
Defines functions dlg_trivariate clg dlg dlg_marginal_wrapper dlg_marginal dlg_bivariate

Documented in clg dlg dlg_bivariate dlg_marginal dlg_marginal_wrapper dlg_trivariate

# Density estimation functions
# ----------------------------

#' Bivariate density estimation
#' \code{dlg_bivariate} returns the locally Gaussian density estimate of a
#' bivariate distribution on a given grid.
#' This function serves as the backbone in the body of methods concerning local
#' Gaussian correlation. It takes a bivariate data set, \code{x}, and a
#' bivariate set of grid points \code{eval_points}, and returns the bivariate,
#' locally Gaussian density estimate in these points. We also need a vector of
#' bandwidths, \code{bw}, with two elements, and an estimation method
#' \code{est_method}
#' @param x The data matrix (or data frame). Must have exactly 2 columns.
#' @param eval_points The grid where the density should be estimated. Must have
#'   exactly 2 columns.
#' @param grid_size If \code{eval_points} is not supplied, then the function
#'   will create a suitable grid diagonally through the data, with this many
#'   grid points.
#' @param bw The two bandwidths, a numeric vector of length 2.
#' @param est_method The estimation method, must either be "1par" for estimation
#'   with just the local correlation, or "5par"  for a full locally Gaussian fit
#'   with all 5 parameters.
#' @param tol The numerical tolerance to be used in the optimization. Only
#'   applicable in the 1-parameter optimization.
#' @param run_checks Logical. Should sanity checks be run on the arguments?
#'   Useful to disable this when doing cross-validation for example.
#' @param marginal_estimates Provide the marginal estimates here if estimation
#'   method is "\code{5par_marginals_fixed}", and the marginal estimates have
#'   already been found. Useful for cross-validation. List with two elements as
#'   returned by \code{dlg_marginal_wrapper}.
#' @param bw_marginal Vector of bandwidths used to estimate the marginal
#'   distributions.
#' @return A list including the data set \code{$x}, the grid
#'   \code{$eval_points}, the bandwidths \code{$bw}, as well as a matrix of the
#'   estimated parameter estimates \code{$par_est} and the estimated bivariate
#'   density \code{$f_est}.
#' @examples
#'   x <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
#'   bw <- c(1, 1)
#'   eval_points <- cbind(seq(-4, 4, 1), seq(-4, 4, 1))
#'   estimate <- dlg_bivariate(x, eval_points = eval_points, bw = bw)
#' @export
dlg_bivariate <- function(x,
                          eval_points = NA,
                          grid_size = 15,
                          bw = c(1, 1),
                          est_method = "1par",
                          tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25/10^4,
                          run_checks = TRUE,
                          marginal_estimates = NA,
                          bw_marginal = NA) {

    # Check that everything is the way it should be -----------------------------
    if(run_checks) {
        x <- check_data(x, dim_check = 2, type = "data")
        check_bw_bivariate(bw = bw)
        if(!identical(eval_points, NA))
            eval_points <- check_data(eval_points, dim_check = 2, type = "grid")
        if(!identical(bw_marginal, NA))
             check_bw_bivariate(bw = bw_marginal)

    # If eval_points not supplied, create a suitable grid
    if(identical(eval_points, NA)) {
        eval_points <- apply(x,
                             function(x) seq(quantile(x,.001),quantile(x,.999),
                                             length.out = grid_size))

    # Preliminary housekeeping - mostly so that we can re-use code from the previous
    # package that is working alright. We split the data matrix and the bandwidth vector
    # into their individual components:
    x1 <- x[,1]
    x2 <- x[,2]

    h1 <- bw[1]
    h2 <- bw[2]


    if((est_method == "1par")) {

        # We declare a function that maximizes the local likelihood in one grid point.
        maximize_likelihood = function(grid_point) {

            x1_0 <- grid_point[1]
            x2_0 <- grid_point[2]

            # We need weights and some empirical moments in this grid point
            W <- dnorm(x1, mean = x1_0, sd = h1)*dnorm(x2, mean = x2_0, sd = h2)

            m1 <- mean(W)
            m2 <- mean(W*x1^2)
            m3 <- mean(W*x2^2)
            m4 <- mean(W*x1*x2)

            # The likelihood function
            lik <- function(rho) {
                - log(2*pi*sqrt(1 - rho^2))*m1 - m2/(2*(1 - rho^2)) - m3/(2*(1 - rho^2)) +
                    rho*m4/(1 - rho^2) - 1/2*exp(-1/2*(x2_0^2*h1^2 + x1_0^2 + x1_0^2*h2^2 -
                    2*x1_0*rho*x2_0 + x2_0^2)/(-rho^2 + h2^2 + 1 + h1^2 + h1^2*h2^2))/
                    (pi*(-rho^2 + h2^2 + 1 + h1^2 + h1^2*h2^2)^(1/2))

            # Return the maximum of the likelihood and the density estimate
            opt <- try(optimise(lik,
                                lower = -1,
                                upper = 1,
                                maximum = TRUE,
                                tol = tol),
                       silent = TRUE)

            # Store the result if the optimization went alright. Return NA if not.
            if(class(opt) != "try-error") {
                         mvtnorm::dmvnorm(c(x1_0, x2_0), mean = c(0,0),
                                          sigma = matrix(c(1, opt$maximum, opt$maximum, 1), 2))))
            } else {
                return(c(NA, NA))

        ## Send the grid points to 'maximize_likelihood'
        est <- cbind(do.call(rbind,
                             lapply(X = split(eval_points, row(eval_points)),
                                    FUN = maximize_likelihood)))
        par_est <- matrix(est[,1])
        f_est = as.vector(est[,2])
        colnames(par_est) <- c('rho')


    if(est_method == "5par") {

        # Use the localgauss-package to find the local parameter estimates
        localgauss_result <- localgauss::localgauss(x = x1, y = x2,
                                                    b1 = h1, b2 = h2,
                                                    xy.mat = eval_points)

