
Defines functions ZINBLSS ZIPoLSS qBeta BetaPhi BetaMu qGamma GammaSigma qNormal GaussianLSS GaussianSigma GaussianMu qWeibull WeibullLSS LogLogLSS qLogNormal LogNormalLSS LogNormalSigma qT StudentTLSS StudentTDf StudentTSigma StudentTMu qNBinomial NBinomialLSS NBinomialSigma NBinomialMu Families

Documented in BetaMu BetaPhi Families GammaSigma GaussianLSS GaussianMu GaussianSigma LogLogLSS LogNormalLSS LogNormalSigma NBinomialLSS NBinomialMu NBinomialSigma StudentTDf StudentTLSS StudentTMu StudentTSigma WeibullLSS ZINBLSS ZIPoLSS

# Constructor Function

Families <- function(..., qfun = NULL, name = NULL) {
    RET <- list(...)
    class(RET) <- "families"
    ## check if response function is not specified
    check <- sapply(RET, function(x){
        bdy <- body(x@response)
        (length(x@response(c(-1,0,1))) != 3 && class(bdy) != "call" &&
            length(bdy) == 1 && is.na(bdy))
    if (any(check))
        stop("response function not specified in families for:\n\t",
             paste(names(RET)[check], collapse =", "))
    attr(RET, "qfun") <- qfun
    attr(RET, "name") <- name

# Negative Binomial LSS Family

NBinomialMu <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, stabilization) {
    loss <- function(sigma, y, f)
        -(lgamma(y + sigma) - lgamma(sigma) - lgamma(y + 1) + sigma * log(sigma)
          + y * f - (y + sigma) * log(exp(f) + sigma))
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1){
        RET <- sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, sigma = sigma))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        ngr <- y - (y + sigma)/(exp(f) + sigma) * exp(f)
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w){
        if (!is.null(mu)){
            RET <- log(mu)
        } else {
            if (is.null(sigma)) {
                sigma <<- mean(y)^2 / (var(y) - mean(y))
                sigma <<- ifelse(sigma < 0, 1e-10, sigma)
            ### look for starting value of f = log(mu) in "interval"
            ### i.e. mu possibly ranges from 1e-10 to 1e10
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(log(1e-10), log(1e10)), y = y, w = w)$minimum
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, offset = offset, risk = risk, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) exp(f),
           check_y = function(y) {
               if (!all.equal(unique(y - floor(y)), 0))
                   stop("response must be an integer")
               if (any(y < 0))
                   stop("response must be >= 0")
           }, name = "Negative Negative-Binomial Likelihood: mu (log link)")

NBinomialSigma <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, stabilization) {
    # this family boosts sigma therefore f is sigma
    loss <- function(mu, y, f)
        -(lgamma(y + exp(f)) - lgamma(exp(f)) - lgamma(y + 1) + exp(f) * f +
              y * log(mu) - (y + exp(f)) * log(mu + exp(f)))
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1){
        RET <- sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, mu = mu))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {       # f is sigma !
        ngr <- exp(f)*(digamma(y +exp(f)) - digamma(exp(f)) + log(exp(f)) + 1 -
                           log(mu +exp(f)) - (exp(f) + y)/(mu +exp(f)))
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y,w){
        if (!is.null(sigma)){
            RET <- log(sigma)
        } else {
            if (is.null(mu))
                mu <<- mean(y)
            ### look for starting value of f = log(sigma) in "interval"
            ### i.e. sigma possibly ranges from 1e-10 to 1e10
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(log(1e-10), log(1e10)), y = y, w = w)$minimum
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, offset = offset, risk = risk, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) exp(f),
           check_y = function(y) {
               if (!all.equal(unique(y - floor(y)), 0))
                   stop("response must be an integer")
               if (any(y < 0))
                   stop("response must be >= 0")
           }, name = "Negative Negative-Binomial Likelihood: sigma (log link)")

