query_budger: Find drugs that maximally affect a selection of genes

View source: R/query_utils.R

query_budgerR Documentation

Find drugs that maximally affect a selection of genes


Results are based on the average effect on the query genes. Genes to upregulate are multiplied by -1 so that strong positive results for these genes contribute towards a more negative average effect. All results are divided by the absolute of the average minimum effect (after -1 multiplication of genes to upregulate) of the query genes. This ensures that results will be between -1 and 1 for consistency with correlation values for query_drugs.


query_budger(query_genes, drug_es)



Named list of character vectors with 'dn' indicating genes that want to down-regulated and 'up' indicating genes that want to up-regulate.


A matrix of differential expression values for drugs.


Named numeric vector where most negative results are predicted to have the strongest desired effect as indicated by query_genes.

hms-dbmi/drugseqr documentation built on June 24, 2024, 7:03 a.m.