
#' table of LOO comparisons
#' @param loo_list a list of objects of the type \code{loo}
#' @param stat
#' @return data.table of loo comparisons
#' @export
#' @examples
#' stanreg1 <- example_stanreg()
#' stanreg2 <- update(stanreg1, . ~ . - 1)
#' stanreg3 <- update(stanreg1, . ~ . + floor:log_uranium)
#' loo_list <- lapply(list(M1 = stanreg1, M2 = stanreg2, M3 = stanreg3), rstanarm::loo)
#' loo_table(loo_list)
#' loo_table(loo_list, stat="elpd_loo")
loo_table <- function(loo_list, stat = c("elpd_loo", "looic", "p_loo")) {
  stat <- match.arg(stat)
  n_fit <- length(loo_list)
  n_compare <- pairwise(n_fit)
  lnames <- names(loo_list)

  if (is.null(lnames)) {
    lnames <- paste0("loo", 1:n_fit)
  } else {
    no_names <- !nzchar(lnames)
    if (any(no_names)) {
      lnames[no_names] <- paste0("loo", which(no_names))

  ldata <- lapply(
    function(i) {
      lp <- i$pointwise[, stat]
      list(lp=lp, sum_lp = sum(lp))

  loo_comp <- list()

  p_alpha <- 0.95

  tbl_names <- c(
    toupper(paste(stat, "L")), toupper(paste(stat, "R")),
    toupper(paste(stat, "Diff.")), "SE DIFF.",
    paste0("CI ", names(loo_ci(1, 1, 2, p_alpha))))

  elpd_order <- ifelse(stat == "elpd_loo", TRUE, FALSE)

  for (p in 1:nrow(n_compare)) {
    p1 <- n_compare[p, 1]
    p2 <- n_compare[p, 2]
    mod_names <- lnames[c(p1, p2)]
    lp_data <- list(ldata[[p1]]$lp, ldata[[p2]]$lp)
    n_obs <- unlist(lapply(lp_data, length))

    has_nas <- any(unlist(lapply(lp_data, is.na)))
    has_diff_n <- n_obs[1] != n_obs[2]

    if (has_nas | has_diff_n) {
      loo_comp[[p]] <- NA_real_
    } else {
      sum_data <- c(ldata[[p1]]$sum_lp, ldata[[p2]]$sum_lp)
      m_order <- order(sum_data, decreasing = elpd_order)
      loo_diff_data <- lp_data[[m_order[2]]] - lp_data[[m_order[1]]]

      loo_diff <- sum(loo_diff_data)
      loo_se <- sqrt(var(loo_diff_data) * length(loo_diff_data))
      loo_cint <- loo_ci(loo_diff, loo_se, length(loo_diff_data), p_alpha)

      sig_ast <- ifelse(all(loo_cint < 0) || all(loo_cint > 0),
        "* ", "  ")
      tbl <- data.table::data.table(
        C = c(
          better = sum_data[m_order[1]],
          worse = sum_data[m_order[2]], diff = loo_diff,
          se = loo_se, cil = loo_cint[1], ciu = loo_cint[2])
      names(tbl) <- paste0(
        mod_names[m_order[1]], sig_ast,

      loo_comp[[p]] <- tbl

  out_table <- cbind(` ` = tbl_names, do.call(cbind, loo_comp))

