
# Self-concordant empirical likelihood for a vector mean,
# as described in:
# @article{owen:2013,
#  title={Self-concordance for empirical likelihood},
#  author={Owen, A. B.},
#  journal={Canadian Journal of Statistics},
#  volume={41},
#  number={3},
#  pages={387--397},
#  year={2013}
# }

# This file has two callable functions:
#   emplik    does one EL calculation,
#   tracelr   calls emplik on a trajectory from mu0 to mu1 in N+1 steps

# emplik returns:
#  logelr     log empirical likelihood ratio
#  lam        Lagrange multiplier (vector of length d)
#  wts        observation weights/probabilities (vector of length n)
#  converged  TRUE if algorithm converged
#             FALSE usually means that mu is not in the convex hull of the data
#             you then get a very small likelihood (instead of zero)
#  iter       number of iterations taken
#  ndec       Newton decrement (see Boyd & Vandenberghe) 
#  gradnorm   norm of gradient of log empirical likelihood

# tracelr returns: a matrix with one row at each mean from mu0 to mu1
#                  and with a column for each EL return value (except wts)

# There are also two internal functions:
#   mllog     gives a family of alternatives to -log() and derivative thereof
#             in order to attain self-concordance.
#   svdlm     does least squares regression via the SVD

# These lengthen the emplik function, but making them internal keeps them
# out of the users' name spaces

# Art B. Owen, Feb 2014

emplik = function(  z,  # matrix with one data vector per row, a column vector is ok when d=1
                    #mu,  # hypothesized mean, default (0 ... 0) in R^d
                    lam,  # starting lambda, default (0 ... 0)
                    eps,  # lower cutoff for -log( ), default 1/nrow(z)
                    M,  # upper cutoff for -log( ), default Inf
                    thresh=1e-30,  # convergence threshold for log likelihood (default is aggressive)
                    itermax=100,  # upper bound on number of Newton steps (seems ample)
                    )  # controls printed output
  # empirical likelihood test for whether
  # mean of (rows of) z is mu
  # Internal function mllog, modified -log( ) with derivatives
  mllog = function( x, eps, M, der=0 ){
    # minus log and its first der derivatives, on  eps < x < M
    # 4th order Taylor approx to left of eps and right of M
    # der = 0 or 1 or 2
    # 4th order is lowest that gives self concordance
    if( missing(M) )
      M = Inf
    if( eps>M )
      stop("Thresholds out of order")
    lo = x < eps
    hi = x > M
    md = (!lo) & (!hi)
    # Coefficients for 4th order Taylor approx below eps
    coefs      = rep(0,5)
    coefs[1]   = -log(eps)
    coefs[2:5] = (-eps)^-(1:4)/(1:4)
    # Coefficients for 4th order Taylor approx above M
    Coefs      = rep(0,5)
    Coefs[1]   = -log(M)
    Coefs[2:5] = (-M)^-(1:4)/(1:4)
    # degree 4 polynomial approx to log
    h = function(y,cvals){ # cvals are coefs at eps, Coefs at M
      # sum c[t+1] y^t
      tee = 1:4
      ans = y*0
      ans = ans + cvals[1]
      for( j in tee )
        ans = ans + y^j*cvals[j+1]
    # first derivative of h at y, from approx at pt
    hp = function(y,pt){
      tee = 0:3
      ans = y*0
      for( j in tee )
        ans = ans + (-y/pt)^j
      ans = ans * (-pt)^-1
    # second derivative of h at y, from approx at pt
    hpp = function(y,pt){
      tee = 0:2
      ans = y*0
      for( j in tee )
        ans = ans + (j+1) * (-y/pt)^j
      ans = ans *(-pt)^-2 
    # function value
    f      = x*0
    f[lo]  = h( x[lo]-eps, coefs )
    f[hi]  = h( x[hi]-M,   Coefs )
    f[md]  = -log(x[md])
    if( der<1 )return(cbind(f))
    # first derivative
    fp     = x*0
    fp[lo] = hp( x[lo]-eps, eps )
    fp[hi] = hp( x[hi]-M, M )
    fp[md] = -1/x[md]
    if( der<2 )return(cbind(f,fp))
    # second derivative
    fpp     = x*0
    fpp[lo] = hpp( x[lo]-eps, eps )
    fpp[hi] = hpp( x[hi]-M, M )
    fpp[md] = 1/x[md]^2
    return( cbind(f,fp,fpp) )