NBinomialLSS <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL,
                         stabilization = c("none", "MAD", "L2")) {
    if ((!is.null(sigma) && sigma <= 0) || (!is.null(mu) && mu <= 0))
        stop(sQuote("sigma"), " and ", sQuote("mu"),
             " must be greater than zero")
    stabilization <- check_stabilization(stabilization)
    Families(mu = NBinomialMu(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, stabilization = stabilization),
             sigma = NBinomialSigma(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, stabilization = stabilization),
             qfun = qNBinomial,
             name = "Negative Binomial")

## we use almost the same parameterization as NBI but with theta = 1/sigma
qNBinomial <- function(p, mu = 0, sigma = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
    ## require gamlss.dist
    if (!requireNamespace("gamlss.dist", quietly = TRUE))
        stop("Please install package 'gamlss.dist' for using qNBinomial.")
    gamlss.dist::qNBI(p = p, mu = mu, sigma = 1/sigma, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)

# T-distribution LSS Family

StudentTMu <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, df = NULL, stabilization) {
    loss <- function(df, sigma,y, f){
        -1 * (lgamma((df+1)/2) - log(sigma) - lgamma(1/2) - lgamma(df/2) - 0.5 *
                  log(df) - (df+1)/2 * log(1 + (y-f)^2 / (df * sigma^2)))
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1){
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, df = df, sigma = sigma))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        ngr <- (df+1)*(y-f)/(df*sigma^2 +(y-f)^2)
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w){
        if (!is.null(mu)){
            RET <- mu
        } else {
            if (is.null(sigma))
                sigma <<- 1
            if (is.null(df))
                df <<- 4
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = range(y), y = y, w = w)$minimum
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) f,
           check_y = function(y) {
               if (!is.numeric(y) || !is.null(dim(y)))
                   stop("response is not a numeric vector ")
           },  name = "Student's t-distribution: mu (id link)")

StudentTSigma <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, df = NULL, stabilization) {
    loss <- function(df, mu, y, f){
        -1 * (lgamma((df+1)/2) - f - lgamma(1/2) - lgamma(df/2) - 0.5 * log(df) -
                  (df+1)/2 * log(1 + (y-mu)^2 / (df * exp(2 * f))))
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1){
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, df = df, mu = mu))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        ngr <- (-1 + (df+1)/(df*exp(2*f)/(y-mu)^2 + 1))
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w){
        if (!is.null(sigma)){
            RET <- log(sigma)
        } else {
            if (is.null(mu))
                mu <<- mean(y)
            if (is.null(df))
                df <<- 4
            ### look for starting value of f = log(sigma) in "interval"
            ### i.e. sigma possibly ranges from 1e-10 to 1e10
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(log(1e-10), log(1e10)), y = y, w = w)$minimum
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) exp(f),
           check_y = function(y) {
               if (!is.numeric(y) || !is.null(dim(y)))
                   stop("response is not a numeric vector ")
           },  name = "Student's t-distribution: sigma (log link)")

StudentTDf <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, df = NULL, stabilization) {
    loss <- function(sigma, mu,y, f){
        -1 * (lgamma((exp(f)+1)/2) - log(sigma) - lgamma(1/2) - lgamma(exp(f)/2) -
                  0.5*f - (exp(f)+1)/2 * log(1 + (y-mu)^2 / (exp(f)*sigma^2)))
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1){
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, sigma = sigma, mu = mu))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        ngr <- exp(f)/2 * (digamma((exp(f)+1)/2)-digamma(exp(f)/2)) - 0.5 -
            (exp(f)/2 * log(1+ (y-mu)^2/(exp(f)*sigma^2)) -
                 (y-mu)^2/(sigma^2 + (y-mu)^2/exp(f)) * (exp(-f) +1)/2 )
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w){
        if (!is.null(df)){
            RET <- log(df)
        } else {
            if (is.null(mu))
                mu <<- mean(y)
            if (is.null(sigma))
                sigma <<- 1
            ### look for starting value of f = log(df) in "interval"
            ### i.e. df possibly ranges from 1e-10 to 1e10
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(log(1e-10), log(1e10)), y = y, w = w)$minimum
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) exp(f),
           check_y = function(y) {
               if (!is.numeric(y) || !is.null(dim(y)))
                   stop("response is not a numeric vector ")
           },  name = "Student's t-distribution: df (log link)")

