
Defines functions partial ran_as_integer

Documented in partial ran_as_integer

#' Calculate partial effects
#' \code{partial} is used to calculate partial effects of a (generalized) 
#'  linear mixed-effects model fitted by a function of the \code{lme4}
#'  package.
#' @param model a model object.
#' @param fix either a character vector of coefficient labels 
#'   (fixed effects) or a corresponding numeric index vector.
#' @param ran a named list of integer vectors representing
#'   random effects.
#' @param grouping logical. Should terms associated with the ones
#'   in \code{fix} also be selected? The functionality of this
#'   parameter depends on the value of \code{keep}. 
#'   The details are given under 'Details'.
#' @param keep.intercept logical. Should the intercept be kept
#'   (default) or be removed?
#' @param inverse logical. If \code{TRUE}, the inverse of the link
#'   function is applied (after the effects are removed).
#' @param keep logical. Should the specified effects be removed
#'   (default) or be kept?
#' @return \code{partial} returns a numeric vector. The length equals
#'   the number of observations in the model.
#' @details \code{model} is an object returned by a model fitting 
#'   function of the \pkg{lme4} package.
#'   The function works with both linear mixed-effects models
#'   (returned by the function \code{lmer}) and generalized linear
#'   mixed-effects models (\code{glmer}).
#'   The model formula for a (generalised) linear mixed-effects model
#'   can be written as
#'   \deqn{y = X \beta + Z b + \epsilon}{
#'         y = X * beta + Z * b + epsilon}
#'   where \eqn{y} is the vector including the response values,
#'   \eqn{X} is the (fixed-effects) design matrix, \eqn{\beta}{beta} 
#'   is the vector of population coefficients (fixed effecs), 
#'   \eqn{Z} is the random-effects design matrix, \eqn{b} is
#'   a vector of random effects, and \eqn{\epsilon}{epsilon} is a 
#'   vector of random error terms (residuals).
#'   The response vector can be represented as a sum of fixed effects,
#'   random effects, and residuals. In order to construct partial effects,
#'   the function \code{partial} either "removes" effects (if 
#'   \code{keep = FALSE}, see also \code{\link{remef}}) or "keeps"
#'   effects (if \code{keep = TRUE}, see also \code{\link{keepef}}).
#'   In both cases, the function does keep the residuals. Hence,
#'   the function does not return fitted values.
#'   The function removes a subset of fixed and random effects from
#'   the response variable. If all effects are removed, only the residuals
#'   remain.
#'   The valid \emph{character} strings for the parameter \code{fix} 
#'   correspond to the names of the coeffcients in the model summary output.
#'   Note that the name of a coefficient is not necessarily identical to the
#'   name of a predictor variable (e.g., factor variables). Furthermore,
#'   a single variable in a model formula can result in multiple 
#'   model coefficients (e.g., polynomial contrasts). The names of a model
#'   fit can be extracted with the function \code{effect_labels}.
#'   The character string passed to \code{fix} must not include the 
#'   intercept (\code{"(Intercept)"}). Use the parameter 
#'   \code{keep.intercept} instead.
#'   If \code{fix} is a \emph{numeric} index vector, the indices correspond
#'   to the order of coefficients in the model. For a fitted model object,
#'   the \code{effect_labels} returns the names of the coefficients in their
#'   order. Note that \code{fix} must not include the index of the
#'   intercept (usually \code{1}). Use the parameter \code{keep.intercept}
#'   instead.
#'   The parameter \code{ran} is used to specify random effects.
#'   The names of the list passed to \code{ran} correspond to the names
#'   of the random factors in the model summary.
#'   Alternatively, the string \code{"all"} can pe passed to \code{ran}
#'   which results in the selection of all random effects.
#'   If \code{grouping} is \code{FALSE}, only the specified fixed effects in
#'   \code{fix} are used. 
#'   If \code{grouping} is \code{TRUE}, associated effects of lower 
#'   \emph{or} higher order are used too. The actual behaviour of the 
#'   function depends on the \code{keep} parameter: If \code{keep = FALSE} 
#'   (effects are "removed"), \code{grouping} specifies whether effects of 
#'   higher order should be selected and removed as well. Otherwise, if 
#'   \code{keep = TRUE} (effects are "kept"), \code{grouping} specifies 
#'   whether effects of lower order should be selected and kept as well. 
#'   For example,
#'   if a model fit has the terms \code{A}, \code{B}, \code{C},
#'   \code{A:B}, \code{A:C}, \code{B:C}, and \code{A:B:C}, terms of 
#'   higher order relative to \code{A} are \code{A:B}, \code{A:C}, 
#'   and \code{A:B:C}. Terms of lower order relative to \code{A:B} are
#'   \code{A} and \code{B}.
#'   The parameter \code{inverse} is only important for \emph{generalised}
#'   linear mixed-effects models (in contrast to linear mixed-effects 
#'   models). In the former type of statistical models, a link function
#'   is specified to transform the response variable.
#'   If \code{partial} is used with such a type of model, the resulting
#'   values will be in the metric of the variable \emph{after} after the
#'   transformation. For example, if the response is binary and a model with
#'   the binomial distribution using the logit link funtion is fit,
#'   the function \code{partial} will return
#'   logits unless \code{inverse = TRUE} in which case logits will be 
#'   transformed to proportions after the removal of effects. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{remef}} for a wrapper with \code{keep = FALSE} 
#'   and \code{\link{keepef}} for a wrapper with \code{keep = TRUE}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(lme4)
#' fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ 1 + Days + (1 + Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
#' summary(fm1)
#' # remove fixed effect of 'Days'
#' p1_1 <- partial(fm1, fix = "Days")
#' # remove fixed effect of 'Days' and the intercept
#' p1_2 <- partial(fm1, fix = "Days", keep.intercept = FALSE)
#' # remove random slope of 'Days' (random factor: 'Subject')
#' p1_3 <- partial(fm1, ran = list(Subject = "Days"))
#' # remove fixed effect of 'Days' and both random effects
#' p1_4 <- partial(fm1, fix = "Days", ran = list(Subject = c("(Intercept)", "Days")))
#' # equivalent command with numeric indices
#' p1_5 <- partial(fm1, fix = 2, ran = list(Subject = c(1, 2)))
#' # keep the fixed effect of 'Days' (and the intercept), remove all other effects
#' p1_6 <- partial(fm1, fix = "Days", keep = FALSE)
#' # remove all effects
#' p1_7 <- partial(fm1, fix = 2, ran = "all", keep.intercept = FALSE)
#' p1_8 <- partial(fm1, keep = TRUE, keep.intercept = FALSE)  # equivalent command
#' all.equal(unname(residuals(fm1)), p1_7)
#' fm2 <- glmer(r2 ~ 1 + btype + Anger + (1 + Anger || item) + (1 | id), VerbAgg, family = binomial)
#' summary(fm2)
#' # remove fixed effects of 'btype'
#' # (since 'btype' is a three-level factor, two coefficients are estimated, 'btypescold' and 'btypeshout')
#' p2_1 <- partial(fm2, fix = c("btypescold", "btypeshout"))
#' # extract coefficient names related to 'btype'
#' term2coef(fm2, "btype")
#' #' # since `fm2` is a binomial GLMM, the partial effects are logits,
#' # the parameter `inverse` can be used to return probablities instead
#' p2_1_prob <- partial(fm2, fix = c("btypescold", "btypeshout"), inverse = TRUE)
#' # remove all random effects
#' # (Note that the order of random effects for the random factor 'item' is:
#' # 'Anger', '(Intercept)'; see `summary(fm2)`)
#' p2_2 <- partial(fm2, ran = list(item = c(1, 2), id = 1))
#' p2_3 <- partial(fm2, ran = "all")  # equivalent command
#' fm3 <- lmer(angle ~ 1 + recipe * temperature + (1 | recipe:replicate), cake)
#' summary(fm3)
#' # remove the random intercept
#' p3_1 <- partial(fm3, ran = list("recipe:replicate" = 1))
#' # remove fixed effect of 'recipeB' and all higher-order terms (interactions)
#' p3_2 <- partial(fm3, fix = "recipeB", grouping = TRUE)
#' # these are the higher-order terms of 'recipeB'
#' asef(fm3, "recipeB", order = "higher")
#' # keep fixed effect 'recipeB:temperature^4' and the lower-order ones (and the intercept)
#' p3_3 <- keepef(fm3, fix = "recipeB:temperature^4", grouping = TRUE)
#' # these are the lower-order terms of 'recipeB:temperature^4'
#' asef(fm3, "recipeB:temperature^4", order = "lower")
#' # remove all polynomials of 'temperature'
#' p3_4 <- partial(fm3, fix = term2coef(fm3, "temperature"))

