
           ID="character",       # a single string (mono-valued)
           Term="character",       # a single string (mono-valued)
           Ontology="character",   # a single string (mono-valued)
           Definition="character", # a single string (mono-valued)
           Synonym="character",    # any length including 0 (multi-valued)
           Secondary="character"   # any length including 0 (multi-valued)

### The mono-valued slots are also the mandatory slots.
.TERMNODE_MONOVALUED_SLOTS <- c("ID", "Term", "Ontology", "Definition")

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Initialization.

setMethod("initialize", "ONTTerms",
          function(.Object, ...)
            args <- list(...)
            argnames <- names(args)
            if (is.null(argnames) || any(argnames == ""))
              stop("all arguments must be named")
            argnames <- match.arg(argnames, slotNames(.Object), several.ok=TRUE)
            if (!(all(.TERMNODE_MONOVALUED_SLOTS %in% argnames))) {
              s <- paste(.TERMNODE_MONOVALUED_SLOTS, collapse=", ")
              stop("arguments ", s, " are mandatory")
            for (i in seq_len(length(args))) {
              argname <- argnames[i]
              value <- args[[i]]
              if ((argname %in% .TERMNODE_MONOVALUED_SLOTS)) {
                if (length(value) != 1)
                  stop("can't assign ", length(value),
                       " values to mono-valued slot ", argname)
              } else {
                value <- value[!(value %in% c(NA, ""))]
              slot(.Object, argname) <- value

ONTTerms <- function(Id, term, ontology, synonym = "", secondary = "",
                    definition = ""){
  return(new("ONTTerms", ID = Id, Term = term,
             Synonym = synonym, Secondary = secondary,
             Definition = definition, Ontology = ontology))

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "ID", "Term", "Ontology", "Definition", "Synonym" and "Secondary" 
### generics (accessor methods).

setGeneric("ID", function(object) standardGeneric("ID")) 
setGeneric("Term", function(object) standardGeneric("Term"))
setGeneric("Ontology", function(object) standardGeneric("Ontology"))
setGeneric("Definition", function(object) standardGeneric("Definition"))
setGeneric("Synonym", function(object) standardGeneric("Synonym"))
setGeneric("Secondary", function(object) standardGeneric("Secondary"))

setMethod("ID", "ONTTerms", function(object) standardGeneric("ID")) 
setMethod("Term", "ONTTerms", function(object) standardGeneric("Term")) 
setMethod("Ontology", "ONTTerms", function(object) standardGeneric("Ontology")) 
setMethod("Definition", "ONTTerms", function(object) standardGeneric("Definition")) 
setMethod("Synonym", "ONTTerms", function(object) standardGeneric("Synonym")) 
setMethod("Secondary", "ONTTerms",  function(object) standardGeneric("Secondary")) 

##.id2termField() retrieves ids of type field from term
.id2termField <- function(ids, field){
  ##     message(cat("Before SQL \n")) ##test
  sql <- sprintf("SELECT id, %s
                 FROM term
                 WHERE id IN ('%s')",
                 paste(ids, collapse="','"))
  res <- dbGetQuery(ONT_dbconn(), sql)
  if(dim(res)[1]==0 && dim(res)[2]==0){
    stop("None of your IDs match IDs.  Are you sure you have valid IDs?")
    ans <- res[[2]]
    names(ans) <- res[[1]]
    return(ans[ids]) ##This only works because each GO ID is unique (and therefore a decent index ID)

setMethod("ID", "ONTTermsAnnDbBimap",function(object) .id2termField(keys(object),"id") )
setMethod("ID", "character",function(object) .id2termField(object,"id") )

setMethod("Term", "ONTTermsAnnDbBimap",function(object) .id2termField(keys(object),"term") )
setMethod("Term", "character",function(object) .id2termField(object,"term") )

setMethod("Ontology", "ONTTermsAnnDbBimap",function(object) .id2termField(keys(object),"ontology") )
setMethod("Ontology", "character",function(object) .id2termField(object,"ontology") )

setMethod("Definition", "ONTTermsAnnDbBimap",function(object) .id2termField(keys(object),"definition") )
setMethod("Definition", "character",function(object) .id2termField(object,"definition") )

##.id2synonymField() retrieves ids of type field from synonym
.id2synonymField <- function(ids, field){
  sql <- paste0("SELECT, s.",field,"
                FROM term AS t, synonym AS s
                WHERE t._id=s._id AND id IN ('",paste(ids, collapse="','"),"')")
  res <- dbGetQuery(ONT_dbconn(), sql)
  if(dim(res)[1]==0 && dim(res)[2]==0){
    stop("None of your IDs match IDs.  Are you sure you have valid IDs?")
    ans = split(res[,2],res[,1])
    return(ans[ids])##once again (this time in list context), we are indexing with unique IDs.

setMethod("Synonym", "ONTTermsAnnDbBimap",function(object) .id2synonymField(keys(object),"synonym") )
setMethod("Synonym", "character",function(object) .id2synonymField(object,"synonym") )

setMethod("Secondary", "ONTTermsAnnDbBimap",function(object) .id2synonymField(keys(object),"secondary") )
setMethod("Secondary", "character",function(object) .id2synonymField(object,"secondary") )

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### The "show" methods.

setMethod("show", "ONTTerms",
            s <- character(0)
            for (slotname in slotNames(object)) {
              x <- slot(object, slotname)
              if ((slotname %in% .TERMNODE_MONOVALUED_SLOTS) && length(x) != 1) {
                warning("mono-valued slot ", slotname,
                        " contains ", length(x), " values")
              } else {
                if (length(x) == 0)
              s <- c(s, paste0(slotname, ": ", x))
            cat(strwrap(s, exdent=4), sep="\n")

## Now add a convenience method to just represent the GO as a graph.
## This method should take arg for which ontology the user wants, and
## return a graph.
## users who want less can just use subgraph.
## weight of graph edges will always be 1 for each edge

#makeGOGraph <- function(){
#  #require(graph)
#  ##@todo
#  #require(GO.db)
#  df <- toTable(ONTPARENTS)
#  ftM2graphNEL(as.matrix(df[, 1:2]), W=rep(1,dim(df)[1])) 

## f = makeGOGraph("bp")
hxin/topOnto documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:15 p.m.