StudentTLSS <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, df = NULL,
                        stabilization = c("none", "MAD", "L2")) {
    if ((!is.null(sigma) && sigma <= 0) || (!is.null(df) && df <= 0))
        stop(sQuote("sigma"), " and ", sQuote("df"),
             " must be greater than zero")
    stabilization <- check_stabilization(stabilization)
    Families(mu = StudentTMu(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, df = df, stabilization = stabilization),
             sigma = StudentTSigma(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, df = df, stabilization = stabilization),
             df = StudentTDf(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, df = df, stabilization = stabilization),
             qfun = qT,
             name = "Student T")

qT <- function(p, mu, sigma, df, n, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
    if (any(sigma <= 0))
        stop("sigma must be greater 0")
    if (any(df <= 0))
        stop("df must be greater 0")
    if (length(n) != 1 || n <= 0)
        stop("n must be a single value greater 0")
    ncp <- mu * sqrt(n)/sigma
    q <- qt(p, df = df, ncp = ncp, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)

# Log-Normal LSS Family

LogNormalMu <- function (mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, stabilization){
    loss <- function(sigma, y, f) {
        logfw <- function(pred)
            dnorm(pred, log = TRUE)
        logSw <- function(pred)
            pnorm(pred, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
        eta <- (log(y[,1]) - f)/sigma
        -y[,2] * (logfw(eta) - log(sigma)) - (1 - y[,2]) * logSw(eta)
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1)
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, sigma = sigma))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        eta <- (log(y[,1]) - f)/sigma
        ngr <- (y[,2] * eta + (1 - y[,2]) * dnorm(eta)/(1 - pnorm(eta)))/sigma
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w){
        if (!is.null(mu)){
            RET <- mu
        } else {
            if (is.null(sigma))
                sigma <<- 1
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(log(1e-10), log(1e10)),
                            y = y, w = w)$minimum
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, offset = offset, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) f,
           check_y = function(y) {
               if (!inherits(y, "Surv"))
                   stop("response is not an object of class ", sQuote("Surv"),
                        " but ", sQuote("families = LogNormalLSS()"))
           }, name = "Log-Normal AFT Model: mu (id link)")

LogNormalSigma <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, stabilization){
    loss <- function(mu, y, f) {
        logfw <- function(pred)
            dnorm(pred, log = TRUE)
        logSw <- function(pred)
            pnorm(pred, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
        eta <- (log(y[,1]) - mu) / exp(f)
        -y[,2] * (logfw(eta) - f) - (1 - y[,2]) * logSw(eta)
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1)
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, mu = mu))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        eta <- (log(y[,1]) - mu)/exp(f)
        ngr <- -(y[,2] - y[,2]*eta^2 + (y[,2]-1)*eta*dnorm(eta)/(1-pnorm(eta)))
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w){
        if (!is.null(sigma)){
            RET <- log(sigma)
        } else {
            if (is.null(mu))
                mu <<- 0
            ## look for starting value of f = log(sigma) in "interval"
            ## i.e. sigma possibly ranges from 1e-10 to 1e10
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(log(1e-10), log(1e10)),
                            y = y, w = w)$minimum
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, offset = offset, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) exp(f),
           check_y = function(y) {
               if (!inherits(y, "Surv"))
                   stop("response is not an object of class ", sQuote("Surv"),
                        " but ", sQuote("family = LogNormalLSS()"))
           }, name = "Log-Normal AFT Model: sigma (log link)")

LogNormalLSS <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL,
                         stabilization = c("none", "MAD", "L2")) {
    if ((!is.null(sigma) && sigma <= 0))
        stop(sQuote("sigma"), " must be greater than zero")
    stabilization <- check_stabilization(stabilization)
    Families(mu = LogNormalMu(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, stabilization = stabilization),
             sigma = LogNormalSigma(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, stabilization = stabilization),
             qfun = qLogNormal,
             name = "Log-Normal")

qLogNormal <- function(p, mu = 1, sigma = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
    qlnorm(p = p, meanlog = log(mu), sdlog = log(sigma), lower.tail = lower.tail,
           log.p = log.p)