partial <- 
function(model, fix = NULL, ran = NULL, grouping = FALSE,
         keep.intercept = TRUE, inverse = FALSE, keep = FALSE) 
  if ( !is(model, "merMod") ) 
    stop("This class is not supported yet.")
  # extract response or residuals
  GLMM <- isGLMM(model)
  if ( keep || GLMM ) { 	
    DV <- residuals(model)
  } else
    DV <- getME(model, "y")  
  full_labs_with_int <- effect_labels(model)
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Part 1: fixed effects
  if ( has_intercept(model) ) {
    full_labs <- full_labs_with_int[-1L]
  } else {
    full_labs <- full_labs_with_int
  # convert numeric `fix` vector to character vector
  if ( is.numeric(fix) ) {
    fix <- as.integer(fix)
    if ( max(fix) > length(full_labs_with_int) || any(fix < 1L) )
      stop("Invalid index in `fix`.")
    if ( has_intercept(model) && 1L %in% fix ) {
      message(paste0("The use of the intercept index 1 in `fix` is ",
                     "deprecated. Use parameter `keep.intercept` instead."))
      fix <- fix[fix != 1L]
    fix <- full_labs_with_int[fix]
  if ( grouping && !is.null(fix) ) {
    order <- if (keep) "lower" else "higher"
    fix <- unique(unlist(lapply(fix, asef, model = model, order = order,
                                include.base = TRUE)))    
  eidx <- is.na(match(fix, full_labs))
  if ( any(eidx) )
    stop("The following effects are not present in the model:\n\t",
          paste(fix[eidx], collapse = ", "))  
  if ( !keep && GLMM )
    # complement (the 'full_labs' without 'fix')
    fix <- setdiff(full_labs, fix)
  moma <- model.matrix(model)
  fixef_prods <- as.vector(moma[ , fix, drop = FALSE] %*% 
  if( keep || GLMM ) {
    int <- if ( keep.intercept ) intercept(model) else 0    
    DV <- DV + fixef_prods + int
  } else {
    int <- if ( !keep.intercept ) intercept(model) else 0    
    DV <- DV - fixef_prods - int
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # Part 2: random effects
  ran_labs <- ranef_labels(model)
  if ( isTRUE(grepl("(?i)^all$", ran)) )
    ran <- lapply(ran_labs, seq_along)
  else if ( length(ran) > 0L )
    ran <- ran_as_integer(ran, model)
  if ( !keep && GLMM ) {
    # complement (the 'ran_labs' without 'ran')
    if ( length(ran) == 0L )
      ran <- lapply(ran_labs, seq_along)
    else {
      rf_labs <- names(ran_labs)
      ran_inv <- lapply(rf_labs, function(x) {
        idx <- match(x, names(ran))
        re_seq <- seq_along(ran_labs[[x]])
        if (is.na(idx)) {
        } else {
          setdiff(re_seq, ran[[x]])
      names(ran_inv) <- rf_labs
      ran <- ran_inv[sapply(ran_inv, length) > 0L]
  ranef_sums <- calc_ranef(model, ran)
  if( keep || GLMM ) {
    DV <- DV + ranef_sums
  } else {
    DV <- DV - ranef_sums
  # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # apply inverse function
  if ( inverse ) {
    fam <- family(model)
    DV <- fam$linkinv(DV)