        # Collect the results
        par_est <- localgauss_result$par.est
        f_est <- dmvnorm_wrapper(eval_points = eval_points,
                                 mu_1 = par_est[, "mu_1"],
                                 mu_2 = par_est[, "mu_2"],
                                 sig_1 = par_est[, "sig_1"],
                                 sig_2 = par_est[, "sig_2"],
                                 rho = par_est[, "rho"],
                                 run_checks = run_checks)

    if(est_method == "5par_marginals_fixed") {

        # Have the marginals already been estimated? If not, do it
        if(identical(marginal_estimates, NA)) {
            marginal_estimates <- dlg_marginal_wrapper(data_matrix = x,
                                                       eval_matrix = eval_points,
                                                       bw_vector = bw_marginal)

        # We declare a function that maximizes the local likelihood in one grid point,
        # with fixed marginal parameter estimates.
        maximize_likelihood_fixed_marginals =
            function(grid_point_and_marginal_parameters) {

            x1_0 <- grid_point_and_marginal_parameters[1]
            x2_0 <- grid_point_and_marginal_parameters[2]
            mu_1 <- grid_point_and_marginal_parameters[3]
            sig_1 <- grid_point_and_marginal_parameters[4]
            mu_2 <- grid_point_and_marginal_parameters[5]
            sig_2 <- grid_point_and_marginal_parameters[6]

            # We need weights and some empirical moments in this grid point
            W <- dnorm(x1, mean = x1_0, sd = h1)*dnorm(x2, mean = x2_0, sd = h2)

            m1 <- mean(W)
            m2 <- mean(W*((x1-mu_1)/sig_1)^2)
            m3 <- mean(W*((x2-mu_2)/sig_2)^2)
            m4 <- mean(W*((x1-mu_1)/sig_1)*((x2-mu_2)/sig_2))

            # The likelihood function
            lik <- function(rho) {
                - log(2*pi*sqrt(1 - rho^2)*sig_1*sig_2)*m1 - m2/(2*(1 - rho^2)) - m3/(2*(1 - rho^2)) +
                    rho*m4/(1 - rho^2) -
                        mvtnorm::dmvnorm(c(x1_0, x2_0),
                                         mean = c(mu_1, mu_2),
                                         sigma = matrix(c(sig_1^2 + h1^2,
                                                          sig_2^2 + h2^2),
                                                        byrow = TRUE,
                                                        ncol = 2))

            # Return the maximum of the likelihood and the density estimate
            opt <- try(optimise(lik,
                                lower = -1,
                                upper = 1,
                                maximum = TRUE,
                                tol = tol),
                       silent = TRUE)

            # Store the result if the optimization went alright. Return NA if not.
            if(class(opt) != "try-error") {
                         mvtnorm::dmvnorm(c(x1_0, x2_0), mean = c(mu_1,mu_2),
                                          sigma = matrix(c(sig_1^2,
                                                           sig_2^2), 2))))
            } else {
                return(c(NA, NA))

        ## Send the grid points to 'maximize_likelihood_fixed_marginals'
        est <- cbind(do.call(rbind,
                             lapply(X = split(cbind(eval_points,
                                                    marginal_estimates[[1]], marginal_estimates[[2]]),
                                    FUN = maximize_likelihood_fixed_marginals)))
        par_est <- cbind(marginal_estimates[[1]][,1],
        f_est = as.vector(est[,2])
        colnames(par_est) <- c("mu_1", "mu_2", "sig_1", "sig_2", "rho")


    return(list(x = x,
                eval_points = eval_points,
                bw = bw,
                par_est = par_est,
                f_est = f_est))


#' Marginal density estimation
#' Function that estimates a univariate density estimation by local Gaussian
#' approximations, as described in Hufthammer and Tjøstheim (2009).
#' This function is mainly mean to be used as a tool in multivariate analysis as
#' away to obtain the estimate of a univariate (marginal) density function, but
#' it can of course be used in general to estimate univariate densities.
#' @param x The data vector.
#' @param bw The bandwidth (a single number).
#' @param grid_size Number of grid points if grid is not provided.
#' @param eval_points The grid where we want to evaluate the density. Chosen
#'   suitably if not provided, with length equal to grid_size.
#' @return A list including the data set \code{$x}, the grid
#'   \code{$eval_points}, the bandwidth \code{$bw}, as well as a matrix of the
#'   estimated parameter estimates \code{$par_est} and the estimated bivariate
#'   density \code{$f_est}.
#' @examples
#'   x <- rnorm(100)
#'   estimate <- dlg_marginal(x, bw = 1, eval_points = -4:4)
#' @references
#' Hufthammer, Karl Ove, and Dag Tjøstheim. "Local Gaussian Likelihood and Local
#' Gaussian Correlation" PhD Thesis of Karl Ove Hufthammer, University of
#' Bergen, 2009.
#' @export
dlg_marginal <- function(x,
                        bw = 1,
                        eval_points = seq(quantile(x, .01), quantile(x, .99), length.out = grid_size),
                        grid_size = 15) {

    # Function that maximizes the local Gaussian likelihood in one grid point
    maximize_likelihood_univariate <- function(eval_point) {

        W <- dnorm(x, mean = eval_point, sd = bw)

        m1 <- mean(W)
        m2 <- mean(W*x)
        m3 <- mean(W*(x^2))

