
# coerce.R - DESC
# /coerce.R

# Copyright European Union, 2016
# Author: Iago Mosqueira (EC JRC) <iago.mosqueira@ec.europa.eu>
# Distributed under the terms of the European Union Public Licence (EUPL) V.1.1.

#' Methods for coercing objects between classes
#' A call to *as(from, 'to')* will coerce the object *from*, of a certain class,
#' to one of class *to*, as specified in the method.
#' An object of class *FLQuants* can be coerced into a *fwdControl*, through a
#' call to *as.data.frame*. The name of the element, or elements, in the object
#' specifies the 'quant' in *fwdControl*. The 'quant' in the *FLQuant* object, the
#' name of the first dimension, is ignored unles is one of 'min', 'value' or 'max'.
#' See the examples below on how to pass one or more *FLQuant* objects to *fwd*.
#' @param from Object to be coerced into one of another class.
#' @param to Name of the output class, *character*.
#' @return An object of the requested class.
#' @name coerce
#' @rdname coerce
#' @author Iago Mosqueira. EC JRC.
#' @seealso [coerce]
#' @keywords methods
#' @md

# FLQuants -> fwdControl {{{

#' @name coerce
#' @rdname coerce
#' @examples
#' # Single *catch* target
#' as(FLQuants(catch=FLQuant(4500, dimnames=list(year=2000))), "fwdControl")
#' # Single single *f* range
#' as(FLQuants(f=FLQuant(c(0.1, 0.9),
#'   dimnames=list(quant=c("min", "max"), year=2000))), 'fwdControl')
#' # Single *f* target, *value* specified
#' as(FLQuants(f=FLQuant(0.5, dimnames=list(quant=c("value"), year=2000))),
#'   'fwdControl')
#' # *catch* and *ssb* targets
#' as(FLQuants(catch=FLQuant(4500, dimnames=list(year=2000)),
#'    ssb_end=FLQuant(12000, dimnames=list(year=2000))), "fwdControl")
#' # *f* target and *catch* limits
#' as(FLQuants(f=FLQuant(0.5, dimnames=list(year=2000)),
#'   catch=FLQuant(c(100, 4000), dimnames=list(quant=c("min", "max"), year=2000))),
#'   'fwdControl')
#' # *f* target and *catch* minimum
#' as(FLQuants(f=FLQuant(0.5, dimnames=list(year=2000)),
#'   catch=FLQuant(c(100), dimnames=list(quant=c("min"), year=2000))), 'fwdControl')
#' # targets with iters
#' as(FLQuants(fbar=propagate(FLQuant(seq(0.1, 0.5, by=0.1), dim=c(1,5)), 10)),
#'   "fwdControl")
#' # targets with different iters
#' as(FLQuants(fbar=FLQuant(rep(seq(0.1, 0.5, by=0.1), each=10),
#'   dim=c(1,5,1,1,1,10))), "fwdControl")

setAs("FLQuants", "fwdControl",
  function(from) {
    # GET 'quant' and dims

    qua <- quant(from[[1]])
    qdnms <- dimnames(from[[1]])[qua]
    itsq <- lapply(from, function(x) prod(dim(x[1,])[c(1,6)]))
    its <- max(unlist(itsq))

    # CONVERT to same quant
    from <- lapply(from, function(x) {
      if(dim(x)[1] == 1)
        dimnames(x) <- qdnms
    df <- do.call("rbind", c(lapply(from, as.data.frame),
      make.row.names = FALSE))[,c(qua, "year", "iter", "data", "season")]
    df$qname <- rep(names(from), times=unlist(lapply(from, length)))
    # DEBUG: as.data.frame(FLQuants) should accept qnames being equal
    # if dims differ   
    # df <- as.data.frame(from)[,c(qua, "year", "iter",
    #   "data", "qname", "season")]
    # RESHAPE if min/max in quant
    if(any(df[,qua] %in% c("min", "max", "value"))) {
      df[,qua][df[,qua] == "all"] <- "value"
      df <- reshape(df, idvar = c("year", "iter", "qname", "season"),
      timevar = qua, direction = "wide")
      names(df) <- gsub("data.", "", names(df))
    # or RENAME data as value
    } else {
      df[, qua] <- NULL
      names(df) <- sub("data", "value", names(df))

    # RENAME qname to quant
    names(df) <- sub("qname", "quant", names(df))

    # DROP season if not used
    if(identical(unique(df$season), "all"))
      df$season <- NULL

		if(its == 1) {

      target <- cbind(df[,-2], fishery=as.numeric(NA), catch=as.numeric(NA),


    # ITERS
		} else {

			target <- cbind(df[df$iter == df$iter[1],][,c('year', 'season', 'quant')])
      # ARRAY iters [targets, 3, iters]    
      iters <- array(NA, dim=c(dim(target)[1], 3, its),
        dimnames=list(seq(dim(target)[1]), c("min", "value", "max"), 
      # RESHAPE to assign from df
      iters <- aperm(iters, c(1, 3, 2))
      iters[, , "value"] <- c(df$value)
      if("min" %in% colnames(df))
        iters[, "min", ] <- df$min
      if("max" %in% colnames(df))
        iters[, "max", ] <- df$max
      iters <- aperm(iters, c(1, 3, 2))

      # ADD fishery, catch and biol indices
      target <- cbind(target, fishery=as.numeric(NA), catch=as.numeric(NA),
			return(fwdControl(target=target, iters=iters))
} ) # }}}

# list(FLQuants) -> fwdControl {{{
setAs("list", "fwdControl",
  function(from) {

    if(length(from) > 1)
      stop("list must contain a single element of class 'FLQuants'")

    res <- Map(function(x, n) {
        Map(function(y, fi) {
          fq <- FLQuants(quant=y)
          names(fq) <- n
          fwc <- as(fq, 'fwdControl')
          fwc$fishery <- fi
          fwc$biol <- NA
          fwc$catch <- 1
        }, y=x, fi=names(x))
    }, x=from, n=names(from))

# }}}

# FLBiol -> FLBiolcpp list {{{
setAs("FLBiol", "list",
  function(from) {

      biol = as(from, "FLBiolcpp"),
      srr_deviances = FLQuant(),
      srr_deviances_mult = TRUE)
  }) # }}}

# fwdControl -> FLQuant {{{

setAs("fwdControl", "FLQuant",
  function(from) {

    # GET dimnames
    dmns <- list(quant=ac(from$quant), year=from$year, season=from$season,
    unit=from$unit, area=ifelse(is.na(from$fishery), "unique", from$fishery),

    return(FLQuant(from$value, dimnames=dmns))
# }}}
iagomosqueira/FLasher documentation built on Jan. 11, 2024, 12:58 a.m.