
Defines functions print.cor_network cor_network

Documented in cor_network print.cor_network

#' Tidy co-occurrence network data
#' @description The function calculates correlation coefficient, statistical
#'     significance level and filters according to conditions.
#' @param x a cor_network object.
#' @param corr correlation matrix.
#' @param p.value significant matrix of correlation.
#' @param directed 	logical value, whether or not to create a directed graph.
#' @param row.names,col.names row and column names of correlation matrix.
#' @param rm.dup logical (defaults to TRUE) indicating whether remove duplicate
#'     rows. If TRUE, the correlation between A-B and B-A is retained only A-B.
#' @param simplify logical value (defaults to TRUE) indicating whether to
#'     delete nodes without edge connections.
#' @param weight NULL (default) or name of column in edges which will be renamed
#'     to "weight".
#' @param r.thres a numeric value.
#' @param r.abs logical value (defaults to TRUE).
#' @param p.thres a numeric value.
#' @param val.type type return value:
#'   \itemize{
#'       \item \code{tbl_graph}: return tbl_graph object
#'       \item \code{igraph}: return igraph object
#'       \item \code{list}: return a list of nodes and edges
#'    }
#' @param n number of rows to show.
#' @param ... extra params for printing.
#' @return a tbl_graph (default), igraph or list of nodes and edges.
#' @importFrom dplyr filter rename %>%
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom tidygraph tbl_graph
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame
#' @importFrom rlang sym !!
#' @rdname cor_network
#' @examples
#' cor_network(cor(mtcars))
#' corr <- correlate(mtcars, cor.test = TRUE)
#' cor_network(corr$r, corr$p.value)
#' ## return a igraph object
#' cor_network(corr$r, corr$p.value, val.type = "igraph")
#' ## reurn a tbl_graph object
#' cor_network(corr$r, corr$p.value, val.type = "tbl_graph")
#' @author Houyun Huang, Lei Zhou, Jian Chen, Taiyun Wei
#' @export
cor_network <- function(corr,
                        p.value = NULL,
                        directed = FALSE,
                        row.names = NULL,
                        col.names = NULL,
                        rm.dup = TRUE,
                        simplify = TRUE,
                        weight = NULL,
                        r.thres = 0.6,
                        r.abs = TRUE,
                        p.thres = 0.05,
                        val.type = "tbl_graph")
  val.type <- match.arg(val.type, c("tbl_graph", "igraph", "list"))
    corr <- as.matrix(corr)
  if(!is.null(p.value) && !is.matrix(p.value))
    p.value <- as.matrix(p.value)
  .row.names <- row.names %||% rownames(corr) %||% paste0("row", 1:nrow(corr))
  .col.names <- col.names %||% colnames(corr) %||% paste0("col", 1:ncol(corr))
  is.symmet <- length(.row.names) == length(.col.names) && all(.row.names == .col.names)

  edges <- tibble::tibble(from = rep(.row.names, ncol(corr)),
                          to = rep(.col.names, each = nrow(corr)),
                          r = as.vector(corr))
    edges$p.value <- as.vector(p.value)
  if(is.symmet && rm.dup) {
    edges <- dplyr::filter(edges, as.vector(lower.tri(corr)))
  edges <- if(is.finite(r.thres)) {
    if(r.abs) {
      if(is.null(p.value) || !is.finite(p.thres)) {
        dplyr::filter(edges, abs(r) > r.thres)
      } else {
        dplyr::filter(edges, abs(r) > r.thres, p.value < p.thres)
    } else {
      if(is.null(p.value) || !is.finite(p.thres)) {
        dplyr::filter(edges, r > r.thres)
      } else {
        dplyr::filter(edges, r > r.thres, p.value < p.thres)
  } else {
    if(is.null(p.value) || !is.finite(p.thres)) {
    } else {
      dplyr::filter(edges, p.value < p.thres)
  nodes <- if(simplify) {
    tibble::tibble(name = unique(c(edges$from, edges$to)))
  } else {
    tibble::tibble(name = unique(c(.row.names, .col.names)))

  if(!is.null(weight)) {
    if(!weight %in% names(edges)) {
      stop("don't find ", weight, " in egdes table.", call. = FALSE)
    weight <- rlang::sym(weight)
    edges <- dplyr::rename(edges, weight = !!weight)

  switch (val.type,
          tbl_graph = tidygraph::tbl_graph(nodes = nodes, edges = edges, directed = directed),
          igraph    = igraph::graph_from_data_frame(edges, directed = directed, vertices = nodes),
          list      = structure(.Data = list(nodes = nodes, edges  = edges),
                                directed = directed, class = "cor_network")

#' @rdname cor_network
#' @export
print.cor_network <- function(x, n = 3, ...)
  cat("A cor_network object:", "\n")
  cat("Nodes table: ")
  print(x$nodes, n = n, ...)
  cat("Edges table: ")
  print(x$edges, n = n, ...)
houyunhuang/ggcor documentation built on July 22, 2020, 8:31 p.m.