
Defines functions proteinSummarization

Documented in proteinSummarization

#' Summarizing peptide level quantification to protein level quantification
#' We assume missing values are censored and then impute the missing values. Protein-level summarization from peptide level quantification are performed.
#' After all, global median normalization on peptide level data and normalization between MS runs using reference channels will be implemented.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils read.table sessionInfo write.table
#' @param data Name of the output of PDtoMSstatsTMTFormat function or peptide-level quantified data from other tools. It should have columns ProteinName, PeptideSequence, Charge, PSM, Mixture, TechRepMixture, Run, Channel, Condition, BioReplicate, Intensity
#' @param method Four different summarization methods to protein-level can be performed : "msstats"(default), "MedianPolish", "Median", "LogSum".
#' @param global_norm  Global median normalization on peptide level data (equalizing the medians across all the channels and MS runs). Default is TRUE. It will be performed before protein-level summarization.
#' @param reference_norm Reference channel based normalization between MS runs on protein level data. TRUE(default) needs at least one reference channel in each MS run, annotated by 'Norm' in Condtion column. It will be performed after protein-level summarization. FALSE will not perform this normalization step. If data only has one run, then reference_norm=FALSE.
#' @param MBimpute only for method="msstats". TRUE (default) imputes missing values by Accelated failure model. FALSE uses minimum value to impute the missing value for each peptide precursor ion.
#' @param maxQuantileforCensored We assume missing values are censored. maxQuantileforCensored is Maximum quantile for deciding censored missing value, for instance, 0.999. Default is Null.
#' @param remove_norm_channel TRUE(default) removes 'Norm' channels from protein level data.
#' @param remove_empty_channel TRUE(default) removes 'Empty' channels from protein level data.
#' @return data.frame with protein-level summarization for each run and channel
#' @examples
#' data(input.pd)
#' quant.pd.msstats <- proteinSummarization(input.pd,
#'                                          method="msstats",
#'                                          global_norm=TRUE,
#'                                          reference_norm=TRUE)
#' head(quant.pd.msstats)

proteinSummarization <- function(data,
                                 method = 'msstats',
                                 global_norm = TRUE,
                                 reference_norm = TRUE,
                                 remove_norm_channel = TRUE,
                                 remove_empty_channel = TRUE,
                                 MBimpute = TRUE,
                                 maxQuantileforCensored = NULL){

    ## save process output in each step
    allfiles <- list.files()

    num <- 0
    filenaming <- "msstatstmt"
    finalfile <- "msstatstmt.log"

    while (is.element(finalfile,allfiles)) {
        num <- num + 1
        finalfile <- paste(paste(filenaming, num, sep ="-"), ".log", sep = "")

    session <- sessionInfo()

    processout <- as.matrix(read.table("sessionInfo.txt", header = TRUE, sep = "\t"))
    write.table(processout, file = finalfile, row.names = FALSE)

    processout <- rbind(processout,
                        as.matrix(c(" ", " ", "MSstatsTMT - proteinSummarization function", " "),
                                  ncol = 1))

    ## check input
    required.info <- c("ProteinName", "PeptideSequence", "Charge", "PSM",
                       "Mixture", "TechRepMixture", "Run",
                       "Channel", "Condition", "BioReplicate", "Intensity")

    if (!all(required.info %in% colnames(data))) {

        missedAnnotation <- which(!(required.info %in% colnames(data)))
        stop(paste("Please check the required input. ** columns :",
                   required.info[missedAnnotation], ", are missed.", collapse = ", "))


    ## check the option for method
    method.list <- c("LogSum", "Median", "MedianPolish", "msstats")

    if (sum(method == method.list) != 1) {
        stop(" 'method' must be one of the following : 'LogSum', 'Median',
             'MedianPolish', 'msstats' default is 'msstats'. ")

    ## report which options are used.
    processout <- rbind(processout,
                        c(paste("Method for protein summarization :", method)))
    processout <- rbind(processout,
                        c(paste("Constant median normalization between channels :", global_norm)))
    processout <- rbind(processout,
                        c(paste("Reference-channel based normalization between MS runs :", reference_norm)))
    processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste("Remove 'Norm' channels before inference:", remove_norm_channel)))
    processout <- rbind(processout, c(paste("Remove 'Empty' channels before inference:", remove_empty_channel)))
    write.table(processout, file = finalfile, row.names = FALSE)

    ## call the protein summarization function
    norm.protein.data <- .protein.summarization.function(data,
    norm.protein.data <- as.data.frame(norm.protein.data)
    ## remove 'Empty' column : It should not used for further analysis
    if (remove_empty_channel & is.element('Empty', unique(norm.protein.data$Condition))) {
      norm.protein.data <- norm.protein.data[norm.protein.data$Condition != "Empty",]
      norm.protein.data$Condition <- factor(norm.protein.data$Condition)
    ## remove 'Norm' column : It should not used for further analysis
    if (remove_norm_channel & is.element('Norm', unique(norm.protein.data$Condition))) {
      norm.protein.data <- norm.protein.data[norm.protein.data$Condition != "Norm",]
      norm.protein.data$Condition <- factor(norm.protein.data$Condition)
huang704/MSstatsTMT documentation built on Jan. 1, 2021, 3:21 a.m.