNgrp",
                                "LogLik","Non0 Fixef","Non0 Ranef","Non0 Coef")
  }else if(inherits(tuning_options, "selectControl")){
    # Save log-likelihood and several BIC-derived quantities for the best model.
    # Need to save these here because if BIC_option set to "BICq" (BIC-ICQ),
    # these quantities not calculated for each model during the selection process
    # (to improve speed of algorithm)
    optim_results[,c("BICh","BIC","BICNgrp","LogLik")] = c(Estep_out$BICh, Estep_out$BIC, 
                                                           Estep_out$BICNgrp, Estep_out$ll)
  if(fit_type == "glmmPen"){
    r_estimation_out = NULL
  }else if(fit_type == "glmmPen_FA"){
    r_estimation_out = list(r = r, r_max = r_max, 
                            r_est_method = r_estimation$r_est_method,
                            sample = (r_estimation$size < nlevels(data_input$group)),
                            size = r_estimation$size)
  # Create pglmmObj object
  ## output = list object plugged into function used to create pglmmObj object
  output = c(fit, 
             list(Estep_out = Estep_out, formula = formula, y = fD_out$y, fixed_vars = fD_out$fixed_vars,
                  X = fD_out$X, Z = fD_out$Z, Z_std = std_out$Z_std, group = fD_out$reTrms$flist,
                  coef_names = coef_names, family = fam_fun, covar = covar,
                  offset = offset, frame = fD_out$frame, 
                  sampling = sampling, std_out = std_out, 
                  selection_results = selection_results, optim_results = optim_results,
                  penalty = penalty, gamma_penalty = gamma_penalty, alpha = alpha, 
                  fixef_noPen = fixef_noPen, ranef_keep = ranef_keep,
                  control_options = list(optim_options = optim_options, tuning_options = tuning_options,
                                         adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options),
                  r_estimation = r_estimation_out))

  # If glmm() function, output the output list to the outer glmm() function
  # If glmmPen() function, create pglmmObj object and output this pglmmObj object directly
  if(inherits(tuning_options, "lambdaControl")){
  }else if(inherits(tuning_options, "selectControl")){
    output$call = call
    out_object = pglmmObj$new(output)

# Standardization of covariates
# Standardize fixed effects covariates, use these standardized values in the 
# Z random effects covariates model matrix, and save standarization information

#' @importFrom ncvreg std
XZ_std = function(fD_out){
  group_num = fD_out$group_num
  # Standardize X - ncvreg::std method
  X = fD_out$X
  X_noInt_std = std(X[,-1, drop = FALSE])
  X_std = cbind(1, X_noInt_std)
  X_center = attr(X_noInt_std, "center")
  X_scale = attr(X_noInt_std, "scale")
  # Note: X_noInt_std = (X[,-1] - X_center) / X_scale
  var_subset = which(colnames(X) %in% fD_out$cnms)
  Z_center = X_center[var_subset]
  Z_scale = X_scale[var_subset]
  # Standardize Z using X_std output
  Z_sparse = fD_out$Z
  d = nlevels(group_num)
  num_vars = ncol(Z_sparse) / d
  Z_std = Z_sparse
  if("(Intercept)" %in% fD_out$cnms){
    v_start = 2
    stop("Model requires the assumption of a random intercept")
  if(length(fD_out$cnms) > 1){ # If have more than just a random intercept
    if(num_vars > 2){
      idx_seq = v_start:num_vars
      idx_seq = v_start
    for(v in idx_seq){ 
      cols = seq(from = (v - 1)*d + 1, to = v*d, by = 1)
      for(k in 1:nlevels(group_num)){
        ids = which(group_num == k)
        Z_std[ids, cols[k]] = (Z_sparse[ids, cols[k]] - Z_center[v-1]) / Z_scale[v-1]
  colnames(X_std) = colnames(X)
  colnames(Z_std) = colnames(fD_out$Z)
  return(list(X_std = X_std, Z_std = Z_std, X_center = X_center, X_scale = X_scale,
              Z_center = Z_center, Z_scale = Z_scale))

# Penalty parameter calculation
## Note: significant parts of code borrowed from ncvreg

# setupLambda_copy is based on the setupLambda() code in ncvreg R/setupLambda.R
#' @importFrom stats glm
setupLambda_copy <- function(X, y, family, offset, alpha, lambda.min, nlambda, penalty.factor) {
  n <- nrow(X)
  p <- ncol(X)
  ## Determine lambda.max
  ind <- which(penalty.factor!=0)
  if (length(ind)!=p) {
    fit <- glm(y~X[, -ind, drop=FALSE], family=family, offset=offset)
  } else {
    fit <- glm(y~1, family=family, offset=offset)
  if (family=="gaussian") {
    zmax <- maxprod(X, fit$residuals, ind, penalty.factor, n, p) / n 
  } else {
    zmax <- maxprod(X, residuals(fit, "working") * fit$weights, 1:p, penalty.factor, n, p) / n 
  lambda.max <- zmax/alpha
  if (lambda.min==0) {
    lambda <- c(exp(seq(log(lambda.max), log(.001*lambda.max), len=nlambda-1)), 0)
  } else {
    lambda <- exp(seq(log(lambda.max), log(lambda.min*lambda.max), len=nlambda))
  if (length(ind)!=p) lambda[1] <- lambda[1] * 1.000001