    # End of mllog()
  # Internal function to do a linear model via SVD
  # Empirical likelihood's Newton steps are of
  # least squares type.
  svdlm = function(X,y){
    # Linear model regression coefficient via SVD
    # Tolerances for generalized inverse via SVD
    RELTOL = 1e-9     
    ABSTOL = 1e-100
    # Get Xplus = generalized inverse of X
    # If svd algorithm failures are encountered
    # it sometimes helps to try svd(t(X)) and
    # translate back. First check to ensure that
    # X does not contain NaN or Inf or -Inf.
    svdX     = svd(X)
    d        = svdX$d
    lo       = d < (RELTOL * max(d) + ABSTOL)
    dinv     = 1/d
    dinv[lo] = 0
    Xplus    = svdX$v %*% diag(dinv,nrow=length(dinv)) %*% t(svdX$u)
    # taking care with diag when dinv is 1x1
    # to avoid getting the identity matrix of
    # size floor(dinv)
    # Return X^+ y
    Xplus %*% matrix(y,ncol=1)
  # end of svdlm
  # Backtracking line search parameters [Tweak only with extreme caution.] 
  # See Boyd and Vandenberghe, pp464-466.
  ALPHA = 0.3  # seems better than 0.01 on some 2d test data (sometimes fewer iters)
  BETA  = 0.8
  # We need  0 < ALPHA < 1/2   and 0 < BETA < 1
  # Backtrack threshold: you can miss by this much.
  # Consider replacing 0 by 1e-10 if backtracking seems to be
  # failing due to round off.
  if( is.vector(z) )
    z = matrix(z,ncol=1)
  n = nrow(z)
  d = ncol(z)
  #if( missing(mu)  )
    #mu  = rep(0,d)
  #z = t( t(z)-mu ) # subtract mu from each z[i,]
  if( missing(eps) )eps = 1/n
  if( missing(M)   )M   = Inf
  # Use lam = 0 or initial lam, whichever is best
  init0 = mllog( rep(1,n), eps=eps, M=M, der=2 ) # i.e. lam = 0
  if( missing(lam) ){
    init = init0
    lam  = rep(0,d)
    init = mllog( 1+z%*%lam, eps=eps, M=M, der=2 )
    if( sum(init0[,1]) < sum(init[,1]) ){
      lam = rep(0,d)
      init = init0
  # Initial f, g
  fold = sum(init[,1])
  gold = apply( z * init[,2],2,sum )
  converged = FALSE
  iter      = 0
  oldvals   = init
  while( !converged ){
    iter = iter + 1
    # Get Newton Step
    rootllpp = sqrt(oldvals[,3])  # sqrt 2nd deriv of -llog lik
    zt = z
    for( j in 1:d )
      zt[,j] = zt[,j] * rootllpp
    yt   = oldvals[,2] / rootllpp
    step = -svdlm(zt,yt)  #  more reliable than step = -lm( yt~zt-1 )$coef
    backtrack = FALSE 
    s = 1   # usually called t, but R uses t for transpose
    while( !backtrack ){
      newvals = mllog( 1+z%*%(lam+s*step),eps=eps,M=M,der=2 )
      fnew    = sum(newvals[,1])
      targ    = fold + ALPHA * s * sum( gold*step ) + BACKEPS # (BACKEPS for roundoff, should not be needed)
      if(  fnew <= targ ){
        # backtracking has converged
        backtrack = TRUE
        oldvals   = newvals
        fold      = fnew
        gold      = apply( z * oldvals[,2],2,sum )
        # take the step
        lam       = lam + s*step
        s = s * BETA
    # Newton decrement and gradient norm
    ndec     = sqrt( sum( (step*gold)^2 ) )
    gradnorm = sqrt( sum(gold^2))
    converged = ( ndec^2 <= thresh)
    if( iter > itermax )break
  wts    = (1/n)/(1+z%*%lam)
  logelr = -2*sum( mllog(1+z%*%lam,eps=eps,M=M,der=0) )
  list(logelr=logelr,lam=lam, wts=wts,

tracelr = function( z, mu0, mu1, N, verbose=FALSE, ... ){
  # compute elr from mu0 to mu1 in N+1 steps
  # ... arguments are passed to emplik
  if( is.vector(z) )z = matrix(z,ncol=1)
  d = ncol(z)
  ans = matrix(0,N+1,d+1+d+4)
  for( j in 1:d )
    colnames(ans)[j] = paste("z",j,sep=".")
  colnames(ans)[d+1] = "logelr"
  for( j in 1:d )
    colnames(ans)[d+1+j] = paste("lambda",j,sep=".")
  colnames(ans)[d+1+d+1] = "conv"
  colnames(ans)[d+1+d+2] = "iter"
  colnames(ans)[d+1+d+3] = "decr"
  colnames(ans)[d+1+d+4] = "gnorm"
  lam = rep(0,d)
  for( i in 0:N ){
    mui  = (i*mu1+(N-i)*mu0)/N
    ansi = emplik(z,mui,lam,...)
    ans[i+1,] = c(mui,ansi$logelr,ansi$lam,ansi$converged,ansi$iter,ansi$ndec,ansi$gradnorm)
    if( verbose )print(c(i,ansi$iter))
hoangtt1989/NOIS documentation built on May 20, 2019, 2:08 p.m.