        # The negative likelihood
        lik <- function(par) {
            mu <- par[1]
            sig <- par[2]
            - m2*mu/sig^2 + m3/(2*sig^2) + m1*(mu^2/(2*sig^2) + .5*log(2*pi*sig^2)) +
                dnorm((eval_point - mu)/sqrt(sig^2 + bw^2))/sqrt(sig^2 + bw^2)

        # Do the optimization
        opt <- try(optim(c(0, 1),

        # Return the result, take absolute value of the sd.
        if(class(opt) != "try-error") {
            return(c(opt$par[1], abs(opt$par[2]),
                           mean = opt$par[1],
                           sd = abs(opt$par[2]))))
        } else {
            return(c(NA, NA, NA))

    # Send the grid points to 'maximize_likelihood_univariate'
    est <- cbind(do.call(rbind,
                         lapply(X = as.list(eval_points),
                                FUN = maximize_likelihood_univariate)))

    # Collect and return the results
    if(nrow(est) == 1) {
        par_est <- matrix(est[, 1:2], ncol = 2)
    } else {
        par_est <- est[, 1:2]

    colnames(par_est) <- c("mu", "sig")
    f_est <- as.vector(est[, 3])

    return(list(x = x,
                eval_points = eval_points,
                bw = bw,
                par_est = par_est,
                f_est = f_est))

#' Marginal estimates for multivariate data
#' Estimates the marginal locally Gaussian parameters for a
#' multivariate data set
#' This function takes in a matrix of observations, a matrix of evaluation
#' points and a vector of bandwidths, and does a locally Gaussian fit on each of
#' the marginals using the \code{dlg_bivariate}-function. This function assumes
#' that the data and evaluation points are organized column-wise in matrices,
#' and that the bandwidth is found in the corresponding element in the bandwidth
#' matrix. The primary use for this function is multivariate density estimation
#' using the "5par_marginals_fixed"-method.
#' @param data_matrix The matrix of data points. One column constitutes an
#'   observation vector.
#' @param eval_matrix The matrix of evaluation points. One column constitutes a
#'   vector of grid points.
#' @param bw_vector The vector of bandwidths, one element per component.
#' @return A list with marginal parameter and density estimates as provided by
#'   the \code{dlg_bivariate}-function. One element per column in the data.
#' @examples
#'   data_matrix <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
#'   eval_matrix <- cbind(seq(-4, 4, 1), seq(-4, 4, 1))
#'   bw <- c(1, 1)
#'   estimate <- dlg_marginal_wrapper(data_matrix, eval_matrix = eval_matrix, bw = bw)
#' @export
dlg_marginal_wrapper <- function(data_matrix, eval_matrix, bw_vector){

    # Return the parameters in a list
    ret <- list()

    # estimate the parameters for each marginal component
    for(i in 1:ncol(data_matrix)) {
        ret[[i]] <- dlg_marginal(x = data_matrix[,i],
                                 bw = bw_vector[i],
                                 eval_points = eval_matrix[,i])$par_est


#' The locally Gaussian density estimator (LGDE)
#' Estimate a multivariate density function using locally Gaussian
#' approximations
#' This function does multivariate density estimation using the locally Gaussian
#' density estimator (LGDE), that was introduced by Otneim & Tjøstheim (2017).
#' The function takes as arguments an \code{lg}-object as produced by the main
#' \code{lg_main}-function (where all the running parameters are specified), and
#' a grid of points where the density estimate should be estimated.
#' @param lg_object An object of type \code{lg}, as produced by the
#'   \code{lg_main}-function.
#' @param grid A matrix of grid points, where we want to evaluate the density
#'   estimate.
#' @param level Specify a level if asymptotic standard deviations and confidence
#'   intervals should be returned.
#' @param normalization_points How many grid points for approximating the integral
#'   of the density estimate, to use for normalization?
#' @param bootstrap Calculate bootstrapped confidence intervals instead.
#' @param B Number of bootstrap replications if using bootstrapped confidence
#'   intervals.
#' @return A list containing the density estimate as well as all the running
#'   parameters that has been used. The elements are:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{f_est}: The estimated multivariate density.
#'     \item \code{loc_mean}: The estimated local means if \code{est_method}
#'            is "5par" or "5par_marginals_fixed", a matrix of zeros if
#'            \code{est_method} is "1par".
#'     \item \code{loc_sd}: The estimated local st. deviations if
#'           \code{est_method} is "5par" or "5par_marginals_fixed", a matrix
#'           of ones if \code{est_method} is "1par".
#'     \item \code{loc_cor}: Matrix of estimated local correlations, one
#'           column for each pair of variables, in the same order as specified
#'           in the bandwidth object.
#'     \item \code{x}: The data set.
#'     \item \code{bw}: The bandwidth object.
#'     \item \code{transformed_data}: The data transformed to approximate
#'            marginal standard normality.
#'     \item \code{normalizing_constants}: The normalizing constants used to
#'           transform data and grid back and forth to the marginal standard
#'           normality scale, as seen in eq. (8) of Otneim & Tjøstheim (2017).
#'     \item \code{grid}: The grid where the estimation was performed, on the
#'           original scale.
#'     \item \code{transformed_grid}: The grid where the estimation was
#'           performed, on the marginal standard normal scale.
#'     \item \code{normalization_points} Number of grid points used
#'           to approximate the integral of the density estimate, in order to
#'           normalize?
#'     \item \code{normalization_constant} If approximated, the integral of the
#'           non-normalized density estimate. NA if not normalized.
#'     \item \code{density_normalized} Logical, indicates whether the final
#'           density estimate (contained in f_est) has been approximately
#'           normalized to have unit integral.
#'     \item \code{loc_cor_sd} Estimated asymptotic standard deviation for the
#'           local correlations.
#'     \item \code{loc_cor_lower} Lower confidence limit based on the asymptotic
#'           standard deviation.
#'     \item \code{loc_cor_upper} Upper confidence limit based on the asymptotic
#'           standard deviation.
#'    }
#' @examples
#'    x <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
#'    lg_object <- lg_main(x)  # Put all the running parameters in here.
#'    grid <- cbind(seq(-4, 4, 1), seq(-4, 4, 1), seq(-4, 4, 1))
#'    density_estimate <- dlg(lg_object, grid = grid)
#' @references
#' Otneim, Håkon, and Dag Tjøstheim. "The locally gaussian density estimator for
#' multivariate data." Statistics and Computing 27, no. 6 (2017): 1595-1616.
#' @export
dlg <- function(lg_object, grid, level = 0.95, normalization_points = NULL, bootstrap = F, B = 500) {