#' get data for contrasts
#' @param stanreg stanreg object from rstanarm
#' @param new_group a character vector of column names (factors) that should be
#' estimated "out of sample". If \code{NA} or \code{TRUE}, then all random
#' effects will be out of sample, i.e., new levels in those factors.
#' @param marginalize_factors a character manually choosing which factors to
#' marginalize over (collapsing numeric values by taking the mean for each
#' combination of factors). If \code{NA}, then the groups used as random
#' effects will be omitted during aggregation. The default is to marginalize
#' over all factors in the model data set.
#' @param margin_ignore character vector of numeric variable names to ingore
#' when marginalizing over factors
#' @param set_numerics an optional named list, where each name is the name of a
#' column in the data and its value is the value to use to override the
#' numeric value instead of using the margin.
#' @param subset_expression an optional formula expression to subset the data
#' before marginalizing. Expressions must begin with a \code{.~} and have
#' conditions after this. See examples for usage details.
#' @return a data.table with the same columns used in the model.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' stanreg <- example_stanreg()
#' model_data <- stanreg_dtbl(stanreg, TRUE) # compare below to model data
#' contrast_data(stanreg)
#' contrast_data(stanreg, new_group=TRUE)
#' contrast_data(stanreg, new_group=c('county'))
#' contrast_data(stanreg, margin_ignore = 'floor')
#' contrast_data(stanreg, TRUE, set_numerics = list(floor = 1))
#' contrast_data(stanreg, subset_expression = .~ log_uranium > 0)
#' contrast_data(stanreg, margin_ignore = c('floor'), subset_expression = 1:101)
contrast_data <- function(stanreg, new_group = NULL, marginalize_factors = NULL,
                          margin_ignore = NULL, set_numerics = NULL,
                          subset_expression = NULL) {
  # data from rstanarm model
  dt <- stanreg_dtbl(stanreg, model_frame = TRUE, get_y = FALSE)

  # data classes
  dt_classes <- sapply(dt, class)
  numerics <- c("numeric", "integer")
  factors <- c("factor", "character")

  nums <- names(dt_classes[dt_classes %in% numerics])
  facs <- names(dt_classes[dt_classes %in% factors])
  grps <- names(stanreg$glmod$reTrms$cnms)

  # grps can't be numeric
  nums <- nums[!nums %in% grps]

  if (length(nums) == 0) {
    nums <- NULL

  if (length(facs) == 0) {
    facs <- NULL

  # find new group levels
  if (length(grps) != 0 & !is.null(new_group)) {
    new_g_true <- all(is.logical(new_group)) && all(new_group)
    new_g_na <- all(is.na(new_group))
    new_g_char <- all(is.character(new_group))

    if (new_g_true | new_g_na) {
      new_group <- grps
    } else {
      if (new_g_char) {
        new_group <- new_group[new_group %in% grps]
      } else {
        new_group <- NULL
  } else {
    new_group <- NULL

  # make new group levels
  if (!is.null(new_group)) {
    dt[, eval(new_group) := lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = new_group]
    for (g in new_group) {
      ran_factor <- stanreg$glmod$reTrms$flist[[g]]
      new_level <- paste0("_NEW_", g)
      add_level <- c(levels(ran_factor), new_level)
      dt[, eval(g) := new_level]
      dt[, eval(g) := lapply(.SD, factor, levels = add_level),
        .SDcols = g

  # average numerics by factors
  if (is.null(marginalize_factors)) {
    by_fac <- facs
  } else {
    if (is.na(marginalize_factors)) {
      by_fac <- facs[!facs %in% grps]
    } else {
      by_fac <- marginalize_factors

  if (!is.null(set_numerics) & !is.null(nums)) {
    num_edit <- names(set_numerics)
    num_edit <- num_edit[num_edit %in% nums]
    for (n in seq_along(num_edit)) {
      cname <- num_edit[n]
      cval <- set_numerics[[cname]]
      dt[, eval(cname) := cval]

  if (!is.null(margin_ignore) & !is.null(nums)) {
    nums <- nums[!nums %in% margin_ignore]

  # row subsetting
  if (!is.null(subset_expression)) {
    if (is.logical(subset_expression) && any(subset_expression)) {
      index <- which(subset_expression)
    } else {
      if (is.numeric(subset_expression) &&
        length(subset_expression) > 0) {
        index <- subset_expression
      } else {
        if (class(subset_expression) == "formula") {
          index <- get_contrast_rows(subset_expression, dt)
        } else {
          stop("subset_expression must be a formula, integer vector, or logical vector.")

