
#' Verify that the given \code{j_object} is an object of type \code{jobjRef} but not \code{.jnull()}.
#' An error is thrown if the verification fails, otherwise \code{NULL} is returned.
#' @param  j_object an object of type \code{\linkS4class{jobjRef}}
#' @param  ... any further message parts passed to \code{stop}
#' @return \code{NULL} invisibly.
#' @keywords internal
verifyNotNull <- function(j_object, ...) {
  assert_that(is(j_object, "jobjRef"))
  if (is.jnull(j_object)) {
    stop(deparse(substitute(j_object)), " is null: ", ...)

#' Check for any pending java exception.
#' An error is thrown if one is found, otherwise \code{NULL} is returned.
#' @return \code{NULL} invisibly.
#' @keywords internal
checkException <- function() {
  j_exception <- .jgetEx(clear = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(j_exception)) {

#' Throw an error with the given \code{j_exception} as the cause.
#' @param j_exception a java Throwable which is converted to a part of the message
#' @param  ... any further message parts passed to \code{stop}
#' @keywords internal
jstop <- function(j_exception, ...) {
  assert_that(j_exception %instanceof% "java.lang.Throwable")
  j_throwable <- j_exception
  exception_messages <- ""
  while (!is.jnull(j_throwable)) {
    exception_messages <- c(exception_messages, .jcall(j_throwable, "S", "toString"))
    j_throwable <- .jcall(j_throwable, "Ljava/lang/Throwable;", "getCause")

  stop(..., paste(paste("caused by: ", exception_messages), collapse = " -> "), call. = FALSE)

#' Wrap an R expression which calls rJava functions.
#' Execute the given \code{expression} and check for a Java exception afterwards.
#' If an exception was found throw an error.
#' Make sure that the expression, which is usually a .jcall or a .jnew function, is called with the check = FALSE option.
#' Otherwise the exception is cleared before jtry checks for its existance.
#' @param  expression a valid R expression, usually a call to .jcall or .jnew
#' @param  onError the callback which will be called if a java exception was thrown with the exception as the first argument
#' @param  ... any further arguments to the \code{onError} function
#' @return the result of the \code{expression}
#' @keywords internal
jtry <- function(expression, onError = jstop, ...) {
  .jcheck(silent = FALSE)
  env <- new.env(parent = parent.frame())
  eval_result <- eval(substitute(expression), env)
  j_exception <- .jgetEx(clear = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(j_exception)) {
    do.call(onError, list(j_exception, c(deparse(substitute(expression)), list(...))), envir = env)

#' Same as .jcall but with check = FALSE as default
#' @inheritParams rJava::.jcall
#' @keywords internal
jcall <- function(obj, returnSig = "V", method, ..., evalArray = TRUE, 
    evalString = TRUE, check = FALSE, interface = "RcallMethod", 
    simplify = FALSE, use.true.class = FALSE) {
  .jcall(obj = obj, returnSig = returnSig, method = method, ..., evalArray = evalArray, 
    evalString = evalString, check = check, interface = interface, 
    simplify = simplify, use.true.class = use.true.class)

#' Same as .jnew but with check = FALSE as default
#' @inheritParams rJava::.jnew
#' @keywords internal
jnew <- function(class, ..., check = FALSE, silent =! check) {
  .jnew(class = class, ..., check = check, silent = silent)
hoesler/dbj documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:36 p.m.