#' @title Calculation of Penalty Parameter Sequence (Lambda Sequence)
#' @description Calculates the sequence of penalty parameters used in the model selection procedure.
#' This function calls functions from package \code{ncvreg}. 
#' @inheritParams glmmPen
#' @inheritParams lambdaControl
#' @param X matrix of standardized fixed effects (see \code{std} function in \code{ncvreg} 
#' documenation). X should not include intercept.
#' @param y numeric vector of response values. If "survival" family, \code{y} are the event indicator
#' values (0 if censored, 1 if event)
#' @param offset numeric vector that can be used to specify an a priori known component 
#' to be included in the linear predictor during fitting. 
#' This should be \code{NULL} or a numeric vector of length equal to the number of observations
#' @param nlambda positive integer specifying number of penalty parameters (lambda) with 
#' which to fit a model.
#' @param penalty.factor an optional numeric vector equal to the \code{fixef_noPen} argument
#' in \code{\link{glmmPen}}
#' @return numeric sequence of penalty parameters of length \code{nlambda} ranging from the
#' minimum penalty parameter (first element) equal to fraction \code{lambda.min} multiplied by the 
#' maximum penalty parameter to the maximum penalty parameter (last element)
#' @export
LambdaSeq = function(X, y, family, offset=NULL, alpha = 1, lambda.min = NULL, nlambda = 10,
                     penalty.factor = NULL){
  # Checks
    stop("X must be a matrix")
    stop("y must be numeric")
  if(nrow(X) != length(y)){
    stop("The number of rows of X must equal the length of y")
    if(ncol(X) != length(penalty.factor)){
      stop("The number of columns of X must equal the length of penalty.factor")
    if(any(!(penalty.factor %in% c(0,1)))){
      stop("penalty.factor must be vector of 0 and 1 only")
    offset = rep(0, length(y))
    if((!is.numeric(offset)) | (length(offset) != length(y))){
      stop("offset must be a numeric vector of the same length as y")
  # Borrowed elements from `ncvreg` function
  n = nrow(X)
  p = ncol(X)
  if(family == "gaussian"){
    yy = y - mean(y)
    yy = y
    lambda.min = ifelse(n>p, 0.01, 0.05)
    penalty.factor = rep(1, p)
  # setupLambda_copy() is a modified version of setupLambda() from the ncvreg package
  ## Order: from max lambda to min lambda
  lambda = setupLambda_copy(X=X, y=yy, family=family, offset=offset, 
                            alpha=alpha, lambda.min=lambda.min, nlambda=nlambda, 
  # reverse the order of the lambda - from min lambda to max lambda
  lambda_rev = lambda[order(lambda)]

# @importFrom ncvreg setupLambda
# @export
# LambdaSeq = function(X, y, y_times = NULL, family, alpha = 1, lambda.min = NULL, nlambda = 10,
#                      penalty.factor = NULL){
#   # Checks
#   if(!is.matrix(X)){
#     stop("X must be a matrix")
#   }
#   if(!is.numeric(y)){
#     stop("y must be numeric")
#   }
#   if(nrow(X) != length(y)){
#     stop("The number of rows of X must equal the length of y")
#   }
#   if(!is.null(penalty.factor)){
#     if(ncol(X) != length(penalty.factor)){
#       stop("The number of columns of X must equal the length of penalty.factor")
#     }
#     if(any(!(penalty.factor %in% c(0,1)))){
#       stop("penalty.factor must be vector of 0 and 1 only")
#     }
#   }
#   # Borrowed elements from `ncvreg` function
#   n = nrow(X)
#   p = ncol(X)
#   if(family == "gaussian"){
#     yy = y - mean(y)
#   }else{
#     yy = y
#   }
#   if(is.null(lambda.min)){
#     lambda.min = ifelse(n>p, 0.01, 0.05)
#   }
#   if(is.null(penalty.factor)){
#     penalty.factor = rep(1, p)
#   }
#   # setupLambda from ncvreg package
#   ## Order: from max lambda to min lambda
#   lambda = setupLambda(X, yy, family, alpha, lambda.min, nlambda, penalty.factor)
#   # reverse the order of the lambda - from min lambda to max lambda
#   lambda_rev = lambda[order(lambda)]
#   return(lambda_rev)
# }


## Possible code to only perform final E-step if number of random effects in final model is low
# If final model has relatively low random effect dimensions, perform another E step
## Use results to calculate logLik and posterior samples, and save samples for MCMC diagnostics
## If final model has too many random effects, the calculation of this last E step
## with the necessarily large number of samples may be too computationally burdensome, so
## we will output NA values and allow the user to calculate these values after the model fit.

# Estep_out = list(u0 = NULL, u_init = fit$u_init, 
#                  post_modes = rep(NA, times = ncol(data_input$Z)),
#                  post_out = matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(data_input$Z)),
#                  ll = NA, BICh = NA, BIC = NA, BICNgrp = NA)
# q_final = sum(diag(fit$sigma) > 0)
# if(q_final <= 51){
#   Estep_out = E_step_final(dat = data_input, offset_fit = offset, fit = fit, optim_options = optim_options, 
#                            fam_fun = fam_fun, extra_calc = T, 
#                            adapt_RW_options = adapt_RW_options, trace = trace)
# }
hheiling/glmmPen documentation built on Jan. 15, 2024, 11:47 p.m.