    # Do some checks first
    if(!is.null(grid)) {
        grid <- check_data(grid,
                           dim_check = ncol(lg_object$transformed_data),
                           type = "grid")

    if(!is.null(normalization_points)) {
      if(!is.numeric(normalization_points)) {
        stop("normalization_points must either be NA (for no normalization) or an integer.")

    # Sample size and number of variables
    n <- nrow(lg_object$x)
    d <- ncol(lg_object$x)

    # If we are going to normalize the density estimate, we calculate it on a
    # grid of size normalization_points, that we generate from a multivariate
    # normal having the same mean and covariance matrix as the original data. We
    # use this to calculate the integral. This is only temporary, and we will
    # remove this in the end.
    if(!is.null(normalization_points)) {
      extra_grid <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = normalization_points,
                                     mean = colMeans(x),
                                     sigma = cov(x))
      grid <- rbind(grid, extra_grid)

    # We do not have asymptotic standard deviations for the trivariate local
    # correlations (yet)
    if((lg_object$est_method == "trivariate") & (!is.null(level)) & !bootstrap) {
      level <- NULL
      message("Asymptotic standard deviations are not available for trivariate fits. Use bootstrap instead.")

    # Extract the data that we will us in the optimization, transform the grid if needed
    if(lg_object$transform_to_marginal_normality) {
        x <- lg_object$transformed_data
        transformed <- lg_object$trans_new(grid)
        x0 <- transformed$trans
        normalizing_constants <- transformed$normalizing_constants
    } else {
        x <- lg_object$x
        x0 <- grid
        normalizing_constants <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(grid), ncol = d)

    # Extract the pairs from the list of bandwidths
    pairs <- lg_object$bw$joint[, c("x1", "x2")]

    # Initialize the matrices where we eventually are going to store the parameter estimates
    loc_mean <- matrix(0, ncol = d, nrow = nrow(grid))
    loc_sd <- loc_mean + 1
    loc_cor <- matrix(0, ncol = nrow(pairs), nrow = nrow(grid))

    # If method "5par_marginals_fixed" we estimate the marginals now.
    if(lg_object$est_method == "5par_marginals_fixed") {
        marginal_estimates <- dlg_marginal_wrapper(data_matrix = x,
                                                   eval_matrix = x0,
                                                   bw_vector = lg_object$bw$marginal)
        for(i in 1:d) {
            loc_mean[,i] <- marginal_estimates[[i]][, "mu"]
            loc_sd[,i] <- marginal_estimates[[i]][, "sig"]

    # If method is "5par", then we have only one pair, and we can do all of the estimation now
    if(lg_object$est_method == "5par") {
        estimate <- dlg_bivariate(x = x,
                                  eval_points = x0,
                                  bw = c(lg_object$bw$joint[1, "bw1"],
                                         lg_object$bw$joint[1, "bw2"]),
                                  est_method = lg_object$est_method)

        loc_mean <- cbind(estimate$par_est[, "mu_1"],
                          estimate$par_est[, "mu_2"])
        loc_sd <- cbind(estimate$par_est[, "sig_1"],
                        estimate$par_est[, "sig_2"])
        loc_cor[,1] <- estimate$par_est[, "rho"]

    } else if (lg_object$est_method == "trivariate"){
      estimate <- dlg_trivariate(x = x,
                                 eval_points = x0,
                                 bw = c(lg_object$bw$joint[1, "bw1"],
                                        lg_object$bw$joint[1, "bw2"],
                                        lg_object$bw$joint[1, "bw3"]),
                                 est_method = lg_object$est_method)
    loc_cor <- estimate$par_est
    f_est_trivariate <- estimate$f_est

    } else {
        for(i in 1:nrow(pairs)) {
            if(lg_object$est_method == "1par") {
                pairwise_marginal_estimates <- NA
            } else {
                pairwise_marginal_estimates <- list(marginal_estimates[[pairs$x1[i]]],

            pairwise_estimate <-
                dlg_bivariate(x = x[, c(pairs$x1[i], pairs$x2[i])],
                              eval_points = x0[, c(pairs$x1[i], pairs$x2[i])],
                              bw = c(lg_object$bw$joint[i, "bw1"],
                                     lg_object$bw$joint[i, "bw2"]),
                              est_method = lg_object$est_method,
                              marginal_estimates = pairwise_marginal_estimates)

            loc_cor[,i] <- pairwise_estimate$par_est[, "rho"]

    # Evaluate the density estimate
    if(lg_object$est_method != "trivariate") {
      f_est <- mvnorm_eval(eval_points = x0,
                           loc_mean = loc_mean,
                           loc_sd = loc_sd,
                           loc_cor = loc_cor,
                           pairs = pairs)*
        apply(normalizing_constants, 1, prod)
    } else {
      f_est <- f_est_trivariate*apply(normalizing_constants, 1, prod)

