
Defines functions .ci_mboost lines.mboost.ci plot.mboost.ci .predict_confint .create_newdata print.glmboost.ci .ci_glmboost confint.glmboost confint.mboost

Documented in confint.glmboost confint.mboost lines.mboost.ci plot.mboost.ci print.glmboost.ci

confint.mboost <- function(object, parm = NULL, level = 0.95,
                           B = 1000, B.mstop = 25, newdata = NULL,
                           which = parm,
                           papply = ifelse(B.mstop == 0, mclapply, lapply),
                           cvrisk_options = list(), ...) {

    which <- object$which(which, usedonly = FALSE)
    if (!all(which %in% object$which(NULL, usedonly = FALSE)))
        stop(sQuote("which"), " is wrongly specified")

    if (!is.list(cvrisk_options))
        stop(sQuote("cvrisk_options"), " must be a named list")
    if (length(cvrisk_options) > 0 && is.null(names(cvrisk_options)))
        stop(sQuote("cvrisk_options"), " must be a named list")
    if ("folds" %in% names(cvrisk_options))
        stop("One cannot modify the folds of the inner bootstrap")
    if ("object" %in% names(cvrisk_options))
        stop("One cannot specify the model (object) of the inner bootstrap")

    ## create new data and/or restructure data
    newdata <- .create_newdata(object, newdata, which)

    outer.folds <- cv(model.weights(object), B = B)

    cat("Start computing bootstrap confidence intervals... \n")

    do_update <- function(i) {
        #for (i in 1:B) {
        cat("\rB =", i)
        ## update model
        mod <- update(object, weights = outer.folds[, i],
                      risk = "inbag", trace = FALSE)
        if (B.mstop > 0) {
            ## <FIXME> are the weights handled correctly?
            cvr <- do.call("cvrisk",
                           args = c(list(object = mod,
                                       folds = cv(model.weights(mod), B = B.mstop)),
        .predict_confint(mod, newdata = newdata, which = which)
    predictions <- papply(1:B, do_update, ...)

    ## prepare returned object
    res <- list(level = level, boot_pred = predictions, data = newdata,
                model = object)
    attr(res, "which") <- which
    class(res) <- "mboost.ci"

confint.glmboost <- function(object, parm = NULL, level = 0.95,
                             B = 1000, B.mstop = 25,
                             which = parm, ...) {

    outer.folds <- cv(model.weights(object), B = B)
    which <- object$which(which, usedonly = FALSE)
    if (!all(which %in% object$which(NULL, usedonly = FALSE)))
        stop(sQuote("which"), " is wrongly specified")

    coefficients <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(which), nrow = B)
    colnames(coefficients) <- names(coef(object, which = which))

    for (i in 1:B) {
        ## update model
        mod <- update(object, weights = outer.folds[, i],
                      risk = "inbag")
        if (B.mstop > 0) {
            ## <FIXME> are the weights handled correctly?
            cvr <- cvrisk(mod, folds = cv(model.weights(mod), B = B.mstop), ...)
        coefficients[i, ] <- unlist(coef(mod, which = which, off2int = TRUE))

    ## prepare returned object
    res <- list(confint = .ci_glmboost(coefficients, level = level, which = which),
                level = level, boot_coefs = coefficients, model = object)
    attr(res, "which") <- which
    class(res) <- "glmboost.ci"

.ci_glmboost <- function(coefficients, level, which = NULL) {
    quantiles <- c((1 - level)/2, 1 - (1 - level)/2)

    tmp <- apply(coefficients, 2, FUN = quantile, probs = quantiles)
    CI <- as.data.frame(t(tmp))[which, ]

## pe = add point estimte
print.glmboost.ci <- function(x, which = NULL, level = x$level, pe = FALSE, ...) {

    if (is.null(which)) {
        which <- attr(x, "which")
    } else {
        which <- x$model$which(which, usedonly = FALSE)
        if (!all(which %in% attr(x, "which")))
            stop(sQuote("which"), " is wrongly specified")

    if (!is.null(level) && level != x$level) {
        CI <- .ci_glmboost(x$boot_coefs,  level = level, which = which)
    } else {
        CI <- x$confint[which, ]

    if (pe) {
        tmp <- data.frame(beta = coef(x$model, which))
        CI <- cbind(tmp, CI)
    if (length(which) > 1) {
        cat("\tBootstrap Confidence Intervals\n")
    } else {
        cat("\tBootstrap Confidence Interval\n")
    print(CI, ...)