# LogLog LSS Family

LogLogMu <- function (mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, stabilization){
    loss <- function(sigma, y, f) {
        logfw <- function(pred)
            dlogis(pred, log = TRUE)
        #pred - 2 * (1 + exp(pred))
        logSw <- function(pred)
            plogis(pred, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
        #1/(1 + exp(pred))
        eta <- (log(y[,1]) - f)/sigma
        -y[,2] * (logfw(eta) - log(sigma)) - (1 - y[,2]) * logSw(eta)
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1)
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, sigma = sigma))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        eta <- (log(y[,1]) - f)/sigma
        nom <- (exp(-eta) + 1)
        ngr <- (y[,2] * (2/nom - 1) + (1 - y[,2])/nom)/sigma
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w){
        if (!is.null(mu)){
            RET <- mu
        } else {
            if (is.null(sigma))
                sigma <<- 1
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(log(1e-10), log(1e10)),
                            y = y, w = w)$minimum
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, offset = offset, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) f,
           check_y = function(y) {
               if (!inherits(y, "Surv"))
                   stop("response is not an object of class ", sQuote("Surv"),
                        " but ", sQuote("families = LogLogLSS()"))
           }, name = "Log-Logistic AFT Model: mu (id link)")

LogLogSigma <- function (mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, stabilization){
    loss <- function(mu, y, f) {
        logfw <- function(pred)
            dlogis(pred, log = TRUE)
        #exp(pred)/(1 + exp(pred))^2
        logSw <- function(pred)
            pnorm(pred, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)
        #1/(1 + exp(pred))
        eta <- (log(y[,1]) - mu)/exp(f)
        -y[,2] * (logfw(eta) - f) - (1 - y[,2]) * logSw(eta)
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1)
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, mu = mu))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        eta <- (log(y[,1]) - mu)/exp(f)
        ngr <- -(y[,2] + y[,2]*eta -(y[,2]+1)*eta/(1+exp(-eta)))
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w){
        if (!is.null(sigma)){
            RET <- log(sigma)
        } else {
            if (is.null(mu))
                mu <<- 0
            ## look for starting value of f = log(sigma) in "interval"
            ## i.e. sigma possibly ranges from 1e-10 to 1e10
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(log(1e-10), log(1e10)), y = y, w = w)$minimum
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, offset = offset, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) exp(f),
           check_y = function(y) {
               if (!inherits(y, "Surv"))
                   stop("response is not an object of class ", sQuote("Surv"),
                        " but ", sQuote("families = LogLogLSS()"))
           },  name = "Log-Logistic AFT Model: sigma (log link)")

LogLogLSS <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL,
                      stabilization = c("none", "MAD", "L2")) {
    if ((!is.null(sigma) && sigma <= 0))
        stop(sQuote("sigma"), " must be greater than zero")
    stabilization <- check_stabilization(stabilization)
    Families(mu = LogLogMu(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, stabilization = stabilization),
             sigma = LogLogSigma(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, stabilization = stabilization),
             #             qfun = qLogLog,
             name = "Log-Log")

# nach: qllog (package FAdist)
#qLogLog <- function(p, mu = 0, sigma = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
#    exp(qlogis(p = p, location = mu, scale = sigma,
#               lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p))
# andere Ergebnisse als qllogis (package actuar)

# Weibull LSS Family
WeibullMu <- function (mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, stabilization){
    loss <- function(sigma, y, f) {
        logfw <- function(pred)
            pred - exp(pred)
        logSw <- function(pred)
        eta <- (log(y[,1]) - f)/sigma
        -y[,2] * (logfw(eta) -log(sigma)) - (1 - y[,2]) * logSw(eta)
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1)
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, sigma = sigma))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1){
        eta <- (log(y[,1]) - f)/sigma
        ngr <- (y[,2] * (exp(eta) - 1) + (1 - y[,2]) * exp(eta))/sigma
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w){
        if (!is.null(mu)){
            RET <- log(mu)
        } else {
            if (is.null(sigma))
                sigma <<- 1
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(0, max(y[,1], na.rm = TRUE)),
                            y = y, w = w)$minimum
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, offset = offset, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) f,
           check_y = function(y) {
               if (!inherits(y, "Surv"))
                   stop("response is not an object of class ", sQuote("Surv"),
                        " but ", sQuote("families = WeibullLSS()"))
           }, name = "Weibull AFT Model: mu (id link)")

