
Defines functions repair_inz_names inzDataframe

inzDataframe <- function(m, data = NULL, names = list(),
                         g1.level, g2.level, env) {
    # This function takes the given arguments and converts them into a
    # data frame for easy use by iNZightPlot.
    # It returns an object with a class: `inz.(simple|freq|survey)`

    extra.info <- list()

    if ("g2" %in% names(m) & (!("g1" %in% names(m)) | is.null(m$g1))) {
        if (!is.null(m$g2)) {
            if (is.null(g2.level) || g2.level == "_ALL") {
                m$g1 <- NULL
                m$g2 <- NULL

                m$g1.level <- NULL
                m$g2.level <- NULL

                g1.level <- NULL
                g2.level <- NULL

                names$g1 <- NULL
                names$g2 <- NULL
            } else {
                m$g1.level <- NULL
                names(m) <- gsub("^g2", "g1", names(m))

                g1.level <- g2.level
                g2.level <- NULL

                names$g1 <- names$g2
                names$g2 <- NULL

    names <- names[!sapply(names, is.null)]

    # the variables we want to look for in argument list (m)
    vars <- c(
    mw <- names(m) %in% vars
    mw[1] <- FALSE # the function name
    mw <- mw & !sapply(as.list(m), is.null)

    # take the names and replace if specified
    names <- names[names != ""]
    varnames <- lapply(
        utils::modifyList(as.list(m[mw]), as.list(names)),
        function(x) {
            # if (length(as.character(x)) == 1L) return(x)
            # as.character(x[-1])

    df <- list() # initialise the object

    ## ----- DATA TYPES:
    # here, it is possible to add new data types (add the necessary conditions,
    # etc, and then simply add the appropriate class)
    # e.g., in future we might want to add a TimeSeries data type ...

    if (inherits(data, "inzdf")) {
        # extract variables from dataset that are needed
        vn <- varnames
        if (length(as.character(vn$x)) > 1) {
            vn$x <- paste(as.character(vn$x)[-1], collapse = " + ")
            vn$x <- strsplit(vn$x, " + ", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
        data <- iNZightTools::as_tibble(

    if (is_survey(data)) {
        df$data <- as.data.frame(
            lapply(m[mw], eval, data$variables, env),
            stringsAsFactors = TRUE
        data <- repair_inz_names(data, vars)
        newDat <- cbind(data$variables, df$data)
        data$variables <- newDat
        df$design <- data
        class(df) <- "inz.survey"
    } else if ("freq" %in% names(m)) {
        df$data <- as.data.frame(
            lapply(m[mw & names(m) != "sizeby"], eval, data, env),
            stringsAsFactors = TRUE
        df$freq <- eval(m$freq, data, env)
        df$max.freq <- max(df$freq)
        class(df) <- "inz.freq"
    } else {
        zz <- lapply(m[mw], function(x) {
            if (length(x) > 1L) {
                nn <- as.character(x)[-1]
                xx <- strsplit(
                    paste(as.character(x)[-1], collapse = " + "),
                    " + ",
                    fixed = TRUE
                x <- lapply(
                    function(z) eval(as.name(z), data, env)
                names(x) <- xx
                do.call(tibble::tibble, x)
            } else {
                eval(x, data, env)
        names(zz) <- names(mw)[mw]
        df$data <- do.call(tibble::tibble, zz)
        class(df) <- "inz.simple"

    if (!is.null(m$locate.id)) {
        m$locate.id <- eval(m$locate.id, envir = data, env)
        if (is.logical(m$locate.id)) m$locate.id <- which(m$locate.id)
        label <- character(nrow(df$data))
        if (!is.null(m$locate.same.level)) {
            loc.lvls <- unique(df$data$locate.same.level[m$locate.id])
            m$locate.id <- which(df$data$locate.same.level %in% loc.lvls)
        if (is.null(df$data[["locate"]])) {
            if (is.null(m$locate.col)) {
                locCol <- "default"
            } else {
                locCol <- m$locate.col
            label[eval(m$locate.id)] <- paste(" ")
        } else {
            locVar <- as.character(df$data$locate)
            if (all(locVar == "id")) locVar <- as.character(seq_len(nrow(df$data)))
            locVar[is.na(locVar)] <- "missing"
            label[eval(m$locate.id)] <- locVar[m$locate.id]
        df$data$locate <- label
    } else if (!is.null(m$locate.extreme)) {
        label <- character(nrow(df$data))
        if (!is.null(df$data$locate)) {
            locVar <- as.character(df$data$locate)
            locVar[is.na(locVar)] <- "missing"
            label <- locVar
        } else {
            label <- rep(" ", nrow(df$data))
        df$data <- tibble::add_column(
            extreme.label = label,
            pointIDs = seq_len(nrow(df$data))
    } else if ("locate.same.level" %in% names(df$data)) {
        df$data$locate.same.level <- NULL