    # If we normalize, calculate the constant and remove the extra grid points.
    # If not, set the normalizing constant equal to one.
    if(!is.null(normalization_points)) {
      normalization_grid <- tail(grid, n = normalization_points)
      normalization_est <- tail(f_est, n = normalization_points)
      normalization_constant <- mean(normalization_est/
                                                        mean = colMeans(x),
                                                        sigma = cov(x)))

      # Remove the extra grid points that were added to perform normalization of
      # the estimated density.
      grid <- grid[1:(nrow(grid) - normalization_points), ]
      loc_mean <- loc_mean[1:nrow(grid),]
      loc_sd <- loc_sd[1:nrow(grid),]
      loc_cor <- loc_cor[1:nrow(grid), , drop = FALSE]
      normalizing_constants <- normalizing_constants[1:nrow(grid),]
      x0 <- x0[1:nrow(grid),]

      f_est <- f_est[1:nrow(grid)]/
      density_normalized <- TRUE
    } else {
      normalization_constant <- NA
      density_normalized <- FALSE

    # Return
    ret <- list(f_est = f_est,
                loc_mean = loc_mean,
                loc_sd = loc_sd,
                loc_cor = loc_cor,
                x = lg_object$x,
                bw = lg_object$bw,
                transformed_data = lg_object$transformed_data,
                normalizing_constants = normalizing_constants,
                grid = grid,
                transformed_grid = x0,
                pairs = pairs,
                normalization_points = normalization_points,
                normalization_constant = normalization_constant,
                density_normalized = density_normalized)

    # If the level-argument is provided, we also calculate the standard
    # deviations based on asymptotic formulas with corresponding confidence
    # intervals for the local correlations and the density estimates.
    if(!is.null(level)) {

      if(bootstrap) {

        bootstrapped_local_correlations <- list()

        for ( i in 1:B) {

          lg_object_replicated <-
            lg_main(x = lg_object$x[sample(1:nrow(x), replace = T), ],
                    bw_method = lg_object$bw_method,
                    est_method = lg_object$est_method,
                    transform_to_marginal_normality = lg_object$transform_to_marginal_normality,
                    bw = lg_object$bw)

          bootstrapped_local_correlations[[i]] <-
                grid = grid,
                level = NULL,
                normalization_points = normalization_points)$loc_cor


        loc_cor_lower <- loc_cor_upper <- loc_cor_sd <- NA*loc_cor

        # Loop over the pairs
        for(i in 1:ncol(loc_cor)) {
          replicated <- matrix(NA, ncol = B, nrow = nrow(loc_cor))
          # Loop over the replicates to extract them from the list
          for(j in 1:B) {
            replicated[,j] <- bootstrapped_local_correlations[[j]][,i]

          loc_cor_sd[, i] <- apply(replicated, 1, stats::sd)
          loc_cor_lower[,i] <- apply(replicated, 1, quantile,  (1 - level)/2)
          loc_cor_upper[,i] <- apply(replicated, 1, quantile, 1 - (1 - level)/2)

          ret$loc_cor_sd <- loc_cor_sd
          ret$loc_cor_lower <- loc_cor_lower
          ret$loc_cor_upper <- loc_cor_upper


      if(!bootstrap & (lg_object$est_method != "trivariate")) {

        # x is the data, or the transformed data. x0 is the grid
        # where we do estimation, transformed or not.

        # We need to evaluate the density estimate in the observations, and do
        # that by running the dlg-function.
        density_object_obs <- dlg(lg_object, grid = lg_object$x, level = NULL)

        # We initialize a matrix for the asymptotic standard deviation for
        # the local correlations. It will have the same dimension as the matrix of
        # estimates:
        loc_cor_sd <- NA*loc_cor

        # We approximate the J- and M integrals by Monte Carlo an d the LLN, using
        # locally Gaussian estimates in the observations. This has to be done for
        # each pair of variables.
        for(i in 1:nrow(pairs)) {

          # We first calculate the J- and M integrals. The result are big
          # matrices, with one column per grid point.
          integrand_J <- apply(x0[, unlist(c(pairs[i,]))],
                               function(t) mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x = (x[, unlist(c(pairs[i,]))] - t),
                                                            sigma = diag(c(lg_object$bw$joint$bw1[i]^2,

          integrand_M1 <- apply(x0[, unlist(c(pairs[i,]))],
                                  mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x = (x[, unlist(c(pairs[i,]))] - t),
                                                   sigma = diag(c(lg_object$bw$joint$bw1[i]^2,

          integrand_M2 <- apply(x0[, unlist(c(pairs[i,]))],
                                  mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x = (x[, unlist(c(pairs[i,]))] - t),
                                                   sigma = diag(c(lg_object$bw$joint$bw1[i]^2,

          # We approximate the J and the two parts of the M matrices by a Monte
          # Carlo approximation:
          J  <- colMeans(integrand_J)
          M1 <- lg_object$bw$joint$bw1[i] * lg_object$bw$joint$bw2[i] * colMeans(integrand_M1)
          M2 <- lg_object$bw$joint$bw1[i] * lg_object$bw$joint$bw2[i] * colMeans(integrand_M2)^2

          # The final estimate of the standard deviation will be the the expression below:
          loc_cor_sd[, i] <- sqrt( (M1 - M2)/(J^2*
                                                lg_object$bw$joint$bw2[i])  )

        # Calculate the confidence limits based on the asymptotic normality:
        loc_cor_lower <- loc_cor + qnorm((1 - level)/2) * loc_cor_sd
        loc_cor_upper <- loc_cor - qnorm((1 - level)/2) * loc_cor_sd

        # Add the asymptotic standard deviations and confidence limits to the list that we return:
        ret$loc_cor_sd <- loc_cor_sd
        ret$loc_cor_lower <- loc_cor_lower
        ret$loc_cor_upper <- loc_cor_upper

    class(ret) <- "dlg"



