
Defines functions plot.inzightshapemap iNZightShapeMap

Documented in iNZightShapeMap plot.inzightshapemap

##' Create an iNZightShapeMap object
##' details ....
##' @title Create an iNZight Shape Map Object
##' @param location the shape file
##' @param shp.region a character value, the column name in the region/country column of the shp file
##' @param data.region a character value, the column name in the region/country column of the data set
##' @param data the data set
##' @return an iNZight Shape Map Object
##' @author Tom Elliott
##' @import maptools tools
##' @export
iNZightShapeMap <- function(location, shp.region, data.region, data) {
    if (location == "world") {
        out <- world
    } else if (!missing(location)) {
        ## file checking
        ext <- file_ext(location)
            rds = {
                out <- readRDS(location)
            shp = {
                shp <- readShapeSpatial(location)
                out <- shape.extract(shp, shp.region)
        ext.read <- c("RDS", "SHP")
        if (!(toupper(ext) %in% ext.read)) {
            stop("location must be either shp or rds")
    ## order matching
    if (missing(data)) stop("Data is missing")

    if (missing(data.region)) {
        stop("require the column name of region in data set")

    ## data checking
    iso3c <- countrycode(data[, data.region], "country.name", "iso3c")
    a <- table(iso3c)
    mul.region <- names(which(a > 1))
    rows <- rownames(data[iso3c %in% mul.region, ])
    de.rows <- as.numeric(rows[length(rows)])
    data <- data[-de.rows, ]

    out$bbox <- c(range(out$latlon[, 1]), range(out$latlon[, 2]))
    bar.obj <<- NULL

    out$data <- data
    out$region.name <- data.region

    class(out) <- c("inzightshapemap", class(out))

##' Create an iNZightShapeMap object
##' details ....
##' @title Create an iNZight Shape Map Object
##' @param x the iNZight Shape Map Object
##' @param variable the variable or the column name in the data
##' @param col.fun a character value corresponding to the colour scale function to use
##' @param transform Parameters for \code{inzpar}
##' @param col.offset Parameters for \code{inzpar}
##' @param col Parameters for \code{inzpar}
##' @param na.fill Fill colour of regions with NA for \code{variable}
##' @param full.map logical value.
##' @param extend.ratio Parameters for \code{inzpar}
##' @param name Parameters for \code{inzpar}
##' @param zoom Parameters for \code{inzpar}
##' @param zoom.center Parameters for \code{inzpar}
##' @param ... Additional arguments
# ##' @param region a variable or the column name of the region column
# ##' @param data the data set
##' @return NULL
##' @author Tom Elliott
##' @import maptools
##' @export
plot.inzightshapemap <- function(x, variable,
                                 col.fun = "hue", transform = "linear",
                                 col.offset = 0.2, col = "red", na.fill = "#F4A460",
                                 full.map = TRUE, extend.ratio = 1, name = FALSE, zoom = 1, zoom.center = c(NA, NA),
                                 ...) {
    call <- list()

    data <- x$data

    if (inherits(variable, "formula")) {
        mf <- substitute(model.frame(variable, data = data, na.action = NULL))
        call$x <- eval.parent(mf)[[1]]
    } else {
        call$x <- data.frame(variable)[[1]]

    ## variable range ...
    data.range <- range(call$x, na.rm = TRUE)
    x$maths$range <- data.range
    x$maths$mean <- mean(call$x, na.rm = TRUE)
    x$maths$sd <- sd(call$x, na.rm = TRUE)
    x$maths$prob <- max(dnorm((call$x - x$maths$mean) / x$maths$sd, 0, 1), na.rm = TRUE)

    call$y <- data[, x$region.name]

    call$xlab <- ""
    call$ylab <- ""

    ## set variable names:
    call$varnames <- list(
        x = as.character(variable)[2],
        y = x$region.name

    call$data <- data
    call$plottype <- "shapemap"
    call$plot.features <- list(
        shape.object = x,
        transform = transform,
        col.method = col.fun,
        col.offset = col.offset,
        col = col,
        na.fill = na.fill,
        full.map = full.map,
        extend.ratio = extend.ratio,
        name = name,
        zoom = zoom,
        zoom.center = zoom.center

    dots <- list(...)
    if ("g1" %in% names(dots)) {
        if (is.character(dots$g1)) {
            call$varnames$g1 <- dots$g1
            dots$g1 <- data[[dots$g1]]
        } else {
            # warning("Please specify g1 as a character name.")
            # dots$g2 <- NULL
    if ("g2" %in% names(dots)) {
        if (is.character(dots$g2)) {
            call$varnames$g2 <- dots$g2
            dots$g2 <- data[[dots$g2]]
        } else {
            # warning("Please specify g2 as a character name.")
            # dots$g2 <- NULL
    if ("varnames" %in% names(dots)) {
        ## Use the user-specified names over autogen ones
        call$varnames <- modifyList(call$varnames, dots$varnames)
        dots$varnames <- NULL

    call <- c(call, dots)

    do.call("iNZightPlot", call)

iNZightVIT/iNZightMaps documentation built on May 4, 2024, 6:17 a.m.