## FIXME: Aditionally needed: Does multivariate bols base-learners work correctly?
.create_newdata <- function(object, newdata = NULL, which, ...) {
    if (is.null(newdata)) {
        data <- newdata <- model.frame(object, which = which)
        nms <- names(object$baselearner)[which]

        for (w in which) {
            ## get data from w-th base-learner
            tmp <- data[[w]][rep(1, 100), , drop = FALSE]

            ## are there varying coefficients (i.e. argument by)
            get_vary <- object$baselearner[[w]]$get_vary
            vary <- ""
            if (!is.null(get_vary)) vary <- get_vary()
            if (vary != "") {
                if (is.factor(tmp[[vary]])) {
                    if (nlevels(tmp[[vary]]) > 2)
                        stop("Atomatic data creation for ", sQuote("by"),
                             " variables with more than two levels is",
                             " currently not supported;",
                             " Specify ", sQuote("newdata"), " instead.")
                    data[[w]][[vary]] <- factor(levels(data[[w]][[vary]])[-1],
                                                levels = levels(data[[w]][[vary]]))
                if (is.numeric(tmp[[vary]]))
                    data[[w]][[vary]] <- 1

            ## now make grid
            grid <- function(x) {
                if (is.numeric(x)) {
                    return(seq(min(x), max(x), length = 100))
                } else {
                    return(rep(unique(x), length.out = 100))

            for (j in 1:ncol(data[[w]]))
                tmp[, colnames(data[[w]])[j]] <- grid(data[[w]][,j])

            ## FIXME: what about btree and bmrf?

            ## check if any base-learner is a bivariate smooth effect, i.e. if
            ## base-learner is multivariate and bbs, bspatial or brad
            which.vary <- colnames(tmp) == vary
            multivar <- grepl("bbs|bspatial|brad", nms[w]) &
                ncol(tmp[!which.vary]) >= 2
            if (multivar) {
                ## make grid
                egrid <- expand.grid(tmp[!which.vary])
                if (vary != "") {
                    x.vary <- tmp[which.vary]
                    rownames(x.vary) <- NULL
                    tmp <- cbind(egrid, x.vary)
                } else {
                    tmp <- egrid
            ## reset rownames
            rownames(tmp) <- NULL
            newdata[[w]] <- tmp
    } else {
        ## restructure new data
        data <- model.frame(object, which = which)
        nms <- lapply(data, colnames)
        tmp <- lapply(nms, function(x) newdata[, x, drop = FALSE])
        newdata <- tmp

## special prediction function for the construction of confidence intervals:
.predict_confint <- function(object, newdata = NULL, which, ...) {
    nrows <- sapply(newdata, nrow)
    predictions <- sapply(which, function(w)
                          matrix(predict(object, newdata[[w]], which = w),
                                               ncol = 1, nrow = nrows[w]))
    if (is.matrix(predictions))
        predictions <- as.data.frame(predictions)
    names(predictions) <- names(newdata[which])

### plot functions
plot.mboost.ci <- function(x, which, level = x$level,
                           ylim = NULL, type = "l", col = "black",
                           ci.col = rgb(170, 170, 170, alpha = 85,
                                        maxColorValue = 255),
                           raw = FALSE, print_levelplot = TRUE, ...) {

    if (missing(which)) {
        which <- attr(x, "which")
    } else {
        which <- x$model$which(which, usedonly = FALSE)
        if (!all(which %in% attr(x, "which")))
            stop(sQuote("which"), " is wrongly specified")
    if (length(which) > 1)
        stop("Specify a single base-learner using ", sQuote("which"))