#' The locally Gaussian conditional density estimator
#' Estimate a conditional density function using locally Gaussian
#' approximations.
#' This function is the conditional version of the locally Gaussian density
#' estimator (LGDE), described in Otneim & Tjøstheim (2018). The function takes
#' as arguments an \code{lg}-object as produced by the main \code{lg_main}- function,
#' a grid of points where the density estimate should be estimated, and a set of
#' conditions.
#' The variables must be sorted before they are supplied to this function. It
#' will always assume that the free variables come before the conditioning
#' variables.
#' Assume that X is a stochastic vector with two components X1 and X2. This
#' function will thus estimate the conditional density of X1 given a specified
#' value of X2.
#' @param lg_object An object of type \code{lg}, as produced by the
#'   \code{lg_main}-function.
#' @param grid A matrix of grid points, where we want to evaluate the density
#'   estimate. Number of columns *must* be the same as number of variables in
#'   X1.
#' @param condition A vector with conditions for the variables that we condition
#'   upon. Length of this vector *must* be the same as the number of variables
#'   in X2. The function will throw an error of there is any discrepancy in the
#'   dimensions of the \code{grid}, \code{condition} and data set.
#' @param normalization_points How many grid points for approximating the integral
#'   of the density estimate, to use for normalization?
#' @param fixed_grid Not used presently.
#' @return A list containing the conditional density estimate as well as all the
#'   running parameters that has been used. The elements are:
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{f_est}: The estimated conditional density.
#'     \item \code{c_mean}: The estimated local conditional means as defined in
#'          equation (10) of Otneim & Tjøstheim (2017).
#'     \item \code{c_cov}: The estimated local conditional covariance matrices
#'           as defined in equation (11) of Otneim & Tjøstheim (2017).
#'     \item \code{x}: The data set.
#'     \item \code{bw}: The bandwidth object.
#'     \item \code{transformed_data}: The data transformed to approximate
#'           marginal standard normality (if selected).
#'     \item \code{normalizing_constants}: The normalizing constants used to
#'           transform data and grid back and forth to the marginal standard
#'           normality scale, as seen in eq. (8) of Otneim & Tjøstheim (2017)
#'           (if selected).
#'     \item \code{grid}: The grid where the estimation was performed, on the
#'           original scale.
#'     \item \code{transformed_grid}: The grid where the estimation was
#'           performed, on the marginal standard normal scale.
#'     \item \code{normalization_points} Number of grid points used
#'           to approximate the integral of the density estimate, in order to
#'           normalize?
#'     \item \code{normalization_constant} If approximated, the integral of the
#'           non-normalized density estimate. NA if not normalized.
#'     \item \code{density_normalized} Logical, indicates whether the final
#'           density estimate (contained in f_est) has been approximately
#'           normalized to have unit integral.
#'  }
#' @examples
#'   # A 3 variate example
#'   x <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
#'   # Generate the lg-object with default settings
#'   lg_object <- lg_main(x)
#'   # Estimate the conditional density of X1|X2 = 0, X3 = 1 on a small grid
#'   cond_dens <- clg(lg_object, grid = matrix(-4:4, ncol = 1), condition = c(0, 1))
#' @references
#'   Otneim, Håkon, and Dag Tjøstheim. "Conditional density estimation using
#'   the local Gaussian correlation" Statistics and Computing 28, no. 2 (2018):
#'   303-321.
#' @export
clg <- function(lg_object, grid = NULL, condition = NULL,
                normalization_points = NULL, fixed_grid = NULL) {

    # Extract some basic info
    n  <- nrow(lg_object$x)        # Sample size
    d  <- ncol(lg_object$x)        # Number of variables
    x <- lg_object$x
    if(is.null(fixed_grid)) {
        nc <- length(condition)        # Number of conditioning variables
        m  <- nrow(grid)               # Number of grid points
    } else {
        nc <- d - 2
        m <- nrow(fixed_grid)

    # Do some checks first
    if(!is.null(grid)) {
        grid <- check_data(grid,
                           dim_check = d - nc,     # The grid must have d - c columns,
                           type = "grid")         # that is: the number of free variables

    # Create the estimation grid, where we need the local correlation.
    if(is.null(fixed_grid)) {
        estimation_grid <- matrix(NA, ncol = d, nrow = m)
        estimation_grid[, 1:(d-nc)] <- grid
        for(i in 1:nc) {
            estimation_grid[,d-nc+i] <- rep(condition[i], m)
    } else {
        estimation_grid <- fixed_grid

    # If we are going to normalize the conditional density estimate, we
    # calculate it on a grid of size normalization_points, that we generate from
    # a multivariate normal having the same mean and covariance matrix as the
    # independent variables of the original data. We use this to calculate the
    # integral. This is only temporary, and we will remove this in the end.
    if(!is.null(normalization_points)) {
      extra_grid <- matrix(NA, ncol = d, nrow = normalization_points)
      extra_grid[, 1:(d-nc)] <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = normalization_points,
                                     mean = colMeans(x[, 1:(d-nc), drop = FALSE]),
                                     sigma = cov(x[, 1:(d-nc), drop = FALSE]))
      for(i in 1:nc) {
        extra_grid[,d-nc+i] <- rep(condition[i], normalization_points)
      estimation_grid <- rbind(estimation_grid, extra_grid)

    # Estimate the local correlation in these points using the density function
    density_object <- dlg(lg_object, grid = estimation_grid, level = NULL)

    # In each grid point, we need to calculate the conditional mean vector and
    # covariance matrix in order to calculate the conditional density estimate.