WeibullSigma <- function (mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, stabilization){
    loss <- function(mu, y, f) {
        logfw <- function(pred)
            pred - exp(pred)
        logSw <- function(pred)
        eta <- (log(y[,1]) - mu)/exp(f)
        -y[,2] * (logfw(eta) - f) - (1 - y[,2]) * logSw(eta)
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1)
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, mu = mu))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        eta <- (log(y[,1]) - mu)/exp(f)
        ngr <- -(y[,2] * (eta + 1) - eta * exp(eta))
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w){
        if (!is.null(sigma)){
            RET <- log(sigma)
        } else {
            if (is.null(mu))
                mu <<- 0
            ## look for starting value of f = log(sigma) in "interval"
            ## i.e. sigma possibly ranges from 1e-10 to 1e10
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(log(1e-10), log(1e10)),
                            y = y, w = w)$minimum
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, offset = offset, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) exp(f),
           check_y = function(y) {
               if (!inherits(y, "Surv"))
                   stop("response is not an object of class ", sQuote("Surv"),
                        " but ", sQuote("families = WeibullLSS()"))
           }, name = "Weibull AFT Model: sigma (log link)")

WeibullLSS <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL,
                       stabilization = c("none", "MAD", "L2")) {
    if ((!is.null(sigma) && sigma <= 0))
        stop(sQuote("sigma"), " must be greater than zero")
    stabilization <- check_stabilization(stabilization)
    Families(mu = WeibullMu(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, stabilization = stabilization),
             sigma = WeibullSigma(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, stabilization = stabilization),
             qfun = qWeibull,
             name = "Weibull")

qWeibull <- function(p, mu = 1, sigma = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
    qweibull(p, scale = mu, shape = sigma,
             lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)

GaussianMu  <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, stabilization){
    loss <- function(sigma, y, f) -dnorm(x=y, mean=f, sd=sigma, log=TRUE)
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, sigma = sigma))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        ngr <- (1/sigma^2)*(y - f)
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w){
        if (!is.null(mu)){
            RET <- mu
        } else {
            RET <- weighted.mean(y, w = w, na.rm=TRUE)
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) f, offset=offset,
           name = "Normal distribution: mu(id link)")

GaussianSigma  <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, stabilization){
    loss <-  function(y, f, mu) - dnorm(x=y, mean=mu, sd=exp(f), log=TRUE)
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, mu = mu))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        ngr <- (- 1 + exp(-2*f)*((y - mu)^2))
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w){
        if (!is.null(sigma)){
            RET <- log(sigma)
        } else {
            RET <-  log(weighted.sd(y, w = w, na.rm=TRUE))
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) exp(f), offset=offset,
           name = "Normal distribution: sigma (log link)")

GaussianLSS <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL,
                        stabilization = c("none", "MAD", "L2")) {
    if ((!is.null(sigma) && sigma <= 0))
        stop(sQuote("sigma"), " must be greater than zero")
    stabilization <- check_stabilization(stabilization)
    Families(mu = GaussianMu(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, stabilization = stabilization),
             sigma = GaussianSigma(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, stabilization = stabilization),
             qfun = qNormal,
             name = "Gaussian")

qNormal <- function(p, mu = 0, sigma = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
    qnorm(p = p, mean = mu, sd = sigma, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)

