
Defines functions watchVideoAddin

Documented in watchVideoAddin

watchVideoAddin <- function() {

  ui <- miniUI::miniPage(
    miniUI::gadgetTitleBar("Watch a Course Video"),

      shiny::selectInput("type", "What do you want to open?",
                         list("Video only (in web browser)"=1,
                              "Slides only (as PDF)"=2,
                              "Video and slides"=3),
                         selected = 1
      shiny::selectInput("video", "Select a Topic:",
                   list("Week 0: Intro to RStudio"=1,
                        "Week 0: Intro to R course package"=2,
                        "Week 0: Intro to R Notebooks"=3,
                        "Week 0: Version Control 101"=4,
                        "Week 1: Getting LG Data into R"=5,
                        "Week 2: Land Cover Analysis in R"=6,
                        "Week 3: Genetic Diversity (Part 1)"=7,
                        "Week 3: Genetic Diversity (Part 2)"=8,
                        "Week 4: Metapopulation Genetics (Part 1)"=9,
                        "Week 4: Metapopulation Genetics (Part 2)"=10,
                        "Week 5: Spatial Statistics"=11,
                        "Week 6: Quantitative Genetics (Part 1)"=12,
                        "Week 6: Quantitative Genetics (Part 2)"=13,
                        "Week 7: Spatial Linear Models (Part 1)"=14,
                        "Week 7: Spatial Linear Models (Part 2)"=15,
                        "Week 8: Simulation Experiments (Part 1)"=16,
                        "Week 8: Simulation Experiments (Part 2)"=17),
                  selected = 5

  server <- function(input, output, session) {

    # Listen for 'done' events.
    shiny::observeEvent(input$done, {

      selectedVideo <- c(

      selectedSlides <- c("", "", "",

        dir.create(file.path("./downloads"), FALSE)

      if(as.numeric(input$type) != 2) utils::browseURL(selectedVideo)
      if(as.numeric(input$type) != 1 && selectedSlides!="")

        if (file.exists(file.path("downloads", selectedSlides))) {
            cat("Slides already downloaded, skipping download. Slides will open in default PDF viewer.", "\n");
        } else {
          utils::download.file(paste0("https://github.com/hhwagner1/DGS_LG_Labs/raw/master/docs/Video_slides/", selectedSlides),
                               destfile=file.path("downloads", selectedSlides), mode="wb")
          cat("Slides will open in default PDF viewer.", "\n");
        utils::browseURL(file.path("downloads", selectedSlides))

      cat(paste0("Video location: ",selectedVideo, "\n\n"))
      if(selectedSlides=="")cat(paste0("No slides available for this video.", "\n\n"))
- Videos open in your default web browser.
- Make video fullscreen by clicking on screen symbol (bottom right).
- Slides are saved to folder 'download' in your active working directory.")



  viewer <- shiny::dialogViewer("Watch a Course Video",
                                width = 500, height = 600)
  shiny::runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer)

hhwagner1/LandGenCourse documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 4:42 p.m.