    # Some useful quantities:
    pairs   <- lg_object$bw$joint[, c("x1", "x2")]                         # All pairs of variables
    n_pairs <- nrow(pairs)                                                 # The number of pairs
    z2      <- matrix(density_object$transformed_grid[1, (d - nc + 1):d],
                      ncol = 1) # The transformed location

    # This is a function that does this task in grid point number i.
    f_eval <- function(i) {

        # This grid point
        grid_point <- density_object$transformed_grid[i, 1:(d - nc)]

        # First, this is the conditional mean at that point
        mu <- density_object$loc_mean[i,]
        # First, we build up the unconditional covariance matrix
        sigma <- diag(density_object$loc_sd[i,]^2)

        for(j in 1:n_pairs) { # For each pair of variables

            var1 <- pairs[j,1]      #| The variables
            var2 <- pairs[j,2]      #|

            rho <- density_object$loc_cor[i, j]     #| The local correlation in *this*
                                                    #| grid point, and for *this* variable
                                                    #| pair.

            # Finally, fill in the covariances
            sigma[var1, var2] <- rho*sqrt(sigma[var1, var1]*sigma[var2, var2])
            sigma[var2, var1] <- sigma[var1, var2]

        # Next, we partition the mean vector and covariance matrix to produce the conditional
        # parameters
        mu1 <- matrix(mu[1:(d - nc)], ncol = 1)
        mu2 <- matrix(mu[(d-nc+1):d], ncol = 1)

        S11 <- as.matrix(sigma[1:(d - nc), 1:(d - nc)])
        S22 <- as.matrix(sigma[(d - nc + 1):d, (d - nc + 1):d])
        S12 <- as.matrix(sigma[1:(d - nc),  (d - nc + 1):d])
        dim(S12) <- c(d - nc, nc)
        S21 <- as.matrix(sigma[(d - nc + 1):d, 1:(d - nc)])
        dim(S21) <- rev(dim(S12))

        # The formulas for conditional mean and conditional covariance matrix:
        c_mean <- mu1 + S12%*%solve(S22)%*%(z2 - mu2)
        c_cov  <- S11 - S12%*%solve(S22)%*%S21

        f_est <- mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x = grid_point,
                                  mean = c_mean,
                                  sigma = c_cov)*
            prod(density_object$normalizing_constants[i, 1:(d - nc)])

        return(list(f_est = f_est,
                    c_mean = c_mean,
                    c_cov = c_cov))

    if(is.null(normalization_points)) {
      # Apply the f_eval function to all the grid points
      estimate <- lapply(as.list(1:m), f_eval)
    } else {
      # Apply the f_eval function to all the grid points
      estimate <- lapply(as.list(1:(m+normalization_points)), f_eval)

    # Extract the conditional density estimates into a vector
    f_est <- unlist(lapply(estimate, "[[", 1))

    # Extract the conditional means and covariance matrices into lists
    c_mean <- lapply(estimate, "[[", 2)
    c_cov  <- lapply(estimate, "[[", 3)

    # If we normalize, calculate the constant and remove the extra grid points.
    # If not, set the normalizing constant equal to one.
    if(!is.null(normalization_points)) {
      normalization_grid <- tail(estimation_grid,
                                 n = normalization_points)[, 1:(d-nc), drop = FALSE]
      normalization_est <- tail(f_est, n = normalization_points)
      normalization_constant <- mean(normalization_est/
                                          mean = colMeans(x[, 1:(d-nc), drop = FALSE]),
                                          sigma = cov(x[, 1:(d-nc), drop = FALSE])))

      # Remove the extra grid points
      estimation_grid <-
        estimation_grid[1:(nrow(estimation_grid) - normalization_points), ]

      c_cov <- c_cov[1:nrow(estimation_grid)]
      c_mean <- c_mean[1:nrow(estimation_grid)]
      normalizing_constants <-
      transformed_grid <- density_object$transformed_grid[1:nrow(estimation_grid),]

      f_est <- f_est[1:nrow(grid)]/
      density_normalized <- TRUE
    } else {
      normalization_constant <- NA
      density_normalized <- FALSE
      normalizing_constants <-
      transformed_grid <- density_object$transformed_grid

    # Return the result
    ret <- list(f_est = f_est,
                c_mean = c_mean,
                c_cov = c_cov,
                x = lg_object$x,
                bw = lg_object$bw,
                transformed_data = lg_object$transformed_data,
                normalizing_constants = normalizing_constants,
                grid = grid,
                transformed_grid = transformed_grid,
                density_object = density_object,
                normalization_points = normalization_points,
                normalization_constant = normalization_constant,
                density_normalized = density_normalized)

    class(ret) <- "clg"


#' Trivariate density estimation
#' \code{dlg_trivariate} returns the locally Gaussian density estimate of a
#' trivariate distribution on a given grid.
#' In some applications it may be desired to produce a full locally Gaussian fit
#' of a trivariate density function without having to resort to bivariate
#' approximations. This function takes a trivariate data set, \code{x}, and a
#' trivariate set of grid points \code{eval_points}, and returns the trivariate,
#' locally Gaussian density estimate in these points. We also need a vector of
#' bandwidths, \code{bw}, with three elements, and an estimation method
#' \code{est_method}, which in this case is fixed at "trivariate", and
#' included only to be fully compatible with the other methods in this package.
#' This function will only work on the marginally standard normal scale! Please
#' use the wrapper function \code{dlg()} for density estimation. This will
#' ensure that all parameters have proper values.
#' @param x The data matrix (or data frame). Must have exactly 2 columns.
#' @param eval_points The grid where the density should be estimated. Must have
#'   exactly 2 columns.
#' @param grid_size If \code{eval_points} is not supplied, then the function
#'   will create a suitable grid diagonally through the data, with this many
#'   grid points.
#' @param bw The two bandwidths, a numeric vector of length 2.
#' @param est_method The estimation method, must either be "1par" for estimation
#'   with just the local correlation, or "5par"  for a full locally Gaussian fit
#'   with all 5 parameters.
#' @param run_checks Logical. Should sanity checks be run on the arguments?
#'   Useful to disable this when doing cross-validation for example.
#' @return A list including the data set \code{$x}, the grid
#'   \code{$eval_points}, the bandwidths \code{$bw}, as well as a matrix of the
#'   estimated parameter estimates \code{$par_est} and the estimated bivariate
#'   density \code{$f_est}.
#' @examples
#'   x <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
#'   bw <- c(1, 1, 1)
#'   eval_points <- cbind(seq(-4, 4, 1), seq(-4, 4, 1), seq(-4, 4, 1))
#'   estimate <- dlg_trivariate(x, eval_points = eval_points, bw = bw)
#' @export
dlg_trivariate <- function(x,
                           eval_points = NULL,
                           grid_size = 15,
                           bw = c(1, 1, 1),
                           est_method = "trivariate",
                           run_checks = TRUE) {