GammaMu <-function (mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, stabilization) {
    loss <-  function(sigma, y, f) {
        lgamma(sigma) + sigma * y * exp(-f) - sigma * log(y) -
            sigma * log(sigma) + sigma * f + log(y)
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, sigma = sigma))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        ngr <- sigma * y * exp(-f) - sigma
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w) {
        if (!is.null(mu)) {
            RET <- log(mu)
        else {
            if (is.null(sigma))
                sigma <<- mean(y)^2/(var(y))
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(0, max(y^2, na.rm = TRUE)),
                            y = y, w = w)$minimum
    check_y <- function(y) {
        if (!is.numeric(y) || !is.null(dim(y)))
            stop("response is not a numeric vector but ", sQuote("GammaLSS()"))
        if (any(y < 0))
            stop("response is not positive but ", sQuote("GammaLSS()"))
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) exp(f), offset = offset, check_y = check_y,
           name = "Gamma distribution: mu(log link)")

GammaSigma <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, stabilization) {
    loss <-  function(mu, y, f) {
        lgamma(exp(f)) + (exp(f) * y )/mu - exp(f) * log(y) -
            f * exp(f) + exp(f) * log(mu) + log(y)
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1){
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, mu = mu))
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        ngr <- - digamma(exp(f))*exp(f) + (f+1)*exp(f) - log(mu)*exp(f) +
            exp(f)*log(y) - (y*exp(f))/mu
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w) {
        if (!is.null(sigma)) {
            RET <- log(sigma)
        else {
            if (is.null(mu))
                mu <<- mean(y)
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(0, max(y, na.rm = TRUE)),
                            y = y, w = w)$minimum
    check_y <- function(y) {
        if (!is.numeric(y) || !is.null(dim(y)))
            stop("response is not a numeric vector but ", sQuote("GammaLSS()"))
        if (any(y < 0))
            stop("response is not positive but ", sQuote("GammaLSS()"))
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, loss = loss,
           response = function(f) exp(f), offset = offset, check_y = check_y,
           name = "Gamma distribution: sigma(log link)")

GammaLSS <- function (mu = NULL, sigma = NULL,
                      stabilization = c("none", "MAD", "L2")) {
    if ((!is.null(sigma) && sigma <= 0))
        stop(sQuote("sigma"), " must be greater than zero")
    if ((!is.null(mu) && mu <= 0))
        stop(sQuote("mu"), " must be greater than zero")
    stabilization <- check_stabilization(stabilization)
    Families(mu = GammaMu(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, stabilization = stabilization),
             sigma = GammaSigma(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, stabilization = stabilization),
             qfun = qGamma,
             name = "Gamma")

## we use almost the same parameterization as GA but with sigma = sqrt(1/sigma)
qGamma <- function(p, mu = 0, sigma = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
    ## require gamlss.dist
    if (!requireNamespace("gamlss.dist", quietly = TRUE))
        stop("Please install package 'gamlss.dist' for using qGamma.")
    gamlss.dist::qGA(p = p, mu = mu, sigma = sqrt(1/sigma), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)

BetaMu <- function(mu = NULL, phi = NULL, stabilization){
    # loss is negative log-Likelihood, f is the parameter to be fitted with
    # logit link -> exp(f) = mu
    loss <- function(phi, y, f) {
        - 1 * (lgamma(phi) - lgamma(plogis(f) * phi) -
                   lgamma((1 - plogis(f)) * phi) + (plogis(f) * phi - 1) * log(y) +
                   ((1 - plogis(f)) * phi - 1) * log(1 - y))
    # risk is sum of loss
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, phi = phi))
        #sqrt(mean(w * (y - plogis(f))^2))
    # ngradient is the negative derivate w.r.t. mu
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        ngr <- +1 * exp(f)/(1 + exp(f))^2 * (phi * (qlogis(y) - (digamma(plogis(f) * phi) -
              digamma((1 - plogis(f)) * phi)))) 
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w) {
        if (!is.null(mu)) {
            RET <- qlogis(mu)
        else {
            if (is.null(phi))
                phi <<-  mean(y) * (1 - mean(y)) /var(y) - 1
            ### look for starting value of f = qlogis(mu) in "interval"
            ### i.e. mu ranges from 0.000001 to 0.999999
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(qlogis(0.000001), qlogis(0.999999)), y = y,
                            w = w)$minimum
    # use the Family constructor of mboost
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, loss = loss, offset = offset,
           response = function(f) plogis(f),
           check_y <- function(y) {
               if (!is.numeric(y) || !is.null(dim(y)))
                   stop("response must be a numeric vector")
               if (any(y <= 0) | any(y >= 1))
                   stop("response must be >0 and <1")
           name = "Beta-distribution: mu (logit link)")