    dt <- dt[index, ]

  if (!is.null(nums)) {
    to_numeric <- sapply(dt[, .SD, .SDcols = nums], class) == "integer"
    if (any(to_numeric)) {
      int_nums <- nums[to_numeric]
      dt[, eval(int_nums) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = int_nums]
    if (is.null(by_fac)) {
      dt[, eval(nums) := lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols = nums]
    } else {
      dt[, eval(nums) := lapply(.SD, mean), by = by_fac, .SDcols = nums]

  dt <- unique(dt)

  if (nrow(dt) == 0) {
    dt <- NULL


#' Posterior predictive contrast
#' @param stanreg stanreg object from rstanarm.
#' @param cdata a list of data sets to use to find posterior predictions of
#' each.
#' @param ccoef contrast coefficients corresponding to the order of the data
#' sets in \code{cdata}.
#' @param width confidence interval width. Sent to the \code{prob} argument
#' from \code{\link[rstantools]{posterior_interval}}.
#' @param yfun the stat function to use to collapse the predictions into a
#' scalar value. Corresponds to the average of the predicted responses for each
#' data set in \code{cdata}. Default is median.
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to the function \code{\link[rstantools]{posterior_predict}}
#' \code{\link[rstantools]{posterior_interval}}.
#' @return list containing the confidence interval and posterior predictive
#' contrast difference
#' @export
#' @examples
#' stanreg <- example_stanreg()
#' cdata <- list(
#' c1 = contrast_data(stanreg, TRUE, margin_ignore = 'floor', subset_expression = .~ log_uranium < -0.5),
#' c2 = contrast_data(stanreg, TRUE, margin_ignore = 'floor', subset_expression = .~ log_uranium >= -0.5 & log_uranium <= 0.5),
#' c3 = contrast_data(stanreg, TRUE, margin_ignore = 'floor', subset_expression = .~ log_uranium > 0.5))
#' my_contrast <- pp_contrast(stanreg, cdata, c(-1, 0.5, 0.5))
#' my_contrast$ci
pp_contrast <- function(stanreg, cdata, ccoef, width = 0.95,
                        yfun = median, ...) {
  # posterior predict
  pp_list <- pp_cdata(stanreg, cdata = cdata, row_stat = yfun, ...)

  # posterior predictive contrast
  pp <- apply_contrast2(pp_list, ccoef)

  # contrast interval
  ci <- rstanarm::posterior_interval(pp, prob = width)

  nlist(ci, pp)

#' posterior predictive contrasts for all pairwise comparisons in a list
#' @inheritParams pp_contrast
#' @param pp_all posterior predictions for each list item in cdata. Defaults to
#' \code{FALSE}
#' @return list containing CI matrix and posterior differences
#' @export
#' @examples
#' stanreg <- example_stanreg()
#' cdata <- list(
#' c1 = contrast_data(stanreg, TRUE, margin_ignore = 'floor', subset_expression = .~ log_uranium < -0.5),
#' c2 = contrast_data(stanreg, TRUE, margin_ignore = 'floor', subset_expression = .~ log_uranium >= -0.5 & log_uranium <= 0.5),
#' c3 = contrast_data(stanreg, TRUE, margin_ignore = 'floor', subset_expression = .~ log_uranium > 0.5))
#' pairwise_contrasts(stanreg, cdata)$ci.cont
pairwise_contrasts <- function(stanreg, cdata, width = 0.95,
                               yfun = median, pp_all = FALSE, ...) {
  pp_list <- pp_cdata(stanreg, cdata = cdata, row_stat = yfun, ...)

  n_datasets <- length(pp_list)
  cont_pairs <- pairwise(n_datasets)
  n_pairs <- nrow(cont_pairs)
  data_names <- names(pp_list)
  cont_names <- paste(
    data_names[cont_pairs[, 1]], "-",
    data_names[cont_pairs[, 2]])

  # get posterior predictive contrasts
  diff_list <- lapply(
    function(p) {
        pp_list = list(
          pp_list[[cont_pairs[p, 1]]],
          pp_list[[cont_pairs[p, 2]]]),
        ccoef = c(1, -1))

  # posterior contrasts matrix
  pred.cont <- do.call(cbind, diff_list)
  colnames(pred.cont) <- cont_names

  # get confidence intervals
  ci.cont <- rstanarm::posterior_interval(pred.cont, prob = width)

  if (pp_all) {
    pred.each <- do.call(cbind, lapply(
      function(p) {
        apply_contrast2(list(p), 1)
    colnames(pred.each) <- names(pp_list)
    ci.each <- rstanarm::posterior_interval(pred.each, prob = width)
  } else {
    pred.each <- NULL
    ci.each <- NULL

  nlist(ci.cont, pred.cont, ci.each, pred.each)
iamamutt/rbaes documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:27 a.m.