  # Check that everything is the way it should be -----------------------------
  if(run_checks) {
    x <- check_data(x, dim_check = 3, type = "data")
    check_bw_trivariate(bw = bw)
    if(!identical(eval_points, NA))
      eval_points <- check_data(eval_points, dim_check = 3, type = "grid")

  # If eval_points not supplied, create a suitable grid
  if(identical(eval_points, NULL)) {
    eval_points <- apply(x,
                         function(x) seq(quantile(x,.001),quantile(x,.999),
                                         length.out = grid_size))

  # We declare a function that maximizes the local likelihood in one grid point.
  maximize_likelihood = function(grid_point) {

    # Some quantities for the likelihood function that do not need to be
    # evaluated at every iteration.
    K <- 1/((2*pi)*
      exp(-0.5*((x[,1] - grid_point[1])^2/bw[1]^2 +
                  (x[,2] - grid_point[2])^2/bw[2]^2 +
                  (x[,3] - grid_point[3])^2/bw[3]^2))

    mK <- mean(K)
    m1 <- mean(x[,1]^2*K)
    m2 <- mean(x[,2]^2*K)
    m3 <- mean(x[,3]^2*K)
    m4 <- mean(x[,1]*x[,2]*K)
    m5 <- mean(x[,1]*x[,3]*K)
    m6 <- mean(x[,2]*x[,3]*K)

    # The likelihood function
    lik <- function(rho) {

      w <- x[,1]^2*(rho[3]^2 - 1) +
        x[,2]^2*(rho[2]^2 - 1) +
        x[,3]^2*(rho[1]^2 - 1) +
        2*(x[,1]*x[,2]*(rho[1] - rho[2]*rho[3]) +
             x[,1]*x[,3]*(rho[2] - rho[1]*rho[3]) +
             x[,2]*x[,3]*(rho[3] - rho[1]*rho[2]))

      r <- 1 - rho[1]^2 - rho[2]^2 - rho[3]^2 + 2*rho[1]*rho[2]*rho[3]

      d <- (1 + bw[1]^2)*(1 + bw[2]^2)*(1 + bw[3]^2) +
        2*prod(rho) -
        (1 + bw[1]^2)*rho[3]^2 -
        (1 + bw[2]^2)*rho[2]^2 -
        (1 + bw[3]^2)*rho[1]^2

      exponent <-
          grid_point[1]^2 * ((1 + bw[2]^2)*(1 + bw[3]^2) - rho[3]^2) +
            grid_point[2]^2 * ((1 + bw[1]^2)*(1 + bw[3]^2) - rho[2]^2) +
            grid_point[3]^2 * ((1 + bw[1]^2)*(1 + bw[2]^2) - rho[1]^2) +
            2*grid_point[1]*grid_point[2] * (rho[2]*rho[3] - rho[1]*(1 + bw[3]^2)) +
            2*grid_point[2]*grid_point[3] * (rho[1]*rho[2] - rho[3]*(1 + bw[1]^2)) +
            2*grid_point[1]*grid_point[3] * (rho[1]*rho[3] - rho[2]*(1 + bw[2]^2))

      -(mK*(-1.5*log(2*pi)) +
          mK*(-0.5*suppressWarnings(log(r))) +
            (rho[3]^2 - 1)*m1 +
              (rho[2]^2 - 1)*m2 +
              (rho[1]^2 - 1)*m3 +
              2*(rho[1] - rho[2]*rho[3])*m4 +
              2*(rho[2] - rho[1]*rho[3])*m5 +
              2*(rho[3] - rho[1]*rho[2])*m6
          )) +

    # Return the maximum of the likelihood and the density estimate
    opt <- try(optim(par = stats::cor(x)[c(2, 3, 6)],
                     fn = lik),
               silent = TRUE)

    # Store the result if the optimization went alright. Return NA if not.
    if(class(opt) != "try-error") {
               mvtnorm::dmvnorm(c(grid_point), mean = c(0,0,0),
                                sigma = matrix(c(1, opt$par[1], opt$par[2],
                                                 opt$par[1], 1, opt$par[3],
                                                 opt$par[2], opt$par[3], 1), 3))))
    } else {
      return(rep(NA, 4))

  ## Send the grid points to 'maximize_likelihood'
  est <- cbind(do.call(rbind,
                       lapply(X = split(eval_points, row(eval_points)),
                              FUN = maximize_likelihood)))
  par_est <- matrix(est[,1:3], ncol = 3)
  f_est = as.vector(est[,4])
  colnames(par_est) <- c('rho12', 'rho13', 'rho23')

  return(list(x = x,
              eval_points = eval_points,
              bw = bw,
              par_est = par_est,
              f_est = f_est))

hotneim/lg documentation built on May 9, 2020, 7:35 a.m.