# Sub-Family for phi
BetaPhi <- function(mu = NULL, phi = NULL, stabilization){
    # loss is negative log-Likelihood, f is the parameter to be fitted with
    # log-link: exp(f) = phi
    loss <- function(mu, y, f) {
        #y <- (y * (length(y) - 1) + 0.5)/length(y)
        -1 * (lgamma(exp(f)) - lgamma(mu * exp(f)) -
                  lgamma((1 - mu) * exp(f)) + (mu * exp(f) - 1) * log(y) +
                  ((1 - mu) * exp(f) - 1) * log(1 - y))
    # risk is sum of loss
    risk <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        sum(w * loss(y = y, f = f, mu = mu))
    # ngradient is the negative derivate w.r.t. phi
    ngradient <- function(y, f, w = 1) {
        #y <- (y * (length(y) - 1) + 0.5)/length(y)
        ngr <- +1 * exp(f) * (mu * (qlogis(y) - (digamma(mu * exp(f)) - digamma((1 - mu) * exp(f)))) +
                                  digamma(exp(f)) - digamma((1 - mu) * exp(f)) + log(1 - y))
        ngr <- stabilize_ngradient(ngr, w = w, stabilization)
    offset <- function(y, w) {
        if (!is.null(phi)) {
            RET <- log(phi)
        else {
            if (is.null(mu))
                mu <<- mean(y)
            ### look for starting value of f = log(phi) in "interval"
            ### i.e. phi possibly ranges from 1e-10 to 1e10
            RET <- optimize(risk, interval = c(log(1e-10), log(1e10)),
                            y = y, w = w)$minimum
    # use the Family constructor of mboost
    Family(ngradient = ngradient, risk = risk, loss = loss, offset = offset,
           response = function(f) exp(f),
           check_y <- function(y) {
               if (!is.numeric(y) || !is.null(dim(y)))
                   stop("response must be a numeric vector")
               if (any(y <= 0) | any(y >= 1))
                   stop("response must be >0 and <1")
           name = "Beta-distribution: phi (log link)")

# families object for new distribution
BetaLSS <- function (mu = NULL, phi = NULL,
                     stabilization = c("none", "MAD", "L2")) {
    stabilization <- check_stabilization(stabilization)
    Families(mu = BetaMu(mu = mu, phi = phi, stabilization = stabilization),
             phi = BetaPhi(mu = mu, phi = phi, stabilization = stabilization),
             qfun = qBeta,
             name = "Beta")

## we use almost the same parameterization as BE but with sigma = 1/sqrt(phi + 1)
qBeta <- function(p, mu = 0, phi = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
    ## require gamlss.dist
    if (!requireNamespace("gamlss.dist", quietly = TRUE))
        stop("Please install package 'gamlss.dist' for using qBeta.")
    gamlss.dist::qBE(p = p, mu = mu, sigma = 1/sqrt(phi + 1), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)

# Zero-inflated Poisson model
ZIPoLSS <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL,
                    stabilization = c("none", "MAD", "L2")) {
    fam <- as.families(fname = "ZIP", mu = mu, sigma = sigma, stabilization = stabilization)
    fam$mu@name <- "Zero-inflated Poisson model: count data component"
    fam$sigma@name <- "Zero-inflated Poisson model: zero component"

# Zero-inflated negative binomial model
ZINBLSS <- function(mu = NULL, sigma = NULL, nu = NULL,
                    stabilization = c("none", "MAD", "L2")) {
    fam <- as.families(fname = "ZINBI", mu = mu, sigma = sigma, nu = nu, stabilization = stabilization)
    fam$mu@name <- "Zero-inflated negative binomial model: location parameter for count data component"
    fam$sigma@name <- "Zero-inflated negative binomial model: scale parameter for count data component"
    fam$nu@name <- "Zero-inflated negative binomial model: zero component"
hofnerb/gamboostLSS documentation built on Oct. 23, 2023, 8:49 a.m.