    CI <- .ci_mboost(x$boot_pred, level = level, which = which, raw = raw)

    ## check if data (without by variable, which is not varying in the plot
    ## data) has more than one column
    varying <- which(sapply(x$data[[which]], function(x) length(unique(x))) > 1)
    if (ncol(x$data[[which]]) > 1 && length(varying) > 1) {

        if (length(varying) > 2)
            stop("Plots are only implemented for up to 2 variables.")

        p1 <- plot(x$model, which = which, newdata = x$data[[which]],
                   main = "Mean surface", ...)
        ## make level plots for upper and lower CI
        fm <- as.formula(paste("pr ~ ", paste(names(varying), collapse = "*"), sep = ""))
        pr <- CI[1, ]  ## lower CI
        p2 <- levelplot(fm, data = x$data[[which]], main = paste(rownames(CI)[1], "CI surface"), ...)
        pr <- CI[2, ]  ## upper CI
        p3 <- levelplot(fm, data = x$data[[which]], main = paste(rownames(CI)[2], "CI surface"), ...)
        if (print_levelplot) {
                   ## position = left, bottom, right, top
            print(p1, position=c(0, 0, 0.33, 1), more=TRUE)
            print(p2, position=c(0.33, 0, 0.66, 1), more=TRUE)
            print(p3, position=c(0.66, 0, 1, 1))
            warning("The scale is not the same")
        } else {
            return(list(mean = p1, lowerCI = p2, upperCI = p3))
    } else {
        if (is.null(ylim)) {
            ylim <- range(CI)
        plot(x$model, which = which, newdata = x$data[[which]], rug = FALSE,
             type = "n", ylim = ylim, col = col, ...)
        lines(x, which, level, col = ci.col, raw = raw, ...)
        lines(x$model, which = which, newdata = x$data[[which]], rug = FALSE,
              type = "l", col = col, ...)

lines.mboost.ci <- function(x, which, level = x$level,
                            col = rgb(170, 170, 170, alpha = 85,
                                      maxColorValue = 255),
                            raw = FALSE, ...) {

    if (missing(which)) {
        which <- attr(x, "which")
    } else {
        which <- x$model$which(which, usedonly = FALSE)
        if (!all(which %in% attr(x, "which")))
            stop(sQuote("which"), " is wrongly specified")
    if (length(which) > 1)
        stop("Specify a single base-learner using ", sQuote("which"))

    CI <- .ci_mboost(x$boot_pred, level = level, which = which, raw = raw)

    x.data <- x$data[[which]]
    ## check if data (without by variable, which is not varying in the plot
    ## data) has more than one column
    if (ncol(x.data) > 1 &&
        sum(sapply(x.data, function(x) length(unique(x))) > 1) > 1) {
        stop("Cannot plot lines for more than 1 dimension")
    } else {
        x.data <- x.data[, 1]

    if (is.factor(x.data)) {
        if (raw)
            warning("plotting raw values is currently not implemented",
                    " for factors")
        pData <- cbind(x.data, t(CI))
        pData <- unique(pData)
        for (i in 1:nrow(pData)) {
            polygon(x = pData[i, 1] + c(-0.35, 0.35, 0.35, -0.35),
                    y = rep(pData[i, 2:3], each = 2),
                    col = col, border = col, ...)
    } else {
        if (!raw) {
            polygon(c(x.data, rev(x.data)),
                    c(CI[1, ], rev(CI[2,])),
                    col = col, border = col)
        } else {
            matlines(x$data[[which]], CI, col = col, lty = "solid", ...)

.ci_mboost <- function(predictions, level, which = NULL, raw = FALSE) {

    preds <- sapply(predictions, function(p) p[[which]])
    if (!raw) {
        quantiles <- c((1 - level)/2, 1 - (1 - level)/2)
        preds <- apply(preds, 1, FUN = quantile, probs = quantiles)

hofnerb/mboost documentation built on Aug. 21, 2024, 7:26 a.m.