    if ("locate.same.level" %in% names(df$data)) {
        df$data$locate.same.level <- as.factor(

    if (!is.null(m$highlight)) {
        df$data <- tibble::add_column(
            highlight = as.logical((1:nrow(df$data)) %in% eval(m$highlight))

    varnames_c <- lapply(
        function(x) {
            x <- as.character(x)
            if (length(x) == 1L) {
            paste(x[-1], collapse = " + ")
    df$labels <- structure(
            function(x) {
                attr(df$data[[x]], "label", exact = TRUE) %||% varnames_c[[x]]
        .Names = names(df$data)
    df$short_labels <- structure(
            function(x) {
                stringr::str_trunc(df$labels[[x]], 20, "center")
        .Names = names(df$labels)

    df$units <- structure(
            function(x) {
                if (inherits(x, "units")) {
                } else {
        .Names = names(df$data)

    # removes labels and units
    for (i in seq_len(ncol(df$data))) {
        if (inherits(df$data[[i]], "units")) {
            df$data[[i]] <- units::drop_units(df$data[[i]])
        if (inherits(df$data[[i]], "labelled")) {
            df$data[[i]] <- expss::drop_var_labs(df$data[[i]])

    # convert anything that isn't a numeric variable to a factor
    # NOTE: this is just precautionary; as.data.frame should set any
    # character strings to factors by default.
    needs_transform <- function(x) {
        if (tibble::is_tibble(x)) {
        if (is.factor(x)) {

        if (inherits(x, "units")) {
            x <- units::drop_units(x)

        if (is.numeric(x) && class(x) %in% c("integer", "numeric")) {

        if (is.numeric(x) && class(x) %in% c("integer", "numeric")) {

        ## anything else
    makeF <- sapply(df$data, needs_transform)
    trans <- list()
    trans.extra <- list()
    if (any(makeF)) {
        for (i in colnames(df$data)[makeF]) {
            if (inherits(df$data[[i]], "Date")) {
                trans[[i]] <- "date"
                if (i %in% c("g1", "g2")) {
                    if (length(unique(df$data[[i]])) < 10) {
                        df$data[[i]] <- as.factor(df$data[[i]])
                    } else {
                        lvls <- scales::breaks_pretty(8)(df$data[[i]])
                        labs <- names(lvls)
                        labs <- paste(labs[-length(labs)], labs[-1], sep = " to ")
                        df$data[[i]] <- cut(df$data[[i]], lvls, labs)
                } else if (i == "colby" && length(unique(df$data[[i]]) < 10)) {
                    df$data[[i]] <- as.factor(df$data[[i]])
                } else if (i == "symbolby" &&
                    length(unique(df$data[[i]] < 6))) {
                    df$data[[i]] <- as.factor(df$data[[i]])
                } else {
                    df$data[[i]] <- as.numeric(df$data[[i]])
            } else if (inherits(df$data[[i]], "POSIXct") ||
                inherits(df$data[[i]], "times") ||
                inherits(df$data[[i]], "hms")) {
                if (inherits(df$data[[i]], "hms")) {
                    df$data[[i]] <- chron::as.times(
                        hms::hms(as.integer(df$data[[i]]) %% 86400)
                trans[[i]] <-
                        inherits(df$data[[i]], "POSIXct"),
                        "datetime", "time"
                trans.extra[[i]]$tz <- attr(df$data[[i]], "tzone")
                if (i %in% c("g1", "g2")) {
                    ## convert datetime to factor ...
                    lvls <- scales::breaks_pretty(4)(df$data[[i]])
                    labs <- names(lvls)
                    labs <- paste(labs[-length(labs)], labs[-1], sep = " to ")
                    df$data[[i]] <- cut(df$data[[i]], lvls, labs)
                } else {
                    df$data[[i]] <- as.numeric(df$data[[i]])
            } else {
                df$data[[i]] <- as.factor(df$data[[i]])
    if (length(trans.extra)) trans$extra <- trans.extra
    if (length(trans)) {
        # switch x and y axis transform if x is factor and y is numeric
        if (all(c("x", "y") %in% colnames(df$data))) {
            if (is_cat(df$data$x) && is_num(df$data$y)) {
                tr_x <- trans$x
                trans$x <- trans$y
                trans$y <- tr_x

