
Defines functions package_callees

# For high level interface with formatted output

#' @import purrr
#' @import dplyr

#' Compare versions of a package
#' `compare_versions` reports how functions and APIs changed between versions of a package.
#' @param version  First version to compare. By default, the previous version to that currently
#'   installed.
#' @param version2 Second version to compare. By default, the current installed version.
#' @param methods Logical: include non-exported S3 methods?
#' @inherit package_nofun_params_doc params
#' @inherit params_doc params
#' @return `compare_versions` returns a data frame of class `versions_report`,
#'   reporting functions that have been "Added", "Removed" or had "API changed",
#'   and details of function arguments. Extra information is in the `"package"` and `"versions"`
#'   attributes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' compare_versions("clipr", "0.2.1", "0.3.0")
#' }
compare_versions <- function (
  version  = previous_version(package, version2),
  methods  = FALSE,
  quiet    = TRUE,
) {
  if (missing(version2) || is.null(version2)) {
    ns2 <- get_current_ns(package)
    version2 <- current_version(package)
  } else {
    ns2 <- cached_install(package, version2, return = "namespace", partial = FALSE)

  test <- function (ns) versions_report(ns, ns2, version, version2, methods, package)

  call_with_namespace(package, version, test, quiet = quiet, partial = FALSE, ...)

versions_report <- function (ns1, ns2, v1, v2, methods, package) {
  suffs <- c("_1", "_2")

  objs1 <- fun_names_in_ns(ns1, methods)
  objs2 <- fun_names_in_ns(ns2, methods)

  report1 <- tibble::tibble(f = objs1, f1 = objs1)
  report2 <- tibble::tibble(f = objs2, f2 = objs2)
  report <- full_join(report1, report2, all = TRUE, suffix = suffs, by = "f")
  report <- report[, 2:3]
  names(report) <- paste0("function", suffs)
  report$change <- rep(NA_character_, nrow(report))
  report$api_2  <- report$api_1 <- vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(report))
  report$change[is.na(report$function_1)] <- "Added"
  report$change[is.na(report$function_2)] <- "Removed"
  both_there <- is.na(report$change)

  iwalk(report[both_there, 1, drop = TRUE], function (x, idx) {
    f1 <- get_fun_in_ns(x, ns1)
    f2 <- get_fun_in_ns(x, ns2)
    if (! is_api_same(f1, f2)) {
      report[both_there, ][idx, "change"]  <<- "API changed"
      report[both_there, ][[idx, "api_1"]] <<- as.list(formals(f1))
      report[both_there, ][[idx, "api_2"]] <<- as.list(formals(f2))

  report <- report[! is.na(report$change), ]
  report <- arrange(report,  factor(report$change, c("Added", "Removed", "API changed")))
  class(report) <- c("versions_report", class(report))
  attr(report, "versions") <- c(v1 = v1, v2 = v2)
  attr(report, "package") <- package

#' @rdname compare_versions
#' @param x,object An object of class `versions_report`.
#' @export
print.versions_report <- function (x, ...) {
  vs <- attr(x, "versions")
  say("Version 1:", vs["v1"])
  say("Version 2:", vs["v2"])

#' @rdname compare_versions
#' @return `summary` returns a string representation of changed function arguments.
#' @export
summary.versions_report <- function (object, ...) {
  list_to_chr <- function (x) {
    seps <- ifelse(map_lgl(x, is.name), "", " = ")
    paste0(names(x), seps, x,  collapse = ", ")
  object$api_1 <- map_chr(object$api_1, list_to_chr)
  object$api_2 <- map_chr(object$api_2, list_to_chr)

utils::globalVariables(c("lapply_fun", "cl"))

#' Report on backwards compatibility of a source package
#' `package_report` lists all external function calls from a source package
#' using [pkgapi::map_package()].
#' It then checks backward-compatibility of each call with previous versions.
#' @param path Path to the root of an R source package.
#' @param include Packages to include. By default, all are included except core packages and the package at
#'   `path` itself.
#' @param exclude Packages to exclude from checking. Overrides `include`.
#' @param cutoff_date Don't check versions before this date (default: 2 years ago). Set to `NULL` for no cutoff.
#' @param max_n_versions Check at most this number of previous versions. Set to `NULL` for no limit.
#' @param parallel Run in parallel.
#' @param progress Show a progress bar.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to [call_with_namespace()].
#' @inheritSection parallel_doc Parallelism
#' @return A data frame with three rows:
#' * `package` for the external package
#' * `version` for the latest version which caused problems or `NA` if there were no problems
#' * `funs`    a list-column of function names where the API changed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' package_report(".")
#' # to include base packages also:
#' package_report(".", exclude = character(0))
#' }
package_report <- function (
        path           = ".",
        exclude        = core_packages(),
        cutoff_date    = Sys.Date() - 2 * 365,
        max_n_versions = NULL,
        parallel       = FALSE,
        progress       = ! parallel,
      ) {
  callees <- package_callees(path, include, exclude)
  packages <- unique(callees$package)
  if (progress) pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(style = 3)
  c(lapply_fun, cl) %<-% make_lapply_fun(parallel = parallel, max_ncores = length(packages))
  results <- lapply_fun(packages, function (package) {
    fun_names <- callees$fun[callees$package == package]
    current_funs <- lapply(fun_names,
            possibly(get_fun_in_ns, otherwise = NA, quiet = FALSE),
    bad <- is.na(current_funs)
    current_funs <- current_funs[! bad]
    fun_names <- fun_names[! bad]
    versions <- available_versions(package)
    versions <- arrange(versions, desc(date))
    if (! is.null(cutoff_date)) versions <- filter(versions, date >= cutoff_date)
    if (! is.null(max_n_versions)) versions <- slice(versions, seq_len(max_n_versions))

    problem_funs <- character(0)
    problem_version <- NA_character_
    for (vn in seq_len(nrow(versions))) {
      version <- versions$version[vn]
      # returns NA in the list if function is not found:
      funs <- funs_at(fun_names, version, package, forgiving = TRUE)
      apis_same <- map2_lgl(funs, current_funs, function (x, y) is.function(x) && is_api_same(x, y))
      problem_funs <- fun_names[! apis_same]
      if (length(problem_funs) > 0) {
        problem_version <- version
    if (progress) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, utils::getTxtProgressBar(pb) + 1 / length(packages))

    return(list(version = problem_version, funs = problem_funs))
  names(results) <- packages

  if (parallel) maybe_stop_cluster(cl)
  if (progress) close(pb)
  report <- tibble::tibble(
    package = packages,
    version = map_chr(results, "version"),
    funs    = map(results, "funs")


utils::globalVariables(c("to", "package", "fun"))

package_callees <- function(path, include, exclude = character(0)) {

  fun_map <- pkgapi::map_package(path)
  callees <- fun_map$calls %>% select(to)
  callees[, c("package", "fun")] <- parse_fun(callees$to, single = FALSE)
  if (! missing(include)) callees <- filter(callees, package %in% include)
  itself <- desc::desc_get("Package", path)
  # "NA" is dynamically created; "" is local:
  # "NA" can also be an external function that is imported :-(
  exclude <- c("", itself, exclude, "NA")
  callees <- filter(callees, ! package %in% exclude)

  callees <- callees         %>%
        select(package, fun) %>%
        distinct             %>%
        arrange(package, fun)

hughjonesd/pastapi documentation built on Sept. 9, 2019, 12:56 p.m.