#' Random-effect names to indices
#' Transforms the list of character vectors denoting random effects into a
#' list of corresponding numeric index vectors.
#' @param ran a named list of numeric index vectors or character vectors
#'   (or a mixture of both).
#' @param model a model object.
#' @return a named list of numeric index vectors.
#' @details The function checks the validity of the parameter `ran` for the
#'   use in the \code{\link{partial}} function. Furthermore, character
#'   vectors are transformed to index vectors. These operations are based on
#'   the model fit (parameter \code{model}).
#' @keywords internal

ran_as_integer <-
function(ran, model)
  if ( !is.list(ran) )
    stop("The parameter `ran` must be a list.")
  if ( is.null(names(ran)) || anyDuplicated(names(ran)) )
    stop("The list `ran` has invalid names.")
  ran_labs <- ranef_labels(model)
  rf_labs <- names(ran_labs)
  invalid_idx <- is.na(match(names(ran), rf_labs))
  if ( any(invalid_idx) )
    stop("The following random factors are not present in the model:\n\t",
         paste(names(ran)[invalid_idx], collapse = ", "))
  ran_int <- lapply(names(ran), function(x) {
    ranx <- ran[[x]]
    if ( anyDuplicated(ranx) )
      stop("Duplicated values in `ran` for factor \"", x, "\".")
    model_ran <- ran_labs[[x]]
    if ( is.numeric(ranx) ) {
      ranx <- as.integer(ranx)
      if ( max(ranx) > length(model_ran) || any(ranx < 1L) )
        stop("Invalid index in `ran` for factor \"", x, "\".")
    } else {
      mat <- match(ranx, model_ran)
      invalid_idx <- is.na(mat)
      if ( any(invalid_idx) )
        stop("The following random effects are not present for the ",
             "random factor ", x, ":\n\t",
             paste(ranx[invalid_idx], collapse = ", "))
      ranx <- mat
  setNames(ran_int, names(ran))
hohenstein/remef documentation built on Jan. 26, 2020, 12:57 a.m.