        df$transformations <- trans

    # convert any -Inf/Inf values to NA's
    # this is likely to occur if the user supplies a transformed value
    # such as 1 / x, or log(x) (which give Inf and -Inf respectively).
    # Because we can't plot these values, it is easier just to replace them
    # with missing.
    for (i in colnames(df$data)) {
        if (tibble::is_tibble(df$data[[i]])) {
            for (j in colnames(df$data[[i]])) {
                df$data[[i]][[j]][is.infinite(df$data[[i]][[j]])] <- NA
        } else {
            df$data[[i]][is.infinite(df$data[[i]])] <- NA

    # convert numeric grouping variables to factors
    if ("g2" %in% colnames(df$data)) {
        if (!is.factor(df$data$g2)) {
            df$data$g2 <- convert.to.factor(df$data$g2)
    if ("g1" %in% colnames(df$data)) {
        if (!is.factor(df$data$g1)) {
            df$data$g1 <- convert.to.factor(df$data$g1)
    } else {
        if (!is.null(g2.level)) {
            # g2.level can only be of length 1
            if (length(g2.level) > 1) {
                stop("g2.level must be of length 1 or NULL")

            if (g2.level %in% c(length(levels(df$data$g2)) + 1, "_MULTI")) {
                # need to replace g1 with g2
                varnames$g1 <- varnames$g2
                varnames$g2 <- NULL
                df$data$g1 <- df$data$g2
                df$data$g2 <- NULL
                g1.level <- g2.level
                g2.level <- NULL

    if ("colby" %in% colnames(df$data)) {
        if (is.factor(df$data$colby)) {
            if (length(levels(df$data$colby)) == 1) {
                df$data$colby <- varnames$data$colby <- NULL
        } else {
            if (length(unique(df$data$colby)) == 1) {
                df$data$colby <- varnames$data$colby <- NULL
    if ("symbolby" %in% colnames(df$data)) {
        df$data$symbolby <- convert.to.factor(df$data$symbolby)
        if (length(levels(df$data$symbolby)) == 1 |
            length(levels(df$data$symbolby)) > 5) {
            df$data$symbolby <- varnames$data$symbolby <- NULL

    if ("extra.vars" %in% names(m)) {
        fun.list <- attr(m$extra.vars, "fun")
        if (is.character(m$extra.vars)) {
            sapply(m$extra.vars, function(v) {
                tmp <- data[v]
                if (!is.null(fun.list)) {
                    if (!is.null(fun.list[[v]])) {
                        tmp <- fun.list[[v]](tmp)
                df$data[v] <<- tmp
        } else {
            warning("`extra.vars` must be supplied as a character vector.")

    # fix a bug that ensures colby grouping variable is the same as g2
    # if both specified
    if ("g2" %in% colnames(df$data) & "colby" %in% colnames(df$data)) {
        if (varnames$g2 == varnames$colby) {
            df$data$colby <- df$data$g2

    df$varnames <-
            function(x) ifelse(!is.character(x), deparse(x), x)

    df$glevels <- list(g1.level = g1.level, g2.level = g2.level)

    if (!is.null(df$design)) {
        if ("g1" %in% colnames(df$data)) {
            df$design <- update(df$design, g1 = df$data$g1)
        if ("g2" %in% colnames(df$data)) {
            df$design <- update(df$design, g2 = df$data$g2)


repair_inz_names <- function(des, vars) {
    if (!any(vars %in% names(des$variables))) {
    vars <- vars[vars %in% names(des$variables)]

    for (var in vars) {
        des$variables[[sprintf(".%s", var)]] <- des$variables[[var]]
        des$variables[[var]] <- NULL

iNZightVIT/iNZightPlots documentation built on May 4, 2024, 6:18 a.m.