Man pages for hms-dbmi/brainmapr
Visualizes ISH gene expression data from the Allen Brain Atlas

annot3DPixel level 3D Structure annotations of the embryonic 11.5...
gannot3DVoxel level 3D Structure annotations of the embryonic 11.5...
genePlotPlot total expression of a set of genes
genePlotWeightedCompRelative expression of two groups using absolute differences
genePlotWeightedComp2Relative expression of two groups using ratios
getChildrenA recursive way to get all the children of a Structure given...
getIdA recursive way to get structure IDs and names of structure...
getIdsA recursive way to get IDs and names of structure given a...
getNameA recursive way to get the name of a Structure given its ID
getStructureIdsGet IDs associated with a Structure given the exact Structure...
matMatrix of gene expression where each row corresponds to a...
plotEnergyHelper function for 3D plotting. Used by 'structurePlot' and...
plotProjectionPlot flat projection of a 3D volume
plotProjectionXray'plotProjection' with colors set to look more like an x-ray
plotSlicePlot slice of 3D volume
plotSliceCompPlot slice of 3D volume without thresholding and allowing for...
plotSliceXray'plotSlice' with colors set to look more like an x-ray
structureIDParsed StructureGraph for the developing mouse brain....
structurePlotPlot the volume or expression within a Structure
vol3DPixel level 3D volume of the embryonic 11.5 day old mouse...
hms-dbmi/brainmapr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:35 p.m.